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      • 한국재래흑염소에서 발정 및 과배란 유도와 외래유전자 주입에 적합한 1세포기 수정란의 채취

        신상태,이두환,김명철,이운규,이철상,한용만,이경광 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1998 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.6 No.-

        Three different treatments for induction of estrus in Korean native black goats were compared: follicle stimulating hormone(FSH, FSH-p^TM), FSH combined with MAP(intravaginal impregnated sponges, Veramix^ⓡ, containing 60 ㎎ medroxy progesterone acetate for 14 days), and FSH combined with progesterone(Ovaron^ⓡ, 10 ㎎ IM for 10 days) and PGF_2α(Lutalyse^ⓡ, 3 ㎎ IM at first FSH injection). FSH for inducing estrus and superovulation was given a total 20 ㎎ intramuscularilly in decreasing dosage injections twice daily over 4 days. The MAPs were withdrawn at the 3rd day of FSH injection. Estrus observations were conducted every 6 hours from last FSH injection for 24 hours by placing the does with fertile male goats. Estrus and superovulation were more successfully induced with treatment of MAP + FSH than other treatments(FSH only, or progesterone + PGF_2α + FSH) (estrus induction; 100 vs 42.8 and 71.4%, ovulation points; 11.4 vs 5.4 and 4.4, respectively). The effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH) on the ovulation rate was also examined. However, no difference was observed for inducing ovulation with treatment or dosage(100 ㎍ 200 ㎍) of GnRH. Low midline laparotomies were performed, and then ovarian responses (ovulations and follicular development) were examined by exteriorization of the reproductive tracts. Ova were recovered from oviducts by retrograde flushing 60-146 hours after MAP removal, and were classified the developmental stages. Overall 66.1% (236/357) of recovery rate was obtained from 30 superovulated does. The optimal recovery time of microinjectable 1-cell zygotes was approximately 72-76 hours after MAP removal.

