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      • KCI등재

        7~11세기 경기도 북부지역에서의 간선교통로 변천과 '長湍渡路'

        정요근(Jeong Yo-Keun) 한국사연구회 2005 한국사연구 Vol.131 No.-

        The Changdando-ro route, which was in use during ancient times including the Three Kingdom and Unified Silla periods, was a main road connecting Kaegyong, the capital of Koryo dynasty, with the southern regions of the Korean peninsula during the early era of Koryo dynasty. After the foundation of the Koryo dynasty, the government was in need of creating a new traffic network centered on Kaegyong because Kaegyong was not located on the main road in previous era. However, instead of creating the new network the Koryo government modified the route of the previous main road by directly linking the road to Kaegyong. This meant the establishment of the so-called Chandando-ro as Koryos new main road between Kaegyong and southern regions of the peninsula. Accordingly, the opening of the Changdando-ro shows that Koryo, instead of radically pursuing full-scaled reorganization of previous Silla dynastys ruling system, gradually established its new order on the basis of accepting and assimilating previous ruling order. Koryo also set up a provincial administration system called the system of Kyonggi province from very early on. This system was founded for the purpose of protecting Kaegyong and administrating the domain surrounding Kaegyong, Indeed, Changdan county located near to Kaegyong played an important role in operating the system of Kyonggi province. It was regarded as the eastern center of the Kyonggi province, and performed two important functions, one of which was to protect Kaegyong in the east and the other was to control Changdan ferry which was the key to the Changdando-ro route. Consequently, the area of Kyonggi provinces eastern part controlled by Changdan county was much wider than that of its western part. One of the main reasons was due to the importance of Changdan county as an eastern key point not only of the Kyonggi province but also of the Changdando-ro route connecting southern regions of the Korean peninsula with Kaegyong. The importance of the Changdando-ro route, however, gradually decreased from the middle era of Koryo dynasty. and as a result the so-called Imjindo-ro route located on the west of the Changdando-ro route came to be regarded as the first main road between Kaegyong and southern regions of the peninsula. This transition was basically due to gradually exploiting southern part of the Kyonggi province during the early era of Koryo dynasty and building Namgyong as the southern stronghold of Kaegyong.

      • KCI등재

        후삼국시기 고려의 ‘주(州)’ · ‘부(府)’ 분포와 그 설치 의미

        정요근(Jeong Yo-keun) 한국역사연구회 2009 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.73

        Traditional big counties still kept functioning as provincial center called ‘ Chu’ or ‘ Pu’ even after Unified Silla’s local administrative system collapsed in the Later Three Kingdoms Period. But Goryeo founded ‘ Chu’ or ‘ Pu’ as local center on some strategic places where it newly occupied. Goryeo’s installation of ‘ Chu’ and ‘ Pu’ was obviously carried out by central government’s strengthened political initiative for attaining territorial expansion and unification of three kingdoms rather than by recognition of local powers’ regional independence. In addition the density of ‘ Chu’ and ‘ Pu’ distribution in some regions was outstandingly higher compared with it in others. Regional difference of ‘ Chu’ and ‘ Pu’ distribution also shows that difference of strategic importance appeared among several regions in the process of Goryeo government forming new local ruling system centering on Gaegyeong, its capital in the Later Three Kingdoms Period. Particularly, Counties called ‘ Pu’, newly established by Goryeo during the period, also functioned as military bases located in the forefront line for performing the unification war and territorial expansion.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        원간섭기 驛 이용수요의 급증과 그 대책

