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        한국어 판 구조화 임상면담도구 개발 : 신뢰도 연구

        한오수,안준호,송선희,조맹제,김장규,배재남,조성진,정범수,서동우,함봉진,이동우,박종익,홍진표 대한신경정신의학회 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.2

        연구목적: 정신장애의 정확한 진단과 평가는 임상에서뿐만 아니라 신뢰성 있는 연구를 위해서도 매우 중요하다. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV(SCID)는 임상전문가들이 사용하는 진단도구로서, 비교적 짧은 시간에 정확한 진단을 내릴 수 있다. 본 연구는 한국어판SCID를 개발하고 그 신뢰도를 평가하기 위해 수행되었다. 방법: 국문학자가 포함된 번역위원회를 통하여 연구용판 SCID를 번역한 후, 정신과 의사 2인과 임상심리학자 1인에게 한국어판SCID 실시방법을 교육시킨 뒤 한국어판SCID를 이용한 면담의 평가자간 신뢰도 (interrater reliability)를 검증하였다. 면담 대상은 1999년 2월에서 3월까지 2개 병원 정신과에 치료중인 환자 90명(남:41명, 여:29명)이었다. 결과: 현재 장애(current disorder) 평가에서 주요 우울장애, 기분부전장애, 정신분열병, 알코올 남용 및 의존, 기타 물질 남용 또는 의존, 여러 불안장애들 및 섭식장애 등과 같은 대부분 장애의 kappa값은 .70이상으로 매우 높았다. 그 이외의 양극성 장애, 망상장애, 광장공포증, 감별 불능 신체화 장애 및 건강염려증의 kappa값도 .69에서 .40사이로 수용할 수 있는 정도였다. 평생 장애(lifetime disorder)에서는 양극성 장애(k=.69)와 감별 불능 신체화장애(k=.59)를 제외한 다른 모든 장애의 kappa값이 .70이상이었다. K-SCID 면담시 Ⅰ축 질환에 대하여 흔하게 다중 진단이 내려졌으며, 평균 진단 수는 1.5∼1.7개로 나타났다. 결론: 한국어판 SCID는 신뢰도가 높은 진단도구로 생각되며, 향후 정신질환의 정확한 진단과 임상연구에 유용하게 사용될 수 있다. Objectives: Accurate diagnosis and assessment for psychiatric disorders is crucial for research, as well as for clinical practice. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-Ⅳ(SCID-RV) is a less time-consumimg and more accurate structured diagnostic interview form. It can be used by clinical professions and is known for a reliable diagnostic tool. Present study was conducted to develop Korean version of SCID-RV and to test the inter-rater reliability. Methods: The authors have translated original SCID-RV into Korean, and revised in parallel with sociocultural background of Korea. Ninety patients from two psychiatric hospitals, both outpatient and inpatient, were interviewed and rated independently by three raters. Results: The kappa coefficients for most of illnesses, such as major depressive disorder, dysthymia, schizophrenia, alcohol abuse and dependency, anxiety disorder and eating disorder were excellent(>0.70) in the evaluation of current disorders. And the kappa coefficients for bipolar disorder, delusional disorder, agoraphobia, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, and hypochondriasis were acceptable(>0.40) in the evaluation of current disorders. In the evalua-tion of lifetime disorders, the concordant rates of all the diagnoses except bipolar disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder were excellent. Lack of hierarchy in DSM-Ⅳ allows for multiple Axis I diagnoses. Mean numbers of Axis I diagnoses per subject assigned by the three raters were 1.5-1.7. Conclusions: Our findings confirm that SCID-RV yields highly reliable diagnoses. SCID-RV is recommended for accurate diagnosis in clinical practice and research on psychiatric disorders.

      • KCI등재

        Lymphangioma에 의한 거설증을 지닌 환자의 개교합 증례보고 : A CASE REPORT

        윤희훈,이상대,김영재,장기택,한세현,이상훈 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        Lymphangioma는 림프관에 나타나는 양성종양으로 림프관의 증식을 특징으로 한다. 이 종양의 대부분은 출생 시에 나타나며 종양의 95%정도가 10세 이전에 나타난다. 구강 내에 발생하는 경우에는 혀에서 가장 호발하며 거설증을 야기한다. 대개 양측성으로 혀의 전방 2/3부위에 나타나며 불규칙한 회색과 핑크빛을 띤 소절형태를 보인다. 본 증례 모두에서 환아들은 출생당시 혀에 lymphangioma를 지니고 태어나 거설증을 보였으며 이로 인해 개교합과 하악과성장 양상을 나타내었다. Lymphangioma에 의한 비정상적인 혀의 비대에 의해 환아의 구강과 두개안면부의 주위조직에 대한 적응 결과로 나타난 소견을 관찰하고 관련문헌을 고찰하여 다소의 지견을 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. Lymphangioma is a benign tumor of lymphatic vessels. The majority of cases are present at birth and 95% of the tumors aroused before the age of 10 years. Oral lymphangioma may occur at various sites but are most frequent on the anterior two thirds of the tongue, where they often result in macroglossia. The lesions present nodularity with gray and pink projections. In the present cases, all the patients who had the macroglossia combined with lymphangioma showed openbite and mandibular prognathism. The purpose of this paper was to report the dental and craniofacial findings of macroglossia combined with lymphangioma and review the pertinent literature through the cases.