      • KCI등재후보

        특집논문 : 의례로 읽는 화계사 안팎의 문화

        이성운 ( Sung Woon Lee ) 한국불교사연구소 2014 한국불교사연구 Vol.4 No.-

        이 글은 ‘의례’라는 키워드로 화계사 안팎의 역사와 문화를 읽어낸, 약간의 문학성을 띤 논문이라고 할 수 있다. 제일 먼저 ‘등촉(燈燭)’이라는 단어를 통해 화계사의 역사를 읽어보았다. 첫째, 1522년 서평군 이공(李公)의 제의로 신월 화상이 부허동에 있던 보덕암을 옮겨 현재의 화계사 자리로 옮겨 건립하여 화계사라 하였고, 1618년 화재로 전각이 소실되자 덕흥대원군 가문의 보시에 의해 1619년 초 중창되었으며, 1866년 흥선대원군(1820~1898)의 시주로 삼창된, 화계사의 역사에 대해, 등과 촛불을 밝히는, 의례의 행위에 빗대 풀어보았다. 희미하게나마 전승돼온 역사를 ‘희미한 등촉’이라고 하였고, 역사의 소용돌이 속에 법등을 이어온 사실을 ‘풍전의 법등’이라고 하였으며, 그래도 법맥이 꺼지지 않고 이어온 사실을 ‘상승의 법등’이라 하며 화계사 안팎의 역사와 의례 문화를 살펴보았다. 둘째, 불전(佛殿)에 공양하고 승려에게 재(齋)를 올리는 행위는, 부처님 재세 때부터 있어온 출가와 재가의 관계를 이어주는, 보시 행위이다. 부처님이나 수행자들은 신도들에게 법의 보시와 두려움 없음을 베풀고, 신도들은 공양물을 베풀어 승려들이 수행에 전념할 수 있도록 한다. 초기불교시기에는 탁발에 의지하였으나 이후 사원에 기진(寄進)된 장원에서 생산된 생산물에 의해 승단이 유지되었는데, ‘궁절’이라고 불린 화계사에는 궁인들의 공불행위가 이어졌다. 화계사 관음전에 자수관세음보살을 모신원주(願主) 조대비(1808~1890)는 1880년 불전의 양식을 마련하기 위해 재산을 출연하여 농토로 바꿔 매년 공양 올리는 양식으로 삼도록 하였고, 또 관음전에 양식을 헌공하였다. 아울러 사중(寺中)의 스님들도 1905년 성도계를 조직하여, 자타의 성도를 위해 공양을 마련하는 등 사부대중이 공불에 흔연히 동참하고 있다. 셋째, 염불(念佛)은 부처님의 명호를 염송하는 수행인데, 난행도(難行道)로 알려진 참선과 달리, 염불은 ‘이행도(易行道)’로서 재가불자들도 쉽게 동참할 수 있는 수행이다. 화계사 대방은 염불방으로 궁인들이 상사(上寺)하여 염불을 수행하였다고 보인다. 만일 동안 염불을 수행하는 ‘만일염불회’가화계사에 결성된 것은 1910년이었으며, 입적을 앞 둔 염불행자 월명 화상이 평생 이룬 전답을 출연함으로써 가능하였다. 간경(看經)·참선(參禪)과 더불어 삼문(三門)수행으로 널리 행해진 염불은, 조선 중기 이후 한국불교의 주요한 수행이었으며, 그 공덕은 지대하다. 화계사 만일 염불이 회향되었다고 보이는 1930년대 후반 이후 20여 년이 채 지나지 않은 시점에, 화계사에 고봉·숭산 등 눈 밝은 선지식들이 바랑을 내리게 된 것도 염불의 득과라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 화계사의 선사 숭산 스님이 국제포교 나서 큰 성과를 이룬 것도, 꽃이 아름답고 계곡이 아름답고 절이 아름다운 화계사에서 시작되었다. 이후 화계사에는 국제선원이 개원되어 세계불교의 한 중심지로 자리매김하게 되었다. 국내외에서 화계사를 찾아 선대 덕 높은 수행자들의 수행과 의례를 따라, 불전에 공양하고, 염불하고, 참선하며 세계일화를 실천하는 이들이야말로, 꽃·계곡·절과[三美] 더불어 화계사의 사미(四美)라고 하겠다. This essay is a bit of literary writing on the history and the culture around Hwagye Temple in veiw of the keyword, ‘Euirye(儀禮, ritual)’. Above all, the history of Hwagye Temple is considered with the word, ‘a lamplight and a candlelight(燈燭)’. Firstly, Sinwol Hwasang(virtuous monk) moved Bodeok Hermitage located in Buheodong to the current site of Hwagye Temple, built it and named as Hwagye Temple with accepting Seopyonggun Mr. Lee`s suggestion in 1522, and it was reconstructed thanks to the donation(Dana) of Deokheung Daewongun`s family in the early 1619 after its sanctum was burned down by a fire in 1618, and then rebuilt again with Heungseon Daewongun(1820~1898) offering in 1866. This history of Hwagye Temple is illustrated compared to the practice of the protocol lightening a lamp and a candle. The history and the ritual culture around Hwagye Temple is considered in that the history passed down even faintly is described as ``dim light of a lampe and a candle``, the fact of having inherited Beopdeung(法燈, the lamp of Dharma) in the historical maelstrom as ``Beopdeung(the lamp of Dharma) in the wind``, and the case of Beopmaek(法 脈, the Dharma lineage) handed down without disconnection as ‘the inter-successissive lamp of Dharma`` Secondly, the practice of offering to Buljeon(佛殿, Buddha sanctum) and holding Jae(齋, offering ritual) to monks and nuns is that of donation(dana) which has been carried out since Buddha`s lifetime and liaises between Sangha and the laity. Buddha