        정요근(Jeong Yo-keun) 고려사학회 2008 한국사학보 Vol.- No.32

        원간섭기 원과의 관계가 밀접해지면서 고려의 역 이용수요는 급증하고 있었다. 이는 고려조정의 역로망 통제력을 약화시키고 驛役 담당층의 역역 이탈을 야기하는 등 역로망의 안정적인 운영에 심각한 장애를 초래하였다. 그러므로 중앙정부에서는 역 이용자들에 대한 효율적 통제와 역역 담당층의 안정적 역역 수행을 위한 여러 조치들을 강구하였다. 역 이용수요를 억제하는 법규를 강화하거나, 按廉使 등 외관의 역 이용자에 대한 감시기능을 확대하기도 하였다. 또한 22역도제로 대표되는 기존의 역로망 운영에도 변화를 수반하여, 館驛使를 대체하는 程驛別監이 각 역도에 파견되었다. 그리고 정역별감의 편성단위나 관할구역은 안렴사의 관할인 5도의 하부로 편제되는 추세에 있었다. 한편 원간섭기 이후 역역 담당인원의 확보방식은 驛丁戶와 驛白丁을 중심으로 한 기존의 역역 담당층 확보방식 대신, 역 외부로부터 새로운 인원을 역역에 투입하는 방식이 적극적으로 추진되었다. 기한부 입역의 인원에서부터 역 인근 거주자, 征東行省 및 賊臣 소속의 인호, 유이민 등까지 다양한 부류에서 역역 담당층이 충원되었다. 또한 국가에서는 그들 중 경제적 기반이 취약한 인원들에 대해 3丁 1戶의 편제를 통하여 경제력을 유지시켜 주었다. 이러한 움직임은 忠烈王~忠宣王 연간부터 나타나기 시작하였고, 恭愍王代에 더욱 확대되었다. The postal station network was seriously destroyed during the Mongol invasions. The central government, instead of restoring the previous regional community of postal station, has decided to appoint exterior people at each postal station in order to re-systemize the nationwide network in late Kory? era. Although the self-sufficient efforts of postal station workers repeatedly continued. the input of exterior workers was still carried out. Especially common peasants and slaves who dwelled surrounding areas of postal stations were predominantly committed to the station work. The central government enforced 'the system of Household Organized with Three Male Adults (samj?ng-ilho, 3丁 1戶)' for the purpose of relieving the incoming poor workers of the stations. On the other hand, the Postal Station Circuit(驛道) came to be placed under the upper unit's direct influence.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대와 조선전기 전남지역의 역로망 구성과 그 특징

        정요근(Jeong Yo-Keun) 역사문화학회 2010 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.13 No.2

        전근대시기 교통로에 대한 연구는 해당 시기 국가의 지방통치나 대외관계의 실상을 이해하는 데 유용한 매개가 된다. 이른바 ‘驛路網’은 역을 통해 각 군현 간을 연결하는 교통망이라고 정의할 수 있는데, 본 연구에서는 현재의 전남지역(광주 포함)에 해당하는 영역에서 고려시대 역들의 위치를 추적하여 당시의 역로망을 복원하였다. 고려와 조선전기 모두 전남지역의 역 숫자는 34곳으로 동일하였지만, 그 중 29곳이 계승관계에 있는 역들이었으며, 고려시대에 운영되다가 폐지된 역 및 조선시대에 들어와 신설된 역은 각각 5곳에 지나지 않았다. 즉 통폐합 등의 변동이 심했던 군현의 경우와는 달리, 전남지역 역로망의 기본 골격은 고려와 조선 사이에 별다른 차이가 없었던 것이다. 다만 고려시대에 운영되다가 조선전기에 폐지된 역의 위치를 살펴보면, 고려시대에는 영산강 서쪽의 서해안 방면에서 조선시대보다 역의 분포밀도가 높았으며, 군소규모의 속현으로 존재하다가 여말선초에 폐지된 군현에 위치하거나, 폐지된 군현 및 군현이 존재하지 않았던 곳으로 연결되는 지점에 위치한 역 등이 조선시대에 들어와 혁파되었다. 반면 조선시대에 신설된 역의 분포를 분석하면, 여말 이래 강조되어온 해안방비의 중요성과 관련하여 남쪽 해안지대에 몇몇 역이 신설되었고, 그 외에도 기존 교통로를 대체하는 역로의 개발, 역의 설치가 미비했던 내륙지역의 원활한 역로망 구축 등의 이유로 역이 신설되었다. 대체로 고려시대의 역로망은 조선시대보다 영산강 서쪽의 서해안 방면을 중시했으며, 조선시대에는 해안의 방비라는 측면에서 남해안 방면을 보다 중시하였다. Study on traffic routes of pre-modem age can be a useful means for understanding important aspects of the central government's local administration and foreign relations in each age. So called 'postal station network' is defined as the traffic routes' network connected among prefectures or counties through postal stations. This research aims to restore the postal station network during pre-modem era on the area of current Jeolla Southern Province. Postal stations located on current Jeolla Southern Province in Goryeo and in Joseon dynasty were both 34 places. The 29 stations of them were successive from Goryeo to Joseon, stations functioned in Goryeo but closed in Joseon were 5 places, and stations newly opened in Joseon were also 5 places. It means that framework of postal station network in Jeolla Southern Province was very similar without any particular change between Goryeo and Joseon dynasty. Investigating locations of postal stations functioned in Goryeo era but closed in Joseon era, Goryeo's station density distribution was higher than Joseon's in west coastal region of Yeongsan River. On the contrary, some stations located on small-sized counties annexed in Joseon era or with places where counties did not exist were finally abolished. On the other hand, looking into the distribution of newly installed stations in Joseon era, we can see that the station installation of the south coastal region was deeply related to the importance of coastal defense emphasized since the late Goryeo era. Stations of other regions were installed for the purpose of opening new postal routes as substitute of previous routes and establishing new postal network connecting with isolated regions where postal facilities were insufficient. On the whole, postal routes connecting toward west coastal area of Yeongsan River was regarded more important in Goryeo era, compared with Joseon era, While Joseon's postal network, in terms of coastal defense, considered south coastal area as more important.

