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      • KCI등재

        대구.경북 지역 한국인 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자의 임상 양상

        배진영,김미연,성수경,오정은,전상식,이택후,Bae, Jin-Young,Kim, Mi-Yeon,Sung, Su-Kyung,Oh, Jeong-Eun,Chun, Sang-Sik,Lee, Taek-Hoo 대한생식의학회 2009 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.36 No.1

        목 적: 다낭성 난소 증후군은 생식기 여성에서 나타나는 가장 흔한 내분비 질환 중 하나이며 다양한 임상 양상을 보이고 있다. 본 연구에서는 한국인 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자 특유의 임상 양상 및 혈액학적 소견을 밝히고자 하였으며 그 결과를 터키와 미국의 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자와 비교 분석하였다. 연구방법: 2000년 1월부터 2008년 4월까지 경북대학교 병원 불임치료실을 찾은 88명의 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자를 대상으로 하여 후향적으로 임상 양상 및 혈액학적 소견을 연구하였다. 결 과: 한국인 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자군 내에서는 통계학적으로 유의한 연령에 따른 임상 양상의 차이가 없었으나 터키와 미국의 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자와 비교했을 때 고안드로겐혈증의 빈도는 유의하게 낮았다. 결 론: 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자 내에서도 인종간의 임상 양상 및 혈액학 소견의 차이가 있다고 생각되며 유전 및 생활 습관의 차이 등이 그 원인을 설명할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 연구 대상인 환자의 수가 적고 연령군의 분포가 좁아 향후 좀 더 큰 규모의 연구가 필요하다. Objective: PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disorder affecting reproductive age women. It shows wide range of reproductive and metabolic manifestations. This study was to determine the differences of clinical and laboratory characteristics between adolescent and adult Korean Daegu Kyungpook PCOS patients. We also compared clinical and laboratory values of Korean PCOS patients to Turkish and American PCOS patients. Methods: 88 cases were diagnosed and enrolled as PCOS patients, based on 2003 Rotterdam criteria, who visited KNUH Reproductive Endocrinology division between Jan. 2000 and Apr. 2008. We retrospectively reviewed clinical characteristics, serum hormone levels, ultrasono-graphic findings. And we divided into 2 groups, adolescent and adult. We analyzed them with Chi-square test and Student's t-test statistically. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between adult and adolescent Korean PCOS patients. The prevalence of hyperandrogenism such as facial acne or hirsutism, obesity, and insulin resistance of Korean PCOS women was significantly lower than Turkish and American PCOS women. Conclusion: From the results of this study, we can suggest that it is sure that there are differences of clinical and laboratory characteristics of PCOS patients between races. Genetic background, dietary habits and life style affect the expression of clinical symptoms of PCOS. But we could not find out the difference between adolescent and adult PCOS patients of same race. It might be due to the limitation of small patient number and narrow range of age distribution. So, there must be large scale and multi-center and multi-regional study.

