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방영환,고갑승,신재인,이강수 보안공학연구지원센터 2009 보안공학연구논문지 Vol.6 No.6
현재 국내 · 외적으로 다양한 정보보증을 위한 제도가 실시되어 있지만 급변하는 정보보호환경을 충분히 수용하지 못하고 있으며, 각 정보보증제도의 운영에 어려움이 발생하고 있다. 또한, 각 정보보증제도 간에서도 중복이 발생하여 정보보증노력의 손실이 발생하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 국내?외의 정보보증 제도를 조사하고 그 문제점을 파악한 결과, 우리나라도 응용수준의 정보시스템의 ‘인가 제도’가 필요하며 기존의 ‘보안적합성검증제도’를 개선해야함을 발견하였다. 이이 따라, 본 논문에서는 ‘정보시스템인가제도’를 설계하였으며, 이 제도는 미국의 인증 · 인가제도, FISMA프로젝트, 미국 FAA의 SPP제도, 영국의 SYS 및 FTA제도, 독일의 TSS제도를 참조하여 설계하였다. 또한, 본 논문은 본 연구팀이 개발했던 SRS(Security Requirement Specification) 프로젝트의 결과를 활용하고 있다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 ‘정보시스템인가제도’는 ‘제품평가’와 ‘시스템평가’로 구분하며, ‘제품평가’는 기존의 보안적합성검증제도를 개선한 것이며 ‘시스템평가’는 건축물의 준공검사 및 사용승인제도에 비유된다.
고환경(Ko, Hwan-Kyung) 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2014 경제규제와 법 Vol.7 No.2
본 연구는 최근 다시 사회적 이슈로 떠오르고 있는 통신요금인가제의 합리적인 제도개선 방향을 모색하고 제도 개선의 방향에 대해 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 우선 전기통신사업법은 사업규모 및 시장점유율 등이 일정 기준에 해당하는 기간통신사업자의 기간통신서비스의 경우에는 미래창조과학부장관의 인가를 받아야 한다고 규정하고 있는데 이는 시장지배적 사업자에 대한 비대칭규제로서 사전규제에 해당한다. 사전규제인 통신요금인가제의 경우 유효경쟁 형성 내지 촉진을 위한 형성적 경쟁정책의 수단이라는 점을 고려할 때 사전규제가 통신시장의 고유한 지배력 남용방지라는 목적달성에 효과적인 수단이고(목적적합성의 원칙), 필요한 최소한의 범위에 국한되어야 하며(비례의 원칙 내지 필요최소한의 원칙), 경쟁을 덜 제한하는 사후규제수단이 없는 경우에 허용되어야 하고(보충성의 원칙), 사전규제의 목적이 달성되었는지 여부를 정기적으로 평가하여 그 완화, 폐지가 객관적이고 예측가능하게 이루어져야(일몰의 원칙 내지 과도 규제의 원칙) 정당화될 수 있다. 그런데 경쟁체제 도입 초기와는 달리 이동통신기술의 발달로 인한 효율성 증대, 새로운 융합서비스 등장 등과 같은 이동통신시장의 환경 변화 뿐 아니라 요금인하를 통한 가계부담 완화 필요성 등 사회적 요구 증대와도 맞물려 통신요금인가제가 실질적인 요금경쟁을 제한하고 있다는 비판이 거세다. 특히 현재 이동통신시장 상황 내지 금지행위 규제 등으로 인해 약탈적 가격책정과 같은 시장지배적 남용 행위가 발생할 개연성이 크다고 단정하기 어렵다. 또한 통신서비스는 민간사업자들 간의 치열한 경쟁에 따라 수요, 공급 원리에 따라 결정되는 서비스임을 고려할 때 규제의 필요성이 미약해 보이고, 또한 요금제의 구체적 조건이 부당하거나 불공정한 경우에 대한 규제를 위해 요금인가제의 계속적 유지가 필요하다는 취지의 주장은 사전규제의 정당화 기준 가운데 비례의 원리 내지 보충성의 원리를 충족한다고 보기 어렵다. 특히 2014. 10. 1. 시행된 이동통신단말장치 유통구조개선에 관한 법률이 불법 단말기 보조금 지급에 대해 강력한 규제를 통해 이용자 차별을 금지하는 한편, 이동통신사업자의 재원이 보다 본원적인 경쟁, 즉 통신품질 향상과 요금인하 경쟁을 위해 사용될 수 있도록 하여 자원의 합리적인 배분이 이루어지고 궁극적으로 이용자의 편익을 증진하도록 하기 위해서 마련된 것이라는 점을 고려할 때, 미래창조과학부와 방송통신위원회는 단말기 유통구조 개선법 시행에 발맞추어 통신요금 규제정책의 패러다임을 획기적으로 전환하는 것이 절실히 필요하다고 생각된다. The purpose of this review is to search for ways to improve the approval system for charging telecommunication fees, which has again become a hotly debated social topic in Korea. Under the Telecommunications Business Act of Korea, telecommunication services of key telecommunication service providers of certain size and market share are subject to the approval by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. Such requirement for approval constitutes asymmetric ex-ante regulation to control and regulate market-controlling businesses. Considering that the telecommunication charge approval system, an ex-ante regulation, is a means to construct and implement an economic policy for the purpose of fostering