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        존재론과 인식론이 사회과학 연구에 미치는 실질적인 영향 : 국민연금제도 연구사례를 중심으로

        문현경(Hyungyung Moon),김혜진(Hyejin Kim) 비판과 대안을 위한 사회복지학회 2021 비판사회정책 Vol.- No.70

        본 연구는 존재론과 인식론이 사회과학의 연구과정에 미치는 영향을 국민연금제도 연구를 예로 들어 보여주고자 한다. 이를 위해 ‘연구자의 존재론과 인식론이 전반적인 연구과정을 어떻게 다르게 하는가?’라는 질문을 설정한다. 이에 답하고자 Moon(2018)과 김혜진, 신승희, 유현경(2019)을 선정하여 존재·인식론적 관점을 토대로 연구질문의 설정과 연구방법의 선택, 자료수집 및 분석 과정, 연구결과 및 함의도출을 살펴본다. Moon(2018)은 근본주의-실재론을 토대로 두 차례 국민연금 개혁의 인과기제를 추론한다. 따라서 연구질문은 “어떻게”로 기술되고 과정추적법을 연구방법으로 하여 인터뷰와 공식문서 등을 활용했다. 반근본주의-해석주의 기반의 김혜진 등(2019)은 국민연금 감액수급자의 근로활동 실태는 어떤지, 즉 “무엇”에 주목하며 감액적용되어도 “왜” 일을 계속하는지 이해하고자 포커스그룹 인터뷰를 활용했다. 두 사례는 선행연구와 다른 함의를 제시하는데 이는 연구자가 존재론과 인식론을 분명히 했기 때문이다. 본 연구는 사회과학에 종사하는 학생과 연구자가 존재론과 인식론에 대한 진지한 고민을 통해 다양한 연구논리와 방법론으로 사회문제에 대한 폭넓은 논의를 하길 기대한다. The philosophical perspective of researchers on social phenomena has a great influence on designing their research. It is the discussion of ontological and epistemological positions, according to which subsequent stages of the research is shaped to a large extent. Exploring Moon(2018) and Kim et al.(2019), this paper highlights how the philosophical orientation results in substantial differences in research questions, research methods, type of data gathered, and their implications. Based on foundational ontology and realist epistemology, Moon(2018) examines the reform process of the National Pension Scheme to infer the causal mechanism working behind the reforms. Hence, he set the research questions that consist of “how” questions, and collected data mainly by conducting elite interviews and obtaining official documents. Applying anti-foundational ontology and interpretivist epistemology, Kim et al.(2019) explores the economic activities of pensioners who have received reduced pension benefits due to the economic activities after retirement. Kim et al.(2019), therefore, set out the research questions with “what” and “why” questions and obtained data through focus group interviews. In conclusion, this paper expects students and researchers in social science to reflect upon their own ontological and epistemological orientations in a serious manner, whereby they could provide fertile ground for the extensive discussions of social issues.

      • 영국 노동시장 변화에 따른 공·사적연금의 대응

        문현경 ( Moon Hyungyung ),유현경 ( Yu Hyun Kyung ) 한국보건사회연구원 2022 국제사회보장리뷰 Vol.21 No.-

        이 글은 영국 노동시장의 변화를 보여 주고 이에 따라 공·사적연금이 어떻게 변화했는지 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 영국의 시간제 고용률과 고용 대비 자영자 비율은 유럽연합(EU) 및 경제협력개발기구(OECD) 회원국보다 높다. 특히 최근의 자영자 증가는 1인 자영자(Solo self-employment)의 증가가 견인하는 것으로 나타나, 최근 노동시장의 변화를 여실히 보여 주고 있다. 이러한 변화의 흐름 속에서 영국 공적연금은 1층 기초연금의 연동 방식 변화를 개선하고 급여 수준을 인상하는 등 최근 노동시장 변화에 취약한 계층에게 혜택이 더 많이 돌아가도록 했다. 한편, 사적연금을 통하여 노후소득보장이 제대로 작동하도록 제도 관련 규제를 강화하여 공공성 제고를 꾀하고자 했다.

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      • KCI등재

        2001년도 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용한 고혈압 유무에 따른 식생활 비교 및 평가

        문현경(Moon Hyun-Kyung),박정현(Park Jung-Hyun) 韓國營養學會 2007 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.40 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate dietary intake between with and without hypertension. Study subjects were more than 30 years old adults (n = 3,806) who participated in the 2001 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. People who have 'self-recognition about hypertension' and 'having diet for hypertension' were excluded. Using the WHO standard, subjects were divided into the hypertensive group (SBP>140, DBP>90) and the normal group (SBP<140, DBP<90). The Body Mass Index (BMI) and the Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) of a hypertensive group were higher than those of a normal group (p<0.01). The distribution of the subjects for smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, stress, preference of salty food were not significantly different between a normal group and a hypertensive group (p>0.05). Dietary intakes were investigated by the 24-hour recall method. When food and dish intakes analyzed by sociodemographic factors, normal group consumed more fruits than those of a hypertensive group. Statistical significant were shown at female group, residences in metropolitan area and having elementary school education (p<0.05). Hypertensive group consumed more alcoholic beverages than those of a normal group at 'age 39-39', 'aged 50-64', 'high economic status', 'low economic status' and 'residences in metropolitan' (p<0.05). The amount of intakes for fat, potassium, thiamin, vitamin C and alcohol were significantly different between the normal group and the hypertensive group (p<0.05). The highest score of the Dietary diversity score (DDS) was 4 in both normal group and hypertensive group. Normal group showed high Nutrition Density (ND) of vitamin C and hypertensive group showed high ND of sodium. In summary, these results showed that significant difference for people with hypertension were intakes of fruits, alcohol, thiamin, vitamin C. And these results differed by sociodemographic groups. Therefore, the differential approach in each group is demanded for prevention and control of the hypertension. (Korean J Nutr 2007; 40(4): 347~361)