      • KCI등재

        Paired Ig-Like Type 2 Receptor-Derived Agonist Ligands Ameliorate Inflammatory Reactions by Downregulating beta1 Integrin Activity

        Jang-Hee Hahn,이경진,임동영,Yeon Ho Yoo,Eun-Ji Park,Sun-Hee Lee,Birendra Kumar Yadav,Yong-Ki Lee,Jeong Hyun Park,Dae Joong Kim,Kyeong Han Park 한국분자세포생물학회 2016 Molecules and cells Vol.39 No.7

        The paired immunoglobulin-like type 2 receptor (PILR) family consists of two functionally opposite members, inhibitory PILR and activating PILR receptors. PILRs are widely expressed in various immune cells and inter-act with their ligands, especially CD99 expressed on activated T cells, to participate in immune responses. Here we investigated whether PILR-derived agonists inhibit 1 integrin activity as ligands for CD99. PILR-derived peptides as well as PILR-Fc fusion proteins prevented cell adhesion to fibronectin through the regu-lation of 1 integrin activity. Especially, PILRpep3, a representative 3-mer peptide covering the conserved motifs of the PILR extracellular domain, prevented the clustering and activation of 1 integrin by dephosphory-lating FAK and vinculin, which are major components of focal adhesion. In addition, PILRpep3 inhibited transen-dothelial migration of monocytes as well as endothelial cell tube formation. Furthermore, upon intraperitoneal injection of PILRpep3 into mice with collagen-induced arthritis, the inflammatory response of rheumatoid arthritis was strongly suppressed. Taken together, these results suggest that PILR-derived agonist ligands may prevent the inflammatory reactions of rheumatoid arthri-tis by activating CD99.


        Expression of CyI Cytoplasmic Actin Genes in Sea Urchin Development

        Jang Hee Hahn,Rudolf A . Raff 생화학분자생물학회 1996 BMB Reports Vol.29 No.5

        We present a study of evolutionary changes in expression of actin genes among closely related sea urchin species that exhibit different modes of early development. For this purpose, polyclonal antisera raised against peptides from the carboxyl terminus of the HeCyl cytoskeletal actin of Heliocidaris erythrogramma were used. H. erythrogramma is a direct developing sea urchin that proceeds from embryonic to adult stages without an intervening feeding larval stage. Expression patterns of the Cyl actin isoform were compared with those of Heliocidaris tuberculata and to a related sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. which both produce a feeding pluteus larval stage. The Cyl actin of all three species is expressed in the same cell types. However, its expression patterns have been changed with reorganization of early cell lineage differentiation, which is apparent among the three species. Thus. evolutionary changes in Cyl actin gene expression patterns are correlated with not only phylogenetic relationship, but developmental mode. The implication of this observation is that evolutionary changes in expression patterns of histospecific genes may underlie the emergence of novel developmental processes.

      • Expression of CyI Cytoplasmic Actin Genes in Sea Urchin Development

        Hahn, Jang-Hee,Raff, Rudolf A. Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 1996 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.29 No.5

        We present a study of evolutionary changes in expression of actin genes among closely related sea urchin species that exhibit different modes of early development. For this purpose, polyclonal antisera raised against peptides from the carboxyl terminus of the HeCyI cytoskeletal actin of Heliocidaris erythrogramma were used. H. erythrogramma is a direct developing sea urchin that proceeds from embryonic to adult stages without an intervening feeding larval stage. Expression patterns of the CyI actin isoform were compared with those of Heliocidaris tuberculata and to a related sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, which both produce a feeding pluteus larval stage. The CyI actin of all three species is expressed in the same cell types. However, its expression patterns have been changed with reorganization of early cell lineage differentiation, which is apparent among the three species. Thus. evolutionary changes in CyI actin gene expression patterns are correlated with not only phylogenetic relationship, but developmental mode. The implication of this observation is that evolutionary changes in expression patterns of histospecific genes may underlie the emergence of novel developmental processes.

