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      • KCI등재

        현대불어 자유간접화법의 한국어번역

        전명수(田明秀) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2004 아시아문화연구 Vol.8 No.-

        This thesis aims to consider a few examples of Korean translation of some passages, rendered in free indirect speech, from the French novel The Stranger(L'Etranger). French and Korean are different systems of linguistic signs. So it is natural that there should be many difficulties in the translations where the two systems meet. The Korean translators can be supposed to have made every effort not to lose the diversity of stylistic shades and nuances in the novel. In the case of free indirect speech, the translations vary from translator to translator. and even for the same translator they vary from case to case, according to its context. In some cases, direct speech replaces free indirect speech: in other cases, mere word-for-word translation is adopted: in still other cases, the Korean phrase "것이(었)다" is used. Perhaps each translator did his best according to his mastery of both French and Korean. But further studies should be made about the free indirect speech, in order to make possible better translation of the passages concerned. And this again will contribute much to the better understanding. by the Korean readers. of the French literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        증인면책제도에 대한 고찰

        전명길(Jeon, Myung-Gil),박종렬(Park, Jong-Ryeol) 한국법이론실무학회 2016 법률실무연구 Vol.4 No.2

        오늘날 빠르고 다양하게 변화하는 사회현상처럼 범죄도 지능화, 전문화, 조직화되어가고 있다. 특히 화이트칼라 범죄나 조직범죄, 마약범죄 등은 범행이 은밀하고 조직적으로 이루어지며, 범죄의 단계별 실행이 철저히 분리되고 위장•은폐되기 때문에 범죄의 발각이 어려울 뿐만아니라 발각된 경우에도 전체범행의 규명 및 입증이 쉽지 않다. 이러한 현상에 대응하기 위하여 형사소송절차도 계속하여 변화를 꾀하였고 그 중 하나의 제도가 증인면책제도이다. 검찰에서 그 도입의 필요성에 대한 주장이 계속 제기되고 있고 형법과 형사소송법의 일부 개정안이 제출되는 등 도입가능성을 주장하는 입장이 있는 반면에, 이는 우리 형사사법제도의 근간에 부합하지 않는 것으로 도입할 수 없다는 입장이 대립되고 있다. 그러나 증인면책제도는 범죄자의 처벌이라는 사법정의가 훼손될 수 있으며, 검찰권의 비대화와 권한 남용의 우려가 끊이지 않는 우리나라의 사법 현실에서 제도의 남용가능성은 매우 높고, 수사의 효율성만을 강조하여 여러 문제점과 부작용이 우려되는 제도를 도입하는 것은 충실한 수사를 하지 못한 책임의 회피를 위한 구제방법을 마련하는 것이라는 비판을 면할 수 없을 것이다. Unlike crimes in which there is a specific victim, organized crime or those regarding corruption are conducted secretively in an organized fashion, and thus it is hard for people other than the accomplice to provide direct evidence for the crime or for law enforcement to expect the accomplice to testify even with the possible danger of self-incrimination. Furthermore, given that it is very difficult for the law enforcement to find out the truth without the voluntary cooperation of the witness, the fact that there is no way to forcefully find out the truth with the aid of systems such as those that may exempt witnesses from their punishment, there is no way to improve the transparency of the procedure for collecting evidence. Stated otherwise, it is crucial that witness immunity be adopted for increased transparency and accuracy during the process of collecting evidence. But reality may differ depending on the law and criminal legal system legal system in each country. South Korean prosecutors have exclusive rights during criminal investigations and prosecution and the mitigation of punishment in extenuation of circumstances, courts have discretion and through the system level of severity, about the law enforcement cooperation The reality is that their weak protection system. Our country be in constant fear of rights abuses with the concerns of the prosecution of potential abuses of the judicial system in real life is very high, with multiple, stressing the effectiveness of investigations Problems and may have negative side-effect to introduce a system that is robust investigation and the evasion of responsibility that can not go for a rescue mechanism in place able to avoid criticism that the man Will not be. Also legislation of Immunity or Reduction of sentence isnt appropriate in Korea. Because Korean judge has very wide discretion in sentencing.

