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      • KCI등재

        『종교연구』수록 논문(1972년~2010년) 분석

        오지섭(Oh, Jiseob) 한국종교학회 2011 宗敎硏究 Vol.64 No.-

        This article is part of endeavor to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Korean Association for Religious Studies(KARS). To celebrate the anniversary is basically to remember the efforts of pioneer scholars with respects and gratitude. Also we need to review the way of KARS for 40 years for the purpose of another advancement in the future. In this article, I will analyze all articles printed in the Korean Journal of Religious Studies(KJRS) for 40 years. KJRS is the representative academic journal of KARS and also Religious Studies in Korea. So we can figure out the historical transition and the current trend of KARS and Religious Studies in Korea by the analysis of KJRS. On the basis of this analysis, I will point out some problems of KJRS and KARS. I hope this article will be the issue suggestion for the advancement of KJRS and KARS in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대 한국인을 위한 유교의 죽음 이해

        오지섭(Oh Ji-seob) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2008 한국학연구 Vol.29 No.-

        현대 한국 사회에서 죽음의 문제를 둘러싼 여러 가지 논란이 전개되고 있다. 첨단 의학기술의 발달과 웰빙 문화의 확산에도 불구하고 여전히 짙게 드리워진 죽음의 공포, 매년 증가 추세에 있는 자살 비율과 생명 경시 풍조, 인간답게 죽을 권리를 거론하는 존엄사[안락사] 논쟁, 화장시설과 납골당 등의 수요가 늘고 있으면서도 정작 그들 시설을 혐오 시설로 기피하는 경향 그리고 그에 따른 갈등과 충돌, 죽음의 의미와 가치에 대한 각기 다른 이해와 판단 기준을 둘러싼 논쟁 등이 한국 사회를 더욱 시끄럽고 혼란스럽게 만들고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 현대 한국 사회의 죽음 관련 갈등 상황을 정확히 이해하고 대처할 수 있는 실제적 논의를 시도하고자 한다. 최근 논란이 되고 있는 한국 사회의 죽음 관련 갈등 상황의 구체적 사례 몇 가지를 분석하면서 그 근본 원인을 파악해보고, 그 원인 치유를 위해 죽음에 관한 올바른 이해를 정립해볼 것이다. 결론적으로 현대 한국 사회의 죽음 관련 갈등 상황들을 맞이하면서 우리에게 필요한 올바른 죽음 이해는 죽음 그 자체나 죽음 이후의 세계에 대해 지나치게 몰두하는 것이 아니라, 역설적으로 현세의 삶 안에서 죽음을 넘어서는 더 큰 가치와 의미를 추구하기 위해 노력하는 것이다. 죽음이라는 운명이 우리 인간에게 던져주는 궁극적 의미는 이처럼 ‘죽음보다 더 큰 삶’을 살기 위해 노력하라는 것이다. Understanding the death or preparing the well-dying is practically not so easy as everyone expects. Even though try to approach to the death with calm, human being cannot help being afraid and stirring facing with the fate of death. The problem of the death is the basic problem of human being, so it always causes several troubles and conflicts in the human society. In the modem Korean society, there are so much debate and confusion concerning the death. The still deep fear of the death in spite of the development of medical high technology, the increasing rate of the suicide(the diverse causes of deciding to suicide and the tendency to determine the suicide fast) and the current of treating the life lightly, the debate of the death with dignity advocating the right to die with worthy of man, the increasing demand of crematory facilities and charnel house but the ambivalent tendency to deny them as abhorrent facilities, the contrary understanding and judgement of the meaning and value of the death, like these problems make modem Korean society more confused. This confusion become more serious, so there must be the proper counterplan and a great deal of effort to heal the problems. In this paper I will try to understand and discuss the confusional problems concerning the death in modem Korean society. Analysing a few practical cases concerning the death in recent Korean society, I will try to grasp the basic cause of those cases and to fix the proper understanding of the death for the healing of the problems. It is according to my judgement that all those problems concerning the death are basically because of the inadequate understanding of the death and fixing the proper understanding of the death will be the basic healing of the confusional problems. As a conclusion, we need to try to pursue the more value and meaning above the death in our daily life, not to be immersed in the death or after-life more than enough. The ultimate meaning provided by the fate of death is to try to live the more life above the death. The more we are afraid of the death and uncertain of the after-life, the more we need to try to fill our days with the ultimate truth. This is the Confucian understanding of the death and the most urgent understanding of the death for modem Korean.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        공동주택 리모델링 사업의 업무별 중요도 및 만족도 조사