      • KCI등재후보

        오스트리아 학파의 관점에서 본 시장경제질서에서 경쟁과 독점의 의미

        배진영 ( Jin-young Bae ) 한국질서경제학회 2008 질서경제저널 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 시장경제와 관련된 핵심적인 몇 가지 개념들을 통념적인 의미와는 다르게 해석하여 시장경제의 본질을 이해하는 데 도움을 주고자 하는 데 있다. 본 논문에서 다루어질 개념은 시장과 경쟁 그리고 독점이며 이들의 개념 이해를 오스트리안 경제학자들의 시각에서 정리하고 해석하였다. 시장은 교환의 상징적 표현에 불과하며, 시장은 개인의 자발적 거래로 형성된 질서이다. 따라서 시장은 무엇을 의도하지 않기 때문에 시장 실패라는 용어는 잘못된 것이다. 경쟁은 지식의 교환과 평행 과정이고 미지로의 탐험이며 조정과 혁신의 과정이다. 또한 경쟁은 승패의 과정이 아니라 차별화의 과정이며 각자의 능력과 장점을 발견해 주는 절차이기도 하다. 따라서 경쟁이 비인간적이고 냉혹한 과정이란 편입 견을 버려야 한다. 모든 제품과 생산요소는 소비자의 위치와 판매되는 시공간의 차이에 의해 동일하지 않다. 그렇다면 독점이란 처음부터 존재하지 않으며 시장을 완전경쟁, 독점, 불완전경쟁, 과점 등으로 분류하여 분석하는 것은 의미가 없다. 완전경쟁은 현실에서 존재하지 않기 때문에 누구도 경쟁가격을 모른다. 그렇다면 경쟁가격과의 비교로부터 나오는 독점가격도 존재하지 않는 개념이다. Korea is engulfed everyday by uproar of thousands of citizens against U.S. beef imports in May 2008. The textbook of economics always teaches that trade can make everyone better off. Regardless of this principle, the everyday uproar of beef imports leads to the situation of anarchy. This shows evidently how difficult it is to get them to understand logics of market economy order and competition from their hearts. To a certain extent this difficulty should result from the somewhat distorted and false interpretation about competition and monopoly. Economists should at least be responsible for providing an accurate knowledge about the essentials of the disciplines of market economy. This paper aims to provide a valuable appraisal of crucial aspects of market, competition and monopoly which differs from the textbook of economic principles which is dominated by Marshallian and Keynesian paradigm. This paper is based on the thoughts of Austrian School, especially Hayekian and Misesian paradigm. Market economy is a spontaneous order of a collaboration of free human actions. It is not the result of human design. This implies that a free market economy can be interpreted and understood in the best way only by analysing human behaviors and circumstances which set the limit of human actions, stressing knowledge and discovery. The Austrians adhere to these paradigms. It is the reason why this paper on the topic of competition and monopoly is written in the Austrian school's perspectives Despite all the criticism given on the model of perfect competition, it still occupies the starting point of all the positive and normative discussions. In fact, perfect competition is a sleeping competition. There is no competition at all. This has virtually ignored the role of competition in the market. As a result, it makes lots of students sketch the real market falsely and leads to the inaccurate interpretation of competition. Competition is a process of knowledge exchange between buyers and sellers. It is interpreted as a voyage of exploration and discovery into the unknown, too. It is also a process of differentiation through which one discovers his own best advantage that others have not. Therefore it could not be said that competition is inhumane. Interpreting competition like that, we can observe and understand the vitality of a real dynamic market process. There can be no monopoly or monopoly price on the free market. Monopoly can be defined only as a grant of privilege by the state. Monopoly price can not be distinguished at all from competitive price, because there is no discernable and identifiable competitive price. There is also no grounds that monopoly diminishes social welfare. The profit comes from the differences of the product and production factor. All profit should return not to the entrepreneur but to the production factors that enable to attain the profit.

