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        전남 순천 송천마을 정월대보름 풍속 전승종목의 수용과 변용에 관한 고찰

        김삼진 국립민속박물관 2024 민속학연구 Vol.0 No.54

        본 연구는 전라남도 순천시 월등면 송천마을의 향토 놀이노래인 <덜이덜롱>의 기능에서 시작하여, 정월대보름 전승종목 전반으로 확대하였다. <덜이덜롱>은 송천마을과 순천 인근 지역에서 달집태우기와 줄다리기 노래로 부른다. 그러나 노래의 선율과 리듬에서 놀이의 동작과 완전하게 어울리지 않음을 찾을 수 있다. 이를 바탕으로 송천마을의 달집태우기와 줄다리기를 포함한 정월대보름 전승 종목들을 세분하여 살펴보았다. 전승종목들은 1980년대 무형문화재 지정까지의 과정에서 유입한 새로운 놀이의 수용과 이전부터 마을에서 전승되고 놀이의 변용을 통해 발전하고 있다. 연구 방법은 먼저 송천마을 정월대보름 풍속을 마을 주민들이 연행하는 당산굿, 풍물굿, 줄다리기, <덜이덜롱>, 달집태우기 등으로 나누어 요점을 정리 분석하였다. 그리고 1980년대 이전까지 전승되었던 종목들의 연행과 1987년 민속경연대회 출전을 위하여 변용되거나 이전에 행하지 않았던 새롭게 수용한 된 놀이의 전승 현상을 구분하였다. 송천마을 정월대보름 풍속의 특징적 변화는 <달집태우기>의 규모와 고싸움과 줄다리기의 삽입이 문화의 변용과 수용과정에서 드러난다는 점이다. 이는 민속경연대회 수상을 위해서 다양하고 화려함을 보여주기 위해 각색 연출이 있었음을 보여준다. 각색 연출에 의해 풍성해지고, 새로운 고싸움과 줄다리기의 수용은 전국민속예술경연대회의 수상 이후에도 마을 주민들이 성실하게 재연하고 전승하면서 전라남도 무형문화재 지정까지 연결하였다. 무형문화재 지정 이후 각종 지원이 많아져 정월대보름 축제로 풍성하게 발전하고 있다. 변용은 달집태우기와 줄다리기를 할 때 부르는 <덜이덜롱>이다. <덜이덜롱>은 다른 지역에서는 부르지 않던 노래로 아이들이 <쥐불놀이>를 할 때 부르는 단순한 선율과 리듬으로 노래하는 것을 본 연구를 통하여 밝혀냈다. 이 노래는 민속경연대회 출전을 계기로 줄다리기를 할 때 줄을 매고 달집을 돌 때와 달집에 불을 지를 때 부르는 노래로 변용하여 선택함으로써 어린이 놀이노래에서 성인 놀이노래로 차용되었다. 이 결과로 <잦은 강강술래> 또는 <쾌지나칭칭나네>과 같이 다양한 메기는 소리를 필요하였고, 이는 음악성 높은 앞소리꾼을 발굴하게 하였다. <덜이덜롱>이 본래의 연행 형태와 달라서 원형이 변질된 것이 아닌가? 하는 의구심으로 시작한 연구는 전승 주체인 마을 주민들의 노력에 따라 문화 종목의 수용과 변용이축제로 확대되고 자생적으로 발전 변화해가는 과정이라는 것을 알 수 있었다. This study started with the function of <Deulideollong>, a local play song of Songcheon Village, Woldeung myeon, Suncheon city, Jeollanamdo, and expanded to the overall Jeongwol Daeboreum traditional items. <Deulideollong> is sung in Songcheon Village and nearby areas of Suncheon as a song for burning houses and tug-of-war. However, it can be found that the melody and rhythm of the song do not completely match the movements of the play. Based on this, I examined in detail the traditional events held on the first full moon of the year, including moon house burning and tug-of-war, in Songcheon Village. The inherited sports are developing through the acceptance of new plays introduced in the process of being designated as intangible cultural assets in the 1980s and the transformation of games that have been passed down in villages from before. The method of the research is to summarize and analyze the main points of Songcheon Village's New Year's Day customs by dividing them into Dangsangut, Pungmulgut, Tug of war, <Deulideollong>, and Daljip burning, etc. performed by the village residents. In addition, a distinction was made between the performance of items that had been passed down until the 1980s and the transmission of games that were transformed or newly accepted that had not been performed before to participate in the 1987 folk contest. The characteristic change in the customs of the first full moon of Songcheon Village is that the scale of <Daljip Burning> and the insertion of fighting and tug-of-war are revealed in the process of cultural transformation and acceptance. This shows that there was an adaptation of the production to show variety and splendor in order to win the folk contest. It was enriched by the dramatized production, and the acceptance of new fighting and tug of war led to the designation of Jeollanam-do as an intangible cultural asset as the villagers faithfully reenacted and passed it down even after winning the National Folk Art Contest. Since being designated as an intangible cultural asset, various types of support have increased and the festival is developing richly as a full moon festival. Byeonyong is <Deulideollong>, which is sung during Daljip burning and tug-of-war. Through this study, it was revealed that <Deulideollong> is a song that is not sung in other regions, and that children sing it with a simple melody and rhythm while playing <Jwibulnori>. This song was chosen to be sung at the folk contest, tying a rope while playing tug of war, circling the moon house, and setting fire to the moon house, and was adopted from a children's play song to an adult play song. As a result, various catfish sounds were needed, such as <frequent ganggangsullae> or <kwaejinachingchingnane>, which led to the discovery of front singers with high musicality. Isn’t <Deulideollong> different from its original performance form and thus its original form deteriorated? The study, which started with doubts, showed that the acceptance and transformation of cultural items expanded into a festival and was a process of spontaneous development and change, depending on the efforts of the village residents, who were the subjects of transmission.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Diluted Ferromagnetic Semiconductor in a Cr-Based MnTe Thin Film

