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        장기간 계대배양 된 장미 배발생 캘러스로부터 식물체 재분화 및 비정형체로부터 새로운 배발생캘러스 재생

        이수영,도경란,천경성,김원희,권오현,이혜진 한국식물생명공학회 2014 식물생명공학회지 Vol.41 No.2

        Long-term subcultured rose embryogenic calluses,which had been maintained for more than 5 to 6 years sincethe first embryogenesis from calluses induced from in vitroroots of rose, were identified as potential material for thedevelopment of transgenic plants. The first embryogeniccalluses from ‘Sweet Yellow’ and two breeding lines (KR056002and KR056006) were obtained in 2007 and 2009, respectively. Subsequently, we found that plants regenerated from longtermembryogenic calluses (LEC). Whereas the LEC from‘Sweet Yellow’ takes 3 to 4 months to regenerate plants,those of the two breeding lines take 4 to 5 months. Thisperiod of time is the same as that taken for plants to regeneratefrom the first embryogenic callus. New embryogenesis wasobserved from atypical bodies (ABs) that appeared duringthe process of long-term subculture. We found that it ispossible to use the AB as a material for new embryogenesis.

      • 혈장 Plasminogen 과 Prothrombin 의 생산에 관한 연구

        이수영,Lee, Soo-Young 생화학분자생물학회 1979 한국생화학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        토끼의 정맥에 주사된 [$^{75}Se$]-L-methionine에 편입된 혈장 plasminogen과 prothrombin의 편입율은 주사후 30분 부터 출현하기 시작하여 3시간 후에 최고치에 도달한 뒤 plateau를 이루었다. Plasminogen과 prothrombin은 다 같이 혈장에 존재한다는 것은 잘 알려진 사실이다. (Biggs & Macfarlane, 1962). plasminogen은 섬유소(fibrin)를 용해시키기 위해서 plasminogen activator에 의해서 활성 형인 plasmin으로 전환된 다음에 섬유소에 작용한다는 것도 이미 다 알려져 있지만 plasmin의 체내 생산장소에 대해서는 아직까지 확실히 알려져 있지 않고 다만 면역형광법에 의한 관찰 결과, 골수의 호산성과립구(eosinophilic leukocyte)에서 생산되어 순환내로 유리되는 것이 아닌가 추측되고 있다(Barnhart & Riddle, 1963). 한편 prothrombin은 혈액이 응고될 때에 prothrombinase에 의하여 활성화 되어 thrombin으로 되며, 이 thrombin이 칼슘이온과 함께 섬유소원(fibrinogen)에 작용하여 섬유소(fibrin)로 전환시키며, 또 이 prothrombin의 생산장소는 간이라는 것은 잘 알려진 사실이다(Finkbiner et al., 1959; Rapaport et al., 1960). 저자는 혈액응고 과정에서 섬유소원을 섬유소로 전환시키는데 작용하는 thrombin의 zymogen형인 prothrombin과 섬유소를 용해시키는데 작용하는 plasmin의 zymogen형인 plasminogen이 체내의 생산장소로부터 각각 생산된 뒤에 순환혈액으로 유리되는 방식(mode)을 관찰하기 위하여, 추적자로서 [$^{75}Se$]-L-methionine을 토끼의 정맥에 주사한 뒤에, 일정한 시간 간격으로 도살하고, 혈장 plasminogen과 thrombin에 각각 편입된 [$^{75}Se$]-L-methionine의 방사능을 계측하였다. Both plasminogen and prothrombin incorporated by [$^{75}Se$]>-L-methionine in the plasma of rabbits were rapidly increased up to 3 hours after [$^{75}Se$]-L-methionine infusion, and then showed plateaus, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        신장이식 환자들의 면역억제제 복약에 대한 이해도 및 이행도에 관한 조사

        이수영,이주연,김경희,한현주,박경호,이병구,조남춘 한국병원약사회 1998 병원약사회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Survey on comprehension and compliance of immunosuppressant medication was conducted in 97 kidney transplant recipients at the organ transplant clinic in Seoul National University Hospital from Septemer 23 to October 25, 1996. Medication teaching and patient counseling pharmacist consulted with patients by direct or telephone communications and checked medical records of them to find whether the patients understand about their medications, such as drug name, the reasones of medications, side effects, etc. From the present survey, it was noticed that noncompliance was 9.7%, which was lower percent than that of other reports or other diseases. Also the compliance was not effected significantly by ages(p=0.46) or duration of post-transplantation(p=0.148). The most of patients understood well about immunosuppresants which were administered to them, such as the drug name(98%), dosage form and content(96%) and variable adverse effects, but they didn't understand about the importance of therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM) of cyclosporine and blood sampling condition (fasted). Also they understood well about the risk of the co-administration of other drugs(98%) and 47% of them knew that the reasons of risks were resulted from drug interaction. From the results of present study, it was found that noncompliance of immunosuppresants was low percent, but in order to maximize long-term renal allograft survival, the pharmacists must instruct the organ transplant patients about various informations which they didn't understand, such as TDM and drug interactions.

