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        창의적 연구의 모순해결과정에 적용된 귀류법과 이를 표상한 나비 다이어그램

        현정석,박찬정 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2016 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.6 No.4

        창의적 연구자들이 기존 전통이론을 반박하고 자신의 이론을 증명하기 위해 귀류법을 사용한 경우가 많았다. 하지만 귀류법은 수학적 증명과정에서 수식 증심으로 사용될 뿐 문제해결과정을 다이어그램으로 표상하는 시도가 드물었다. 본 연구는 창의적 연구의 모순해결과정에 적용된 귀류법이 어떻게 표상될 수 있는지 나비 다이어그램을 이용하여 설명하였다. 이를 통해 모순을 이해하고 문제해결이 용이하도록 방법을 제시하였다. 예를 들면, 아르키메데스는 금관이 순금으로 만들어졌는지 여부를 직접 증명하기 힘든 상황에서 귀류법을 적용하여 문제를 해결했다. 또한, 갈릴레이는 아리스토텔레스의 낙하이론을 사고실험으로써 물체의 무게에 상관없이 낙하속도가 동일함을 알아내었다. 아인슈타인 역시 속력 덧셈의 법칙을 계속 확장시키다보면 광속불변의 원리와 모순되는 점을 발견하고 뉴턴 역학에 오류가 있음을 알아차렸다. 본 연구는 문제해결을 돕기 위하여 모순해결을 위한 나비 다이어그램을 이용하여 귀류법의 적용과정을 다이어그램으로 나타내고 진리치표에 의한 타당한 형식을 제시하였다. There have been many cases that adopted proof by contradiction for creative researchers to prove their theory and to explore the weak points of the existing theories. However, there has rarely been trials to represent the problem solving process with the proof by contradiction as a diagram. This research explained how to represent creative research’s contradiction resolution process applied with the proof by contradiction as the Butterfly diagram. Archimedes solved the golden crown problem with the proof by contradiction in a situation that was difficult to prove if the golden crown was pure or not. Galileo Galilei proved that Aristotle’s law of falling bodies was wrong from the thought experiment. He proved that the bodies of different weight fell with the same speed by proof by contradiction. Einstein proved that the velocity addition law was contradicted with the law of light speed constancy. From the proof, he discovered an error in Newtonian mechanics. This research represented the application process with the Butterfly diagram for solving contradiction resolution in scientific history. In addition, this research proposed the valid argument by a truth table.

      • 학술세션 5 : 지식경영과 문제해결(TRIZ) ; 아리즈(ARIZ)에서 어느 기술적 모순을 선택해야 하나? 명제논리를 사용한 나비 다이어그램 분석

        현정석,박찬정 한국지식경영학회 2014 지식경영 학술심포지움 Vol.2014 No.1

        Altshuller and his colleagues proposed ARIZ, Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving by analyzing patents of the whole world. ARIZ is the methodology for effective problem solving by transforming difficult untypical problems info easy problems. ARIZ-85c proposed to select the one that is accord with the main function of a system among two technical contradictions of the system. However, their theory had a limitation that did not explain how to determine the main function of the system. “Which technical contradiction is right?”, the problem TRIZ researchers meet while applying ARIZ-85c in the initial stage of problem solving, is the first step to solve the given problem because it gives a specific direction to solve the problem, and it also takes a lot of time to choose the right ideal final result. In this research, we propose a method how to select technical contradictions by analyzing the Butterfly diagrams based on propositional logic. We can find out which technical contradiction is right by performing propositional logic analysis on the relationship between technical contradiction and physical contradiction propositionally. At the same time, we use the Butterfly Diagram for analyzing the contradictions of given problems. By doing these, we can eliminate the limitation the ARIZ-85c has and can determine easily about the direction to solve problems.

      • KCI등재

        Application of the Butterfly Diagram for Business and e-Commerce Innovation Cases

        현정석,박찬정,강재정,하환호 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2014 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.14 No.5

        Innovative cases have something in common that they solved contradiction relations hidden in given problems. General Motor’s Installment Financing, Diffie-and-Hellman’s public key cryptography, Toyota’s Just-In-Time production system, and SK Telecom’s Gifticon are the examples. In order to solve problems, it is important to represent the problem with an appropriate notation. However, we hardly found the systematic representation method for the contradiction problems belong to business and e-Commerce innovations. When we confront a difficult problem to solve, if we can figure out the problem structure and the problem type, then we can easily solve the problem because they help to reduce the problem space. In this research, we present the Butterfly Diagram for contradiction problem solving to draw innovative problem solution strategies by analyzing the trade-off relations and the contradiction relations hidden in dilemmas. In addition, we proposed a few implications by applying the Butterfly Diagram for contradiction problem solving to the business and e-Commerce innovative cases.

