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        결혼이주여성의 결혼만족도와 송금의무감이 결혼책임감에 미치는 영향

        임춘희 ( Choon Hee Lim ) 한국가족관계학회 2013 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        This study investigated the realities of remittance in multicultural family and examined the effects of marital satisfaction and remittance obligation on the marital responsibility among marriage migrant women. For this purpose, the data of 138 marriage migrant women from China and Vietnam living in Gunsan were collected and analyzed with frequency, t-test, multiple regression analysis. The major findings were summarized as follows. First, the remittance, sending money to the homeland, was perceived as an important issue in multicultural family by marriage migrant women. Second, there was a significant difference in the marital responsibility of marriage migrant woman according to the nationality, the method of mate-selection and the satisfaction with present family financial condition. Finally, the results of regression analysis showed that the nationality, the marital satisfaction, and the method of mate-selection significantly effected on the marital responsibility of marriage migrant women. Vietnamese women showed stronger the marital responsibility than Chinese women and marriage migrant women who had a high marital satisfaction and married through introduction by a friend or an acquaintance showed stronger marital responsibility. However, remittance obligation of marriage migrant women did not show statistically significant effect on the marital responsibility.

      • KCI등재

        아동기 자녀를 둔 협의이혼 부부의 법원 의무상담에 대한 인식 : 군산시의 협의이혼 부부상담 결과를 중심으로

        임춘희 ( Choon Hee Lim ) 한국아동가족복지학회(구 한국가족복지학회) 2020 한국가족복지학 Vol.25 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of couples who had children of elementary school or younger and applied for a consultation divorce on pre-divorce mandatory counseling by the Gunsan Court. Methods: With approval of the Gunsan court, 173 questionnaires were analyzed from couples with children of elementary school or younger who were required to receive counseling prescribed by the court. Results: More than half of the respondents of the divorce applicants with underage children were required the need for divorce consultation after mandatory counseling by the court. In particular, both men and women reported that the predivorce counseling was mostly of great help in the role of parents after divorce. Conclusion: Like the Gunsan Court, the court's mandatory counseling system for couples who applied for a consensual divorce for children under elementary school needs to be expanded nationwide through multi-session counseling, not one-session counseling.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비은퇴자 귀농가족의 가족 강점과 귀농생활 적응과정에 관한 연구

        임춘희 ( Choon Hee Lim ) 한국가족관계학회 2012 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine the family strengths and adjustment to rural life of family returning to rural community before regular retirement in old age. The data were collected by the interview-in-depth with 18 persons returning to rural community and analysed by qualitative method. This study showed that most of respondents perceived many family strengths as a family, as a couple, and as a parent after coming to rural community and made an effort to adapt themselves to rural life in many ways psychologically and physically, financially, and in interpersonal relations. Especially in regard to family strengths, participants as a whole family perceived ``increase in family time and activity``, ``improvement in physical, mental health``, ``self-sufficient life``, ``effort to adjust to rural life of family members`` as family strengths. Also, respondents perceived ``more communication``, ``cooperaton with their partner, mainly wife``, ``agreement with value in life style`` and ``positive interpretation on personality difference``, ``solidarity like friend``, ``respect for partner``s life` as couple strengths. As a parent participants perceived ``increase in time and communication between father and child``, ``new insight on child-rearing``, ``autonomus child-rearing`` as family strengths. Based on the result of the study, several suggestions were proposed.

      • KCI등재

        한부모 이주여성의 이혼 후 적응과 새로운 파트너십 형성에 대한 연구

        임춘희(Lim, Choon Hee) 한국생활과학회 2014 한국생활과학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine post-divorce adjustment and new partnership of immigrant single mother after divorce. 4 immigrant single mothers from Vietnam were interviewed and data were analyzed by qualitative method. The results were as follows. First, immigrant single mothers coped with stress after divorce through sending their children to Vietnam, working and remittance. Second, they began dating a new man in the work place who were of various nationalities, such as Korean, Vietnamese, Uzbekistan and developed partnership to remarry, cohabit or date with deep intimacy. Third, single immigrant mothers in various partnership like remarriage, cohabitation or dating were satisfied with intimate and loving relationships and support from both sides parents and the birth of new child. However, participants were anxious about the new partners favoritism toward the biological child and discrimination against the new partner with an unfamiliar cultural background, for example, being from a like a Muslim country. The results suggested immigrant women after divorce showed various partnership on a path towards marriage and that we should pay attention to the aspects of change in multicultural families after divorce.

      • KCI등재

        한부모가족 청소년의 가족생활 경험에 대한 질적 연구

        임춘희 ( Lim Choon Hee ),고현 ( Hyun Ko ) 한국아동가족복지학회 2021 한국가족복지학 Vol.26 No.3

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to discover the family life experiences of single-parent family adolescents. Methods: For the study, six adolescents in their teens from single-parent families living in Jeollabukdo were interviewed in-depth to analyze qualitative data. Results: The experience of teenagers in single-parent families was classified into five categories: (1) Becoming a single-parent family without realizing it (2) Being thankful to single parent for raising and protecting me (3) Non-parenting parent whose relationships are complicated by longing, love and hatred, as well as relationship weakening (4) The hidden difficulties of being a single-parent’s child (5) Support from grandparents and brothers, but adaptation that requires a lot of self-sufficiency. As a major result, adolescents were satisfied and trusted in their relationship with their parenting parent and had feelings of longing and love for their non-parenting parent. In particular, adolescents were interested in the dating and remarriage of their single parent. Adolescents tried to adapt to various emotional difficulties caused by parental divorce through their own efforts. Conclusions: Considering the results in this study, divorced parents, teachers and the community, and intact families should take a keener interest in and develop a greater understanding of single parent adolescents.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이혼 후 재결합에 대한 인터넷 사이버공동체 참여자들의 인식