and practitioners give lay people Dharma-offering and fearlessness and lay people give offerings so that monks and nuns may devote themselves to the discipline. Sangha depended on Takbal(托鉢, mendicancy) during the Early Buddhism period but it was maintained with the produce from the manor contributed to the temple since then, and Hwagye Temple called as Palace Temple was supported by court ladies who kept Gongbul(供佛, offering to Buddha). Her highness, Cho(1808~1890), the devote patron who enshrined an embroidered image of Gwanseumbosal(觀世音菩薩, Avalokite.vara) at Gwaneumjeon(觀音 殿, Avalokite.vara sanctum) in Hwagye Temple, exchanged her contributed property into farm land in order to provide food to Buljeon(Buddha sanctum) and made it food for Gongyang (供養, offering) to dedicate every year and consecrated food to Gwaneumjeon( Avalokite.vara sanctum) again. Also, monks and nuns in the temple organized Seongdogye(成道., traditional private fund for attaining enlightenment) in 1905 so that they arranged offering for the sake of their own and others` Seongdo(成道, attaining enlightenment). Like this, Sabudaejung(四部大衆, the fourfold community) participate in offering to Buddha all together. Thirdly, Yeombul(念佛, chanting Buddha), which is to chant Buddha`s name, is the practice for the laity to take part in with ease as Ihaengdo(易行 道, easy path to enlightnement), contrary to Chamseon(參禪, meditation practice) known as Nanhangdo(難行道, difficult path to enlightenment). A large room in Hwagye Temple is a room for Yeombul(chnating Buddha) so that court ladies might visit it and practice it. ``Manil Yeombulhoe(ten thousand days Chanting Buddha assembly), which is to practice Yeombul(chnating Buddha) for ten thousand days, was organized in 1910 with Yeombul practioner, Wolmyong Hwasang(virtuous monk) contributing his lifelong farm land when he was about to do Ipjeok(入寂, Parinirvana). Yeombul(chnating Buddha) practiced widely as Sammun(三門, three gates) practice along with Gangyeong(看經, ardent reading of a sutra) and Chamseon(參禪, meditation practice), is the main practice of Koren Buddhism since the middle of Joseon Dynasty and its Virtue(Guna) is great. It can be the gains and the fruit(得果) for Seonjisik(善知識, learned and virtuous masters) such as Gobong, Sungsan, etc to take their Barang(a Buddhist sack) off at Hwagye Temple at the point of time when it hasn`t passed about 20 years after the late 1930s and when Hoihyang(廻向, Merit-transference) of ``Manil Yeombul(ten thousand days Chanting Buddha) was made. Sungsan Seonsa(禪師, Zen master) at Hwagye Temple has greatly accomplished international dissemination, which began at Hwagye Temple where flowers, the valley and the temple are beautiful. Since then, the interantional Seonwoen(禪院, Seon monastery) opens here and settles down as a center of World Buddhism. Those who visit Hwagye Temple at home and abroad, and give offerings to Buljeon(Buddha sanctum), practice Yeombul(chnating Buddha), meditation and Segye Ilhwa(世界一花, The whole world is a single flower), following the discipline and the rites of virtuous foregoers, are one of four beauties(四美) along with flowers, the valley, and the temple[三美, three beauties] of Hwagye Temple.

