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        조선 후기 여성시회의 지향의식과 문학사적 의미 -삼호정시회(詩會)를 중심으로-

        한성금 동아인문학회 2022 동아인문학 Vol.60 No.-

        This study aimed to speculate on the orientational consciousness and meaning of literature history through literature activities of women poetry clubs in the late Joseon Period. Group literature activities of women to whom they were not familiar one another were first revealed in the 19th century through Samhojsoeng Poetry Club. To understand what meaning the club had in Chinese poetry history of the late Joseon Period, this study gave a focus on investigating their desire of creative activities, self-esteem, life and dream as they continued to pursue for as nobility and limitations in status. They wanted to communicate with society and make themselves famous like a man through writing Chinese poetry. In respect to the meaning of Samjojsoeng Poetry Club, it was assumed that a small social bond would be made among women. In the society of only men, as it was positioned as ‘women society,’ women’s Chinese literature trend was changed. This poetry club was a field where women could freely write what they wanted to write as a women’s subjective literature activity space. However, the members of the Samhojeong Poetry Club were aware of unfairness of the society in which women could not follow their dreams as they were women although they were talented, expressed conflicts that they could not be real family members as they were concubines. Although they had the consciousness of progress that broke down social conventions, they were forced to follow the social order of patriarchy. In addition, the poetry club was not organized further and broken up as some of the members were dead and moved to other districts. 이 글은 조선 후기 여성 시회의 문학활동을 통한 그들의 지향의식과 문학사적 의미 고찰에 목적을 두었다. 雲楚, 瓊山, 鏡春, 竹西, 錦園 등의 소실들로 구성된 여성들만의 집단적 문학활동은 19세기에 처음 드러났는데, 바로 삼호정시회이다. 이 시회가 조선 후기 한시문학사에 어떤 의미를 갖는지를 찾기 위하여, 그녀들의 한시작품에 드러난 시창작의 욕구와 자존감, 끝없이 추구한 사대부적인 삶과 꿈, 신분적 한계점을 고찰하는데 주안점을 두었다. 기생첩이나 소실들이라는 미천한 신분이지만 최초의 여성시회를 결성한 의미는 결코 작지 않다. 그녀들이 자신들의 삶을 살아내기 위하여 어떤 지향의식을 갖고 있었는지, 그 의미와 한계는 무엇인지를 고찰하는 것은 조선 후기 여성들의 집단적 문학활동과 그녀들의 삶의 대처 방식이 드러나기 때문에 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 그녀들은 사대부들의 영역인 책을 읽고 한시를 창작하여 소통하고 싶은, 남자의 삶을 지향하였다. 자신들의 문학적 재능이 사대부들의 영역이었기 때문에 그들의 사유와 삶의 방식을 추종할 수밖에 없었다. 삼호정시회의 의미는 먼저 여성들끼리의 작은 사회적 연대를 형성하였다고 볼 수 있다. 기존의 집단적 시회가 남성들의 문학활동을 위한 모임으로 연대를 형성하고 시단을 이끌어갔다면, 삼호정시회는 ‘여성시회’로 자리매김을 함으로써 여성 한시의 문학적 흐름을 변화시켰다고 할 수 있다. 조선시대 여성 한시의 주체인 사족녀들의 한시는 오랜 세월동안 규방문학을 벗어나지 못했고 소통에 있어서도 대부분 가족의 범위를 넘지 않았다. 다른 부류인 기녀들의 한시는 양반 사대부들과 밀착되어 있어서 주체적인 시작활동에 한계를 보였다고 볼 수 있다. 그런데 조선 후기의 삼호정시회는 규방을 벗어나서 여성들만의 주체적 시회를 시작함으로써 기존의 여성 한시의 문학활동과는 다른, 여성들의 한시 문학사에 하나의 의미를 갖게 하였다. 이 시회는 여성들만의 주체적 문학활동 공간으로 자신들이 쓰고 싶은 글을 쓸 수 있었다. 사대부들과 함께한 시회에서는 표현적 한계가 있을 수밖에 없었는데, 자신들만의 시회에서는 성정에 기반한 진실된 시를 쓸 수 있었다. 삼호정시회의 한계는 본인들이 재주를 가졌지만 여자이기 때문에 세상에 펼 수 없는 부당함을 자각하였다는 것이고, 소실로서 남편들의 가문에 진입하지 못한 갈등을 표출 한 점이다. 그녀들은 사회의 통념을 깨는 진보의식을 갖고 있었지만 결국 사회적 질서를 따를 수밖에 없었기 때문이다. 또 다른 하나는 詩會를 좀 더 체계화시키지 못한 점이다. 회원의 죽음과 이사로 인하여 와해되었다. 이와 같이 여성들만의 최초의 집단적 문학 활동을 재조명하고 의미를 정립하는 작업은 조선 후기 여성의 문학적 단면이 드러나므로 여성 한시 문학사의 한 축을 조망하는 일이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        許蘭雪軒의 漢詩에 드러난 作家意識 硏究

        韓聖錦 한국고시가문학회 2003 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.12

        Hu-nan-seol-hun is a female writer who wrote lots of good Chinese poems in Joseon Dynasty when there were few Chinese female writers. The society of Joseon Dynasty preferred poetry-writing by women. However, it exacted obedience and chastity from women. In this situation, Hu appeared as a forerunner. This study examined distinct characteristics of her poetry. For the purpose, her life was considered. However, there is little record about her. Therefore, this study examined her consciousness about poetry based on her poetry. She was known as a woman who wrote lots of Chinese poems, but only about 210 poems remains that have been kept by her brother, Hu Gyun. The consciousness in her works is classified into four parts: poems about self-esteem, ones about conflict of social structure, ones about family and love, and ones about dreams and ideals based on Taoism. It is believed that she was the best female poet in Joseon Dynasty when her consciousness expressed in her writing was examined.