      • KCI등재

        한국 경제질서의 특징과 변천: 대한민국 헌법을 중심으로

        배진영 ( Jin Young Bae ) 한독경상학회 2010 經商論叢 Vol.28 No.2

        한국 경제는 짧은 60년 동안 전쟁의 폐허 속에서 선진국으로 발돋움하였다. 한국의 눈부신 경제발전의 원동력은 시장경제 질서에 기인하였다고 한다. 그렇다면 한국의 시장경제 질서는 어떤 모습이었으며 어떻게 변천해 왔는가? 이를 그려보는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 본 연구는 대한민국 헌법에 나타나 있는 시장경제 질서 관련 조항을 통해 수행되었다. 이와 함께 경제질서의 변천이 경제 성과와도 의미 있는 관계가 있는지를 검토하였다. 대한민국 헌법은 1948년 제헌헌법 이후 9차례의 수정을 거쳤다. 제헌헌법은 순수한 시장경제 질서와는 상당한 거리가 있었으며, 오히려 사회주의 색체를 강하게 띠었다. 한국의 헌법적 경제질서가 가장 시장경제 질서에 가까운 때는 1963년의 헌법 개정에서 유신헌법이 제정될 때까지였다. 즉 박정희가 정권을 잡은 후 10년 간이었다. 이것은 경제법 학자들의 통념과는 다른 결과이다. 시장경제 질서도와 경제성과와의 관계에서 투자 증가율과 경제성장률은 시장경제 질서도가 강할 때 높은 증가율을 시현하였다. 그러나 본 연구의 결과만을 갖고 이것이 의미 있는 관계라고 해석하기에는 부족하다. 왜냐하면 한 나라의 경제성과는 경제질서 외에도 지도자의 리더십과 노사관계, 경제정책의 차이, 국내외 정치 상황과 국제경제의 변화 등에 의해 영향을 받기 때문이다. 경제질서와 분배와의 관계에 있어서, 시장경제 질서도가 낮을수록 분배구조는 개선되었다. 그것은 취약 계층을 위한 정부의 시장 개입에 의한 당연한 결과이다. 그러나 분배를 빈곤 계층의 절대소득 증대와 기회 균등의 관점에서 볼 때, 본 연구의 결과는 또 다른 해석을 가능하게 한다. It is not too much to say that the south Korean economy leaped into the developed countries in very short period of sixty years after Korean war. This experience is not easily found in the world history of economic development. It is especially contrasted with the north Korean economy. The south Korean economic success should be basically attributable to its economic order. This brought me to the question of its figure and characteristic. The purpose of this paper is in figuring out how the Korean economic order has evolved after the Republic of Korea established in 1948. This will be undertaken by investigating articles of the Korean constitution. The paper observes also whether the evolving of market economic order has a meaningful relation to its economic performance. The Korean constitution has been amended nine times after establishing the first Korean constitution in 1948. The first Korean constitution was somewhat far away from the market economic order and colored rather a socialism system. This was mitigated after its amendment in 1954. But it was not enough to be called a market economic order. The period when the Korean constitution was close to the market economic order was from the full amendment of the constitution in 1963 to before its amendment in 1972 that is called `the constitution for revitalizing reform`. It was 10 years since Park Jung-Hi had started to govern the regime. After `the constitution for revitalizing reform,` it continued to contain clauses to strengthen the government interventions in the economy for the building of a welfare state, the protection and promotion of a small and medium enterprise, and the promotion of science and technology. To that extent, the purity of market economy was spoiled. The rate of the economic growth and the investment was increased faster in the period when the constitutional economic order was close to the market economy system. But we can not say that this paper has revealed the positive corelation of economic growth and its economic order. Since the economic performance of a country is affected not only by an economic order but also by many factors such as leadership of political elites, the relations of labor and management, different implementation of economic policies, domestic and global political and economic situation etc. In order to derive the meaningful results of the relation between economic order and its performance, we need more systematical analysis. The distribution structure was improved in the period when the purity of a market economy was deteriorated by the government interventions. But if we see the improvement of distribution in terms of the change of absolute income in the poorest class or the opportunity of this class to make income, this result of the paper could be interpreted differently.

