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        3 차 의료기관 외래진료에 있어 One Stop service 도입의 효과

        이숙연(Suk Yeon Lee),장성구(Sung Goo Chang) 한국병원경영학회 2001 병원경영학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        This study has been conducted, on the reservation of specific examinations during seven months starting from June 1999 and ending December as the GroupⅠ for these of one stop service and as the GroupⅡ for those of existing direct reservation made by patients or patrons, to understand the differences between the two groups. The survey was extended to the patients visiting specific departments of K hospital with sample sizes of 154 for the GroupⅠ and 155 for the GroupⅡ. The findings of the survey are as follows : First, as the general characteristics of the sample, male patients account for 67% of the total and female patients 33%, with the former twice as large as the latter. The average age of the patients is 51, indicating relatively high level. By the geographical area of residence, metropolitan area is 80.7% and the other area 19.3%, showing most of the patients are from metropolitan area. The general characteristics do not have statistical significance between the GroupⅠ and the GroupⅡ(p>0.05). Second, regarding the ratio by the number of examinations, the GroupⅠ shows 37.0% for one examination and 63.0% for two examinations, while the GroupⅡ indicates 30.3%% for one examination and 69.7% for two examinations. The populations by the number of examinations do not have statistical difference between the two Groups (p>0.05). Third, regarding the time required for the reservation of examinations by the number of examinations, the GroupⅠ shows 9.8 minutes for one examination and 19.8 minutes for two examinations, with the average of 16.1 minutes. The GroupⅡ indicates 19 minutes for one examinations and 25.7 minutes for two examinations, with the average of 23.7 minutes. Though the time required for the reservation by the number of examinations do not have statistical significance, the time required for the GroupⅠ was shortened. Fourth, regarding the time required for the reservation of examinations by the age rage of patients, the GroupⅠ shows 21.7 minutes for 70-79 years of age, 17.5 minutes for 60-69 years of age, and 15.2 minutes for 30-39 years of age. The GroupⅡ indicates 27.2 minutes for 70-79 years of age, 26.3 minutes for 60-69 years of age, 24.4 minutes for 50-59 years of age, and 22.4 minutes for 30-39 years of age. The time required for the reservation gets longer as the age range moves up, and has statistical significance (p<0.05). Fifth, regarding the ratio by the range of time of required for reservation , the GroupⅠ shows 41.6% for 11-20 minutes, and 38.3% for 1-10 minutes, while the GroupⅡ indicates 43.9% for 11-20 minutes, 29% for 21-30 minutes, and 14.2% for 31-40 minutes. Statistical significance is revealed (p=0.001). Sixth, concerning the length of movement course by the number of examinations, the GroupⅠ shows 37 meters regardless of the number of examinations. The GroupⅡ indicates an average of 199 meters for one examination and 189 meters for two examinations, with the difference 151 meters between the Groups, and representing statistical significance (p=0.001). Based on the above findings, one-stop service contributes to the reduction of both the time and the movement course and therefore is considered to be beneficial to the patients, and the improve the efficiency of the hospitals in terms of the space and the time.

      • KCI등재

        유치원과 방문학습지 교사의 직무만족도 연구

        이숙연(Lee Suk-Yeon),서영숙(Suh Young-Sook),황은숙(Hwang Eun-Soog) 한국유아교육·보육복지학회 2005 유아교육·보육복지연구 Vol.9 No.2

          The purpose of this study was to examine job satisfaction of preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants in relation to Maslow"s need hierarchy theory, motivation theory. And this study examined if there was any difference in job satisfactions according to reachers" background variables to find out the desire having the most effect on job satisfaction, to let teachers know what meaning their job had, and to present basic data for their positive perspective of teaching activities.<BR>  This study was conducted with 302 incumbent preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants and revised and supplemented the job satisfaction test used in prior studies into the questionnaire composed of 44 questions of the equable seale, 13questions for preschool teachers, and 16 for those who visit horses to teach infants to examine general properties, with Cronbach , the reliability coefficient, of.73,.84,.74,.83,.65, and .72.<BR>  To compare job satisfactions of preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants, t-test was performed on the average of job satisfactions of the two groups. And t-test, One-way ;ANOVA, Duncan"s Multiple Range Test were conducted to examine the difference in job satisfactions by teachers" background variables.<BR>  The results of this study can be summarized as follows :<BR>  First, there was a significant difference according to the area in job satisfactions between preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants : the former showed high job satisfaction than the latter in the social needs and self-realization needs : both of the groups had job dissatisfaction in the physiological needs and safety needs.<BR>  Second, according to background variables, high job satisfaction of both groups was related to married group, major in preschool education, older teachers, more academic career, more teaching years, more income, less number of member children, and the group with more training.   본 연구는 유치원 교사와 방문학습지 교사의 직무만족도를 동기부여 이론인 Maslow의 욕구단계와 관련하여 교사의 사회인구 통계학적 배경변인에 따라 직무만족도에 차이가 있는지를 조사하고, 직무만족도에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 욕구가 무엇이며, 교사로 하여금 자신이 하고 있는 일에 대한 의미부여와 교수 활동에 관한 어떤 관점을 확고히 하는데 도움을 주기 위한 기초 자료를 제시하는 것이다. 유치원 교사의 직무만족도 연구에서 밝혀진 결과를 보면 유치원 교사는 사회적 욕구와 자아실현 욕구에서 방문교사보다 높은 직무만족도를 보였고, 두 집단 모두 안전의 욕구와 생리적 욕구에서는 만족도가 낮게 나타났지만, 존경의 욕구에서는 가장 높은 직무만족도를 나타냈다. 배경원인별 직무만족도는 기혼인 교사, 유아교육 전공자, 연령이 많을수록, 학력이 높을수록, 근무 년 수가 많을수록, 수입이 많을수록, 담당 아동 수가 적을수록 직무만족 도가 높은 것으로 나타났다.<BR>  이러한 결과를 볼 때 욕구단계별 직무만족은 교사의 배경 원인에 따라 보면 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다.

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