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      • KCI등재

        近世中期の自称代名詞について ー『古今集遠鏡』を中心としてー

        민승희 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2013 외국학연구 Vol.- No.23

        This paper is a study of the first person pronoun in the 『kokinsyutookagami(古今集遠鏡)』. Japanese personal pronouns vary their forms depending on their usages in a sentence. This study illustrates a careful observation to the changes of the first person pronoun in early Japanese modern age. They are as follows: The「watasi(ワタシ)」is used only by females in the 『kokinsyutoo kagami(古今集遠鏡』. It can be said that 「watasi(ワタシ)」 in the 『kokinsyutookagami(古今集遠鏡)』still has features of the preceding period. The「wasi(ワシ)」is used with verbs that expresses respect by a speaker towards a listener. Sometimes 「wasi(ワシ)」is also used with verbs that do not express any respect of speaker towards a listener. Therefore, it can be said that 「wasi(ワシ)」is used not only to seniors to express respect. but also to juniors. The「(ワタクシ)」expresses a deep respect to the listener. Meanwhile, the 「ore(オレ)」is used with verbs that do not express any respect of a speaker towards a listener. Finally, in『kokinsyutookagami(古今集遠鏡) the 「ore(オレ)」is used only by males.

      • KCI등재

        「らし」의 변천에 관한 일고찰 —『万葉集』, 『古今和歌集』, 『新古今和歌集』를 중심으로—

        민승희 한국일본문화학회 2022 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.94

        本稿は『万葉集』、『古今和歌集』、『新古今和歌集』を研究資料として、それに使われている「らし」の史的変遷について考察した。考察の結論は次のように纏められる。 第一に、「らし」は『万葉集』では多用されているが、『古今和歌集』ではその用例数が急激に減少している。 第二に、「らし」は確実な根拠に基づいた推量であったので、『万葉集』では「見ゆ」、「聞ゆ」と併用される用例が多数あった。しかし、このような用例が『古今和歌集』では4例に止まり、『新古今和歌集』に至っては一つの用例も見られなかった。 第三に、「らし」は『万葉集』で副詞「うべ」・「まこと」と併用され、「らし」が表われている確実な推量という意味をより明確にしている。しかし、『新古今和歌集』ではもちろんであり、平安時代の『古今和歌集』においても、「らし」と「うべ」・「まこと」との併用例は見られなかった。 第四に、『万葉集』、『古今和歌集』、『新古今和歌集』に使われている「らし」の用例は、すべて疑問を表わす係助詞「や」・「か」と併用されてはいない。ただ、『新古今和歌集』では「らし」が 「誰」・「いづ」などのような疑問詞と併用される用例が見られる。

