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      • KCI등재

        사대부 은일의 계보: 북송(北宋) 사대부의 폄적과 ‘악(樂)’의 추구 ― 왕우칭(王禹偁), 구양수(歐陽脩), 소식(蘇軾) 시가를 중심으로

        金秀姬 ( Kim¸ Soohee ) 중국어문학회 2021 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.74

        This paper argues that when the scholar-bureaucrats of the North Song Dynasty are demoted, they pursue the amusement of life. And proves this by examining the practical aspects of their poems. Wang Yucheng, Ouyang Xiu, and Su Shi all advocated political and literary reform and shared demoted regions, so I selected these threewriters for this study. First, they wrote about the joy walking in the mountains and rivers. They adopted the form of zushi (組詩), lianzhang (聯章) to express them effectively. Second, they built gardens in the demoted areas, and wrote about the joy they felt there. They mostly adopted the method of yongwu (咏物). Third, they communicated with other writers even in relegation situations, which mainly used the method of changhe (唱和). As a result, they could write about human maturity, and could pursue the literary amusement, this may be main characteristic of the seclusion of Northern Song’s scholar-bureaucrats. Based on this, these three writers can be said to form a lineage of the seclusion of scholar-bureaucrats.

      • Siting, Orientation and Layouts of Traditional Upper-class Housing Pungsu - A Case Study of ‘Sagye Old House’ -

        김규순 ( Kyoosoon Kim ),옥한석 ( Hansuk Ock ),김수희 ( Soohee Kim ) 대한풍수연구학회 2015 대한풍수연구 Vol.1 No.-

        사계 김장생은 조선시대 예학의 거두였다. 사계선생은 600년 역사를 지닌 고정마을에서 태어났고, 사계고택은 그곳에서 멀지 않은 계룡시 두마면에 있다. 사계고택은 1603년에 지어진 북향집이다. 겨울철 따뜻한 남쪽 햇빛을 등지고 살을 에는 북풍한설을 맞이하는 북향집을 선택한 이유는 무엇일까. 시대적 이데올로기의 영향으로 또 충성심의 발로에서 왕이 사는 한양을 향하여 지은집이 북향집이다. 건축자재나 건축술이 뒤떨어진 시대에 가옥을 짓는다는 것은 주변 환경을 이용하는 세심한 주의가 필요하다. 건축물을 배치하는데 주변 산이나 물을 고려한 것이 사신사이다. 사신사는 우리 주변에 흔히 보는 산과 구릉이다. 하지만 그 위치에 따라 북현무·남주작·좌청룡·우백호로 분류된다. 일반적으로 북현무는 북쪽에 있어서 북풍한설을 막아주는 역할을 한다. 북이라는 표현에 뒤라는 의미가 포함되어 있다. 북향가옥의 경우 북현무는 남쪽 햇빛을 받기 위해 낮아야 하고, 남주작은 낮으므로 북풍을 막기 위해 가옥과 거리가 가까워야 한다. 북향집이면서도 남향집과 같은 태양에너지를 보전할 수 있는 방법을 고민한 것이다. 자연의 지형배치를 잘 활용하면 보다 안락한 공간을 만들 수 있다는 사실을 인지하고 있었던 것이다. 우리 조상들에게 풍수는 자연지형의 활용에 대한 판단 기재였다. Sagye is a nickname of Kim Jang Saeng(A.D.1548-1632), is a leader of ritual study in Joseon Dynasty period. The home town of Gwangsan Kim’s family, ‘Geojeong-maeul’, is lasted 600 years in nonsan-city Chungcheong province. There is has a extensive field in front of the village where cultivated an abundance of agricultural products. But he had built his house to set up branch family in Dooma-myeon Gyeryong-city. ‘Sagye old house’ was built in A.D. 1603. ‘Sagye old house’ was built when he was 54 years old. He left Seoul to retire to the country, he was born in Hanyang(Seoul). His house was built in the moment after Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. The direction of ‘Sagye Old House’ faced north, generally the Korea traditional houses had a southern aspect. Facing north house was not a good building in the piercing cold and dry air of winter. Family who lived in facing north house suffered from the freezing temperature because solar energy is covered with building in the winter. We did wonder why Sagye decided to build facing north house. It is possible for the house facing north to lose a genial sunshine on the yard and a cool wind. What does his choice mean his choice in spite of these disadvantages? We want to know the reasons in the factor of historicity such as a dominant ideology and philosophy. And we try to study from a historical perspective how to overcome seasonal weakness through architectural space arrangement based on the application of natural environment, socio-geographic merits and geomorphological characteristic. This study is focused on the ecological aspects based on the Pungsu(風水). It is planned that the sunshine of southern exposure is received due to the location of Korean traditional housing, allowing out easily by the ‘Sasinsa (four celestial deities 四神砂)’ regulation in the residence place. But siting, orientation and layout of ‘Sagye old house’ is based on the northern direction. This study is focused on the ecological aspects of them. Results are as follow. The site and the layout are influenced by ‘mountain-behind-stream-front(背山臨水)’, and orientation by ‘microclimate condition(微氣候條件)’. The most important factor of facing north house appears his steadfast loyalty. It’s because King lived north area from his house. In Geomancy(Pungsu), the surrounding natural environment makes a division four celestial deities these are a mysterious Black Tortoise(back 玄武), a Green Dragon(left 左靑龍), a White Tiger(right 右白虎), and a Red Fire Bird(front 南朱雀). The Red Fire Bird is due to play a role the mysterious Black Tortoise that shelter the north cold wind to the house. In case of building face north house, it had a wide back yard as much as a front yard to secure the amount of sunlight.