      • KCI우수등재

        [한국사] GIS 기법의 활용을 통한 조선후기 越境地의 복원

        정요근(Jeong, Yo-Keun) 역사학회 2014 역사학보 Vol.0 No.224

        Digital map making method can contribute to restoring the late Joseon period’s elaborate local administrative map on the basis of literature materials such as a record on the total number of the late Joseon’s houses and population called ‘Hogu-chongsu’. The restoration of the late Joseon’s local administrative map also visually shows us highly accurate and detailed information on territories of a county surrounded by other counties called ‘Wolgyeongji’ in that period. The visual restoration of the Joseon local administrative units through digital map making method unearthed the existing theory that Joseon’s Wolgyeongji completely disappeared in the year of 1906 is wrong. In reality, through this restoration work it is proved that some Wolgyeongji existed until the year of 1914 when the Japanese colonial government reorganized the local administrative units. Detailed information on the late Joseon’s Wolgyeongji was obtained by converting administrative boundary lines of the late Joseon period’s counties and townships into the form of digital historical geographic information layers. If the digital historical geographic information layers are accumulated through various research projects and the layers are shared among related scholars, study on areas which was not able to attempt by traditional method of reading existing literature materials will be available. The digitalized restoration of the late Joseon’s Wolgyeongji introduced in this article can be a meaningful example of new historical study methodology. The production of digital historical geographic map using geographic information system techniques should be accompanied by long-term and continuous financial supports by public research institutes.