and promoting effective competition, it can be justified only if the regulation is an effective means to accomplish the purpose of preventing abuse of market power unique to the telecommunications market (principle of relevance to purpose), is limited only to the scope necessary (principle of proportionality or minimum necessary principle), is permitted in the absence of an ex-post facto regulation method which restricts competition to a lesser extent (principle of subsidiarity), and is periodically reviewed to determine whether the purpose of ex-ante regulation has been fulfilled, so that its alleviation or revocation can be decided in an objective and predictable manner (sunset principle or principle of excessive regulation). However, unlike the early stages of fostering competition in the market, due to changes in the environment of the telecommunications market such as increased efficiency based on development in telecommunications technology and introduction of new integrated service as well as increased social demand for alleviation of financial burden on the household through lower charges, the telecommunication charge approval system is subject to intense criticism that the system restricts effective competition in charges. In particular, considering the current telecommunications market environment and the existence of regulations prohibiting certain activities, it is difficult to assume that there is a high likelihood of abuse of market power such as predatory pricing in the telecommunication industry. In addition, considering that telecommunication services are determined pursuant to functions of supply and demand arising from fierce competition among private businesses, there appears to be little necessity in regulation. Moreover, the argument that continuing the telecommunication charge approval system is required in order to regulate and restrict businesses from introducing unfair or unjust terms and conditions in its telecommunication charge policy does not seem to satisfy the principle of proportionality or subsidiarity mentioned above. In particular, the Act on Improvement of Mobile Telecommunication Distribution System, effective as of October 1, 2014, prohibits discrimination of consumers through strict regulation of illegal subsidy for mobile phones, so that resources of telecommunication businesses can be used for improvement in telecommunication quality and decrease in charges, to promote more reasonable allocation of resources, ultimately for the interest of the consumers. In light of the foregoing, there is a pressing need for the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and the Korea Communications Commission to revamp the paradigm of the regulatory framework applicable to telecommunication charges in parallel to the Act on Improvement of Mobile Telecommunication Distribution System.