      • KCI등재
      • 위암과 식도암이 병발된 다발성 원발성 악성종양 1예

        박사영,이나영,이효진,이선영,최진혁,이순남,심강섭,성순희,한운섭 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1996 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.19 No.3

        Multiple primary cancer means that more that two cancers occur independently in an individual. Recently, the incidence of multiple primary cancer has increased with lengthened survival, of cancer patients, development of new diagnostic technique and increased clinical evaluation. We report a patient who had adenocarcinoma of stomach combined with squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus simultaneously.

      • KCI등재

        운동부하 흰쥐에서 포도당 증합체가 심근 당원에 미치는 영향

        이석강,조성현,김용운,박덕일,김종연,장용찬 대한스포츠의학회 1994 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        운동부하전 섭취한 탄수화물이 운동흰쥐의 심근 및 골격근이 당원량에 미치는 영향을 측정하여 심근과 골격근의 대사적 차이점의 일단을 연구한 본 논문의 결과는 다음과 같다. 심근과 골격근 당원량(mg/ g wet tissue, 이하 단위 동일)은 정상군에서 심근 2.62±0.51로서 골격근의 3.37±0.58보다 낮았다(p<0.01). 심근 당원량은 정상군이 2.62±0.51이었다. 운동 30분에서 대조군은 정상군의 63%수준으로 감소하였으며(p<0.01), 탄수화물섭취군은 정상군의 86 및 90%수준으로 감소하였으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 탄수화물 섭취군의 당원량은 대조군의 142 및 137%정도로 양군 모두 대조군보다 유의하게(p<0.01) 높았다. 운동 60분에는 대조군은 운동30분의 78%(정상군의 49%)수준으로 감소하였으며(p<0.05) 탄수화물섭취군은 포도당중합체 및 포도당섭취군에서 각각 운동 30분에 비하여 72(p<0.01, 정상군의 62%), 81%정도(p<0.05, 정상군의 73%)로 감소하였다. 포도당 섭취군의 당원량은 대조군의 147% 정도로 대조군보다 유의하게(p<0.01) 높았다. 운동 120분에서 대조군은 운동 60분에 비하여 63%(정상군의 33%) 수준으로 감소하였으며 (p<0.01) 포도당섭취군은 운동 60분의 69%(정상군의 50%)수준으로 유의하게 감소하였으나, 포도당 중합체 섭취군은 차이가 없었다. 탄수화물 섭취군의 당원량은 포도당 중합체 및 포도당섭취군에서 각각 대조군의 202 및 162% 정도로 양군 모두 대조군보다 유의하게(p<0.01)높았다. 골격근 당원량은 정상군이 3.37±0.58 이었다. 운동 30분에서 대조군은 정상군의 69% 수준으로 감소하였으며(p<0.01) 탄수화물섭취군은 포도당 중합체 및 포도당섭취군에서 각각 정상군의 85 및 88% 수준으로 감소하였으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 탄수화물 섭취군의 당원량은 포도당 중합체 및 포도당섭취군에서 각각 대조군의 125 및 129% 정도로 양군 모두 대조군보다 유의하게(p<0.05) 높았다. 운동 60분에는 대조군은 운동 30분의 77%(정상군의 53%) 수준으로 감소하였으며(p<0.05)탄수화물섭취군은 포도당중합체 및 포도당섭취군에서 각각 30분에 비하여 93(정상군의 80%), 89(정상군의 78%) %정도로 감소하였으나 통계적으로 유의하지는 않았다. 포도당중합체 및 포도당 섭취군의 당원량은 각각 대조군의 152 및 149% 정도로 대조군보다 유의하게 (p<0.001) 많았다. 운동 120분에서 대조군은 운동 60분에 비하여 50%(정상군의 26%) 수준으로 감소하였으며(p<0.001) 포도당 섭취군은 운동 60분의 75%(정상군의 58%)수준으로 유의하게(p<0.05) 감소하였으나 포도당 중합체 섭취군은 대조군의 84%(정상군의 67%)정도로 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 탄수화물 섭취군의 당원량은 포도당 중합체 및 포도당섭취군에서 각각 대조군우ㅢ 255 및 221% 정도로 양군 모두 대조군보다 유의하게(p<0.001) 높았다. 이상의 결과로 미루어 보아 심근과 골격근 간의 생리, 생화학적 특성의 차이에도 불구하고 탄수화물의 섭취후 중등도 정도의 달리기 운동시 근 당원의 함량에 미치는 영향은 정도의 차이는 있으나 같은 경향을 나타내었으며, 골격근에서 심근보다 더 많은 근 당원 절감효과를 나타내었다. 또한 운동전 탄수화물의 섭취시 이러한 근 당원 절감 효과로 장시간의 운동시 심근 및 골격근 당원의 고갈 지연으로 운동수행능력의 증가가 기대되며, 특히 포도당 보다는 포도당 중합체의 섭취시 효과가 더 크리라고 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of glucose and glucose plymer ingestion on the concentration of the cardiac muscle glycogen at 30, 60 and 12 minutes of the treadmill running in rats. Rats were randomly assinged to normal, control, and carbohydrate groups. Carbohydrate group was divided into glucose, and glucose polymer ingested rats. The experiment was carried out after overnight fasting. Rats were administrated either water (control) of carbohydrates of formulated glucose(6%), and glucose polymer(6%) via polyethylene tube to the stomaach before treadmill run. Exercise was loaded by a treadmill run at the speed of I ㎞/hr for 30, 60, and 120 minutes. The results of experiment were as follows: Glycogen content of the cardiac muscle was lower than that of the skeletal muscle (plantaris) in normal rats. Glycogen content of the cardiac muscle was decreased in proportion to the exercise time compared to normal in control and carbobydrates ingested rats. It decreased in control, glucose, and glucose polymer compared to normal rats in decreasing order at 120 minutes treadmill running (% change of glycogen content of control, glucose, and glucose polymer compared to normal rats were 33, 50, and 63% in the cardiac muscle at 120 minutes of treadmill running respectively). Glycogen content of the skeletal muscle was decreased in proportion to the exercise time compared to normal in control and corbohydrates ingested rats. It decreased in control, glucose, and glucose polymer compared to normal rats in ecreasing order 120 minutes treadmill running(% change of glycogen content of control, glucose, and glucose polymer compared to normal were 26, 58, and 67% in the cardiac muscle at 120 minutes of treadmill running respectively). Change of the glycogen content of the cardiac and the skeletal muscle during treadmill running after glucose and glucose polymer ingestion showed that both muscles had tendency to decrease in proportion to exercise time similarly in control and carbohydrates ingested rats. Decreasing rate of glycogen content of cardiac and skeletal muscles during treadmill running compared to normal in carbohydrates ingested rats was lower than that of control. From these results, it is suggested glycogen content of cardiac and skeletal muscles had tendency to decrease in proportion to exercise time similarly in control and carbohydrate ingested rats. Glycogen content of cardiac and skeletal muscles in carbohydrate singested rats less decreased than that of control during treadmill running compared to normal. Glucose polymer of the carbohydrates ingested rats in considered as the most effective for glycogen sparing according to exercise time in both muscles. Therefore, intake of carbohydrate, especially glucose polymer, before exercise may be increase performance of the prolonged moderate exercise.

