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      • KCI등재

        교회 중직자 의사소통 훈련 프로그램 개발 연구

        유재성,남순식 한국기독교상담심리학회 2019 한국기독교상담학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        본 연구는 교회 중직자들의 의사소통 유형 분석 및 건강한 ‘일치형’의 관계소통을 위한 훈련 프로그램을 개발하고 실천할 목적으로 진행되었다. 교회 중직자들의 영향이 매우 크지만 사명과 봉사, 헌신을 강조하는 것 외에 어떻게 서로 소통하며 직분을 감당할지 교육하거나 훈련하는 것은 매우 드물기 때문이다. 서울과 대전에 소재한 여섯 교회의 중직자 158명의 유형검사 결과 전체적으로 회유형이 가장 많았고(36.7%), 일치형(36%), 초이성형(18%) 등이 뒤를 이었다. 장로의 경우 회유형이 전체 38명 가운데 8명인 데 비해, 일치형은 18명으로 많은 점이 주목된다. 의사소통에 대한 설문 결과 눈에 띄는 것은 응답자의 60% 이상이 소통의 어려움을 느끼고 있다는 사실이었다. 그렇지만 교회에서 소통훈련을 받아본 사람은 24%에 불과하였다. 그리고 소통훈련의 필요성에 대해 89%가 동의한 것에 대해 교회는 깊이 생각하고 적절한 대처를 해야 할 것이다. 연구자들은 이러한 맥락에서 교회 중직자들이 신앙적 사고와 공감적 경청, 믿음의 실천을 통한 일치형의 소통을 할 수 있도록 크리스천 사티어–라이프웨이 의사소통 훈련 프로그램 개발을 위한 예비 연구를 수행하였다. This study was to develop a communication skills training program for church leaders, such as elder, deaconess, and deacon. Out of 158 church leaders we examined, 58 leaders turned out to belong to the ‘placating’ category of Satir model, which was followed by the ‘congruent’ one(57). The ‘blame’ ones were not many compare to other ones, but they tend to cause conflicts and struggles when issues came up. On the survey we took, more than 60% of the participants confessed their difficulties in communication. However, only 24% had communication training in the past. It is significant to notice that 89% of them agreed on the need of communication training. Out of previous studies and the needs of Christian training program, we took a preliminary program development study for church leaders based on Satir model and LifeWay approach.

      • KCI등재

        견관절 사중 골절 탈구: 정복되지 않는 견관절 전방 탈구와 동반된관절와 연, 오구 돌기, 상완골 대결절, 상완골 외과적 경부의 동시 골절- 증례 보고 -

        유재성,김성준,박승관,서중배 대한골절학회 2019 대한골절학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        견관절 탈구는 모든 관절 중 가장 높은 발생률을 보이며관절와 연의 골절, 상완골 대결절의 골절 및 오구 돌기의 골절이 동반된 예가 보고되고 있다. 견관절 전방 탈구와 함께 관절와 연 골절, 오구 돌기 골절, 상완골 대결절 골절의 3가지병변이 함께 동반된 경우는 현재까지 해외 2개의 해외 문헌뿐이며 국내에는 보고된 예가 없다. 저자들은 해외에서 보고한 견관절 전방 탈구와 함께 관절와 연, 오구 돌기, 상완골 대결절 골절에 더불어 상완골 외과적 경부 골절의 4가지 병변이 동시에 일어난 예에 대하여 관혈적 정복술을 시행하여 좋은 결과를 경험하였고, 손상 기전, 진단, 치료 경과에 대하여문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Shoulder joint dislocation has the most common incidence rate compare compared to other joints. It is reported that shoulder Shoulder dislocation couldmay be associated with glenoid rim, greater tuberosity of humerus and coracoid process fracture. There were have only been 2 cases of anterior shoulder dislocation simultaneously combined with simultaneous glenoid rim, coracoid process, and humerus greater tuberosity fracture worldwide and no report reports in Korea. We present a case of quadruple fracture (glenoid rim, coracoid process, greater tuberosity, surgical neck of humerus) associated with anterior shoulder dislocation and treated successfully by open reduction. In addition, with we provide the injury mechanism, diagnosis, treatment procedure and discussion.

      • KCI등재

        AHP를 이용한 고령친화제품 유망기술의 우선순위 설정에 관한

        유재성 대한안전경영과학회 2015 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is an application of AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) in the priority setting of promising technology in division of senior friendly product based on the previous studies. In this paper, the decision criteria for evaluating promising technologies in division of senior friendly product are identified and the hierarchical structure of decision making process is developed systematically. Subsequently the values of weights for relative importance among decision criteria are derived using AHP methodology, and the score of importance of promising technology in division of senior friendly product with respect to each criterion is evaluated. Finally the score of each promising technology in division of senior friendly product is quantified in order to prioritize them. We discuss implications of our results with a viewpoint of technology policy in division of senior friendly product.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 이합사 교학방안에 관한 소고

