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        대구.경북지역 20, 30대 남성 근로자의 연령 및 BMI에 따른 건강상태

        장현숙,최주희,Jang, Hyun-Sook,Choi, Ju-Hee 한국식품영양과학회 2007 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        본 연구에서는 대구 경북지역 20, 30대 남성근로자 224명을 대상으로 BMI에 따른 신체적 특성, 건강상태를 조사하였다. BMI는 20대 $23.67\;kg/m^{2}$, 30대 $23.95\;kg/m^{2}$로 조사대상자 모두 대한비만학회에서 제시한 정상 범위인 $18.5{\sim}23\;kg/m^{2}$에서 벗어난 과체중으로 조사되었다. BMI에 따른 신체적 특성은 체중, 이상체중비율, BMI 모두에서 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)를 나타냈다. 그리고 신체둘레 측정 결과 허리 둘레, 엉덩이 둘레, 허리/엉덩이 둘레비는 비만군, 과체중군, 정상군 순으로 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)를, 허리/엉덩이 둘레는 30대가 20대보다 크게(p<0.01)나타났다. 체구성성분 측정 결과 체지방률{body fat(%)}과 체지방량{body fat(kg)}은 비만군, 과체중군, 정상군 순으로 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)를 보였다. BMI가 증가함에 따라 관리요망군과 질환의심군의 비율이 유의적으로(p<0.001) 증가하였고, 평균 혈압은 비만군이 정상군 및 과체중군보다 높은 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)가 있었으며, 공복시 혈당은 30대가 20대보다 높은 유의적인 차이(p<0.05)를 보였다. 간질환의 유무를 알 수 있는 지표인 SGOT, SGPT 및 $\gamma-GTP$는 BMI별로 보면 비만군은 정상군 및 과체중군보다 높아 유의적인 차이(SGOT, SGPT; p<0.001, $\gamma-GTP$; p<0.01)를 보였으며 비만군의 SGOT는 43.58 U/L로 정상범위에서 벗어났다. $\gamma-GTP$를 연령별로 보면 30대가 34.74 U/L로 정상군에는 속하지만 20대의 28.06 U/L보다 높은 유의적인 차이(p<0.05)를 보였다. 건강상태와 음주 및 흡연 유무에 따른 생화학적 상태를 살펴보면, 건강상태에 따른 수축기혈압은 관리요망군, 질환의심군, 정상군 순으로 유의적인 차이(p<0.01)를 보였으며, 확장기혈압, 총콜레스테롤, 공복 시 혈당, SGOT, SGPT 및 ${\gamma}-GTP$는 정상군 및 관리요망군과 질환의심군 간에 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)를 보였다. $\gamma-GTP$는 음주 근로자가 33.79 U/L, 비음주 근로자가 26.64 U/L로 집단 간의 유의적인 차이(p<0.05)를 보였고, 수축기 혈압과 헤모글로빈은 각각 흡연 근로자가 124.65 mmHg, 15.82 g/dL이고, 비흡연근로자는 120.43 mmHg, 15.38 g/dL로 나타나 집단 간의 유의적인 차이(p<0.01)를 보였다. 체중이 많이 나갈수록 BMI, 이상체중비율(%), 허리둘레 및 엉덩이둘레, 허리/엉덩이 둘레비, 체지방량, 체지방률(%)이 높으며, 이에 따라 수축기혈압과 확장기혈압, 총콜레스테롤, 공복 시 혈당, SGOT, SGPT, $\gamma-GTP$ 모두 높아진다(p<0.001, p<0.01, p<0.05). 이상의 결과를 종합해보면, 조사대상자인 20, 30대 남성 근로자 대부분이 과체중에 속하며, 체중이 증가할수록 BMI, 허리둘레, 엉덩이둘레, 체지방률(%) 등이 증가하고 BMI가 높아질수록 수축기혈압과 이완기혈압, SGOT, SGPT, $\gamma-GTP$ 등의 생화학적 수치들이 높아져 건강상태가 좋지 않게 된다. 