      • KCI등재

        권리기반의 대안적 지역사회서비스로서 소테리아하우스(Soteria House)의 한국적 함의: 정신장애인 위기지원기능을 중심으로

        배진영(Bae, Jin yeong),송승연(Song, Seung Yeon) 한국장애인복지학회 2021 한국장애인복지학 Vol.54 No.54

        정신장애 당사자에게 있어 권리가 침해될 가능성이 가장 높은 시기는 위기상황에 도래하였을 때이다. 따라서 정신장애인의 의사결정을 최대한 지원 및 존중하고 지역사회 중심의 인권기반의 접근을 담보하는 위기지원과정이 중요하게 고민되어야 한다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구는 강압적, 비인권적인 개입을 금지하여 당사자의 인권을 보장하고, 지역사회에서도 효과적으로 정신장애인의 위기를 안정화할 수 있음을 보여준 대안적인 권리기반 서비스인 ‘소테리아 하우스(Soteria House)’에 주목한다. 이에 캘리포니아와 베른의 소테리아 하우스 모델을 검토 및 비교분석하고 한국에의 함의를 도출한다. 비교분석은 두 모델 간 서비스의 대상, 이론적 접근, 직원의 전문성, 핵심원칙의 의미, 약물의 사용, 급성기 지원방식, 사회복귀지원, 구조화의 정도의 측면에서 이루어졌다. 소테리아 모델이 한국의 위기지원서비스에 주는 함의는 첫째, 현재의 권리침해적이고 당사자에게 또 다른 트라우마를 주는 치료환경 변화에 잠재력을 제공한다. 둘째, 비전문가 인력 활용가능성으로 인해 평등한 문화 구축, 예산가용성 측면에서 높은 실천가능성을 제공한다. 셋째, 당사자가 위기 이후에도 지역사회 삶을 지속할 수 있도록 위기지원서비스의 지역사회 통합성과 치료 연속성을 담보한다. 넷째, 위기상황에서 정신장애인의 자기결정권을 보장할 수 있는 실천적 함의를 제공한다. 다섯째, 정신장애인의 인권과 임상적 효과를 동시에 추구하는 건축적 환경의 변화를 도모한다. 여섯째, 정신장애인의 격리 및 강박에 대한 대안을 제시한다. The time when the rights of persons with mental distress are most likely to be violated is when they arrive in a crisis situation. Therefore, the crisis service that sipports and respects theit decision-making as much as possible, and guarantees a huan rights-based approach centered on the community must be considered. In this context, the study focuses on alternative rights-based service,‘Soteria House’, which guarantees the human rights of persons concerned by prohibiting coercive and inhumane intervention, and shows that it can effectively stabilize the crisis of the persons with mental distress. So this study analyzes and compares the Soteria House of California and Bern each, and draws some implications for Korea. It compared each model on the respect of service user, theoretical approach, specialty of staff, meaning of core principle, use of medical treatment, support for crisis, support for social inclusion, and structure. Based on this, the implications of the Soteria model for crisis services in Korea are as follows. First, they provide the potential to change the treatment setting which violates the human rights of the patients and gives them another trauma. Second, they provide high practicality in terms of building an equal culture and budget availability with the use of non-professional staff. Third, they ensure social inclusion and treatment continuity of crisis service to maintain their life in the community even after a crisis. Fourth, they provide practical implications to ensure their self-determination in a crisis. Fifth, they promote the change of architectural environment which protect human rights of people in crisis and aim at clinical effectiveness at once. Sixth, they suggest alternatives to quarantine and compulsion toward the people in psychiatric crisis.