      • KCI등재

        ‘わたくし’와 ‘わたし’에 관한 비교 고찰

        민승희 한국일어일문학회 2018 日語日文學硏究 Vol.107 No.1

        This study compares 'watakusi' and 'watasi' in the modern period by way of synchronic study and diachronic study. In the early modern period, the first common point of 'watakusi' and 'watasi' is that they can express all sorts of honorific expression. Their second common point is that they are more likely to use honorific expression than non-honorific expression. In the early modern period, the first difference point of 'watakusi' and 'watasi' is that 'watakusi' is used with a higher degree of respect than 'watasi'. Their second difference point is that 'watakusi' is used by all genders, but 'watasi' is mainly used by women. As in the early modern times, the first common point of 'watakusi' and 'watasi' is in the late modern period that they can express all sorts of honorific expression. The second common point is that they are more likely to use honorific expression than non-honorific expression. The third common point is that ‘watakusi’ and ‘watasi’ is used by all genders In the late modern period, the first difference point of 'watakusi' and 'watasi' is that the 'watakusi' is maunly used with a high respect and light respect, the 'watakusi' is mainly used with a light respect. The second difference point is that about 25 Pro of 'watasi' express non-honorific expression. 本稿は近世の‘わたくし’と‘わたし’を比較考察し、‘わたくし’と‘わたし’の用法上の共通点と相違点を明確にすることを研究の目的とする。まず、近世前期の‘わたくし’と‘わたし’の共通点を察してみると、‘わたくし’と‘わたし’は両方ともすべての敬意度の文末表現と呼応できたという点において共通している。もう一つの共通点は両方とも「ます体」との呼応度が「ぢや体」との呼応度よりはるかに高かったという点である。 また、近世前期の‘わたくし’と‘わたし’の相違点を察してみると、まず、‘わたくし’が呼応する代表的な文末表現は「敬語+ます体」であり、‘わたし’が呼応する代表的な文末表現は「通常語+ます体」であるという点において相違している。そしてもう一つの相違点は‘わたくし’は話し手の性別の関わりなく使われたが、‘わたし’は主に女性の話し手に偏重されて使用された相対女性語であったという点である。 次に近世後期の‘わたくし’と‘わたし’の共通点を察してみる。まず、前期と同じく、近世後期の‘わたくし’と‘わたし’もすべての敬意度の文末表現と呼応できたという点において共通している。また、‘わたくし’と‘わたし’両方とも「ます体」との呼応度が「ぢや体」との呼応度より高くて、前期と同じく、その点においても共通している。後期の‘わたくし’と‘わたし’の三つ目の共通点は両方とも話し手の性別による使用上の区別がなかったという点である。 また、近世後期の‘わたくし’と‘わたし’の相違点を察してみる。まず、‘わたくし’は後期に「敬語+ます体」だけではなく「通常語+ます体」とも主に呼応して代表する文末表現の範囲が拡大されたが、‘わたし’は後期にも前期と同じく「通常語+ます体」と主に呼応し、代表する文末表現において前・後期の変化がない。もう一つの相違点は‘わたくし’は前期から後期にかけてすべて「通常語+ぢや体」と低い呼応度を見せているが、後期に‘わたし’は「通常語+ぢや体」との呼応度が増加しているという点である。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        음파를 이용한 수박 선별: 머신러닝을 활용하여

        민승희,임가은,신연우,이태윤,이승환,조대기 한국과학영재교육학회 2023 과학영재교육 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to predict the ripeness of watermelon by the hitting sound. It was found that the reverberation time, the thickness of the skin, and the volume of the pulp were significantly correlated with ripeness. The hitting of watermelon can be explained as a damped oscillation, and this was verified through experiments and simulations, and correlation analysis between reverberation time and ripeness. As a result, the reverberation time was selected as an important variable. CNN was used to develop a model that predicts ripeness through the hitting sound of watermelon, which showed 99% accuracy. 4-layer perceptron model using the reverberation time which was selected as an important variable for predicting ripeness was developed. This showed 95.7% accuracy, in conclusion proposing an objective and non-destructive method to determine watermelon ripeness. 본 연구는 수박의 타격음을 통해 수박의 숙도를 예측하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 숙도별로 미숙과, 적숙과, 과숙과, 피수박로 나뉜 일곱 종류의 수박을 3 set, 총 21개의 실험용 수박을 선정하여 숙도에 따른 타격음과 물리량을 측정했다. 이를 분석한 결과 잔향시간과 과피의 두께, 과육의 부피가 숙도와 유의미한 상관이 있음을 파악하였다. 수박의 타격을 감쇠진동을 이용하여 설명하고 이를 실험 및 시뮬레이션, 잔향시간과 숙도와의 상관관계 분석을 통해 검증하였다. 그 결과 수박을 타격한 후 잔향시간을 중요 변인으로 선정하였다. 수박의 타격음을 통해 숙도를 예측하는 모델 개발을 위해 CNN을 이용하여 학습시킨 결과 99%의 정확도를 보였으며, 수박 숙도 예측의 중요한 변수로 선정한 잔향시간을 이용하여 4-layer perceptron model로 학습을 진행한 결과 95.7%의 정확도를 나타내는 결과를 얻어 수박의 숙도를 예측하는데 잔향시간이 매우 중요한 변인임을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        「あなた」계열과「おまへ」계열의 2인칭대명사에 관한 고찰 ―『浮世風呂』를 중심으로―