      • KCI등재

        LC-MS/MS를 이용한 닭 간과 신장 중 곰팡이 독소 6종 동시분석법 개발

        김수희(Soohee Kim),김광남(Kwang-Nam Kim),김효비(Hyobi Kim),송재영(Jae-Young Song),박성원(Sung-Won Park) 한국가금학회 2016 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.43 No.2

        본 연구에서는 곰팡이 독소에 대한 노출을 확인하기 위한 목적으로 닭의 간, 신장 조직에서 곰팡이 독소 분석법을 확립하였다. 곰팡이 독소의 경우 닭에서 독성이 강하며, 본 실험에서는 가축의 사료에서 주로 확인되는 곰팡이 독소 6종(아플라톡신 B1․M1, 오크라톡신 A, 푸모니신 B1, 데옥시니발레놀, 제랄레논)을 선별하여 추출, 정제조건을 확립하고 LC-MS/MS를 이용하여 분석하였다. 확립된 분석조건에서 검량선은 R2값이 0.99 이상으로 우수한 직선성을 나타내었다. QUECHERS법을 응용하여 닭 간, 신장 시료에서 곰팡이 독소를 추출, 정제하여 분석하였을 때 곰팡이 독소 4종(아플라톡신 B1, 오크라톡신 A, 데옥시니발레놀, 제랄레논)의 평균회수율은 80.94∼98.10%이고, 상대표준편차도 14% 미만으로 조사되어 높은 정확도와 정밀도를 확인할 수 있었다. 검량선에 근거하였을 때 곰팡이 독소 6종에 대하여 닭 간 시료의 경우 검출한계는 7.6∼145.79 μg/kg, 정량한계는 23.04∼441.78 μg/kg이었다. 닭 신장의 경우 검출한계는 6.07∼197.20 μg/kg, 정량한계는 18.40∼597.59 μg/kg으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과 LC-MS/MS를 이용하여 닭의 간, 신장에서 곰팡이 독소 6종 동시 분석법을 확립하였으며, 이는 생체시료에서 효율적인 곰팡이 독소 동시 분석법으로 활용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by molds, such as Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium, that have adverse effects on animals and humans. Aflatoxin, ochratoxin, zearalenone, fumonisin and deoxynivalenol are the mycotoxins of greatest agro-economic importance and cause acute disease called mycotoxicoses. Mycotoxicosis in poultry birds results in decreased meat/egg production, immunosuppressant, and hepatotoxicosis. Some of toxins or their metabolites may be retained in animal or human tissues and induce health problems. This study was designed to develop a sensitive liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous detection and quantification of mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin M1, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, fumonisin B and deoxynivalenol, in chicken liver and kidney tissues. The mycotoxins were extracted and purified using modified QUECHERS methods, separated by LC and detected by an electrospray ionisation interface (ESI) and tandem MS. Good precision and linearity were observed for most of six mycotoxins. The recovery test for each mycotoxin in liver and kidney tissues mostly indicated good average recovery rates between 80.94% and 98.10% and the coefficient of variation mostly under 13.78%, except for aflatoxin M1 and fumonisin B1. The limit of detection (LOD) for six mycotoxins was 7.6∼145.79 μg/kg in liver tissues and 6.07∼197.20 μg/kg in kidney tissues. The quantification limits (LOQ) for 6 mycotoxins were in the range 23.04∼441.78 μg/kg in liver tissues and 18.40∼597.59μg/kg in kidney tissues, respectively. The developed multi-mycotoxin method in this study permits simultaneous, simple, and rapid determination of several co-existing mycotoxins in chicken liver and kidney tissues.