      • KCI등재

        許蘭雪軒 漢詩의 美學的 考察 : 表現美를 중심으로 Centering on Representational Beauty

        韓聖錦 한국고시가문학회 2004 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.14

        Huh Nan Seol Hun was a famous female poet in the reign of King Myeong-jong of Joseon Dynasty and about 210 Chinese verses written by her are handed down to us. Her Chinese verses are handed down by Huh Gyun, her younger brother, and representational beauty as one of the aesthetic characteristics of her poetry impress the readers. She describes her poor life indirectly rather than directly. Themes such as hidden beauty, yearning, solitude and grief are beautifully connected with images. Also, she skillfully uses creative techniques such as satire, simile, and metaphors to describe women's suffering which is difficult to be told. Above all, the most splendid characteristic of her verses is that she uses a projection to indirect things rather than plain speaking to express her view of life and sense of value.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        蓀谷 李達의 표현 기교

        한성금 한국시가문화학회 2009 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.24

        Songok Lee Dal, a poet of Samdangpa in the middle of Joseon Period, was famous for superior representational method of poetry. He was highly admired by many people including Huh Gyun, one of his students, because of his superiority in describing poetry. The reason why his poetry was admired is that his poetry is outstanding in configuration of poetry. Mr. Lee Dal's outstanding method to express poetry lies in techniques and choice of words. He used visual description of images to objectively express objects. The poet attempted to present what the characters in poetry wanted to express only with objective scenes instead of attitude as a narrator. And he inspired objects through projection of emotion into natural things. Thus, when emotion of speakers is indirectly revealed through natural features, meaning implied in poetry is expanded and a trailing note of imagination is presented. His another technique of poetry is excellent word choice. He used a lots of sound symbolic words to represent rhythm. His poetry used various sounds to reinforce poetry to which his emotion was projected to have a subtle effect. And he omitted predicates for static description of natural features, which inspired readers to have imagination. As above, Songok controlled voice and emotion of poetic speakers as much as possible to give inspiration and strong tail notes to readers. As he has excellent linguistic sense, that is, ability to manipulate languages, he is considered to have led the poetry style of Dang Dynasty in the middle of Joseon period.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 소실의 존재 양상과 시적 지향의식 ―박죽서를 중심으로―

        한성금 동아인문학회 2024 동아인문학 Vol.0 No.66

        This study investigated members of the Samhojeongsihoi that were made of concubines in the late Joseon period, giving a focus on Park Juk-Seo. The poetic description shown in Jukseo Sijip was different from that of other concubines as it had inclination and temperance in Confucian ideology that were found in high officials’ ladies. Her poetry was active and resolute in creative writing and communication while it showed the mood of grudging against husbands and virtue training of high officials’ ladies in Joseon period. Also it expressed the strong desire to gain fame as lower class women. Such consciousness was never found in high officials’ ladies. Therefore, Jukseo wrote poetry on married life, oriented consciousness and how to manage life and it was assumed that she made a contribution to development of open consciousness in women through literary communication and orientation toward and dream of noble life that high officials’ wives did not attempt. In addition, it is expected that the aspect of existence of concubines in the late Joseon period would be revealed as it is agreed that studies on Chinese poetry by women poets would make a contribution to revealing the aspect of a society including women in cubic and full-fledged ways.

      • 국산(國産) 농용발동기(農用發動機)에 대(對)한 성능시험(性能試驗)

        한성금 ( Sung Keum Han ),김성래 ( Soung Rai Kim ),오세인 ( Se In Oh ) 한국농공학회 1965 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.7 No.1

        Institute of Agricultural Engineering & Utilization had tested 28 engines which were manufactured in Korea in 1963. The purpose of this test is to present the information of various engine to farmer and government to select good farm engine. This test had carried out according to KS B 6002 “Testing Method of Small Internal Combustion Engine”,and results of the test are as follows: 1. The output of engine were measured by proney brake at the each manufacturing company because of difficulty of transportation. 2. On the test, one diesel engine and one petro engine could not exceed their indicated ps and 110 % load, while one diesel engine and two petrol engines exceeded fuel consumption rate which provided in Korean industrial standards. The other engines were satisfactory on Korean industrial standards. 3. The engines 5ps should be produced to be used with diesel in Korea to save fuel expense, the operation cost of diesel engine considered only fuel expense is less than petrol engine. 4. On the governing speed test, diesel engines and one petrol engine exceeds the limited fluctuation on Korean industrial standard and the other 23 engines weres satisfactory. 5. Five diesel engines had vibration in operation, and one diesel engine was not good combustion condition" Also one petrol engine leaked out its compressed air. 6. The hardness of piston pin of 14 engines was softer than H<sub>R</sub>C 50~65 provided in K.S. and the hardness of exhaust and suction valve of 13 engine was not exceed over H<sub>R</sub>C 104 in K.S. The others had adequate hardness on Korean industria standard. 7. Two petrol engines had lower compression ratio of all of the diesel engines satisfied the Korean industrial standard 15:1-22:1. 8. The weight per ps of diesel engines was generally kg. and heavier than petrol engine. 9. In accordance wich above results, seven engines were passed the test by A class and 17 engines were passed the test by B class. The passing rate-of the test was 86%, and this rate is higher than the past year. 10. Home product diesel and petrol engines are not adequate for moving operation because of heavyweight caused by low speed. Those low speed engine should be developed to high speed to apply power tiller and power spraer.

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