      • 情報都市의 經濟社會와 空間構造

        이수영 부산대학교 사회과학대학 1993 社會科學論叢 Vol.12 No.1

        The developed world of today is still in transition from an industrial to an information economy where information becomes the most important commodity. The introduction of ever more powerful information into the manufacturing process substitutes this technology, based on robotics and automation, for labor and traditional energy-intensive capital. Another involves the substitution of knowledge and intelligence for some material and energy resources, thus achieving the more efficient design of products, greater knowledge of their markets, and tighter planning and operation of their production and distribution processes. These two changes are also facilitating the shift to increased quality, diversity, and "personalization" of the products involved. One consequence of automation is a reduction of employment in manufacturing industries. The shift to information economy is facilitating much greater informality in the spatial organization of activities, with the formation of multiple center in metropolitan areas combined with greater spatial integration of commercial, residential, and recreational activities. Much greater speeds and capacities for moving information, people, and goods are allowing better coordination of commercial activities and greater integration of production, communication, and information processing, leading to increasing integration of functions within the urban system. There is greater freedom in locational choice for individuals who seek urban, rural or recreational amenities; for some non-routine functions such as research, design, and education, the locational sequence of cause and effect is being reversed, as jobs follow people into high amenity areas. Yet the transition has its negative side. Greater income disparity, rising unemployment through the mismatch of jobs and skills, alienation in the working environment and in society generally, and other social problems in the community and metropolitan areas: all these bring inexorable demands for more institutions and procedures to engender greater security and community support. Thus, as well as changing and ameliorating old urban problems, the transition is generating new ones. Telecommunications networks are facilitating the global organization of industry, the rise of global markets for finance, securities, and commodities, and further growth of cities at the hubs of these information networks. These high-speed networks, consisting of both telecommunications and high-speed personal transportation, are becoming the new trade routes of the twenty-first century. Resources are shifting to the information based industries, which in turn are attracted to the global cities at their nodes. And the traditional global trade centers-New York, London, Tokyo, and Paris- have so far emerged as the most significant nodes of these information exchange. The present concerns for international cooperation spring from the contamination of our atmosphere, land, and water by industrial and urban wastes, while their impacts on climate change are likely to prove even more significant. Urban activities involving transport, the heating and cooling of buildings, and the fuelling of production processes, are major contributors to this global warning or "greenhouse effect". Yet the new technology also offer the potential for controlling the green house effect: through new forms of emission control, the substitution of more efficient transport and energy forms, the use of telecommunication to substitute for some travel, and the application of information systems to conserve materials and energy. Life in the twenty-first century can be expected to be richer in information and knowledge, and more recreationally diverse; a wider range of lifestyles and living environments will become possible. Cities in the twenty-first century will characterized by much greater rates of change, set in motion by the increasing speed of development of new technologies. The urban future, however, contains a number of major paradoxes; increasing information but increasing uncertainty; increasing diversity of lifestyles but differences in income and opportunity between the information-rich and the information-poor, both locally and globally; increasing efficiency and quality in production of goods and services but increasing constraints on energy and resources. Limited forays into predicting the form and structure of early twenty-first century cities are both possible and necessary. We can identify present trends, work them through to their "logical" conclusions, and thus develop a framework within which we can anticipate problems and develop solutions for future cities. There is no one agreed approach to assessing the impact of new information technologies on spatial from; rather, they demonstrate the value of pursuing many different methods, which individually amy detect some facet of the urban future, and which complement each other in building up a synthetic picture of the twenty-first century city.

