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최영석,진흥률,연제엽 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 2005 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.15 No.1
Sinonasal mucormycosis is a form of invasive fungal infection of the sinonasal track that often extends to the orbit, brain, and palate. It is caused by the order Mucorales and commonly associated with immuconcompromised conditions such as diabetic ketoacidosis, HIV infection, hematologic malignancy. Treatment includes aggressive debridement, systemic antifungal therapy and control of underlying factors. We experienced 3 cases of sinonasal mucormycosis: rhino-orbital, isolated sphenoid sinus, palatal mucormycosis. Each patients had undergone wide surgical debridement including a case with orbital exenteration and systemic antifungal therapy. We present our successful management with literature reviews. 비·부비동에 발생하는 모균증은 안와, 두 개내, 또는 구개 침범이 흔한 진균성 감염이고 mucorales종의 일종으로 당뇨병케토산증이나 AIDS환자, 혈액 악성종양과 같이 면역이 저하된 환자에게서 주로 발생한다. 치료로는 환자의 원인 요소를 치료하고 광범위한 수술적 절제와 장기간의 항진균제의 사용이 이용되고 있지만 치료효과가 만족하지 못하다. 저자들은 안구를 침범하여 안구를 제거한 경우, 장기간의 두통을 호소한 환자에게서 발견된 접형동 단독의 감염 사례, 그리고 구개를 침범하여 구개의 일부를 절제한 사례를 경험하였고 광범위한 감염부위의 절제와 장기간의 항진균제 치료를 이용하여 완치하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하고자 한다.
중간지원조직으로서 지방관광공사(RTO)의 역할에 대한 탐색적 연구 : 경기‧인천‧부산‧제주 RTO 사례를 중심으로
최영석,김병국 한국전문경영인학회 2018 專門經營人硏究 Vol.21 No.2
The purpose of this study was to explore visitors' experiences based on two different types of ecological sites such as natural and artificial ecological sites. Specifically, this study aimed to identify the differences of visior experiences based on two different types of ecological sites, and examine the effects of visitor experiences on visitor satisfaction. The results of the study showed that there was significant differences between natural and artificial ecological sites. Visitor experiences (e.g., self-esteem and environment-friendly) also had a significant impact on visitor satisfaction. Implications for planning and management issues at ecological sites were discussed.
최영석,성보현 한국마이스관광학회 2022 MICE관광연구 Vol.22 No.2
This study was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the arrangement characteristics of facilities in the Songdo Convention Integrated District using spatial syntax. In order to achieve the research purpose, a literature review was conducted on the concept and designation requirements of the convention integrated district, spatial syntax, and facility arrgangement. As a result of the basic status analysis, it was confirmed that the location of the facilities was not significantly different from the Songdo International City development plan and the field survey results. Also, the facilities in the complex were all concentrated within 2km of the Songdo Convensia. In addition, in the result of spatial syntax analysis, the total integration of all facilities was 1.0 or higher, indicating good accessibility. However, the total integration of Songdo Convensia, the core facility of the convention integrated district, was lower than the average of the facilities. Therefore, in order to improve accessibility, supplementary measures such as reviewing the installation of information provided to facilities, were suggested.
최영석 한국전문경영인학회 2019 專門經營人硏究 Vol.22 No.1
The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of ecological experience participants according to types of ecological experience resources. As a result of the analysis, it was analyzed that the participation level by ecological experience resource type was in the order of mountain, lake, sea, eco - tourism spot, and ecological experience was actively performed mainly in the near living zone such as garden and neighborhood park. As a result of analyzing the characteristics of participant by type of ecological experience resource, own car, subway, and walking was high by transportation, and time of stay was high in 1 ~ 4 hours. The results of the analysis on the visitation type showed that the family unit occupied the highest proportion, and the purpose of the visit was a high proportion of leisure·amusement·vacation and natural scenery appreciation. Based on the results of the analysis, this study suggested suggestions such as expansion of the ecological experience space in the urban area, extension of stay time in terms of activation of local economy, development of educational facilities and program for family unit participants.