      • KCI등재

        통일신라시기의 간선교통로

        정요근(Jeong, Yo-Keun) 한국고대사학회 2011 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        통일 후 신라는 전국을 9주로 나누고 5소경과 여러 군현을 편제하면서, 왕경과 각 지역의 주치 및 소경 간을 잇는 노선을 간선교통로로 중시하였다. 각 간선로의 노선은 ‘군’의 치소 간을 잇는 교통로들의 결합을 통해 복원할 수 있다. 왕경에서 주변지역으로 뻗어나가는 교통로는 6가지의 루트(왕경6로)로 구분할 수 있는데, 그 중 왕경서로가 가 장 중시되었다. 왕경으로부터 전국의 주요 대읍으로 향하는 간선교통로는 왕경서로를 지나 상주 방면으로 연결되는 교통로가 가장 중시되었으며, 한강 유역 확보와 백제 방면 진출이라는 신라의 국가 발전 단계와 밀접하게 연관되었다. 왕경과 각 지방의 대읍을 연결하는 통일신라의 간선교통로는 삼국통일 후 전면적인 재편을 통해서 이루어진 것이 아니라, 통일 이전부터 진행된 영토 확장의 과정에서 구축된 것이었다. 그러므로 시대적 흐름에 따라 각 방면의 거점들이 신설, 폐지, 이전되는 과정은 간선교통로의 시 대별 중요성 변화와도 밀접한 연관을 갖고 있었다. Silla divided whole country into nine provinces called ju(州), designated some local key points as five secondary capitals called sogyeong(小京) after the three kingdoms unification. Silla regarded routes between the royal capital and local hub cities(nine provincial capitals and five secondary capitals) as national artery roads. Line of each artery road can be restored through joining short-distance routes linking between counties. There were six routes extending from the capital for outer area in Unified Silla period, and the westward capital route, one of those six routes, was the most important line. The Artery route extending from capital which reached Sangju province through westward capital route was regarded as the most important of nationwide artery route between the capital and local major cities. Also, it was a main route Silla used during its national development such as occupying Han River basin and advancing to former Baekje area. Unified Silla’s Artery Routes linking between the capital and local major cities was not set up by reorganization after the unification but was actually organized through the process of territorial expansion which took place before the three kingdoms unification. Therefore, the rise and fall of local major cities performing regional hub function was deeply related with geopolitical importance’s fluctuation each artery route had with the change of era.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 역(驛) 분포의 지역별 불균등성

        정요근 ( Jeong Yo-keun ) 부경역사연구소 2009 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.24

        Regional distribution difference was one of main distinctive features of Koryo postal station network. There was meaningful difference of postal station distribution between higher local administrative units such as five provinces or two border regions in the Koryo era, and moreover regional difference of postal station density was found in proportion to importance of each local administrative unit even in a same province. Regional distribution difference of postal stations was mostly based on difference of regional importance among various areas since the foundation of Koryo dynasty. Especially, postal station distribution density of some regions, such as west coastal area of Yanggwang, Sohae and Cholla province and Hapchu county of Kyongsang province and its sok-hyuns, was remarkably sparse compared with neighboring areas. It tells us that these areas’ regional importance and the level of development were not so high compared with other regions. But regional distribution of postal stations was significantly improved during the late Koryo and early Choson era. Eventually it became the late 15th century, and remarkable decrease of a postal station number happened in two border regions, while new establishment of postal station continued in west coastal region where regional distribution density of postal stations was sparse in the Koryo era. Therefore, formation of postal station network system in the early Choson era was reorganized in the direction of attaining improvement of regional distribution difference of Koryo postal station network system.

      • KCI등재

        여말선초 군현 간 합병ㆍ통합과 신읍치(新邑治)의 입지 경향

        정요근(Jeong Yo-keun) 한국역사연구회 2011 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.80

        Nationwide county consolidations took place during the transitional period between the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties, and the locations of the old and new county administration centers changed accordingly. In most of the ‘Large counties’ the location of county centers remained unchanged, yet in total of 18% of all cases, the county centers moved to a new location. In some cases, new county centers were installed in areas located at the center of some previous counties that were then recently demolished, while in some other cases, county centers would be built upon locations which previously had nothing to do with a county center of any kind. Still, in most cases, new county centers would be placed upon central areas of the recently enlarged county regions, or key traffic points that were designed to connect neighboring large counties. Therefore, environmental theories such as Geomantics was not a factor primarily considered in selecting the location of new county centers. In the meantime, some coastal counties (and its fortresses) were constructed upon locations that had nothing at all to do with either political importance or its vitality in the traffic flow. They were located there in order to provide defense for the counties and its inhabitants in case of incursions of the Japanese marauders. On the other hand, in some other cases political factors were considered above all else in choosing the location for a new county center. Nevertheless, the consolidation of the counties, and the installation of new county centers during this period, constituted an important historical phenomenon which shaped the Joseon dynasty’s local administration system.

      • KCI등재

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