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        唐人 소설 속의 龍宮世界

        張貞海 중국어문학회 2002 中國語文學誌 Vol.12 No.-

        在漢代以前的記載裏, 水神總是被描寫成乘風踏雲而遊歷在江澤之邊, 有關他們的水中生活, 以及其所支配的水中世界, 却著墨甚少。 關於水府世界的記載, 六朝志怪小說頗多記載。 細看六朝志怪所記述的河伯以及各種水神的水中世界, 可以看出他們的世界實彷彿人世。 其中尤以《搜神記》卷4<胡母班>以及《幽明錄》第252條<河伯>所描寫的故事內容, 與後代的龍宮故事極爲相似, 其事對唐代以後龍宮故事的開展, 想必多所影響。 唐代是中國式龍宮槪念完成的重要時期。 唐人在六朝以降水府傳說的基礎之上, 容受佛經的龍宮觀念, 創造出神的水中仙界。 唐代小說所描寫的龍宮, 乃是號稱神仙的龍王與美麗的龍女所在的地方, 在豪華的宮殿裏, 裝滿了以龍珠爲代表的各種寶物, 但仔細觀察龍宮的社會構造以及價値觀念, 非常類似人類的世界, 可以想見此一水中世界的幻設, 乃是在現實世界的基本槪念上所建立起來的。 唐代的龍宮故事, 大部見載於《太平廣記》卷418~425, 於此所載的龍宮故事, 可以分成文人創造與文人整理的龍宮傳說兩大類。 唐代所盛行的龍宮故事, 其內容多爲遊歷故事, 從主角如何進入, 遊歷, 到回歸人世三個部分所構成, 本文根據這些故事內容, 試圖釐測唐人筆下所描繪之龍宮世界的全部面貌。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        武則天 설화에 나타난 예언과 징조

        장정해 중국어문학회 2003 中國語文學誌 Vol.14 No.-

        中國歷史上唯一的女皇帝'武則天',他是古今中外最受世人注目的歷史人物之一, 時至今日, 人們對於저的'生涯', '政治', '功績'的 貶論爭, 依舊還在不斷的進行當中. 20世紀以來, 對於武則天的硏究, 係從多方面來加以進行的, 檢視國內外學者的硏究方向與議題可知, 武則天的'家系', '政治'上的功過, '宗敎'方面的問題, 以及'周邊人物探究等等, 皆爲此一命題硏究的主要對象. 本論文將通過武則天傳說中'預言'與'前兆'的分析, 觀察人們對於這位中國歷史上唯一女皇帝的出現, 一般民衆的內心想法究竟如何, 而武則天又如何將這些預言與前兆, 利用做爲提升自己的政治生涯等一連串的問題. 本文於第2章中, 將與武則天相關的前兆與預言, 區分爲 : 關於初期武則天的預言', '統治的前兆'以及'暗示沒落的徵兆'三大類, 竝針對各項內容進行分析與討論. 在第3章中, 探討武則天對於與自己相關之預言, 前兆的基本態度與反應. 希望通過本論文之說明, 對於這類極富'政治神話'意涵的傳聞, 有較諸前人更爲淸楚之認識.

      • KCI등재

        중국 소수민족 신화 연구에 대한 비판적 검토 및 전망

        張貞海 동아시아고대학회 2004 동아시아고대학 Vol.9 No.-

        Mythology of minority race in china is a very important area in the study of chinese mythology. However, it has not been considered to be important until 1980's when the chinese government recognized the importance of minority race and tried to collect and arrange several mythology data ofminority race in china as a means to integrate several races in china. Based on these efforts, lots of searches has been accomplished in the comparative view point with Han races mythology. Recently, the interest about the mythology of minority race is increasing, so that regional study such as west-south or east-north is on progress. And also theres are another attempts to study mythology of minority race individually or subjectively in detail. But the mythology of minority racestill has lots of works to be developed and mythology of china is mainly focused on Han races mythology, thesearch as a prototype of east-asia mythology and the comparative study with east-asia mythology and with world mythology is still in the very low level. In this study, we noticed that the study and discussion with mythology of minority race in china is not established yet. We reviewed some existing data of mythology of minority race in china and tried historic and total analysis for that study results during the past. Also we checked some important arguing issues in mythology of minority race in china. Especially in the last part, we reviewed some problems to be solved for the establishment of identity and right direction study of mythology of minority race. We also reviewed future study directions worthwhile that can be summarized by the following 4 view points. First, the preceding issue in the study of mythology of minority race in china should exclude political trends such as Sino-centerism centered on Han races in the past or newly emerging new Sino-centerism that can effect. And to establish right mind of meaning and importance of the study of mythology of minority race. Second, we need to review the credibilityof the existing data and also the newly established mythology data that was collected by the literature collection project of the minority races in china in the 1980's. Third, mythology of minority race in the past was mainly progressed among minority races orbetween Han races, but now we need to expand the comparative study ranging to east-asia countries such as Korea and Japan etc. and also with the mythology of western countries and make a background to establish the identity of mythology of minority race. Fourth, we suggested the future study direction of mythology of minority race in Korea. (1) The interpretation of the original version of mythology of minority race and the necessity of analysis job. (2) Continuous interest about the mythology of Korean race in China (3) The mythology study area focused on in east-north so far should be extended to west-south mythology of minority race in china