      • KCI등재

        사대부 은일의 전형: 북송(北宋) 소식(蘇軾)의 은일 고찰 ―소식의 시사(詩詞) 작품을 중심으로

        김수희 ( Kim Soohee ) 한국중국어문학회 2020 中國文學 Vol.102 No.-

        This article recognizes sushi as the successor to Wangyucheng who represented a seclusion culture of bureaucracy in early song period, so propose three common features. First describes, Sushi tried to make official career, and also had seclusion mind during his early official period. Next inspects the change of seclusion mind, that is, he thought official career meaninglessly, so he pursued seclusion life. and he wanted to not returning home, but living in another hometown. Last explains Sushi pursued to buy land and build house during all his official period. he wanted to buy a land close to a city before relegating to Huangzhou, but wanted to buy a land in a relegated area after relegating to Huangzhou. When he relegated twice in Huizhou and Danzhou, he enjoyed himself in nature, felt affection for a neighbor, found pleasure in poverty.

      • KCI등재

        당대(唐代) 교방(敎坊) 대곡(大曲)과 당오대문인사(唐五代文人詞)의 희극성(戱劇性)에 대한 상관적 고찰

        김수희 ( Kim Soohee ) 한국중국어문학회 2017 中國文學 Vol.93 No.-

        唐五代文人詞按照文人趨向追求雅詞的, 詞學界已所周知. 但是, 文人詞爲了詞的歌唱性, 還活用公演藝術的特征. 唐代公演藝術以敎坊爲中心發展, 敎坊乃擔當宮中俗樂的官署, 先導宮中和民間的公演. 尤其是對於曲子詞, 敎坊樂工, 流入民間後, 親自整理歌詞, 按照新聲創造歌詞. 因此樂工在詞的出現上給了重要的貢獻. 敎坊樂工一邊進行敎坊大曲的歌舞公演, 一邊在文人酒宴上演出歌唱. 所以敎坊大曲歌舞戱的特征應該反映到唐五代文人詞. 敎坊大曲抱有三個戱曲的特征, 卽女性化, 舞蹈設定, 敍事取材. 隨著這三個戱曲性, 唐五代文人詞也抱有三個戱曲的特征. 第一, 喜用女性人物的聲音, 這女性人物原來是虛構的, 不是表出作家的懷才不遇的實體. 還有女性人物向檀郎說話, 這樣男女對話是?登場人物對話的戱曲構造一樣的. 第二, 把女性人物視角地描述了. 在公演當中, 歌妓一邊唱歌一邊跳舞, ?的外貌-頭髮樣式、化?、服裝等, 引起了觀衆的關心和興趣. 因此習慣於觀看公演的文人也?重視歌妓的外貌服裝和行動, 塡詞時, 湊中心血, 把女性人物視角地描述了. 第三, 活用愛情和神仙所結合的故事, 譬如楚襄王和巫山神女, 劉阮與天台山神女等, 使小令短詞可以擁有?長的故事. 唐五代文人詞有這三個戱曲的特征, 就意味著文人詞也追求公演藝術本然的俗性.