      • KCI등재

        오스트리아 학파의 시각에서 본 2011년 글로벌 재정위기의 원인과 과제

        배진영 ( Jin Young Bae ) 한독경상학회 2012 經商論叢 Vol.30 No.1

        1930년대의 대공황과 현재 진행되고 있는 세계금융위기 그리고 이어진 글로벌 재정위기는 경기변동의 일반적인 패턴을 보여준다. 그것은 경기변동은 정부의 통화량 조작과 신용팽창에서 비롯되며 그 과정은 붐(boom)과 버스트(bust)로 진행된다는 것이다. 현재의 글로벌 재정위기의 원인은 이런 패턴 속에서 찾을 수 있다. 글로벌 재정위기는 가깝게는 금융위기를 극복하기 위하여 은행 시스템에 제공되는 대규모 구제 금융과 경기부양책에서 비롯된다. 그러나 그것의 근본적인 원인은 금융위기를 초래하는 통화 및 신용의 팽창정책에 있다. 남 유럽 국가들의 재정위기 사태에는 여기에다 유럽통화연맹(EMU)의 경제질서와 지나친 복지 정책도 그것의 원인이다. EMU의 경제질서는 회원 국가들로 하여금 재정정책만 시행할 수 있게 하지 개별적인 통화정책은 구사하지 못하게 한다. 이것은 남유럽 국가들의 정부와 민간 부문들에게 도덕적 해이를 초래하여 단일 화폐인 유로라는 ``공유지의 비극(tragedy of commons)``의 현상을 가져왔다. 이것이 경상수지의 적자와 국가부채의 증대로 이어지게 했다. 글로벌 금융위기 후 미국을 비롯한 유럽 국가들은 대규모 경기부양책을 실시하였고 금융 위기를 초래한 통화 팽창정책을 다시 실시하였다. 그러나 그것의 경기부양 효과는 미미하였으며 금융위기를 초래한 원인은 도려내지지 않은 상태로 여전히 남아 있을 뿐이다. 위기를 모면하기 위해 실시되는 통화 팽창정책과 확장적인 재정정책은 또 다른 위기의 불씨가 될 가능성이 높다. 남유럽 국가들의 재정위기는 여기에다 EMU 경제질서의 개혁이라는 숙제를 남기고 있다. 그것은 회원국들의 통화정책에 이은 재정정책의 대 통합으로 나아갈 것을 요구 한다. We find important policy implications from the analysis of the recent global fiscal crisis sparked by the collapse of the bubble in the U.S. housing market. One concerns the business cycle and the other concerns the economic order of the EMU. Policy implications of the business cycle are as follows: (1) Recent business cycles including the Great Depression of the 1930s show us a general pattern in that all result from the expansionary monetary policy. This is different from the business fluctuation inherent in the market economy. (2) The business cycle proceeds with boom followed by burst. The boom formed by the expansionary monetary policy forces monetary authorities to tighten their money supply. This reveals false investments, leading to the burst of the boom. The banking system would sustain a severe blow due to the bankruptcy of firms. (3) The government supports the banking system with huge relief funds and carries out stimulus fiscal programmes to promote economic recovery. This rapidly worsens the government`s fiscal situation. An accumulation of excessive social welfare spendings also is another factor that causes a fiscal crisis. (4) People of the country in fiscal crisis will not tolerate the infliction that comes unavoidably in the process of bursting. They ask the government for strong stimulus fiscal measures and expansionary monetary policies in order not to burst the boom. Government deems it natural and necessary to intervene in the market with strong measures. (5) From the Great Depression of the 1930`s and other recent experiences, we learn, however, that such a strong measure of the government has only a temporary affect similar to a pain reliever. The causes of the problem are not cut away, still hiding deep within the economy, and bud into another crisis. (6) Absent of interest and monetary manipulation, there can be no tendency for entrepreneurs to make systemic errors that can create economy-wide booms followed by bursts. (7) If a country that undergoes a fiscal crisis has not sufficient foreign exchange reserves resulted from the chronic current account deficits, other countries or institutions will not be willing to purchaseits bonds. As it is not easy to roll-over maturing bonds, this country is then downgraded to junk status by major credit rating agencies and driven to a crisis of national default. The economic order of EMU (European Monetary Union) is another factor of the fiscal crisis of PIIGS countries. Policy implications of EMU are as follows: (1) In order to allocate resources efficiently, institutions which configure an economic order are to be composed in harmony, without conflicting with each other. However, EMU`s economic order does not perform this function. This is owing to the fact that EMU was established for more political reasons than economic. EMU member countries are under the ECB (Economic Central Bank)`s single monetary policy, but each member can enforce its own fiscal policy. Therefore, all member states cannot have a consistent and harmonious fiscal and monetary system. Global financial crisis has served only to reveal the fatal defects of economic order inherent in EMU.(2) EMU was established in 1999, despite of significant differences in the economic environments and monetary policies between member countries. It has brought moral hazard to the governments and its people, the Southern European members in particular. The Euro is advantageous to these countries in that inflation would go on but it would be more hidden. They could enjoy more imports and overconsumption. Their moral hazard has led to such as a `tragedy of the commons` of a single currency euro. (3) In the system of EMU an individual country cannot implement her own monetary policy to cool an economic boom and to cope with the current account deficit. She can make such an effort only through fiscal policies of tax increases, the workforce reductions in public sector, pension cut, etc. The EMU blocks the way for the market to heal the misled price mechanism. (4) Unless the elements that can cause moral hazard in the economic order of EMU are not removed, a fiscal crisis such as now is bound to be repeated at any time. If they want to keep this system, major countries like Germany must support economically weaker countries. It`s very skeptical, however, if the German government and her people would support them in any case.

