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        원격대학 이주민 재학생의 학업적응 과정 분석

        은혜경(殷惠瓊) 서울대학교 교육연구소 2018 아시아교육연구 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 국내 원격대학에 입학한 이주민 학생들의 학업적응 과정을 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 K원격대학에 입학한 후 글로벌장학금을 받은 우수 이주민 학생 9명을 대상으로 개별 면접을 실시하였으며, 근거이론 접근(grounded theory approach)에 따라 면접 결과를 분석하였다. 먼저 개방코딩(open coding)을 실시하여 총 28개의 범주를 도출하였으며, 범주들(categories) 간의 관계를 설정하는 축코딩(axial coding)을 진행하여 원격대학에 입학한 이주민 재학생의 학업적응 패러다임 모형을 도출하였다. 즉, 원격대학에 입학한 이주민 학생들이 학업적응 과정에서 경험하는 중심현상(phenomenon)은 ‘원격대학생활의 어려움에 압도됨’으로 나타났으며, 중심현상의 직접적 원인이 되는 인과적 조건(casual conditions)은 ‘대학교육을 받기에는 한국어 실력이 부족함’, ‘한국사람과의 관계에 대한 두려움’인 것으로 분석되었다. 중심현상에 대한 작용/상호작용 전략(action/interaction strategies)은 ‘포기할까 고민함’, ‘각오를 다짐’, ‘현실과 타협함’, ‘주변사람들에게 도움을 요청함’, ‘교내 학습지원 제도를 활용함’, ‘오프라인 활동에 참여함’, ‘정보를 탐색함’, ‘시험위주로 공부함’, ‘공부에 몰입함’인 것으로 나타났다. 이들의 학업적응 결과(consequences)는 ‘혼자가 아님을 알게 됨’, ‘학습의 즐거움을 경험함’, ‘원격대학 학습법을 터득하고 전수함’, ‘한국사회 적응력이 향상됨’, ‘이주민 정체성을 긍정적으로 재구성함’ 등이었으며, 학업적응 과정은 혼란, 탐색, 적응초기, 몰입 단계를 통해 이루어지는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 본 연구가 원격대학 이주민 학생의 학업적응 관련 이론과 실제에 주는 시사점, 본 연구의 제한점과 후속 연구를 위한 제언 등이 제시되었다. The purpose of this study is to analyse the process of academic adjustment of immigrant students who enter distance university. In order to carry on this study, 9 immigrant students who were granted scholarship after entrance to the K distance university were interviewed and the result of the interview was analyzed based on the grounded theory approach. Firstly, open coding was conducted and 28 upper levels were categorized then the academic adjustment paradigm modeling of those immigrant student was constructed by processing axial coding, which establishes the relationship among upper categories. It means central phenomenon of the immigrant students during they were on the process of academic adjustment is interpreted as ‘overwhelming due to academic difficulties in distance university’ and casual condition directly affects to the central phenomenon is ‘due to lack of Korean language skills to learn university level education’ and ‘fears of having relationship with native Koreans’ Actional/interactional strategies towards the central phenomenon are categorized as ‘considering leave halfway through’, ‘resolute’, ‘compromise with the reality’, ‘ask help to others’, ‘utilize supporting programme in university’, ‘participate in off-line activity’, ‘search information’, ‘study for only exams’, and ‘concentrate on studying’. The responded as a result of the academic adjustment saying ‘realize I am not alone’, ‘experience the pleasure of studying’, ‘know how to do distance learning and let others know’, ‘positively re-establish immigrants’ identity’ and the overall process of immigrant students was characterized by ‘confusion-exploring-initial stage of adjustment-concentration stage’ levels. Lastly, implication, limitation and proposal for further studies are addressed.

      • KCI등재


        은혜 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2012 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.51 No.-

        Chen Chun(陳淳)'s ritual and musical practice directly rooted in rural society, focusing on family etiquette and sacrificial rites of county. Chen Chun's thoughts of rites and music integrated the thought of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty advocated by Zhou Dun‐yi, Cheng brothers, Zhang Zai, Zhu Xi and so on. Chen Chun discusses deeply on rite and principle, rite and heart, rite and benevolence, rite and desire,and other relations. He pays attention to returning to the ritual classical significance of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, emphasizing the ceremony of the order, difference, and meaning. His thought of rites and music is integrated with a distinctive feature of Neo-Confucianism. 陈淳的礼乐实践直接扎根于乡村社会,关注重心在于家庭礼仪及州县祭祀礼仪。陈淳的礼乐思想综合了周敦颐、二程、张载、朱熹等宋代理学家的礼乐思想,对礼与理、礼与心、礼与仁、礼与欲等关系都深入进行了探讨,同时注重回归汉唐礼学经义,强调礼之秩序、差等、中和等涵义,实为集大成的带有鲜明理学化特色的礼乐思想。