        임춘희(Choon-Hee Lim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2012 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.12 No.10

        본 연구는 이혼한 부부들이 현실적으로 이혼 후 대안의 하나로 고려해보거나 혹은 실행하는 재결합에 대하여 사이버상에서 이루어지는 이혼 후 재결합과 관련된 논의의 내용을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 이혼 후 재결합과 관련된 인터넷 웹사이트에서 이혼 후 재결합을 고민 중인 다양한 일곱 가지 사례들을 택하여 각각의 사례들에 대해 사이버공동체 성원들이 재결합을 지지 혹은 반대하는 의견을 중심으로 이혼 후 재결합에 대한 인식을 살펴보았다. 그 결과 사이버공동체 성원들은 다양한 이유에서 이혼 후 재결합에 대해 지지하였다. 즉, 재결합에 대한 준비나 전배우자의 이혼 후 이성관계의 포용, 이혼이유의 성찰과 전배우자의 약점을 감싸주려는 노력이 전제되었을 때 그리고 혼인 신고 없이 재결합을 해보는 것, 자녀를 위해서는 재혼보다 재결합이 나을 것이라는 생각, 전배우자와의 이혼 후 성적 관계가 이루어진 경우 이혼 후 재결합을 지지하며 긍정적으로 인식하였다. 반면에 사이버공동체 성원들이 이혼 후 재결합에 대해 부정적으로 인식하며 반대하는 이유도 있었다. 즉, 시간이 갈수록 재결합의지가 약화될 것이라는 예측과 이혼한 전배우자에 대한 용서가 어려운 점, 전배우자의 무반성적이고 믿을 수 없는 태도, 외도로 인한 이혼의 경우 전배우자의 외도 재발의 우려, 재결합에 대한 전배우자의 진정성 결여, 성급한 재결합 결정으로 인한 후유증에 대한 염려, 이전의 갈등 해결 이 선행되지 않은 재결합으로 인한 재이혼의 문제, 전배우자의 단점 불변에 대한 생각 등으로 이혼 후 재결합에 대해 부정적으로 인식하였다. 아직 재결합을 하지 않고 재결합을 고민 중인 사례들에 대해 사이버공동체 성원들의 찬반 의견과 조언이 다양했던 반면, 자녀를 위해 이미 재결합을 결정한 사례에 대해서는 대부분의 사이버공동체 성원들은 재결합을 지지하며 긍정적으로 인식하였다. 이러한 연구의 결과는 이혼 후 재결합에 대한 학문적 논의와 사회적 관심이 미흡한 상황에서 이혼 증가로 익명성이 보장된 사이버공간상에서 이혼 후 재결합을 둘러싼 논의들이 활발히 이루어지고 있음을 보여주며 아울러 이혼 후 재결합에 대한 사이버공동체 참여자들의 인식을 통해 추후로 이혼 후 재결합의 성패요인에 대한 학문적, 실천적 논의를 확장시켜 가는데 일조할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of cyber community participants on reconciliation of divorced couple and find reasons for pros and cons concerning reconciliation after divorce. The data were collected through searching for website or Internet cafe related to reconciliation after divorce on Internet. The contents of 7 cases for asking for advice on reuniting and opinions of cyber community participants on them were analyzed. Cyber community participants expressed their approval of divorced couples reuniting for following reasons: strong motive for reunion, sexual relation with ex-partner, parental responsibility, regarding reconciliation as a better choice than remarriage, regarding as a good choice for child etc. But cyber community members were opposed to divorced couples reuniting for following reasons: doubt about real intention to reuniting, no self-reflection on previous marriage and ex-spouse, concern for recurrence of former marital conflict, reuniting only for child not for couple, no prior settlement of former marital conflict, no forgiveness and tolerance for ex-spouse, no reflection and change, no effort on ex-spouses side etc. Though these results were restrictive, this study identified issues surrounding reconciliation after divorce through asking and giving advices by anonymous members on cyberspace. These findings implied that we should take more interest in reconciliation as an realistic alternative marriage pattern after divorce and consider what is important to successful reuniting after divorce.

      • KCI등재

        이혼 후 파트너십으로서의 동거와 이중주거 커플관계(LAT)

        임춘희 ( Lim Choon Hee ) 한국가족관계학회 2018 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives: This study was to examine literature on postdivorce partnership focused on cohabiting & Living Apart Together(LAT) and prospect postdivorce partnership in Korea in the near future. Method: For this study, domestic and foreign literature were reviewed especially on recent studies on living apart together(LAT). Results: Reviewed overseas studies showed that studies on cohabitation and Living Apart Together(LAT) were increased and prevalent in the divorced as an alternative marriage type following divorce partnership and many research have been proceeded on definition and classification and dynamics in those relationships. Especially studies are on the rise recently on LAT with importance demographically and academically among middle and older people. In comparison to overseas studies, very little research on partnership following divorce, especially on LAT in Korea. Conclusion: Considering increasing divorce rate rapidly in the milddle aged in Korea, it is expected that LAT following divorce might be emerged in the divorced in Korea. Therefore, it is needed to pay a lot of attention to cohabitation following divorce and Living Apart Together(LAT) as a postdivorce partnership and as an alternative type of marriage and to be treated as a significant phenomenon socially and academically.

      • KCI등재

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