      • 학술세션Ⅲ : 지식경영과 창의성 ; 모순해결 나비모형에 기반한 모순관계유형과 모순해결차원 분류

        현정석,박찬정 한국지식경영학회 2014 지식경영 학술심포지움 Vol.2014 No.-

        The problems having contradiction relationships are difficult to solve because the contradiction relationships of the problems frequently cause dilemmas that are in a double-bind. Most creative and innovative examples solved contradictions inherent in the dilemmas. TRIZ provided the concept of physical contradiction as a common problem solving principle in inventions and patents. Also, TRIZ provided 4 separation principles for solving physical contradictions; (1) separation in time, (2) separation in space, (3) separation within a whole and its parts, (4) separation upon conditions. However, there have not existed accurate definitions of the separation principles of TRIZ. Thus, many TRIZ researchers have proposed various kinds of interpretations about the separation principles. In addition, it could be easily recognized that the 4 separation principles are the only way for solving physical contradictions. This paper firstly classifies the types of contradiction relationships and the contradiction solving dimensions based on the Butterfly model for contradiction solving. Secondly, this paper compares and analyzes the cases for each contradiction relationship type. The contributions of this paper lies in overcoming the bounded rationality about problem resolutions because we can reduce the problem space as much as we recognize the structures and the types of contradiction problems.

      • 모순해결과 나비모형에 대한 교육이 청소년들의 문제해결력에 미치는 영향

        현정석,박찬정 한국과학영재교육학회 2010 과학영재교육 Vol.2 No.3

        트리즈(TRIZ)는 창의적으로 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 안내하는 체계적인 알고리즘이다. 최근 교육을 비롯한 여러 분야에서 창의적 문제해결력이 화두가 되면서 많은 학자들이 브레인스토밍이나 여섯 색깔 모자 기법 등과 같은 창의적 문제해결기법에 관심을 가지고, 이를 여러 분야에 적용하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 J 과학영재교육원에 재학 중인 중등 학생들에게 트리즈 교육을 실시한 후, 이 교 육이 영재 학생들의 문제해결력에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 효과를 분석하고자 한다. 트리즈 교육 후, 학생들이 참여하게 된 발명대회에서의 성과 및 특허 출원과 관련된 내용을 위주로 기술하고, 어떤 개 선점이 있었는지도 설명한다. 또한, 향후 문제해결 사고(computational thinking)와 연결시켜 바람직한 교육 방안을 모색하고자 한다. TRIZ is a systematic algorithm for guiding students to the right way to solve given problems creatively. Recently, creative problem solving has become onf of the hot issues in various areas including education. Thus, many researchers have been interested in the techniques such as brainstorming, six thinking hats, and so on to apply these methods to various problems. In this paper, after we give lectures about TRIZ to the gifted students belong to the Institute of Science Education for Gifted Students in J University, we analyze the educational effects on their problem solving abilities. We especially develop the education model, namely Butterfly model, for the students to learning easily and quickly. Thus, we also teach them by using our Butterfly model when they solve problems. In addition, in this paper, we describe the outcomes such as patent applications and an invention competition's awards our students get. Finally, we suggest a desirable way connecting to the computational thinking when we teach adolescents about creative problem solving.

      • KCI등재후보

        Innovative Contradiction Solving Dimensions and Algorithms


        In engineering fields, many researchers have confronted with various kinds of difficult problems to solve. In particular, when there exist conflicting requirements to be satisfied at the same time, the complexity of problems increases. To solve the problems creatively and innovatively, many useful methods have been developed. Among them, TRIZ has also been used at many companies and institutes. TRIZ is a the theory of inventive problem solving. However, it is based on induction-based method. Even though many TRIZ researchers tried to reduce trials-and-errors as many as possible, there still exist trials-and-errors in its algorithm. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for solving contradiction problems systematically. Our algorithm is based on propositional logic and deduction, and thus we can automate it with a computer programming language. We have used this algorithm in educational areas, and we show the results about the academic achievements from applying the algorithm in this paper. In the future, we can apply the proposed algorithm to computers for solving contradiction problems automatically.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Butterfly Chatbot: Finding a Concrete Solution Strategy to Solve Contradiction Problems


        The Butterfly model, which aims to solve contradiction problems, defines the type of contradiction for given problems and finds the problem-solving objectives and their strategies. Unlike the ARIZ algorithm in TRIZ, the Butterfly model is based on logical proposition, which helps to reduce trial and errors and quickly narrows the problem space for solutions. However, it is hard for problem solvers to define the right propositional relations in the previous Butterfly algorithm. In this research, we propose a contradiction solving algorithm which determines the right problem-solving strategy just with yes or no simple questions. Also, we implement the Butterfly Chatbot based on the proposed algorithm that provides visual and auditory information at the same time and help people solve the contradiction problems. The Butterfly Chatbot can solve contradictions effectively in a short period of time by eliminating arbitrary alternative choices and reducing the problem space.

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