공동행위 인가제도의 문제점 및 일괄면제제도 도입방안의 검토
김윤정 ( Yunjeong Kim ) 한국경쟁법학회 2016 競爭法硏究 Vol.34 No.-
The Fair Trade Commission announced that it would proceed with the plan for the cartel exemption of 「Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act」(hereinafter `the Fair Trade Act`) on the joint research & development or joint technical cooperation, as a part of deregulation to activate the innovation competition, in the working plan in 2014. This approach planned by the Fair Trade Commission seems to benchmark and apply the Block Exemption system of EU Competition Law to joint research & development or joint technical cooperation instead of the current cartel approval system which is rarely used now, and to apply this system to the other kinds of cartel gradually by expanding it.1) Like this plan of the Fair Trade Commission, it is necessary to introduce Block Exemption system to our Fair Trade Act, which can provide the predictability to the business operators and act as a rule of action. In the case of introducing Block Exemption system to the Fair Trade Act, there are many advantages that the Fair Trade Commission may be free from the burden of work as it does not have to judge the illegality in advance for the individual cartels unlike the current cartel approval system, and the business operators can be guaranteed for the legal stability as Block Exemption system provides the criteria for judgment in advance about what cartel is illegal and what cartel is allowed. In addition, as such Block Exemption criteria may act as the judgement criteria of the illegality of cartel of the Fair Trade Commission later, the specified validity can be enhanced because it presents the judgment criteria of illegality and the market share limit which have unique characteristics of each field. When we introduce Block Exemption system to the Fair Trade Act, it is necessary to delete the provision of the Section 2 of Article 19 of the Fair Trade Act, which is the basis of the cartel approval system, and to provide the basis and the basic requirement of the Block Exemption system in the Fair Trade Act instead of that. In particular, it seems desirable to introduce this kind of system first of all, focusing on Joint research and development or Joint technical cooperaton which is expected to have the efficiency-enhancing effect and technological innovation. In this case, like the EU, it is necessary to define the detailed requirements and the considerations of Block Exemption such as the concept of each cartel, the criteria of market share, the criteria of restriction activity of the competition, and the reason of withdrawal and expiry, etc.
영국 프리미어리그 스포츠마케팅정책 및 인가제도와 폭력사태 대응체계를 중심으로 한 구단 운영제도 고찰
김종우 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2016 스포츠와 법 Vol.19 No.3
Based on regulating professional sport clubs and raising the quality of the league competition, this paper studies the Premier League club licensing system in UK. It shows that league restricts the club owners from the phenomena of merger and correlation. Besides, the league defines the club qualifications from the limitation of the club number, setting competition criteria, financial and governance criteria and the migration of clubs, etc. It helps to keep the uniqueness of the results to restrict the club correlation. It helps the stability to restrict club migration. It helps to control the operating cost and realize healthy and sustainable development to set criteria of club licensing system. With the development of sports industry in China, sports games has become an imortant way to promote the city’s economic development and strengthening of national people exchanges, however, due to the situation in recent years, the international community’s growing unrest, sports stadium incident frequency is encreasing year by year, have become an significant block impact on the development of sports events. This article based on the relevant literature review, as the example in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy sports stadium emergencies, from an emergency organization system of emergency management, forecasting experience early warning mechanisms, emergency resonse mechanisms, legal security system and other aspects of the presentation, on this basis, the status of the national sports stadium incident emergency management, at finally, proposed some suggestions about how to increase the country response forceto cope with the emergencies. 