      • KCI등재

        송대(宋代)의 새로운 문인유형, 유영(柳永) ― 향유자 중심의 사 창작

        김수희 ( Kim Soohee ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.89

        This article studied cultural communication. Cultural communication is a cultural movement between high culture and popular culture. Liu Young is a ci-potry writer of the Song Dynasty. He often met concubine while preparing for the exams, he lived a life as a management after passing the exam. So he knew the tastes of concubine, the emperor and senior management. He reflected their tastes in his ci-potry. First, this article examined Liu Young’s ci-potry created according to the demands of concubine. This is again divided into urban festivals and men and women‘s love. Next, examined Liu Young’s ci-potry created according to the demands of the emperor and senior management. This is again divided into praise for the emperor and praise for senior management. By the way concubine is an enjoyer in terms of popular culture, the emperor and senior management are enjoyers in terms of high culture. Therefore, Liu Young’s writing activity is for the enjoyer of ci-potry. And this also means Liu Young’s ci-potry are communication between high culture and popular culture. This Cultural communication is thought to be very important in commercialization and popularization of Chinese literature.

      • 3차 저장장치를 부착한 MIDAS - Ⅲ에서의 고장 회복

        김수희(Soohee Kim),김영성(Yungsung Kim),문찬호(Chanho Moon),강현철(Hyunchul Kang),김준(June Kim) 한국정보과학회 2000 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.27 No.1B

        MIDAS-Ⅲ는 한국전자통신연구원에서 개발한 바다-DBMS의 저장 시스템이다. MIDAS-Ⅲ는 대용량 멀티미디어 데이터 서버의 저장 시스템으로 기능하도록 3차 저장장치를 부착하여 MIDAS-Ⅲ/TS로 확장 구현되었다. 3차 저장장치를 관리하기 위하여, MIDAS-Ⅲ/TS는 3차 저장장치 관리 볼륨을 새롭게 구성하였다. 본 논문에서는 먼저 MIDAS-Ⅲ/TS의 구조와 확장 전 MIDAS-Ⅲ의 고종 회복 유틸리티인 restart에 대해 살펴본다. 그리고, MIDAS-Ⅲ/TS의 고장 회복 유틸리티인 restart -t의 구현을 위하여, MIDAS-Ⅲ가 3차 저장장치를 부착함에 따라 새롭게 발생할 수 있는 고장의 유형과 고장 회복에 있어서의 문제점에 대해 기술하고 회복 방법을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        채련곡의 공연방식과 그 문학화 고찰―《악부시집(樂府詩集)》 수록 채련곡(采蓮曲)을 중심으로

        김수희 ( Kim¸ Soohee ) 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.108 No.-

        This article holds the view that Cailian songs have been performed since the Han Dynasty, so the method of performances have been reflected in Lotus-picking lyrics. Lotus-picking lyrics has two ways of performing: singing way and musical dance. First of all, in terms of Xianghe song style, Lotus-picking lyrics also makes literary use of hesheng. In chorus, the form of exchanging songs is expressed in the conversation, especially the literati objectively describe the two characters and then convey their conversations. Next, in terms of musical dance performances, the literati choose a first-person female speaker and express her dedication. They also focus on portraying female characters, so lotus belong to the world of female characters. This makes it easy to understand the Southern Dynasties Palace style poetry, a later love poem, and the early Ci poetry.

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