음주와 흡연 역시 혈압, $\gamma-GTP$ 등을 높여 건강상태 악화에 한 몫을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 20, 30대 남성근로자들의 연령 및 비만도의 증가에 따라 건강상태가 나빠지며 성인병 유병률의 가능성이 높아짐을 인식하고, 이러한 건강 위험요인들을 개선할 수 있는 노력이 필요할 것이라 사료된다. 정기적인 건강검진과 더불어 규칙적인 운동과 음주, 흡연, 업무 과중, 스트레스와 같은 생활습관 및 불규칙한 식습관을 개선할 수 있는 방안의 모색이 요구된다. The purpose for this study was to investigate the health status according to the age and BMI by interviewing male workers in their twenties and thirties in the Daegu Gyeongbuk region. The body measurement was assessed by height, weight, BMI, body circumference (waist, hip), waist-hip ratio and body fat mass. The health status has been analyzed and assessed as normal group, health concerned group and health suspected groups. Weight, percent ideal body weight (PIBW), BMI and body circumference (waist, hip) and waist-hip ratio was proven higher according to the order of obese group, overweight group and normal group. Waist-hip ratio was proved to be higher in the thirties group than the twenties. Body fat mass was higher in the obese, overweight and normal groups. In the concerns of health status, the ratio of health concerned group and health suspected group increased according to the increase of BMI. Blood pressure (SBP, DBP) was higher in the obese group than in the normal group and overweight groups, and blood glucose was higher in the thirties than in the twenties. SGOT, SGPT, ${\gamma}-GTP$ has been proven higher in the obese group than in the normal group and overweight group, ${\gamma}-GTP$ was higher in the thirties than in the twenties. Investigating the correlation of the anthropometric characteristics and biochemical characteristics, the heavy weight resulted in heavier BMI, PIBW, body circumference (waist, hip), waist-hip ratio and higher body fat mass. Blood pressure (SBP, DBP), total cholesterol, blood glucose, SGOT, SGPT and ${\gamma}-GTP$ all became higher according to these influences. In conclusion, male workers have to recognize that health status becomes worse and possibilities of chronic disease prevalence rate increases according to aging and the increase of BMI. Accordingly, it is necessary to make an effort to prevent chronic diseases.