      • KCI등재

        만성질환 보유정도에 따른 여름, 겨울 농촌 노인의 식이섭취 평가

        문현경(Moon Hyun-Kyung),김정은(Kim Jung Eun),김은해(Kim Eun Hae) 韓國營養學會 2009 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.42 No.3

        Korea’s aging population has been remarkably increased. They want to have not only extension of life expectancy but also improving quality of life. To maintain the quality of life, it is essential to have good nutrition. However, nutritional status of elderly in Korea has problems qualitatively and quantitatively. Risk factors for poor nutrition are advanced age, woman, living alone and low economic status. Another risk factor in rural area is season because seasonal changes can affect food intake of elderly. Thus this study surveyed the health status and dietary intakes of elderly by season in rural area. In this study, the elderly were grouped as group 1 {elderly who have one risk factor for chronic diseases (obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes)} and group 2 (elderly who have more than 2 risk factors). Can-Pro 3.0 was used for dietary data analysis and SPSS 12.0 program was used for statistical analysis. Obesity had the highest percentage 62%, followed by hypertension 59.5%, dyslipidemia 21.5% and diabetes 11.6%. Obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia were high in winter and WHR, diabetes and anemia were high in summer. Mean intakes of energy and nutrients were less than RI. Nutrients which were changed most by season were vitamin A and Vitamin C. Intakes of calcium and folic acid were less than recommended in summer. The ratio of CPF for carbohydrate was higher and fat was lower than recommended. In conclusion, the nutrient intake of Group 2 was better in quality but Group 1 was better in quantity. Nutrient intakes were poor in summer. In rural area, more careful nutritional assesment and management are needed for aged population, especially in summer.

      • KCI등재

        특수형태근로종사자의 사회보험 불안정성 : 국민연금을 중심으로

        문현경(Moon, Hyungyung),류재린(Ryu, Jaerin) 한국노동연구원 2021 노동정책연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구는「국민연금 DB」를 활용하여 특고종사자와 비(非)특고종사자의 다양한 국민연금 가입지표들을 비교·분석하여 특고종사자의 불안정성을 검토한다. 주요 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 특고종사자 집단은 이들이 빠진 지역가입자 집단보다 가입기간과 소득 변동성 측면에서 더욱 불안정해 보인다. 둘째, 산재보험 특례적용 특고종사자 9개 직종의 징수율은 67.2%지만 사업장가입 특고종사자 집단의 징수율은 100%에 육박하여, 지역가입 특고종사자는 징수율 측면에서 더욱 불안정하다. 셋째, 특고종사자의 몇몇 지표상 불안정성과 달리 이들은 특고종사자가 빠진 지역가입자 집단보다 가입률과 기준소득월액 수준이 높았다. 종합하면, 특고종사자들의 국민연금 가입지표는 안정성과 불안정성이 혼재된 양상으로 타 사회보험과 달리 국민연금에서는 이들이 불안정하다고 단언하기 어렵다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 정책제언을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 특고종사자의 국민연금 불안정성에 대처하기 위해 이들을 사업장가입자로 전환하는 것보다 실제 데이터에 입각한 대응을 펼치는 방안이 효과적이다. 따라서 본 연구는 급격한 소득 하락을 겪는 저소득 특고종사자에게 한시적으로 보험료를 지원하는 방안을 제안한다. 둘째, 특고종사자를 위한 제도적 대응은 중·장기적으로 직종보다 속성 중심의 접근법에 기반을 두어야 한다. 다만, 이는 소득 파악 인프라 확충 등 제도 외적인 대응을 병행해야 더욱 효과적일 것이다. 셋째, 특고종사자의 사회적 보호를 종합적으로 확대하려면 국민연금을 포함한 4대 사회보험이 일관된 원칙과 방향성을 설정하여 나아가야 한다. 넷째, 근로자의 위장자영인화에 따른 특고종사자의 무분별한 확산과 이들의 소득 축소신고를 최소화하기 위한 제도 외적인 대응이 필수적이다. This study explores the social insurance precariousness of dependent self-employed(DSE) workers in Korea by analyzing a number of pension coverage indicators drawn from the NPS database. The main findings are as follows. First, from the perspective of pension payments and income fluctuation, the DSE workers are likely to be more precarious than the Individually Insured group excluding those workers. Second, the contribution density of nine types of the DSE workers eligible for Workers’ Compensation Insurance is a mere 67.2% whilst that of the Workplace-based DSE workers approaches 100%. Hence, it implies that the Individually Insured DSE workers are more exposed to precariousness in terms of contribution density. Third, in contrast with the aforementioned aspects, higher coverage rate and Standard Monthly Income are found for the DSE workers as compared to the Individually Insured group excluding those workers. Overall, it is difficult to argue that DSE workers necessarily experience all aspects of precariousness in the National Pension Scheme. Based upon the findings, the study presents some policy suggestions. First, in order to lessen the precariousness of DSE workers, it would be more effective to formulate evidence-based policy alternatives than to incorporate them into the Workplace-based group. The research therefore suggests a measure that temporally matches pension contributions for the DSE workers experiencing radical income fluctuation. Second, policy measures designed to support them should be based on an approach focusing on their features rather than job types. This approach, however, could be more effective in a situation where particular countermeasures such as better administrative capability to monitor actual income are well implemented. Third, four types of the social insurance system in Korea should seek consistent principles and policy directions to comprehensively promote the level of social protection for DSE workers. Fourth, the aforementioned countermeasures would be necessary to minimize the rapid expansion of DSE workers and their income under-reporting.

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