        민승희 한국일본문화학회 2023 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.97

        This article examined the use of the second person pronouns “anatasama”, “anata”, “omaesama”, “omaesan” and “omae” which appear in “Ukiyoburo.” The results show that “anata” and “omaesama” correspond with predicates expressing high respect levels. In contrast, “omaesan” corresponds with a wide range of respect levels, from high to light, depending on the predicate. “Oma”’ is used in response to a predicate that expresses light respect. “Anata” is primarily used as an equal form of address by the upper class , while “omaesan” can be seen as an equal form of address by both the middle and the lower classes. “Anata”, “omaesama” and “omaesan” were predominantly used by lower-ranking persons when addressing higher-ranking persons, whereas “omae” was used on equal terms. Lastly, “omae” is response to both the first person pronouns “watakusi” and “watasi”. The study will continue to explore the personal pronouns presented in "Ukiyotoko“ 本稿は『浮世風呂』に表れている2人称代名詞「あなたさま」、「あなた」、「おまへさま」、「おまへさん」、「おまへ」の使用様相を考察した。その結果をまとめると、次のようである。 第一に、「あなた」、「おまへさま」は高い敬意を表わす述語と呼応している。一方、「おまへさん」は高い敬意を表わす述語から軽い敬意まで幅広く呼応している。 第二に、「おまへ」は軽い敬意を表わす述語と呼応している。 第三に、「あなた」と「おまへさん」が対等な関係で使われる時、「あなた」は上層階級の人々の間での用例だけがみえる。一方、「おまへさん」は中層と下層階級の人々が対等に使用してしる用例もみえる。 第四に、「あなた」、「おまへさま」、「おまへさん」は下位者が上位者に使用するのが主な用法であったが、「おまへ」は対等の間柄で使用されるのが主な用法であった。 第五に、「おまへ」は一人称代名詞である「わたくし」と「わたし」の両方とも呼応していた。 今後、『浮世床』に表れた人称代名詞についての研究に進めようとする。

      • KCI등재


        민승희 동아시아일본학회 2008 일본문화연구 Vol.25 No.-

        본 연구에서는 근세전기의 자칭대명사 ‘わたくし' ‘わたし' ‘わし'에 대해, 호응하는 문말표현, 화자와 청자간의 신분관계, 화자의 성별이라는 3가지 측면에 초점을 맞춰 고찰해 보았다. 먼저, 호응하는 문말표현을 살펴보면, ‘わたくし' ‘わたし' ‘わし'모두「敬語+ます体」「通常語+ます体」「敬語+ぢや体」「通常語+ぢや体」라는 4개의 문말표현형식과 호응을 이루며 문을 구성하고 있었다. 그러나, 호응을 이루는 주된 문말표현은 각각 다른 양상을 보였다. 구체적으로 말하면, ‘わたくし'는「敬語+ます体」와, ‘わたし'는「通常語+ます体」와, ‘わし'는「通常語+ぢや体」와 주로 호응을 이루는 양상을 보였다. 다음으로 신분관계의 측면에서 살펴보면, ‘わたくし'는 하위계층의 사람이 상위계층의 사람에게 사용한 용례가 가장 많았다. 이에 비해, ‘わたし' ‘わし'는 같은 계층의 손아랫사람이 손윗사람에게 사용한 용례가 가장 많았다. 한편 같은 계층에서 대등관계의 상대방에게 쓰여진 자칭대명사는 ‘わし'만으로, ‘わたくし'「わたし」에서는 이런 용법을 찾아 볼 수 없었다. 마지막으로, 성별에 의한 사용특징을 살펴보면, ‘わたくし' ‘わたし' ‘わし' 모두 남성과 여성의 사용례가 보였다. 그러나 ‘わたし' ‘わし'의 경우, 남성의 사용례는 극히 적어, 주로 여성에 의해 사용되어졌다. 따라서 ‘わたし' ‘わし'를 비교해 보면, 여성에 의해 사용되어졌다는 점에 있어서는 공통점을 보이지만, ‘わし'의 경우, 사용례의 82%가 유녀(遊女)에 의한 사용이라는 특이성을 띄고 있었다. 그 밖에 「わつち」「わちき」「われら」「おれ」등의 자칭대명사의 비교 분석은 앞으로의 과제로 하겠다.