영국 프리미어리그의 스포츠마케팅은 가장 많은 수익을 올리는 프로축구구단 중의 하나라는 점에서 정책적으로 시사하는 바가 클 것으로 사료된다. 이에 본 페이퍼는 영국 프리미어리그의 스포츠마케팅정책에 대해 고찰을 진행하고, 이와 함께 프로구단 규범화 및 경기력 향상을 위하여 프리미어리그의 인가제도 연구를 통해 시사하는 바를 도출하고자 한다. 주로 프리미어리그 운영과 관련하여 인허가제도와 관련이 있고, 신생팀의 신규진입 또는 한 해 리그 종료 결과 성적이 좋은 팀과 하락한 팀과의 1부리그와 2부리그로의 강등과 승격이 관련되는 만큼, 영국 프로축구리그의 인가제도 고찰이 일정한 시사가 될 것이다. 또한 스포츠경기장 내 폭력사태를 포함한 기타 긴급 재난대응방안에 대해서도 영국의 대응이 중국 및 한국에 좋은 선례가 될 수 있다. 본 페이퍼는 상술한 세 가지 관점에 대해 한국과 중국에 시사해줄 수 있는 방안을 찾고자 한다. 결론적으로는 첫째, 인터넷 전자상거래의 활성화를 추구해야 한다. 둘째, 맨유 클럽팀 공식 홈페이지 내 제품판매란에는 축구팀 유니폼, 훈련 관련정보, 유니폼 관련 패션, 축구장비, 가정용 용품, 맨유 기념품, 선물, 수제제품, 나이키, 할인제품 등 총 10개 이상의 구매 루트가 있기 때문에 전자상거래를 통할 경우 인건비 절감으로 인한 가격경쟁력이 상승 효과가 있다. 셋째, 영국 프리미어리그는 회원수첩에 기본정보가 기재되고, 이용자 설문조사 등의 방식으로 대규모 축구팬과 소비자의 디지털 데이터베이스를 구축함으로써 클럽팀 전체운영방향에 중요한 참고지표로 활용된다. 이것은 한국 프로축구팀에서도 반드시 적절하게 이용이 되어야 한다. Fan zone과 게시판 또한 활성화를 위한 노력이 선행되어야 하며, 관건은 축구에 대한 국민들의 시각이 더 호의적이고 부담없이 건강을 증진하는 수단으로 인식하는 대대적인 사고의 전환이 선행되어야 한다. 이러한 사고의 전환없이 스포츠에 대한 국민들의 인식이 전환될 것으로 기대할 수 없다. 미국식 상업화모델을 도입하여 중국기업이 스페인 프리메라리가 클럽팀을 하나 둘씩 관리하게 된 것이 좋은 선례가 된다. 현재 중국 프로축구클럽팀 인가제도와 관련한 분쟁은 대부분 협회와 관련되어 있다. 이 때문에 중국 스포츠 사업자단체에 대해서, 특히 사업자단체의 법적 성질에 대해서는 그 경계를 분명히 하는 것이 시급히 해결되어야 한다. 중국의 경기장 폭력사태를 예방 및 규제하기 위한 법률법규는 「중화인민공화국 스포츠법」, 「돌발사건 대응법」, 「집단성 문화활동 치안관리방법」, 「중화인민공화국 치안관리처벌법」 및 「계엄법」 등이 있다. 상술한 법률 대부분은 자체적인 규정이 많지 않고 단지 부분적인 실행령만을 규정한 것으로 시행령에 대해서는 명확한 규정이 나와 있는 것이 없다. 또한 법 재정 및 개정시기가 너무 오래 경과하여 다양한 돌발적인 폭력사건에 대응할 수 없다. 이것이 스포츠경기장 폭력사태 발생비율과 영향력을 끊임없이 확대할 것이다. 결국 폭력사태 내지 재난대응사태에 대응하는 법제도가 확립되어야 한다. 스포츠경기장 폭력사태에 대응하는 조기경보시스템 확립과 관련하여 더욱 더 현대화한 관측시스템이 전체시합에 참가하는 선수와 관중, 스타디엄 등에 대해 종합적으로 감시 및 통제가 진행되어야 한다. 예로 고속으로 높은 곳에서 촬영이 ...
부산항 컨테이너터미널 하역시장의 안정화요인과 요율인가제의 조절효과에 관한 연구
전세표(Seh-pyo Jun),안기명(Ki-myung Ahn),윤정희(Jung-hee Yoon) 한국항만경제학회 2016 韓國港灣經濟學會誌 Vol.32 No.4
북항터미널과 신항터미널간의 심각한 출혈경쟁이 부산항의 경쟁력을 약화시키는 것은 부산항 컨테이너 하역시장의 중대한 문제점이다. 이러한 심각한 출혈경쟁을 방지하기 위해, 부산항만공사는 작년에 하역요율 인가제를 실시하였다. 그러나, 부산항 컨테이너 터미널 운영사들이 이를 수용하지 않으면 그 효과는 미흡할 것이다. 따라서, 본 연구의 목적은 부산항 컨테이너 하역시장에서 이러한 하역요율 인가제 실시의 효과를 검정하는 것이다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해, 현재의 부산항 운영현황을 분석하고 선행연구를 검토하여 하역시장 안정화 요인을 추출하고 이 요인들과 인가제간의 조절효과를 검증하였다. 연구결과에 의하면, 첫째로, 세 가지 하역시장 안정화 요인(시장구조, 시장행동 그리고 부산항만공사 요인)은 안정화 효과와 매우 강한 정의 관계를 보여주고 있지만 운영사 요인은 그렇지 못한 것으로 나타나고 있다. 특히, 하역요율 덤핑규제와 같은 시장행동요인은 하역시장 안정화에 기여하는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 둘째로, 인가제 자체뿐만 아니라 하역시장 안정화 요인과 인가제간의 조절효과(상호작용효과)도 하역시장 안정화에 강한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 연구결과는 인가제 시행이 부산항 컨테이너 하역시장에 매우 중요한 정책임을 시사하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 하역시장을 안정화하는 것이 부산항의 이미지 개선과 글로벌 선사와의 협상력을 증진시키는 데 기여할 것이다. It is a critical problem of the Busan container cargo market that serious competition between the north port terminal and the new port terminal is weakening port of Busan’s competitiveness. To avoid this serious competition, Busan Port Authority(BPA) has executed a cargo-rate approval system from last year. However if Busan’s container terminal operators do not accept this system, the execution performance will be insufficient. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to test the effect of cargo-rate approval in the Busan container cargo market. To attain this research purpose, the current situation was analyzed and the existing papers were investigated. Therefore, cargo-stabilizing factors were extracted and the moderated effect between these factors and cargo-rate approval was tested. The results are as follows. First, three cargo stabilizing factors-(market structure, market behavior, and BPA)-appear to have a strong positive impact on the stabilizing effect; however, the factors that are handled by the operators can not influence the stabilizing effect. In particular, market behavior factors, such as cargo-rate dumping restriction, contributed to stabilizing cargo market. Second, The results appear to have a strong positive impact on the moderated effect as well as the cargo-rate approval. These research results show that the execution of cargo-rate approval is important in stabilizing the cargo market. Therefore, stabilizing the cargo market will contrubute to improving the image and bargaining power of the Port of Busan.