      • 시론 - 그린(Green)을 가장한 그린워시(Green Wash)

        장현숙,Jang, Hyun-Sook 대한건축사협회 2010 建築士 Vol.2010 No.3

        친환경건축 전문가는 건축전문가들이 건축기반위에 계속적인 친환경교육과 기술연구로 접목되어져야하는 전문 분야임에도 불구하고 정부의 친환경건축전문가 양성이 녹색성장 정책의 일자리창출 교육에 무게를 두고 있는 상황에는 조금 아이러니한 폐해가 발생되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        남성 근로자의 비만정도에 따른 건강상태와 영양상태 및 식이 자기효능감과의 관계

        장현숙,Jang, Hyun-Sook 한국식품영양과학회 2007 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.36 No.7

        본 연구에서는 대구${\cdot}$경북지역 20, 30대 남성 근로자 224명을 대상으로 비만정도에 따른 신체적 특성, 건강상태를 조사하였다. BMI는 조사대상자 모두 대한비만학회에서 제시한 정상 범위인 18.5${\sim}$23 $kg/m^{2}$에서 벗어난 과체중으로 조사되었다. BMI가 증가함에 따라 관리요망군과 질환의심군의 비율이 유의적으로(p<0.001) 증가하였고, 평균 혈압은 비만군이 정상군 및 과체중군보다 높은 유의적인 차이(P<0.001)가 있었으며, 공복 시 혈당은 30대가 20대보다 높은 유의적인 차이(p<0.05)를 보였다. 간질환의 유무를 알 수 있는 지표인 SGOT, SGPT 및 ${\gamma}-GTP$는 BMI별로 보면 비만군은 정상군 및 과체중군보다 높아 유의적인 차이(SGOT, SGPT: p<0.001, ${\gamma}-GTP$: p<0.01)를 보였다. 건강상태에 따른 생화학적 상태를 살펴보면, 수축기혈압은 관리요망군, 질환의심군, 정상군 순으로 유의적인 차이(p<0.01)를 보였으며, 확장기혈압, 총콜레스테롤, 공복 시 혈당, SGOT, SGPT 및 ${\gamma}-GTP$는 정상군 및 관리요망군과 질환의심군 간에 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)를 보였다. 비만정도에 따른 평균 영양소 섭취량은 20대에서 비타민 E가 정상군, 과체중군, 비만군 순으로 유의적인 차이(p<0.05)가 있었으나 30대는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 영양소 섭취부족의 비율은 칼슘 71.0%, 아연 50.9%, 비타민 $B_{2}$ 70.5%, 비타민 C 56.3%, 엽산 81.3%, 나이아신(28.1%), 비타민 $B_{1}$(34.5%), 철(18.3%), 비타민 $B_{6}$(16.5%) 등으로 영양소 섭취부족의 비율이 높게 나타나, 20, 30대 근로자들의 영양 섭취 상태 개선이 시급할 것으로 사료된다. 식이 자기효능감 점수는 51.5점으로 20, 30대 남성근로자의 식이 자기효능감이 대체적으로 매우 좋게 나타났고, 본 연구에서는 조사대상자의 90% 이상이 식이 자기효능감이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 식이 자기효능감이 높은 집단에서 식생활 태도 점수가 높게 나타났으며, 식이 자기효능감에 영향을 미치는 변수들의 총 인과 관계의 크기를 비교해보면 식생활 태도, 연령 순이었다. 조사대상자인 20, 30대 남성 근로자 대부분이 과체중에 속하며, 체중이 증가할수록 BMI, 허리 둘레, 엉덩이 둘레, 체지방율(%) 등이 높게 나타났다. 전체적으로 영양소섭취 부족비율은 칼슘 71.0%, 아연 50.9%, 비타민 $B_{12}$70.5%, 비타민 C 56.3%, 엽산 81.3% 등으로 높게 나타나 근로자들의 영양 문제가 심각함을 알 수 있다. This study was intended to collect the baseline information on health status, nutrient intakes and dietary self-efficacy according to the obesity levels of male workers. Nutrient intakes of 224 male workers were assessed by 24 hr recall method; also, dietary attitude and dietary self-efficacy were investigated by self-administerd questionnaires. Biochemical characteristics such as blood pressure (SBP, DBP), total cholesterol(TC), hemoglobin (Hb), blood glucose (BG), SGOT, SGPT and ${\gamma}-GTP$ were assessed. Subjects were divided into normal, overweight and obese groups by body mass index (BMI). The health status was analyzed as normal group, health concerned group and disease suspected group. Weight, percent ideal body weight (PIBW), BMI and body circumference (waist, hip) and waist-hip ratio were high in the order of obese group, overweight group and normal group. Body fat mass was high also in the order of obese, overweight and normal group. Blood pressure (SBP, DBP) was the highest in obese group. SGOT, SGPT, ${\gamma}-GTP$ were higher in the obese group than normal and overweight groups. It was Proven that the percentage of those evaluated as low nutrient intakes were 71% for Ca, 50.9% for Zn, 70.5% for vitamin B2, 56.3% for vitamin C and 81.3% for folic acid. The dietary attitude scores were high according to the dietary self-efficacy. The age was positively correlated with dietary attitude, and the dietary attitude was positively correlated with dietary self-efficacy and total energy intakes. Dietary attitude showed the greatest total causal effect in relation to dietary self-efficacy. The results of this study showed some health problems and nutritional problems, indicating the need for nutritional management for male workers.

      • KCI등재

        비주거용 건물의 외피 리모델링을 통한 에너지성능향상 방안에 관한 연구

        장현숙,이상호,Jang, Hyun-Sook,Lee, Sang-Ho 한국건설관리학회 2012 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.13 No.6