      • KCI등재

        관형사 범주 설정에 대한 논의 : 체언 수식 용언 활용형을 중심으로

        배진영(Bae Jin-young) 국어교육학회 2010 국어교육연구 Vol.47 No.-

        There are some Korean predicates that have specific inflectional forms modifying a noun (noun phrase) in a sentence. Among these classes, there are forms that have been already lexicalized historically and fixed as determiners publicly while there are also predicates that show an aspect of forming only a modifying structure by combining with determinative endings without rare information of inflecting predicates of predicative use. Moreover, the historic origin is unknown, but there are also forms having no predicates of predicative use but a combination form of determinative endings. This study aims at suggestion individual categories of determiners of predicative use showing various aspects according to dictionaries or grammar descriptions by applying morphological, syntactic, and semantic criteria and dividing determiners and determinative forms of predicative use separately.

      • 시장경제질서에서 정부실패의 원인과 정부개입의 폐해

        배진영 ( Jinyoung Bae ) 한국질서경제학회 2006 질서경제저널 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 시장경제질서에서 정부의 시장 개입이 어떤 결과를 가져올 것인지를 비판적인 시각에서 이론적으로 검토하는 것이다. 특히 정부실패의 원인과 정부개입이 가져올 폐해와 부작용을 집중적으로 조명하였다. 정부 개입이 야기하는 시장의 왜곡, 질서충돌에 따른 계층 간의 갈등과 자원 낭비, 부정부패와 비리의 개연성, 분배문제의 악화, 그리고 책임소재의 부재 등은 비록 시장이 만족스럽지 못할 경우가 있다 하더라도 정부개입은 최소화해야 함을 말해준다. 정부의 개입은 가능한 모든 소비자가 동일하게 소비할 수 있는 순수한 공공재의 공급에 한정해야 한다. 예를 들어 국방, 치안, 소방, 추상적이고 일반적이며 자명한 법제도의 구비 등이 그것들이다. 이것은 초기 고전적 자유주의자들과 오스트리아 학파를 중심으로 하는 구(舊) 자유주의자들의 생각과 그 괘를 같이한다. The main purpose of this paper is to illuminate theoretically and in a critical view what the interventionist of the economy and coercive system leads to. This paper tries to show why the big government cannot but fail and what bad effects it makes. The government intervention in a market economy system rests on the concept of the market failure. But this paper argues that on the contrary to what might be believed it cannot be the reason of government intervention and furthermore the concept is lack of clarity and based even on the wrong logics. As soon as government intervenes in a market, conflicts are created, because each person or group may participate in a scramble to be a net gainer rather than a net loser. The conflict appears also on the scene. Every economic order has mechanisms and institutions to allocate scarce resources. However the way of resource allocation is totally different between by the market and by the government. Clashes arise when the rules, each of which has a different mechanism or function in resource allocation, exist in a economy. It results in market distortion or less market coordination, resource waste, deterioration of the distribution problem, and frictions among social classes. Another reason why an intervention coercive system makes more serious problems is in the fact that we cannot charge the government failure and the politicians and officials commit corruptions and illegalities with the high probability in comparison with the institution of market. The results of the study suggest that public services should sharply decline and we should retrospect the economic thoughts of the early classical and the Austrian school economists.