        오지섭(Oh, Chi-Seob),최윤기(Choi, yun-ki) 대한건축학회 2018 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.34 No.6

        As rapid increasing of domestic apartments, decline of the market value of the old apartment and to be announced policy by government are re-lighting to be insufficient growth than the past 15 years in market of apartment remodeling. In this study, research the conflicts on apartment remodeling project and analysis of importance and satisfaction by survey. Also, the survey was being progressed for every participant who are related in an apartment remodeling project. After this study, this study will propose basic data for effective way to improve on apartment remodeling project. For this purpose, generalize the project stage level by level. And analysis status of business progress to be felt from participants of project. According to the results by a survey, the each result of elements can be a reference value for a good way of apartment remodeling to proceed and improve.

      • 소아 기관지 천식 환아에서 발열과 기도 감염이 Theophylline 대사에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        이영진(Young Jin Lee),오지섭(Ji Sub Oh),윤운기(Woon Ki Youn),전성실(Sung Sil Chun),조혜영(Hae Young Cho),차혜리 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회(구 대한소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회) 1996 소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        N/A Theophylline is widely used in pediatric patients for the treatment of asthma. To achieve adequate bronchodilation and avoid side effect, it is generally accepted that the serum theophylline concentration should be maintained between 10 and 20 ㎍/ml. Clinical effectiveness and toxicity are clearly related to some factors which might alter theophylline pharmacokinetics. Fever or respiratory infection, although it seems to be elevated serum level of theophylline, conflicting reports still appear in journals. Thus we studies retrospectively theophylline clearance, serum drug concentration(SDC), half life, volume distribution in 132 asthmatic children who were admitted to our hospital and received intravenous aminophylline and oral theophylline and tried to reveal the effect of fever or respiratory infection. The results are as follows; 1) In febrile children between 6month and 1 year old, there was no difference in theophylline serum concentration, half life, volume distribution, clearance, 2) In febrile respiratory infection children between 6month and 1 year old, there was no difference in theophylline serum concentration, half life, volume distrbution, clearance. 3) In febrile children, febrile respiratory children over 1 year old, theophylline serum concentration was significantly increased, volume distribution were significantly lower than without febrile, febrile respiratory infection. But, there was no difference in theophylline half life and clearance. As a result, it is suggested that fever, may decrease theophylline volume distribution and increase theophylline serum concentration.