      • KCI등재

        간접비교를 통한 보건의료기술의 유용성 평가에서 분석결과의 타당성 확보를 위한 조건

        한서경 ( Seo Kyung Hahn ),김윤희 ( Youn Hee Kim ),장은진 ( Eun Jin Jang ),안정훈 ( Jeong Hoon Ahn ),강수희 ( Sun Hee Kim ),김선희 ( Soo Hee Kang ) 한국보건정보통계학회 2011 보건정보통계학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        Objectives: The study aims to identify and discuss the concept of the key assumption on which the indirect comparisons rely and to illustrate a practical approach to assure the validity. Methods: We firstly reviewed the theoretical background of the indirect comparisons and then suggested how the key assumptions can be assessed and accounted for using an example of common reference based indirect comparison. Results: The fundamental assumption behind the synthesized comparative effect obtained by indirect comparison is that the same effect would still be obtainable if it was directly measured in all of the trials that constitute the indirect comparison. An illustrative analysis demonstrated that conducting an indirect comparison without a meticulous assessment for the exchangeability could mislead the conclusion on the comparative effectiveness. Conclusions: Head-to-head trials could provide the most valid estimate of the comparative effect of a healthcare intervention. When competing interventions have not been evaluated in direct randomized trials or there is little available source by those trials, indirect comparisons may be utilized to provide an estimate of the comparative effect. However, the limitations also need to be highlighted, since the indirect comparison methodology relies upon certain important but conceptual and essentially unverifiable key assumption.

      • A High-Resolution Magnetometer Over a Wide Homogeneity Range

        Jang, Jae Young,Han, Jun Hee,Kim, Changsoo,Hwang, Young Jin,Hahn, Seungyong,Ahn, Min Cheol,Lee, SangGap IEEE 2018 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity Vol.28 No.3

        <P>In this study, we introduce a highly accurate NMR magnetometer, which is capable of measuring the magnetic field for inhomogeneous HTS magnets. The magnetometer is based on the pulsed and Fourier-transformed NMR and <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR signal analyses. The magnetometer system was fabricated according to these concepts and magnetic field measurements on a 3 T HTS magnet were carried out using various mapping paths. The test results demonstrate that the magnetometer can measure magnetic fields accurately in inhomogeneous conditions as high as approximately 864 ppm with a spherical volume of 10 mm in diameter nearly centered at the magnet center. The stronger and hence shorter RF pulse resulting from the high-power amplification enables measurements of magnetic fields in more inhomogeneous conditions. Because the permissible field homogeneity range is very wide, the magnetometer can be used for mapping fields at the preshim stage of the inhomogeneous magnets. To also verify the high-resolution performance of the magnetometer, the results are compared with measurement data obtained with a Hall magnetometer ordinarily used in such an inhomogeneity range. We expect that the proposed magnetometer will enable the precise measurements of the magnetic fields over a wide homogeneity range, and thereby bring about improvement in the shimming process of the inhomogeneous magnets.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Comparison Study on Harmonic Loss of MW-Class Wind Generators With HTS Field Winding

        Jang Ho Seo,Ki Jin Han,Hong Soon Choi,Se-Hee Lee,Seungyong Hahn,Haigun Lee Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2014 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity Vol.24 No.3

        <P>This paper investigates the effect of slot-pole combination on harmonic loss such as iron loss and eddy-current loss in wind generators with high-temperature superconductor field winding. In order to study the effect of stator configuration, three wind generators having the same rotor structure but different stators were purposely designed to produce 11 MW. In the analysis, 2-D time-stepped finite element analysis was used to estimate flux density waveforms, and then harmonic iron loss in the stator yoke and rotor eddy-current loss were obtained. From the simulation results, we showed that the harmonic effect on stator iron loss is not significant because magnetic loading by field winding dominates. Meanwhile, we found that the eddy-current loss in the rotor by harmonics of magneto motive force strongly depends on the slot-pole combination.</P>

      • KCI등재

        상악 측절치의 치내치에 대한 증례보고 : REPORT OF 2 CASES

        윤석희,이재천,김영재,장기택,한세현,김종철 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.3

        치내치(dens invaginatus)는 치아 발생 과정 중 경조직이 석회화되기 전에 법랑질 상피가 함입되어 생기는 치아 기형이다. 치내치는 함입된 정도에 따라다양한 형태학적 변이를 보이는데 이러한 기형은 미생물이 침입할 수 있는 통로가 될 수 있어 치수조직의 괴사와 치근단 농양 또는 치은 농양의 원인이 된다. 이러한 경우 근고나의 복잡한 해부학적 형태 때문에 근관 치료가 매우 어렵다. 본 증례는 상악 좌측 측절치의 동통을 주소로 내원한 두 명의 환아들에 관한 것이다. 첫 번째 증례는 수산화 칼슘제재를 이용한 근관치료를 시행하여 양호한 결과를 얻었고 두 번째 증례는 치아를 발거하였다. 발거된 치아는 미세전산화 단층촬영을 이용하여 해부학적 형태를 살펴보았기에 보고하는 바이다. Dens invaginatus is a malformation of tooth resulting from an infolding of the enamel epithelium during tooth development. This malformation shows a broad spectrum of morphologic variations. This invagination frequently allows the entry of irritants and microorganism, which usually lead to necrosis of the adjacent pulp tissue and then to periapical or periodontal abscess. Root canal treatment of such tooth is often difficult because of the unusual form and complicated pulpal space. This article reports 2 cases of dens invaginatus in maxillary lateral incisors. The first case was successfully treated with Ca(OH)₂. In the second case, involved tooth was extracted and this extracted tooth was observed using the micro-computed tomography.

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