        김삼진,철성,Jungbum Yoon,Kwang Joo Kim,정명화,Sung Hwan Bae,우철 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.52 No.2

        Mn1-xCrxTe (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15), a single phase of high crystalline quality, was successfully grown on a Si(100):B substrate by using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). An investigation on the magnetic and the electric transport properties of the Mn1-xCrxTe (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) films shows ferromagnetic properties unlike antiferromagnetic bulk MnTe materials. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility in the film with x = 0.10 exhibits a sharp ferromagnetic transitions at around 175 K. An obvious semiconducting behavior is shown in the temperature range from 20 K up to 300 K. Our X-ray results and magnetization data have verified the ferromagnetism for preparing Cr-cluster-free magnetic semiconductor thin films as candidate materials for potential spintronic applications.

      • 舞踊의 社會化 過程 硏究

        김삼진,오율자 漢陽大學校 體育科學硏究所 1994 體育科學 Vol.14 No.14

        We should maintain firmly our stance in order to cope with any prejudice or any belief in terms of the process of dance socialization. At a time, in the field of sports sociology, it has majorly been projected in the sphere of learning of social science for a needed methodology for the subject sol- ution and not been established a characteristic knowledge and methodological sys- tem by accepting with almost non-criticism, therefore, the process of dance socialization should be emphasized on this, and making firmness a position of one of the part as a individual sphere of learning among the sports sociology, and then it, in its own way, should be needed to develops with deepest concerns to which we study a various variable factors with proper methodology on what shall we do a objective of study and of interesting relations on the process of dance socializtion of dancer together with a broaden understanding over the pre-existing sports sociology in order to build a creative and systematic knowledge system. The people who are living in mordern society can't overlook the society, there-fore we should enhance many things such as social nature, cooperation, esthetic sense, imaginative power and emotion by means of direct participation(a work of performance and a class) and indirect participation(viewing of artistic work, the affiliation of an aid association) which can be achieved through dance. It is very essential for goverment to devise and develop nationwide dancing program. When· it comes to our proposal for the future researcher, we should come up with well-planned research blueprint.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Cr Doping on the Electronic Structure of MnTe

        김삼진,광주,이정한,이희정,윤정범,정명화,우철,철성 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.53 No.2

        The effects of Cr doping on the electronic structure of semiconducting MnTe have been investigated by using electron and optical spectroscopies. All CrxMn1-xTe samples grown as polycrystalline films by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(100) substrates showed a NiAs structure with little change in lattice parameters for x ≤ 0.15. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry results suggest the existence of spin-polarized Mn d bands in CrxMn1-xTe. The majority- and the minority-spin d bands are likely to be located ∽4 eV below and ∽3 eV above the Fermi level, respectively. The direct optical-band-gap of CrxMn1-xTe is found to gradually decrease with increasing x in the infrared region. A ferromagnetic behavior was observed for the CrxMn1-xTe films. The possible origin for the ferromagnetism is the coupling of Cr spins mediated by spin-polarized holes in the valence bands created through the hybridization between Te p and Cr d states. The effects of Cr doping on the electronic structure of semiconducting MnTe have been investigated by using electron and optical spectroscopies. All CrxMn1-xTe samples grown as polycrystalline films by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(100) substrates showed a NiAs structure with little change in lattice parameters for x ≤ 0.15. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry results suggest the existence of spin-polarized Mn d bands in CrxMn1-xTe. The majority- and the minority-spin d bands are likely to be located ∽4 eV below and ∽3 eV above the Fermi level, respectively. The direct optical-band-gap of CrxMn1-xTe is found to gradually decrease with increasing x in the infrared region. A ferromagnetic behavior was observed for the CrxMn1-xTe films. The possible origin for the ferromagnetism is the coupling of Cr spins mediated by spin-polarized holes in the valence bands created through the hybridization between Te p and Cr d states.

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