        유재성 영남중국어문학회 2012 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.60

        離合詞是現代漢語中一類흔特殊的詞, 說其特殊, 是因爲타旣可以作爲一個詞單獨使用,同時在結構上又可以分離加入其他成分。離合詞在現代漢語中數量不少, 且有相當數量的離合詞是出現頻率흔高的常用詞, 大部分是動賓式離合詞。關于離合詞語法性質, 爭議頗多, 還沒有定論。雖然目前흔多敎師都在努力尋조離合詞有效的敎學方案, 但是因離合詞自身的複雜性而使此敎學還缺乏定性的理論根據,造成了漢語敎學中的難題, 離合詞敎學相對來說略顯薄弱。韓語與漢語是兩種不同的語言,在語法、詞匯等各方面都存在着흔大差異, 由于多種原因的影響, 我們學生在離合詞習得過程中常出現偏誤, 幷且大部分的偏誤有共同性和規律性。本文列擧了其離合詞的主要偏誤類型,例如; 離合詞錯帶賓語、補語錯加或錯序、後面錯加動態助詞與錯誤重疊等等。此後探討了形成偏誤的主要原因, 幷且提出了相應的敎學方案, 以期待今後減少我們學生離合詞習得偏誤有所幇助。

      • KCI등재

        朱熹 “理氣論”과 성경속의 “靈”·“肉” 談論

        유재성,이용태 한국중국언어문화연구회 2020 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.56

        In modern society, due to excessive material civilization and rapid changes in social trends, the absence of humanity is getting worse day by day, and the values and mental degradation of those who live in this age are inevitable. In such a society, proper awareness of life and the world is important to avoid the right values and mental degradation of people. Correct recognition recognizes that all the phenomena surrounding human life are organic relations, and it is necessary to overcome the contradictions of both sides through imagination and to understand that God, human beings, and nature are organic relations. In such a society, proper awareness of life and the world is important to avoid the right values and mental degradation of people. Correct recognition recognizes that all the phenomena surrounding human life are organic relations, and it is necessary to overcome the contradictions of both sides through imagination and to understand that God, human beings, and nature are organic relations. For this insight, it is necessary to understand human beings and to make sound judgment based on the Christian worldview. I want to find God's image expressed in Confucian thought in the process of Confucianism formation and the acceptance of theology under the situation where the present Korea, where we live, is influenced by Confucianism in Confucian cultural soil. Christians often use the word “strength between spiritual life” or "filling the Holy Spirit”in prayer. I wanted to find out the meaning of "the strength between spirituality” and "the filling of the Holy Spirit" in the Bible, and also thought what is the equivalent in our country living on the basis of Confucianism. Therefore, it is found that there is a similarity with Zhu Xi's "theory of Li(Li-Gi)”which is representative of Chinese neo-Confucianism. As to the Spirit in the Bible, if the Spirit of God in the Old Testament is metaphysical in the transcendental sense as substantialism, then the Spirit of God in the New Testament can be seen as physical science in the theory of human nature. We humans live secular or fleshly life different from the Spirit of God. In other words, it is secular or fleshly life if we do not live according to the providence of God in our lives. In the process of living this secular or fleshly life, our values and mental decadence are inevitably accompanied. We believe that the Spirit of God always exists in our lives, and by pursuing and following it we can eliminate the human fleshly mind. By doing this, we humans can live as new born. In Zhu Xi's "theory of Li (Li-Gi)”, Li refers to Li as a transcendent being. It is a metaphysical concept that is the basis of all things creation, and is also called Taegeuk in the sense that it is the presider of all individual Li and the best Li. Zhu Xi describes the formation of all things in the real world as the action and the static work of Gi, which is called the dualism of Li Gi. It is different Li as the presider from Gi as the work. However, in the real world, Li and Gi are symbiotic relationships that can not be separated from each other. In order for this symbiotic relationship to be well done, it is indispensable to act as the presider in order to correct the wrong function of Gl. Therefore, in the theory of human nature the relationship between Li and Gi is the monism as the dualism of Li Gi. As we can see from the above, the Spirit in the Bible on the ontology is Li as the metaphysical meaning in the Zhu Xi's theory of Li (Li Gi), and the Spirit in the Bible on the theory of human nature means Li as the presenter in the real world which is like one of many Li upon same foundation in the Zhu Xi's theory of Li (Li Gi). In other words, the Spirit in ontology is not mixed as Li and Gi are not mixed, and the Spirit on the theory of human nature is not separated as Li and Gi are not separated. Therefore, in the theory of human nature the unity of body and soul in the Bible mean...

      • KCI등재후보

        吳濁流 소설속의 女性形象 小考

        유재성,이용태 한국중국언어문화연구회 2019 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.54

        Taiwanese women have been discriminated against because of various factors, such as feudal traditions, but gained their independence by receiving new Japanese education under Japanese colonial rule. While the times have changed in the novels of Wu Zhou Liu, there has been a traditional woman figure who still lives with the traditional way of thinking, while an anti-traditional woman figure who tries to overcome it and live independently. In this paper, I analyzed how the traditional woman figure and the anti-traditional woman figure that were opposite were drawn in the novel of Wu Zhou Liu. Belonging to the former is Lan Ying of <shuiyue>, Doctor Mother of <Doctor Mother>, A Cha of <Asian Orphans>, and the latter belong to Yue Gui of <Gold Carp in the Mud>, Yue Ying of <Tang Qian Zai>, Yue Lan of <Manager of Pittsdam>, and Shu Chun in <Asia Orphans>. Although the times have changed, they have depicted Taiwan's traditional feminine form by responding silently under the patriarchal system and blindly maintaining traditional customs. On the contrary, all of them were anti-traditional women of the time, expressing their actions and dissatisfaction as Yue gui to reality, Yue ying as suicidal suicide, Yu lan as betrayal, and Shu chun as part of a more active act.

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