김대정 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2010 法學論文集 Vol.34 No.2
This paper is a description of the contents and reason for the Section 32 and the related articles of the Draft of the Revised Bill of the Korean Civil Code(hereafter "the Draft") that prescribes a turnover of the Legislative system for establishment of corperation. But the comments about the reason for the Draft of the Revised Bill in this paper is not an Official Statement but is a merely personal opinion in my viewpoint that has been made participating in all discussion of the Commission for the Revision of the Civil Code. According to judicial precedents, the Section 32 of the Korean Civil Code now in force(hereafter "current Civil Code") take the Permission-system(in german term "Erlaubnissystem") that the authorities could decide to sanction or not the proposal of establishment of a corperation at its discretion. But according to the critical opinion against the judicial precedents that the Section 32 of the current Civil Code is a unconstitutional provision for the essential infringement on the freedom of association. Besides the provision(the Section 32 of the current Civil Code) is blamed for being an outdated and underdeveloped in the context of the today's world legislative trend that do not allow of intervention of the national power at least in establishment of nonprofitcorperation. Taking this criticism into account, the Section 32 of the Draft convert the Permission-system of the current Civil Code into Approval-system(in german term "Das System der Genehmigung") and the paragraph 3 of the Section 32 of the Draft prescribes that the authorities ought to approve the proposal of establishment of a corperation if the proposal satisfy the necessary conditions required by the paragraph 1 or the paragraph 2 unless the articles of the association infringe the honest public morals or social order. This paper is a description of the contents and reason for the Section 32 and the related articles of the Draft of the Revised Bill of the Korean Civil Code(hereafter "the Draft") that prescribes a turnover of the Legislative system for establishment of corperation. But the comments about the reason for the Draft of the Revised Bill in this paper is not an Official Statement but is a merely personal opinion in my viewpoint that has been made participating in all discussion of the Commission for the Revision of the Civil Code. According to judicial precedents, the Section 32 of the Korean Civil Code now in force(hereafter "current Civil Code") take the Permission-system(in german term "Erlaubnissystem") that the authorities could decide to sanction or not the proposal of establishment of a corperation at its discretion. But according to the critical opinion against the judicial precedents that the Section 32 of the current Civil Code is a unconstitutional provision for the essential infringement on the freedom of association. Besides the provision(the Section 32 of the current Civil Code) is blamed for being an outdated and underdeveloped in the context of the today's world legislative trend that do not allow of intervention of the national power at least in establishment of nonprofitcorperation. Taking this criticism into account, the Section 32 of the Draft convert the Permission-system of the current Civil Code into Approval-system(in german term "Das System der Genehmigung") and the paragraph 3 of the Section 32 of the Draft prescribes that the authorities ought to approve the proposal of establishment of a corperation if the proposal satisfy the necessary conditions required by the paragraph 1 or the paragraph 2 unless the articles of the association infringe the honest public morals or social order.