      • KCI등재

        정지용 시론(時論) <남의 일 같지 않은 이야기> 속의 대만(臺灣) 원주민족(原住民族) 서술 연구

        장정해 한서대학교 동양고전연구소 2022 동방학 Vol.- No.46

        If we examine Joseon intellectuals' perception of Taiwanese aborigines before the liberation, we can see that they were conceived as uncivilized and barbaric tribals, which is in line with the perspectives of the colonial rulers. However, intellectuals after the liberation were able to escape the historical perspective of colonialism while expressing their own opinions on foreign cultures and affairs with a more autonomous viewpoint. Jeong Ji-yong, a representative writer in Korea right after liberation, went against the existing prejudice in describing his view about Taiwanese aborigines with a new perspective in his essay, "A Story that does not Sound Like Others." He made it clear that Taiwanese aborigines are not the object of edification or uncivilized tribes but moral beings that pursue freedom. This argument has great historical significance as it sheds the first light on their will for freedom and independence, which had not been recognized either in Taiwan or Japan. In that regard, this article examines how Jeong Ji-Yong describes and perceives Taiwanese aborigines by analyzing the contents of his essay, "A Story that does not Sound Like Others." Putting together Jeong Ji-Yong's perception of Taiwanese aborigines in this essay, it can be seen that he regarded Taiwanese aborigines as first, “beings seeking freedom and independence," second, “moral beings," and third, "similar to the Korean people”. Through this essay, it can be said that Jeong Ji-yong expressed his will to overcome the nation's challenges in the period of liberation and the division of Korea. 해방 전 대만 원주민족에 대한 조선 지식인들의 인식을 살펴보면 대부분 그들을 미개하고 야만적인 종족으로 간주하고 있음을 살필 수 있는데, 이는 일본식민지 통치자들의 시선과 맥락을 같이 한다고도 할 수 있다. 해방 이후의 지식인들은 일제 식민사관에서 벗어나 좀 더 주체적인 시각으로 외국 문물과 시사에 대한 견해를 피력하였다. 해방 직후 한국의 대표적인 문인 정지용은 그의 시론(時論) ― <남의 일 같지 않은 이야기>에서 대만 원주민족에 대한 기존의 편견을 깨고 새로운 시각으로 그들에 대한 견해를 서술하였다. 그는 여기에서 대만 원주민족이 교화의 대상이나 미개한 종족이 아닌 자유를 추구하는 도덕적인 존재임을 밝혔는데, 이는 당시 대만이나 일본에서도 제대로 평가받지 못했던 대만 원주민족의 자유와 독립 의지를 선구적으로 조명했다는 점에서 큰 의의가 있다. 본 논문은 <남의 일 같지 않은 이야기>의 내용 분석을 통하여 정지용이 대만 원주민족에 대해서 어떻게 서술하고 인식했는지 살펴보았다. 이 글에 나타난 정지용의 대만 원주민족(생번)에 대한 인식을 종합해 보면 그는 대만 원주민족을 첫째, ‘자유와 독립을 추구하는 존재’, 둘째, ‘도덕적인 존재’, 셋째, 그들을 한민족(韓民族)과 닮은 ‘남 같지 않은 존재’로 간주했음을 알 수 있었다. 정지용은 이 글을 통해서 당시 해방과 남북분단이라는 시대 상황 속에서, 민족이 당면한 어려움을 극복하고자 했던 그의 의지를 드러내었다.

      • KCI등재

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