      • 흡입용 천식 치료제 사용후 발생한 역설적 기관지 수축에 미치는 Benzalkonium Choloride 의 영향

        이영진(Young Jin Lee),오지섭(Ji Sub Oh),정종원(Jong Won Jung),차혜리(Hye Ri Cha),윤운기(Un Ki Yoon) 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회(구 대한소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회) 1997 소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        목 적 : 최근 들어 기관지천식 환아들의 치료에 흔히 사용되는 흡입용 천식 치료제의 홉입후 역설적으로 기관지 수축이 일어나서 천식 중상이 악화되는 예들이 보고되고 있다. 저자들은 이 역설적인 기관지 수축의 원인이 흡입 치료제에 들어 있는 첨가 보존제인 benzalkonium chloride에 의한 것이라는 가설 하에 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 현재 왈레스 기념 침례병원의 알레르기 클리닉에서 추적 관리 중인 만 4세 이상의 안정된 기관지천식 환아 30명을 대상으로 benzalkonium chloride가 포함된 salbutamol 제제인 Ventolin과 benzalkonium chloride가 포함되지 않은 salbutamol 제제인 Respolin autohaler를 흡입하고 각각 흡입 전과 흡입 후의 FEV_1(% Predicted)을 상호 비교하였다. 결 과: 1) 안정 상태에서 기초 검사로써 시행한 폐기능 검사치는 Ventolin 흡입군에서 FEV_1이 73±10(% predicted), Respolin autohaler 흡입군이 74±10(% predicted)으로 두 군간에 유의한 차이는 없었다. 2) Ventolin 흡입군에서는 대상 30명중 9명(30%)에서 FEV_1의 감소를 보였으며 Respolin autohaler 흡입군에서는 30명중 1명(3.3%)에서 FEV_1의 감소를 보여, FEV_1의 감소를 보인 비율은 Ventolin 흡입군에서 Respolin autohaler 흡입군에 비해 유의성 있게 높았다(p<0.005, 단측검종). 3) Ventolin과 Respolin autohaler 흡입후 기초 검사시보다 FEV_1이 감소하거나 변화가 없었던 경우를 제외한 나머지 경우에서 FEV_1의 증가 정도는 Ventolin 흡입군에서 9±7(% predicted), Respolin autohaler 흡입군에서 7±5(% predicted)로 두 군간에 유의한 차이는 없었다. 4) Ventolin에 의한 증상 유발은 FEV_1 10(% predicted) 이상 감소한 4명(13.3%)에서 기침 둥의 중상이 유발되었으나 이들은 자연 소실되었다. 결 론 : 이상의 결과로 기관지천식 환자에서 Ventolin 분무액 흡입시 나타나는 역설적인 기관지 수축 현상의 원인은 benzalkonium chloride에 기인한다고 생각되며, 이러한 기관지 수축 현상을 예방하기 위해서는 benzalkonium chloride가 첨가되지 않은 제제를 사용하거나 또는 benzalkonium chloride가 포함된 제제를 사용할 경우에는 깊은 주의를 요할 것으로 사료된다. Recently, some cases of paradoxical bronchoconstriction with the use of nebulized antiasthmatic respirator solutions have been reported. This study was performed to determine whether benzalkonium chloride, contained in several antiasthmatic respirator solutions as a preservative, may cause paradoxical bronchoconstriction. This was accomplished by comparing the FEV1 change after Ventolin (benzalkonium containing salbutamol) nebulization with the FEV1 change after Respolin autohaler (benzalkonium free salbutamol) inhalation within the same patient. This study consisted thirty patients with stable asthma who regularly attend the allergy clinic at Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital. Patients were excluded from the study if they had respiratory disease or were taking any other medications. The results are as follows 1) The baseline FEV1 in the Ventolin group was 73±10(% predicted) and 74 10(% predicted) in the Respolin autohaler group, showing no statistical difference in baseline FEV1 between the two groups. 2) FEV1 was decreased in 9 subjects(30%) after Ventolin nebulization and in 1 subject(3.3%) after Respolin autohaler inhalation, showing that the incidence of FEV 1 fall was higher in the Ventolin group than in the Respolin autohaler group(p<0.005, one-tailed t-test). 3) Considering the cases with increased FEV1 after inhalation, FEV1 was increased by 9±7 (% predicted) in the Ventolin group and 7±5(% predicted) in the Respolin autohaler group, suggesting that bronchodilator effects of both medications are similar. 4) Mild coughing occurred in 4 subjects(13.3%), and mild chest tightness in 1 subject(3.3%) in the Ventolin group. These symptoms resolved without any treatment. No side effects were reported by subjects in the Respolin autohaler group. In conclusion, these results strongly suggest that the paradoxical bronchoconstriction occurring with nebulized antiasthmatic respirator solutions is due to the ingredient benzalkonium chloride. Therefore, we recommend that a benzalkonium free salbutamol product should be used for asthmatic patients, or if a product such as Ventolin which contains benzalkonium chloride must be used, we recommend that it should be administered cautiously.

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