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河炳權 서울교육대학교 과학교육연구소 1985 科學과 數學敎育 論文集 Vol.11 No.-
Binary alloys of Fe_xTa_100-x (15≤x≤95) were fabricated by high rate sputtering. The amorphous state, as verified by X-ray diffraction, is realized over a wide composition range of 15≤x≤90. The amorphous alloys with Fe concentration up to the threshold x_c??65 are non-magnetic. For the samples with x>x_c, the magnetic ordering temperature (Tc) varies monotonically with Fe content to 200k for a-Fe_90 Ta_10. Measurement of the effective hyperfine field (H_eff) and the distribution of hyperfine field 〔P(H)〕have also been carried out. Small magnetic hyperfine field are observed, consistent with the small Fe magnetic moments measured. The concentration dependence of isomer shift and the electric quadrupole splitting have also been obtaind. The electric quadrupole splitting shows a large difference between Fe-rich and Ta-rich samples.
河炳權,金德萬 서울 敎育大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.-
This is a report about the second year of an experimental program titled "A Pilot Study of SCIS Program" which was started in 1970. The objectives of the SCIS pilot study were to measure the achievement of the child about the objectives of the SCIS program implemented in Korea, and also to explore the problems concerning the implementation of a SCIS program in Korea. Two SCIS units-"Interaction and Systems" as a physical science unit and "Life Cycles" as a life science unit-were taught to the 1st class of the 2nd grade at the Attached Elementary School, Seoul Junior Teacher's College in 1971. The measurement of the child's concept formation about Interaction, System, and Life Cycle concepts was based on the testing form which was developed by SCIS research members at the University of California in the United States. The method of measurement was the group paper test. Children checked on the answer sheats after observing the experiment which was demonstrated with several simple materials by the teacher. Amost 80% of the students understood the concepts of interactions, systems and life cycles and also formed those concepts on their level.