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      • 韓國의 政黨發展에 관한 一考

        金匡瑩 空軍士官學校 1976 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        The aim of this study is to examine the development of the political party of KOREA and to search for the device of institutionalization for the development of the political party of KOREA. Examining the development and institutionalization of the political party of KOREA, divide this thesis into four chapters as follow. In chapter I, As instroduction the problems of the Korean political parties and the methods to approach are mentioned. In chapter II , the conception of the development of the political party and the mutual relations between the development of the political party and the development of politics are reviewed. I define the development of the political party as the institutionalization of party politics. Political development means just the development of the political party. And I study the crisis of the Korean political development and the role of political party. In chapter III, I review the past of the Korean party politics and the stages of the development of the Korean party politics is remarkable thanks to the increasing political consciousness of Korean people and the access to a bilateral party system, although the Korean political parties are short of representativeness, Adaptability, Responsibility, Autonomy, Coherence and institutionalization. And the Korean parties ren between the third one and fourth of samuel P. Huntington's four stages of the development of political party-the 1st Factionlism, the 2nd Polarization, 3rd Expansion, and the 4th Institutionalization.-In chapter Ⅳ. The weakness of the institution of the Korean parties is reviewed In chapter Ⅴ, as conclusion I search for the devices of the institutionalization of the Korean political parties.

      • KCI등재

        Outbreaks of Yuzu Dieback in Goheung Area: Possible Causes Deduced from Weather Extremes

        김광형,김경희,손경인,고영진 한국식물병리학회 2015 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.31 No.3

        Starting in 2012, severe diebacks usually accompanied by abundant gum exudation have occurred on yuzu trees in Goheung-gun, Jeonnam Province, where severely affected trees were occasionally killed. On-farm surveys were conducted at 30 randomly-selected orchards located at Pungyang-myeon, Goheung-gun, and the resulting disease incidences were 18.5% and 39.6% for dieback and gumming symptoms, respectively. Black spots on branches and leaves also appeared on infected trees showing a typical dieback symptom. Morphological and molecular identifications of the isolated fungal organisms from lesions on the symptomatic leaves and branches revealed that they are identical to Phomopsis citri, known to cause gummosis. In order to find the reason for this sudden epidemic, we investigated the weather conditions that are exclusively distinct from previous years, hypothesizing that certain weather extremes might have caused the severe induction of pre-existing disease for yuzu. There were two extreme temperature drops beyond the yuzu’s cold hardiness limit right after an abnormally-warm-temperature-rise during the winter of 2011-12, which could cause severe frost damage resulting in mechanical injuries and physiological weakness to the affected trees. Furthermore, there was an increased frequency of strong wind events, seven times in 2012 compared to only a few times in the previous years, that could also lead to extensive injuries on branches. In conclusion, we estimated that the possible damages by severe frost and frequent strong wind events during 2012 could cause the yuzu trees to be vulnerable to subsequent fungal infection by providing physical entries and increasing plant susceptibility to infections.

      • KCI등재

        An Integrated Modeling Approach for Predicting Potential Epidemics of Bacterial Blossom Blight in Kiwifruit under Climate Change

        김광형,고영진 한국식물병리학회 2019 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.35 No.5

        The increasing variation in climatic conditions under climate change directly influences plant-microbe interactions. To account for as many variables as possible that may play critical roles in such interactions, the use of an integrated modeling approach is necessary. Here, we report for the first time a local impact assessment and adaptation study of future epidemics of kiwifruit bacterial blossom blight (KBB) in Jeonnam province, Korea, using an integrated modeling approach. This study included a series of models that integrated both the phenological responses of kiwifruit and the epidemiological responses of KBB to climatic factors with a 1 km resolution, under the RCP8.5 climate change scenario. Our results indicate that the area suitable for kiwifruit cultivation in Jeonnam province will increase and that the flowering date of kiwifruit will occur increasingly earlier, mainly due to the warming climate. Future epidemics of KBB during the predicted flowering periods were estimated using the Pss-KBB Risk Model over the predicted suitable cultivation regions, and we found location-specific, periodic outbreaks of KBB in the province through 2100. Here, we further suggest a potential, scientifically-informed, long-term adaptation strategy using a cultivar of kiwifruit with a different maturity period to relieve the pressures of future KBB risk. Our results clearly show one of the possible options for a local impact assessment and adaptation study using multiple models in an integrated way.