      • KCI등재후보

        일제 강점기 민족동화정책과 부산 서양화단의 형성 연구 - 조선미술전람회를 중심으로 -

        배진영 ( Bae Jin Young ) (재)동아시아문물연구학술재단 동아시아문물연구소 2018 文物硏究 Vol.- No.33

        한 시대의 미술은 그 시대의 역사를 반영한다. 따라서 당대의 미술을 올바로 이해하기 위해서는 미술적 관점과 함께 역사적 관점을 함께 이용해야 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 지금까지 부산 지역의 미술을 연구할 때, 미술적 관점에만 치중해 왔던 것이 사실이다. 이러한 문제는 자료의 부족 등과 연계되어 부산 서양화단의 성립을 제대로 이해하지 못하는 한계를 낳았다. 상기의 문제를 해결하기 위하여 본 논문은 일제 강점기 조선총독부의 민족동화정책이 조선미술전람회에 어떤 영향을 주었으며, 이에 대해 부산 화단이 어떻게 반응하였는지를 연구하였다. 이를 위해 부산 출신의 조선미술전람회 입선자들을 대상으로 연구를 수행하였다. 더불어 부산미술전람회를 통하여 부산 지역의 서양화단이 어떻게 성립되었는지를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 부산 지역의 화가들은 다양한 방식으로 일제의 민족동화정책에 대응 했음을 알게 되었다. 임응구 등은 그것에 철저하게 순응하였고, 기의벽은 사회주의에 기반을 두고 저항하였다. 우신출은 부산의 독자성을 강조하였고, 서태로 등은 정물화를 그리며 시대에서 비켜나 있었다. 한편 양달석은 조선의 농촌과 민중을 그려 현실을 있는 그대로 표현하고자 했다. 이렇듯 다양한 움직임은 해방 이후 부산 서양화단의 독자적인 흐름의 배경을 이루었고, 이후 형상미술을 중심으로 하는 향토적 리얼리즘을 탄생시키는 밑거름이 되었다. Art of an age reflects the history of that time. Therefore, to understand contemporary art properly, both its artistic point of view and its historical point of view must be used together. Nevertheless, it is true that until now, when we studied art in Busan, we focused only on the artistic point of view. Such a problem had to do with the lack of materials, which led to a limitation in the understanding of the formation of a group of Busan artists. The above the Chosun Governor-General's office this paper are Japanese occupation in order to solve the problem of ethnic assimilation policies, Busan, about this, and about the Joseon art exhibition, Studied how response to a group of art. To that end, the research was carried out on the winners of the Joseon Art Exhibition from Busan. In addition, through the Busan Art Exhibition, we saw how the group of Busan artists formed. As a result, I found out that Busan painters responded to Japanese national assimilation policies in various ways. Lim Eung-gu and others thoroughly adjusted to it. And Ki Ui-byuk resisted based on socialism. Woo Shin-chul emphasized the uniqueness of Busan. Seo Tae-ro was out of the way of the times, drawing still life. On the other hand, Yang Dal-seok tried to portray the reality of Joseon's farming villages and people. The diverse movements formed the background of the Busan artist group's independent trend after liberation, and then paved the way for the birth of the native realism based on the form art.

      • KCI등재

        용산(龍山)시대 해대(海岱)지구 도작문화(稻作文化) -도작(稻作)의 전파와 확산 기제(機制)-

        배진영 ( Jin Young Bae ) 한국중국학회 2010 중국학보 Vol.61 No.-

        The purpose of this research was to investigate the reasons why rice farming was disseminated in Haidai district in the period of Longshan Culture. After this research, for this, examined the dissemination process of the farming into the district and the substance of rice farming management in the district, a mechanism for the spread of the farming was presumed. According to the examination, the dissemination the farming in the district in the period began in full scale from the latter half period of Daiwenkou Culture, and the farming spread quickly at the coming period of Longshan Culture. The inflow of the farming into the district was a phenomenon that appeared during the dissemination process of the farming in the north bound throughout the long period of time. Besides, the beginning of the farming in the period of Longshan Culture was not caused by either climate changes or the movement and replacement of foreign political states as external causes. It is considered that such spread of the farming was caused intertwiningly by two internal causes: firstly, evolution of Longshan Cultureto to etiquette society and, secondly, population increase. The first cause can be examined by the following process. The evolution to etiquette society was maintained throughout frequent religious ceremonies. And, in the process of the ceremonies, the brewing industries developed greatly. Consequently there was a need for rice as the main raw material of brewing. The second cause is as follows. The extremely developed Longshan Culture caused increase of population. Consequently a need for food source was raised to support the increased population. Therefore, it is considered that necessary was the restructuring of the agriculture that cultivated rice, the most productive farming. As stated, it is considered that there is a strong aspect that the dissemination and spread of the rice farming in the district in the period of Longshan Culture was caused by the internal needs of the Longshan society.

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