      • KCI등재

        EDTA의 세정시간에 따른 근관 내 smear layer의 제거효과에 관한 연구

        이자경,박상혁,최기운 大韓齒科保存學會 2006 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구는 EDTA 용액의 적용 시간에 다른 도말층의 제거 효과를 비교하여 EDTA 용액의 최적 적용 시간을 알고자 시행되었다. 단근치 35개를 NaOCI 용액 하에서 근관 형성 후 대조군은 NaOCI 용액 5㎖로 2분간, 실험군은 30초군, 1분군, 2분군으로 세분하여 17% EDTA 용액 5㎖로 각각 30초, 1분, 2분간 세정하였다. 세정이 끝난 치근의 도말층 제거 정도와 상아 세관의 erosion 정도를 주사전자현미경을 이용하여 관찰한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 대조군: 도말층이 전혀 제거되지 않았다. 2. 실험군: 1) 중간⅓: 세 군 모두에서 도말층이 거의 완전히 제거되었고, EDTA 적용 시간이 증가할수록 erosion 발생 빈도가 증가하였다. 2) 치근단⅓: 2분군이 다른 두 군에 비해 도말층 제거 정도가 우수하였다. 따라서 erosion 발생을 최소화면서 도말층을 효과적으로 제거하기 위해서는 17% EDTA 용액을 2분간 사용하는 것이 적절한 것으로 사료된다. This study was to verify that the combined application of NaOCI and EDTA was more effective in removal of smear layer than the application of NaOCI alone. Furthermore it was aimed to find out the optimal time for the application of EDTA. Thirty five single rooted teeth were cleaned and shaped. NaOCI solution was used as an irrigant during instrumentation. After instrumentation, root canals of the control group were irrigated with 5㎖ of NaOCI for 2 minutes. 30 sec, 1 min, and 2 min group were irrigated with 5㎖ of 17% EDTA for 30 sec, 1 min, and 2 min respectively. Then the roots were examined with scanning electron microscopy for evaluating removal of smear layer and erosion of dentinal tubule. The results were as follows; 1. The control group: The smear layer was not removed at all. 2. The other groups: 1) Middle⅓: All groups showed almost no smear layer. And the erosion occurred more frequently as increasing irrigation time. 2) Apical⅓: The cleaning effect of 2 min group was better than the others. The results suggest that 2 min application of 17% EDTA should be adequate to remove smear layer on both apical⅓ and middle⅓.

      • T형 합성보의 구조거동에 대한 실험적 연구

        이지운,김성배,김상모,이창남,김상섭 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2(구조계)

        Composite action can be achieved by providing shear connectors between steel top flange and concrete topping. Composite sections have larger stiffness than the summation of the individual stiffness of slab and beam, therefore, can carry larger load or similar loads with appreciably smaller deflection and are less prone to transient vibration. T-type Steel Composite beam(TSC-beam) is developed and tested. The test results of TSC beam are compared with the theoretical results based on composite actions.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        졸 - 겔법에 의한 다공성 알루미나 미분체 제조에 관한 연구 : 2 . 물과 알콕시드의 비가 알루미나 미분체의 결정화 공정에 미치는 영향 2 . The Effect of [ H2O ] / [ Al - alkoxide ]on The Crystallization Mechanism of As - Prepared Particles

        이성원,박형상,윤호성,황운연,구기갑,유승준,김용렬,이정운 한국화학공학회 2001 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.39 No.2