      • KCI등재

        기후 원격상관 기반 통계모형을 활용한 국내 벼멸구 발생 예측

        김광형,조재필,이용환,Kim, Kwang-Hyung,Cho, Jeapil,Lee, Yong-Hwan 한국응용곤충학회 2016 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.55 No.2

        작물 재배 시 주요 해충 발생에 대해 한두 달 이상 앞선 계절전망이 가능하다면 농가의 해충관리 의사결정이 보다 효율적으로 이루어질 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서는 국내 해충 발생과 통계적으로 유의미한 원격상관관계에 있는 기후현상을 찾기 위해 Moving Window Regression (MWR) 기법을 활용하였다. 벼멸구의 발생과 비래는 장기간에 걸쳐 여러 지역에서 연속적으로 일어나는 사건이기 때문에 비슷한 시공간적 규모를 갖는 기후현상과 통계적인 연관성을 가질 가능성이 높아 본 연구의 대상 해충으로 선택하였다. MWR 통계 분석의 반응변수로써 1983년부터 2014년까지 국내 벼멸구 발생면적 자료를 사용하였고, 10개의 기후모형에서 생산되는 10개의 기후변수를 예보 선행시간별로 추출하여 설명변수로 사용하였다. 최종적으로 선정된 각 MWR 모형의 특정 시기와 지역의 기후변수는 연간 벼멸구 발생면적 자료와 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 결론적으로, 본 연구에서 개발한 MWR 통계 모형을 통해 국내 벼멸구 발생 위험도에 따른 선제적 대응을 위한 벼멸구 계절전망이 가능할 것으로 보인다. A seasonal outlook for crop insect pests is most valuable when it provides accurate information for timely management decisions. In this study, we investigated probable tele-connections between climatic phenomena and pest infestations in Korea using a statistical method. A rice insect pest, brown planthopper (BPH), was selected because of its migration characteristics, which fits well with the concept of our statistical modelling - utilizing a long-term, multi-regional influence of selected climatic phenomena to predict a dominant biological event at certain time and place. Variables of the seasonal climate forecast from 10 climate models were used as a predictor, and annual infestation area for BPH as a predictand in the statistical analyses. The Moving Window Regression model showed high correlation between the national infestation trends of BPH in South Korea and selected tempo-spatial climatic variables along with its sequential migration path. Overall, the statistical models developed in this study showed a promising predictability for BPH infestation in Korea, although the dynamical relationships between the infestation and selected climatic phenomena need to be further elucidated.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Maryblyt 기반 참다래 꽃썩음병 예측모형 개발

        김광형,고영진 한국식물병리학회 2015 식물병연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Bacterial blossom blight of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae is known to be largely affected by weather conditions during the blooming period. While there have been many studies that investigated scientific relations between weather conditions and the epidemics of bacterial blossom blight of kiwifruit, no forecasting models have been developed thus far. In this study, we collected all the relevant information on the epidemiology of the blossom blight in relation to weather variables, and developed the Pss-KBB Risk Model that is based on the Maryblyt model for the fire blight of apple and pear. Subsequent model validation was conducted using 10 years of ground truth data from kiwifruit orchards in Haenam, Korea. As a result, it was shown that the Pss-KBB Risk Model resulted in better performance in estimating the disease severity compared with other two simple models using either temperature or precipitation information only. Overall, we concluded that by utilizing the Pss-KBB Risk Model and weather forecast information, potential infection risk of the bacterial blossom blight of kiwifruit can be accurately predicted, which will eventually lead kiwifruit growers to utilize the best practices related to spraying chemicals at the most effective time. P. syringae pv. syringae에 의해 발생하는 참다래 꽃썩음병은개화기 전후의 기상조건에 영향을 크게 받는다. 지금까지 기상조건과 꽃썩음병 발생의 상관관계를 밝힌 연구들은 많았지만, 이를 활용해 꽃썩음병의 감염 위험도를 나타낼 수 있는 예측모형은 개발되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 기존 정보를 조사하고꽃썩음병의 병원생태와 유사한 화상병 예측모형인 Maryblyt 모형을 기반으로 참다래 꽃썩음병 예측모형인 Pss-KBB Risk Model을 개발하였다. 비교평가를 통한 검증 결과, Pss-KBB Risk Model은 각각 온도와 강수 정보만을 이용하는 개화전 평균온도 모형과 강우일수 모형에 비해 실제 과수원의 병해 발생정도를 더 잘 모의하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 Pss-KBB Risk Model 과 기상예보자료를 활용해 꽃썩음병의 발병 위험도를 예측하여 꽃썩음병에 대한 적기적량 방제가 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화 시나리오 자료의 통계적 상세화를 위한 결측자료 추정 기법 개발

        김광형,조재필 한국기후변화학회 2019 한국기후변화학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Long‐term observational data representing the climate characteristics of the target area are necessary for statistical downscaling of climate change scenarios or seasonal forecasts. However, it is difficult to obtain high‐quality observation data in developing countries due to frequent sensor failure and lack of maintenance personnel and budget. In the study, we developed a gap filling scheme for missing data to enable estimation of the climatological characteristics of a target region. For this purpose, artificially generated observation data (precipitation) with various levels of missing rates (from 0% to 43.3%), mimicking actual precipitation data from a developing country, were examined. We found that monthly climatology of precipitation was affected by missing rates greater than 5%. To fill the missing gap, we adopted estimates from nearby weather stations or satellite/reanalysis data. The missing data were estimated and utilized based on the results of correlation with nearby weather stations and the grid data from selected satellite and reanalysis data. Five climate index‐based evaluations indicated that the resulting gap‐filled data showed better reproducibility for climate indices of total volume of precipitation than those associated with daily patterns of precipitation such as number of rainy days and extreme values of daily precipitation.

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