      • 佛獨 行政의 特異性과 유럽 聯合

        이수영 부산대학교 사회과학대학 1997 社會科學論叢 Vol.16 No.1

        French public administration has recently been involved with the concepts of efficiency, user involvement, accountability, speedy decisions, responsiveness and so on. Surrounded with a number of conflicting demands, bureaucrats feel uneasy. How can better quality be achieved when scare human resources or political pressures hinder the recruitment of qualified personnel? How can efficiency be improved when legal rules or the veto from labor unions prevent the giving of rewards to hardworking employees? Civil servant are now paying the price of sweeping change affecting the relationship between state and civil society. Sectoral and local demands are invading field services whose technical expertise is now challenged by private business or by local authority staffs. Traditional sources of administrative legitimacy, such as public service or general interest, are still strong, but civil servants have lost their privileged social status. These trends could be analyzed as a democratization process, a standardizing mechanism adjusting French public administration to EU integration and the pluralistic political market. From another perspective, social structures in the higher civil service ranks remain untouched and that elites' networks are more closely linked than ever. It is hard to predict whether the traditional separation-confusion cycle between polities and public administration will give way to another statist interpretation of political life or to a real policy-centered model implying some kind of politicized managerialism. Change dynamics can be found in building administrative rationales that articulate professional perspectives and social understanding of what a good civil service is supposed to be. This means that public administration change is triggered by external and internal pressures. French administrative modernization policy was triggered by a clear political will from 1988. Nevertheless, this reform would be inoperative without structural changes that allowed civil servants to change their career strategies and professional values. Micro changes produced by pressures from private business, politicans or voluntary associations, cannot involve macro structural changes without translation features. This process is operated through channels allowing specific information to circulate between policy-markers and civil servants. The implicit function of public administration in social and political arenas are important. As long as French public administration offered a promotional way for the middle class and a counterweight to political instability, civil servants were highly motivated to defend themselves against competing social groups and demands through administrative law and professional rules. When there was governmental stability during the Fifth Republic, they could heighten their expertise in policy-making, devoting less attention to legal safeguards. When political stability and social consideration disappeared in the 1980s. they realized that they were supposed to behave as common wage-earners do. Most of significant traits of the German administrative system can be found in other countries, too. In all western democracies, administration is bound by law. Nevertheless, peculiar German trait is the legalistic approach of the administrative culture. When political control breaks down, role understanding and decision-making behavior might be different in Germany than in the US or the UK. The existence of administrative courts and the predominantly juridical training are also leaving their imprint. Probably more distinctive is the historical development of the relationship between politics and administration in Germany. In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon heritage, German bureaucracy preceded democracy. This has had a lasting impact on the importance attributed to expertise and the low degree of lateral mobility between politics and administration. Also, only the public offices at the top are elective or staffed with appointed political executives. Aspects of parliament-executive relationships display the "strong state tradition", i.e., the tradition of a strong civil and military bureaucracy ; for instance, the lack of comprehensive access of parliamentary investigation committees to government records. Similarly, the absence of a freedom of information act could be perceived from the perspective. There is subtle resistance to the public sector reform. Germans settled for middled-range fiscal planning instead of PPBS and the bureaucracy never experienced a shake-up in recent years. Privatization did not become so important as it had in other countries. Closely connected with and resulting from these elements of the administrative culture is the absence of bureaucrat-bashing by politicians. On the contrary, leading politicians of all parties have repeatedly appreciated the excellent work of the federal bureaucracy in drafting the unification treaty with East Germany ad the service that 25,000 Western bureaucrats are doing in the East. This does not, of course, exclude the criticism of "the state apparatus" and "bureaucracy" among the intelligentsia in the universities. Party-politicizing the personnel policy in administration is not a new phenomenon in Germany, but the extent to which it has been done during the last two decades and its candid admission is new. On the one hand, the blame for this is put on the politicians ; on the other hand, it might be asked if this tendency, together with the academization and professionalization of politicians, their predominant legal training and civil service background, does not contribute to a further bureaucratization of politics.

      • 서비스 개선을 위한 ISDN/PSTN 가입자번호 통일화에 관한 연구

        李首永,吳敏雄,金生洙,朴光埰 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1993 生産技術硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        In this paper, We analyze and inspect the problem of our country PSTN subscriber telephone number and suggest the ISDN/PSTN subsciber numbering plan in the future. Expecially, when you eastablish plan to change present telephone number system to ISDN telephone number system, public goverment and public office which has many calls have to be given a same number, that is many people want and being easy rememberance throughout the country. Therefore we think that it is saving hours and reduce lost calls, As concrete action of convert plan it must be made consistent nurnbering plan when the numbering reorganization is carried out in Korea before T-time. If a partial is not carried out, it should be given when the telephone number is newly-organized or the big buliding and goverment and public office eastablish RSS individually. At that time chaos will be minimized.

      • 한국인(韓國人)의 혈청지질(血淸脂質) 연구(硏究)

        이수영,김강석,Lee, Soo-Young,Kim, Kang-Seuck 한국생명보험의학회 1985 保險醫學會誌 Vol.2 No.1

        In Med Dept. Daehan Education Insurance, Total 690 cases(male 376 cases, female 314 cases) were inspected to study the change of serum lipid value. The objects of investigation were total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid and total lipid value. The results are as follows: 1) In the normal subjects, with the relation of serum lipid value and the age. triglyceride, phospholipid and total lipid value showed the increasing tendency by 70 age, but total cholesterol value and HDL cholesterol value showed the increasing tendency by 59 age and the decreasing tendency after 59 age. 2) In the normal subject the difference of serum lipid value between sexes did not make the significant difference of level statistically in all items which can be inspected. 3) The weight change and serum lipid value are very significantly related. Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and total lipid value are high in female if the weight is light. But they are high in male the weight is heavy phospholipid value is opposite to the above result. Triglyceride value is high in male regardless the weight, but the significant difference happened in the high weight group. 4) As serum lipid value of hypertension patients is compared with that of the normal subjects, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid and total lipid value are significantly high. 5) The doubtful group of the fatty infittration of liver among the hypertension pafients have very significant difference in serum lipid value compared with not only the value of the normal subject but also that of the obesity group. 6) The doubtless group of the fatty infitration of liver among the hypertension patients have the significant difference in all serum lipid value compared with that of the normal subject, but compared with the obesity group males had the significant difference of HDL cholesterol value and both sexes had the significant difference in total lipid value, but had no significant difference in total cholesterol, triglyceride and phosprolipid value. 7) The ratio of total cholesterol per HDL cholesterol had the significant difference in the doubtful hypertension patients of the fatty infittration of liver and the relative weight, but it had no significant difference compared with the normal subject in the doubtless hypertension patients.

      • KCI등재

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