기관별 심의위원회 체계에 대한 도전과 선진 각국의 대응
최은경(Choi, Eun-Kyung) 한국생명윤리학회 2012 생명윤리 Vol.13 No.1
그간 대규모, 다기관 연구가 등장하고 확대되면서 IRB 심의 체계가 과도해진 업무량을 감당할 수 없으리란 우려가 커지고 있다. IRB 심의 체계는 제한된 전문가 자원, 부적절한 초기 및 지속 심사, 반복적, 무의미한 업무 과중, 이해 갈등, 질적 개선 노력의 부재 등으로 비판받아 왔다. 더군다나, 연구 윤리 심의 체계는 현재 의학 연구의 확장 및 표준화 요구에 발맞추어 심의 체계 또한 표준화되어야 함과 동시에 인체유래물질 연구나 유전자 연구 등 비전통적 연구활동 또한 적절히 포함시키도록 요구받고 있다. 각국은 이러한 위기를 타개하기 위해 다양한 연구윤리심의 체계를 도입, 개혁을 시도하고 있다. 미국과 캐나다에서는 인가 시스템과 중앙 IRB 체계를 도입했으며 지방단위 심의 시스템 도입에 관하여 논쟁 중이다. 영국, 유럽 및 뉴질랜드에서는 그간 지방 단위, 다기관 윤리 심의체계가 정착되었으며 새로이 중앙연구윤리기구를 설치, 연구윤리심의활동을 조율하도록 하고 있다. 이들 국가의 개혁은 대체로 기관심의위원회나 지역심의위원회의 특정 부분을 중앙화하며 심의위원회의 자율성을 제한하는 방향으로 이루어지고 있다. 본 논문은 현행 IRB 심의 체계를 개혁하려는 선진 각국의 노력을 고찰한다. IRB 심의 체계의 중앙화는 윤리성 심의 활동의 효율을 높인다는 점에서 환영받으나, 또다른 관료제나 중앙 업무의 과중의 우려를 낳고 있다. IRB 심의 체계 개혁의 결과는 아직 불분명하나, 여전히 이들 노력이 현행 심의 체계의 위기를 해결할 것으로 기대 중이다. Since emergence and expansion of large-scale, multi-site research, concerns raised that institutional review system can’t handle increased workload. Institutional review system has been criticized for limited expert resource, inadequate initial and continuous review, repetitive and meaningless work, conflict of interest, and limited activity for quality improvement. Further, in response to enlargement and standardization of medical research, expansion of ethics review system and standardization of review activity has been needed. Also, current review system is needed to effectively include non-traditional research activity like human material research, genetic research. Each country has been made its own effort to introduce various systems and pursue reforms. In U.S and Canada, accreditation system and central IRB system were initiated, and regional review system is argued now. In UK, Europe and New Zealand where regional and multi-site ethics review system has been settled, central research ethics authority is established to organize and coordinate ethics review activities. In general, these countries try to centralize a part of institutional or local boards’ work and restrict their autonomy and authority. This paper shows these developed countries’ efforts to reform current institutional review system. Centralization of institutional review system is welcomed for improved efficiency of ethics review activity, but it is also worried to make another bureaucracy, excess of central work. The outcome of centralization of ethics review system is not certain yet, but these efforts are still expected to solve the challenges on institutional review system.