        알루미늄 알콕시드의 반응속도를 제어하기 위한 혼합용매와 입자제조 과정에서의 응집을 방지하기 위한 분산제로 HPC를 첨가하는 방법에 의하여 구형의 다공성 알루미나 미분체를 제조하였으며, XRD, FT-IR 및 TG-DTA 분석을 통하여 공정변수로 선정한 물과 알루미늄 알콕시드의 비가 제조된 미분체의 결정화 공정에 미치는 영향에 대하여 고찰하였다. 축중합 반응에 첨가된 물과 Al-알콕시드의 비는 제조된 미분체 및 하소 공정을 거친 미분체의 결정구조에 영향을 미침을 알 수 있었다. [H₂O]/[ASB]의 비가 증가할수록 제조된 미분체는 비정질의 Al(OH)₃로부터 점진적으로 AlO(OH)의 화학조성을 갖는 의사-보헤마이트로 결정성이 바뀌었다. 그리고 건조 공정을 거친 미분체의 결정성이 좋을수록 δ와 θ-Al₂O₃는 저온에서 생성되었으나, α-Al₂O₃는 고온에서 생성되었다. 이와 같은 결과는 Al^(3+)이온의 결정 내에서의 배위체 변화와 관계됨을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 [H₂O]/[ASB]=2의 조건에서 제조된 입자는 다른 시료와 달리 600℃에서 η-Al₂O₃로 1,100℃에서 α-Al₂O₃2로 상전이 되었다. Spherical porous alumina particles were prepared by mixed solvent to control the reaction rate of Al-alkoxide and the particle shape with hydroxy-propyl cellulose(HPC). HPC was used as a dispersant to prevent aggregation during the formation of particles. The effect of [H₂O]/[ASB] ratio on the crystallization reactions of as-prepared particles was studied by XRD, FT-IR, and TG-DTA analysis. The mole ratio of water and Al-alkoxide added in the condensation reaction had an important effect on the crystal structure of as-prepared particles and the calcined particles. As the [H₂O]/[ASB] ratio increase, the crystal structure of as-prepared particles was continuously varied from amorphous Al(OH)₃ to pseudo-boehmite with chemical composition of AIO(OH). The samples which have higher crystallinite after drying process were transformed into the δ- and θ-Al₂O₃ at lower calcination temperature, but these sample were transformed into α-Al₂O₃ at higher calcination temperature. This result was thought to be the transformation of the coordination number of Al^(3+) ion in the crystal structure. The particles prepared by [H₂O]/[ASB]=2 condition crystallized to α-Al₂O₃at 600℃ and converted to η-Al₂O₃at 1,100℃ without intermediate phases.

      • 줄넘기 生活化를 爲한 理論的인 硏究

        李亨元,金相鶴 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        For the children as one of the most effective exercises regardless of season, rope-skipping which can make them use the two-thirds of bodily muscles will be a production of wisdom in the children's sports. And furthermore it is no doubt being used regularly to the various kind of players who need strong body as well as general citizens who try to look for a good health in daily life. Since it as a all-weather exercise has special characteristics that its exercise is so econmic and easy irrespective of time and place to learn that all people easily train. Sometimes this rope-skipping is misunderstood as a forced or formal exercise, and even it they recognize its necessity but they are less interested in it without the voluntary and positive will. Most of them can be largely found to be complicated in their private life or to be feeble-minded child in the exercise apititude. As the first aim of physical exercises in the suggestion of teaching guidance is to strengthen the body strength, the fist step of activity to carry out the aim is to teach the practical direction of attitude and behavior. So the active political measure from the government from the purporse of accomplishing the aimis badly needed nowin various class of schools. Schools should not cling to the only rope-skipping itself but use it with diverse teaching methods with the accordance with interesting and effective exercise motives. The non-stop activities of this exercise according to voluntary and creative training methods will surely result in a good outcome which this thesis intends.

      • TSC 합성보의 제작방법에 따른 구조적 거동에 관한 실험적 연구

        이지운,김도훈,김성배,이창남,김상섭,김규석 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        Composite action can be achieved by providing shear connectors between steel top flange and concrete topping. Composite sections have larger stiffness than the summation of the individual stiffness of slab and beam, therefore, can carry larger load or similar loads with appreciably smaller deflection and are less prone to transient vibration. T-type Steel Composite beam(TSC-beam) is developed and tested. To make the part of steel beam, we used the way of welding two steel plates as well as the way of folding one steel plate.

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