        최근 민간건축 경기 침체가 거듭되면서 '신축' 시장 대비 비용 절감 효과는 물론, 자원절약 및 환경보호 효과를 거둘 수 있다는 긍정적인 반응과 함께 에너지성능향상형 리모델링 시장의 규모가 확대되고 있다. 서울시의 경우 2008년 시범사업을 시작으로 기존 건물에 대해 '건물에너지이용합리화사업(BRP)'를 추진, 시설개선사업을 통해 에너지 절감 및 이용 효율을 향상시킬 수 있도록 융자지원을 하고 있다. 2012년 보도자료에 따르면 254개소의 민간건축물이 참여, 친환경녹색건축물로 조성됨에 따라 온실가스 4만 1천톤/년을 감축, 석유환산 시 1만4천 TOE의 절감에 해당되어 매년 75억원의 에너지비용 절감효과를 보이고 있다고 한다. 본 연구는 기존 건물의 에너지 효율화 대책으로 리모델링 시 우선적으로 고려해야 할 에너지성능향상 방안 중 건축적 요소인 외피를 연구범위로 설정, 그 방안을 모색하였다. 그리고 해석모델에 적용, 분석함으로써 기존 건물의 에너지 절감효과, 즉 건물의 에너지성능향상 효과를 제시하였다. 연구의 범위가 외피 리모델링만을 고려한 건물의 에너지사용량을 감소시키는 단열보강 등의 목적지향적인 방법일 수 있겠으나, 대부분의 비주거용 업무시설의 경우 임대형이라는 점을 고려하였을 때 건축적 기술만을 적용한 방법의 모색은 실제 리모델링 시 가장 보편적인 기초자료가 될 수 있으므로 연구의 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. The slowdown of private building industry resulted in growth of remodeling market as a way to improve energy performance. Remodeling is considered more cost-effective and eco-friendly approach for energy efficient building than new construction. Since 2008, Seoul has promoted Building Retrofit Project (BRP) preponderantly to attract energy-saving renovation by supporting building owners to switch building system into energy-saving system when they remodel their old buildings. According to 2012 press release, 254 Private sectors participated in this green building project and annually reduced 41000ton of greenhouse gas emission, 14000TOE, which also result in 7.5 billion won energy cost savings per year. The paper focuses on the building envelope remodeling as a way to improve energy efficiency. Different components of the building envelope such as wall insulation, window, and shading, were applied to the baseline model and the comparison was analyzed to come up with the ideal solution. This study only assesses the building envelope as to suggest the way to redesign the better energy performing building. Offering solution focusing on the architectural feature is essential because it will provide basic information and standard when remodeling a building for energy efficiency, especially, for the nonresidential buildings used as rental offices.

      • KCI등재후보

        제7차 교육과정 기술,가정 교과중 식생활 단원에 대한 중학생의 인식

        장현숙 ( Hyun Sook Jang ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2004 중등교육연구 Vol.52 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of middle school students` recognition of food and nutrition part in Home Economics by gender and school location. The Study was carried out through questionnaire about three categories: perception(interest, practical usefulness, attitude change in food behavior), difficulty(nutrition and health in adolescence, balanced diet, principle of cooking and preparing food), necessity (nutrition and health in adolescence, balanced diet, principle of cooking and preparing food). The subjects were 670 middle school students of 1st grade; urban 330 and rural 340. The results of this study were as follows. 1)There was difference in ``interest`` by gender(girls>boys), school location(urban>rural). There were differences in ``practical usefulness`` by school location (urban>rural) and in ``attitude change in food behavior`` by school location(urban>rural). 2) There was difference in difficulty in section of ``nutrition and health in adolescence`` by school location(urban>rural). There were no differences in section of ‘balanced diet`` by gender, school location. 3) There were differences in necessity for ``balanced diet`` and ``principle of cooking and preparing food`` by school location(urban>rural). Characteristically, the boys had more necessity for ``nutrition and health in adolescence`` and for ``balanced diet`` than girls but girls had more necessity for ``principle of cooking and preparing food`` than boys. It suggests that gender, and school location should be considered for an effective and practical curriculum of food and nutrition part in Home Economics. (Kyungpook National Univ.)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중학생의 운동실천 유무에 따른 식사의 질 평가