      • KCI등재후보


        민승희 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2010 외국학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        対称代名詞「オマエ」「コナタ」「ソナタ」「ワゴリヨ」を中心にして、鷺傳右衛門派における狂言詞章の変遷について考察した。 待遇表現の観点から鷺傳右衛門派における狂言詞章の変遷を表にまとめると、下のようになる。 ① 保教本でみられた対称代名詞オマエは常磐松文庫本においてはほとんど見られなくなり、コナタの用法に含まれるようになった。② 常磐松文庫本ではソナタの用法が広がっていた。 ③ 保教本にみられたソナタ・ワゴリヨは常磐松文庫本においては同じ待遇価値を持つ語となり、その結果一つの段階にまとめられるようになっている。④ 鷺傳上衛門派における狂言詞章の変遷は、大きくみれば五段階から三段階に変化している。⑤ 他流派と同じように待遇体系が整理されるが、その内実は大きく異なる。それは、保教本にオマエが使用されていることによる。このことは鷺派における保教本の特徴であるとも考えられる。

      • KCI등재

        「てめへ」と「うぬ」の比較分析 ー人情本『春色辰巳園』を中心としてー

        민승희 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2014 외국학연구 Vol.- No.29

        This paper analyzes the usage of「Temee」and「Unu」in the early modern Japanese writings, Ninjōbon. A thorough investigation has been conducted, focusing on the cases of「Temee」and「Unu」. This research has found out some important characteristics of 「Temee」 and 「Unu」as follows:1. The most important thing in using「Temee」is that the term expresses the ditionally vertical relationship. So「Temee」is only used for addressing subordinates. On the contrary, the term「Unu」is used to express whether a speaker intends to cause a harmful feeling. For this reason, instead of addressing subordinates,「Unu」is used for people of equal status. 2.「Temee」 and 「Unu」 are used together with a word of abuse. Needless to say, close attention should be paid to the term「Temee」as the expression of a word of abuse in the early modern Japanese writings of ninjōbon. Since the uses of「Temee」and「Unu」are accompanied with a word of abuse, they have something in common with each other. 3.「Temee」 and 「Unu」 are used with 「Ore」in the same sentence. In the early modern Japanese writings of Ninjōbon the first-person pronoun had not been specialized yet, whereas the second-person pronoun is divided into「Temee」and「Unu」.

      • KCI등재


        민승희 동아시아일본학회 2018 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.65

        In this paper, I have analyzed the honorific value of the expression of “o∼aru” in the Muromachi period. In order to analyze the correct honorific value of “o∼aru”, I investigate the corresponding personal pronouns and verds. From the honorific value of the corresponding personal pronouns and verds, I took the approach of estimating the honorific value of “o∼aru”. As a result of this study, I can summarize the honorific value of “o∼aru” shown in the “Noh Kyogen collection”, “イソップstory”, “heikestory”. First, “o∼aru” of “Noh Kyogen collection” represents honorific value of the first stage. Secondly, “o∼aru” of “イソップstory” and “heikestory” are different from the “イソップstory” on the honorific value. “o∼aru” of “イソップstory” and “heikestory” represent not only the honorific value of the first stage but also the honorific value of the second stage. Third, the expression “o∼yaru” is shown in “イソップstory” and all of these express the honorific value of the second stage.

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