이재삼(JaeSam Lee),鄭會根(Hoe-Geun Jeong) 한국토지공법학회 2007 土地公法硏究 Vol.37 No.1
Land transactions are reqcired by law to be performed under lieense. ln other words they are to be transacted within an approved area after having obtained approval from the administrative authorities. Such an approval is the integral part of making such transactions becoming valid, and anyone violating such a requirement of obtaining the approval is subject to penalties.<BR> The land transaction licensing system originated from an idea that it would help restrain land speculation together with the rise of land prices within a given area. And as specified in the law, it has two sides of "license" and "approval" in that the Govemment guides and adjusts the transactions of private persons. ln other words land transactions are reqcired by law to obtain license and the law carries the penalties for anyone violating it. This is the clear evidenee that entering into a land transaction contract involves two sides of license and approval.<BR> And scientifically the land transactions licensing system has an innate feature of "license" in that it prohibits an unlicensed contract and takes effect only when supported by "approval" from the administrative authorities. It also scientifically has a feature of "approval" because it becomes legally valid only when complemented by the approval from the administrative authorities.<BR> After all the land transaction licensing system has a feature of license by law, and it also has a feature of approval when seen from a scientific aspect.<BR> Land transaction contracts essentially adopt the licensing system. However, they also have a feature of approval as seen in the law, in the theories and judicial precedents, and in the concepts of other individual laws as weIl as in the provisions of the foreign laws.<BR> Firstly, land transaction contracts have a feature of approval when seen by the law. This is because they become legally valid when complemented by administrative measures such as approval, necessary conditions and procedures for approval, and lose validity if not supported by such measures.<BR> Secondly, land transaction contracts have two sides of "license" and "approval" in theories. Traditionally a theory of mandate prevailed, separating the concept of "approval" from "license". Today, a theory of two sides of "license" and "approval" is widely accepted recognizing the feature of "approval" inherent in land transaction contracts.<BR> Thirdly, judicial precedents also uphold the feature of "approval" inherent in land transaction contracts. The Constitution Court of Korea upheld the constitutionality of the land transaction licensing system, and the features of "license" and "approval" inherent in the land transaction contracts were recognized as valid in the precedents of the Supreme Court.<BR> Fourthly, other laws recognize the feature of "approval" inherent in the land transaction contract. Examples of such laws include "The Law Concerning Foreigner"s Acquisition of Land & Its Administration", "The Traditional Temples Preservation Law", "The Nongovernmental School Law", and "The Agricultural Land Law", all of which recognizes the feature of "approval" inherent in the land transaction contracts.<BR> Fifthly, approval for the land transaction contracts given in foreign countries goes through the legal formalities prescribed in the law. Germany can be taken as an example. ln Germany either the land transaction contracts under the Federal Construction Law or the agricultural land transaction contracts under the Farmland Transaction Law is required by law to acquire approval.<BR> In conclusion the feature of "approval" inherent in the la
張信(Jang Shin) 역사교육연구회 2004 역사교육 Vol.91 No.-
This paper has examined the trend of textbook publication centered on the modern textbooks on history. Since the commencement of modem education, korea has published textbooks in various different forms, the free publication system, authorization system, approval system, state administered system etc. From the late Korean Empire era to the Japan Imperial period, the modernization of the Korean Empire was set back and became colonized by Japan. The purposes of Korean reformers and Japanese colonizers were different but education was one of the most important areas, and textbooks amongst them were the core. Both the Korean Empire and the Japanese Government-general sought to fulfill their intentions through the state administered textbooks. However, due to the inadequacy of the printing and publishing environment, people"s opposition and appeal against education monopoly by the nation, and factors relating to compilation capability and other practical reasons, they could not accomplish their intentions. That is, a conflict between the law and reality existed. The inconsistencies between the law and reality were amended by the Japanese authority after 1914. Following this time, the Chosun Government- general made compulsory the textbooks of history on state administered system in public schools. The authorization system was executed in middle schools as a second to state administration. The authorization and approval systems during this period acted as collateral for the quality standards of textbooks. However, rather than having positive meaning in widening the freedom of choice rights of teachers and students and adding a variety of historical interpretations, it leaned more towards being an instrument of censorship for control purposes. From the experience under the Japan imperial period, the state administered system in Korea after 1945 gained a negative meaning of being the education control instrument for the nation.