        장현숙 ( Hyun Sook Jang ) 한국운동영양학회 2004 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.8 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the recognition about the nutrient intakes, the assessment of diet quality according to exercise practices among the middle school students. A total of 252 middle school male and female students of H, O, I middle school living in Gumi were participated for this study and the 24-hour recall method was used to investigate a diet. The CAN-PRO 2.0 program was used to calculate the nutrient intakes and research data was analysed by SPSS package program (10.0). The results obtained are summarized as follows: NAR of all nutrient elements except niacin and calcium was over 0.75. in males Exercise practice male students represented a significant difference in energy, calcium and iron. In case of female students, most of the nutrient elements except calcium was over 0.75 and NAR between two groups represented higher in no exercise practice female students, except vitamin A and E. In staple foods, the subjects not taking milk were 39.3% in male students and 41.5% in female students. And 81.1% in male students and 71.1% in female students did not take fruits. There was no significant difference by the exercise practice because the average DDS of male students was 3.76 and female students` one was 3.83. DVS was the average 41.95 in male students and the average 43.22 in female students. In DVS, no exercise female students were significantly higher than exercise practice group. The average DQI of the participants was 1.77 in male students and 2.14 in female students. No exercise practice female students were higher than exercise practice female students, it showed that there was a difference between two groups.

      • 고등학생의 식습관, 영양지식 및 편의식품 섭취 실태에 관한 연구

        장현숙 ( Hyun Sook Jang ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2004 중등교육연구 Vol.52 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary habits, the nutritional knowledge and the consumption patterns of convenience foods of 605 high school students located in Daegu area, from June twentieth to June thirtieth, 2003. The subjects included 295 males (48.8%) and 310 females (51.2%). This survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. The percentage of students who were underweight, normal and overweight based on their body mass index (BMI) was 3.1, 89.2 and 7.8 for the males, and 28.7, 71.3 and 0 for the females, respectively. Most students (74.0%) skipped breakfast. This was because of lack of time (64.1%) of the cases. Self-reported eating habit problems were eating irregular meal (52.9%), overeating (21%), prejudiced meal (13.4%) and skipping meal (7.3%). The type of favorite snack was Biscuit (32.1%) and cup Ramyon (32.2%). The rates of smoking were 35.3% and 2.9% respectively. Males ate frequently cup Ramyon, fries, Ramyon and kimbab more frequently, while females ate kimbab, cup Ramyon, fries, Ramyon and fish paste more frequently. The nutritional knowledge score was higher in females than in males. As the body mass index increased and the nutritional knowledge level was low, the mean consumption of convenience foods increased. Nutritional education program should be developed to meet the various needs of these students. (Kyungpook National Univ.)

      • 의료관광상품 기대와 성과의 만족에 관한 硏究

        장현숙(Jang, Hyun Sook) 국제관광산업학회 2013 국제관광산업연구 Vol.6 No.1

        As Korea is widely known for its excellence in medical technology and competitiveness in price, medical tourism sector has high growth potential. In particular, the medical techniques in plastic surgery and beauty maintain the world top class level. Thanks to dramas and K-Pops through Korean wave, most of South East Asian countries show their great interests in cosmetic surgery beyond their good feeling about Korea. Thus, it is urgently needed to seek for the plans to nurture our own advantages in medical sector. Having considered the competitive and optimized medical tour products needs to be developed urgently, this study will compare the satisfaction level of existing medical tourism products in accordance with various needs and expectations of the foreigners visiting Korea for the purpose of medical tourism and investigate the products that are in fact considered and preferred and, based on the findings, suggest the direction for the development of Korea's medical tourism products and the marketing for that. To proceed with this study, the foreigners visiting Korea for medical tourism during Jul 2011 were targeted and a documentary study and an empirical study were paralleled to achieve the purposes of this study. 276 copies of questionnaires that were returned were used, and frequency analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were conducted using SPSS 18.0 statistical package program. The findings from this study based on empirical data are as follows. Through this, this study aims to seek for the development of our differentiated products for foreign patients and attract more tourists in the future, and based on this, suggest the direction of Korea's medical tourism products in the future. The finding from the study is that based on the medical techniques and service, the efforts for the convenient facilities. comfortable atmosphere, transportation and communication for the foreign patients, taking advantage of our unique seasonal and geographical attributes, the construction of convenient facilities and comfortable atmosphere, through recognizing the unique attribute, the tourism for patients, foods and the effective marketing activities focusing on the development of products and the differentiation of its values, are needed.

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