      • KCI등재

        학습 팀을 활용한 대학 수업에서 팀 공유정신모형 척도의 타당화

        전명남(Myong Nam Jun) 한국교육심리학회 2013 敎育心理硏究 Vol.27 No.4

        팀 공유정신모형(Team Shared Mental Model: TSMM)은 팀의 과제 수행이나 문제해결과 관련하여 팀 구성원 간의 지식, 능력, 의견, 사고를 의사소통하는 과정에서 팀 수준에서 형성되는 지식의 표상이다. 이 연구의 목적은 외국에서 개발된 팀 공유정신모형 척도를 학습 팀을 활용한 한국의 대학수업에 적용하여 신뢰도와 타당도를 알아보기 위한 것이다. 이러한 과정을 통해 팀 공유정신모형 척도를 국내에서도 사용할 수 있도록 하는데 연구의 의의를 두었다. 이를 위해 Johnson 등(2007)의 팀 공유정신모형 문항을 학습 팀을 활용한 다양한 대학수업에 참여한 대학생들(n=450)에게 실시한 후 최종적으로 39 문항을 선정해낼 수 있었다. 팀 공유정신모형 척도의 내적 합치도는 .95였다. 확인적 요인분석 결과 팀 공유정신모형 척도는 5개 하위 요인으로 판명되었으며 모형 적합도도 양호하였다. 또한 팀 효과성 척도와의 상관관계를 알아보는 수렴 타당도도 양호하였으며, 팀 공유정신모형의 지표로 사용될 수 있는 변인들 간의 관계에서 준거 관련 타당도로 유의하게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 팀 공유정신모형 척도가 한국의 고등교육 현장에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있음을 반영하는 결과이다. 마지막으로 연구의 이론적 및 실제적 함의와 후속 연구를 위한 제언 등을 제시하였다. The present research aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Team Shared Mental Model(TSMM) particularly of its validity and the reliability for applying in Korean college classroom settings. The TSMM by Johnson et al.(2007) was translated from English to Korean, in multiple stages, and translated back by a panel of bilingual experts. The TSMM was designed to measure team level cognition such as general task and team knowledge, general task and communication skills, attitude toward teammates and task, team dynamics and interactions, and team resources and working environment using 42 Likert type items. The TSMM scale was provided to college students(n=450) who have participated in different courses that use learning team. We were able to draw out 39 items as the final outcome. The confirmatory factor analysis identified five factors measuring the TSMM. To ascertain internal consistency reliability we examined subscale alpha ranging from 70 to .96 with an overall alpha .95. The level of Cronbach`s alpha showed the items had adequate reliability. There were significant correlations between TSMM and team effectivenesss and also criterion reference validity were significant using co-constructive team learning behavior and mutual trust of participants. Results indicate the usefulness of the TSMM scale in evaluating university students in Korea. Finally, we propose the theoretical and practical implications of the research as well as the further issues to be studied.

      • KCI등재

        현대 사회문제 해결을 위한 생활종교의 역할 : 가정폭력을 중심으로

        전명수 ( Chun Myung-soo ) 서울대학교 종교문제연구소 2018 종교와 문화 Vol.0 No.34

        This article was attempted to examine the characteristics and the role of religion, especially the lived religion for problem solving focusing on domestic violence as one of social problems. Although domestic violence takes place within families, it is sure to be ‘social’ problem because of its social origin, negative influence to society and social effort for solving it. The first characteristic of domestic violence including child, elder and spousal abuses is that violence occurs in contexts of intimate relations, albeit usually unequal intimacy, which causes violence everywhere in society on the pretext of intimate relation. The second characteristic of domestic violence is poly-victimization connecting child, partner, elder and sibling abuses as well as physical, sexual and emotional abuses. These characteristics imply that the ultimate solving of domestic violence should be approached from the standpoint of family community; and it must be religion to do its best for taking care of the whole families together. In this regard the necessity of the lived religion is raised, since religion focusing on high level of doctrine and future world through soul salvation is not enough to conduct the role. The key of the lived religion is ‘now’ and ‘here’, meaning religion in daily life or in lived experience. Religion concerns not only individual matters, but it enables the collective approach toward whole families, especially exerting the positive influence on the life of the elders. If whole families including abuser and victim can pay attention to the lived religion which is easy to put in practice through participating religious service, praying, mediating, taking a walk, laughing, conversing and doing volunteer work ‘altogether’, it may help decrease domestic violence.

      • KCI등재

        종교와 정치의 관계, 이론과 실제 : 종교기반 시민단체의 선거운동을 중심으로

        전명 한국인문사회질학회 2022 사회적질연구 Vol.6 No.4

        This study was conducted to explore the roles and orientations that religions could have in current political situations in Korea. There have been conflicting arguments regarding whether religions and politics are interlinked or they should be separated. And even those supporting the latter consider separation of religion and participation in politics compatible, not contradictory. Of all the religious political participation activities, this paper particularly focuses on the fair election campaign of religion-based civic groups. This is because the intervention of religion in Korean politics is centered on civic movements. Therefore, religions are a factor that cannot be ignored in political development. As one example, the study explores Christian Ethics Practice Movement (Ki Yoonsil) among religion-based civic groups participating in the fair election movement in that the group focuses on ‘empathy' that is not biased toward a specific political party while emphasizing the initiative and self-reflection of the religious side and reflects in-depth research results including religious perspectives in policy proposals. This reflection and orientation promoted by Ki Yoonsil is a characteristic that religion-based civic groups should cherish and refer to, as this will contribute in particular to resolving issues of the recent political situation in Korea, where confrontation and conflicts are intertwined.

      • KCI등재

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