      • 례(禮)와 인간 : 송대(宋代) 례학(禮學)을 중심으로

        殷慧,尋夢依 동양예학회 2021 東洋 禮學 Vol.45 No.-

        宋代 禮制의 변화와 理學의 흥기・발전 사이에는 밀접한 연관이 있으며 서로 간에 깊은 영향을 끼쳤다. 제사의 일종인 高禖의 의식에서는 예로부터 남녀가 함께 참여하였지만, 宋代의 高禖 의식에서는 남녀의 分祭 현상으로 인해 황후가 궁궐 밖으로 나가 절을 하지 못하게 되었다. 여타 宋代 皇家의 禮典과 禮制를 종합해 보면 많은 변화가 일어났는데, 이것은 宋代 禮治 구도의 영향을 받아 내외의 분별을 중시하고, 閨門의 예를 강조한 것이 분명하다. 宋代 理學의 흥기 또한 이러한 흐름의 영향을 받아, 理學者들은 사회정치에 대한 관심에서 출발하여 예제질서를 지키는데 힘썼고, 한편으로는 天道性命의 합일된 형이상학의 의리체계를 구축하는 한편, 사회실천에 있어서 체계적이고 준수할 만한 의례규범을 탐구하여 士庶 집단의 욕구를 충족시켰다. 그러나 理學者들은 天理로써 禮를 풀이하였고 義理를 절대화함으로써 예의를 재단하였으며, 君主와 士大夫에게 더욱 엄격한 요구를 하였는데, 특히 여성에 대한 요구는 宋나라 이하 明淸시대 사회에까지 나쁜 영향을 주었다. 그런데 이에 대한 후세대의 비판은 理學과 理學者를 직접 겨냥했을 뿐, 이론구조의 禮制的 배경에 대해서는 종종 간과하였다. 宋代禮制的變化與理學的興起、發展之間有著密切的聯繫, 産生了深遠的影響。祀高禖這一禮儀活動自古以來需要男女共同參與, 而宋代高禖禮中出現的男女分祭現象, 使皇后不再能出宮門行禮。綜觀其他的趙宋皇家禮典和禮制, 出現的諸多變化, 很明顯受宋代禮治格局的影響, 表現出重內外之別、强調閨門之禮的特點。宋代理學的興起也受這一趨勢的影響, 理學家從關心社會政治出發, 致力于維護禮制秩序, 一方面建構了天道性命合一的形上義理體系, 一方面在社會實踐上探索系統可循的禮儀規範以滿足士庶群體的需要。然而理學家以天理釋禮, 用義理的絕對化來裁損禮儀, 對君主、士大夫提出了更嚴格的要求, 尤其是對女性的要求, 給宋以降的明清社會造成了不良的影響。後世的批評直接針對理學和理學家, 而往往忽視了其理論建構的禮制背景。

      • KCI등재

        불안정한 자세에서 하지에 인가한 진동자극이 자세 안정성 개선에 미치는 영향

        은혜,유미,김동욱,권대규,김남균,Eun, H.I.,Yu, M.,Kim, D.W.,Kwon, T.K.,Kim, N.G. 대한의용생체공학회 2007 의공학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        We studied the effect of vibratory stimulations of different leg muscles, tibialis anterior(TA) and triceps surae(TS), and plantar zones in ten healthy subjects during 1) quiet standing, 2) forward lean of body, 3) backward lean of body, 4) right lean of body, and 5) left lean of body. The experiments were performed on the force platform. The effect of vibration were measured by monitoring the area of COP(Center of pressure) sway. The subjects wore a vibratory stimulation system on foot and ankles and were given the instruction not to resist against the applied perturbations. The results show that all vibratory stimulations to lower limb muscles and plantar zones reduced the COP sway area. This reduction of the COP sway area occurred also in partial vibratory stimulations during quiet standing. In forward lean of body, vibratory stimulations to TA reduced the COP sway area. During backward lean of body, vibratory stimulations to TS reduced the COP sway area. When the subject was tilted right, vibratory stimulations to left plantar zone reduced the COP sway area. During left lean of body, vibratory stimulations to right plantar zone reduced the COP sway area. Thus, the influence of vibratory stimulations to leg muscle and plantar zones differed significantly depending on the lean of body. We suggest that the vibration stimuli from leg muscles and plantar zones could be selectively used to help maintaining postural balance stable.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 방송제작실습교육 현황에 대한 연구

        은혜정(Hyechung Eun),장은영(Eun-Young Jang) 한국방송학회 2000 한국방송학보 Vol.14 No.1

        Nowadays the audio-visual communication has become so popular and laid in the central place of all and the university is not the safe ivory tower to ignore this trend. However chasing the rapid technological shift is not the always the answer for the university education and sometimes the university feels lost how to teach students and how to set the goals. The paper tries to discuss this bewildering matter openly and show the plausible direction where the university education should head to. The answer lies in flexible, integrated, and innovative media courses and curricula; it means a movement away from the narrowly conceived media-specific sequences based on industrial configurations towards broad-based, cross-media, integrative models; “de-massifying” the concept of communication to incorporate the study of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication and their relationship to “mass” forms of communication distribution; and finally, rethinking with the use of technologies. This paper examined two groups: universities and broadcasting professionals about university situation, their educational philosophy towards technology, what should students prepare before enter the job world, etc. Among the universities, some of reasons where the difference results from can be categorised in groups; the level of finance, facilities for the broadcasting technology and of course, the philosophy of the department towards its developmental direction. And still the difference was found between the universities and broadcasting professionals in their perspectives. The result shows that university educators are more likely to be aware of the necessity of technological education while the professionals tend to focus on the importance of liberal arts education. It is understandable since for a long time universities were criticised not to respond to the technological change of broadcasting and once students graduate and enter the job world, creativity becomes the most important factor to succeed. Therefore the further study should include how to improve students’ creativity and what is appropriate environment for this purpose. To get the working experience for students the paper suggests to offer more chances of internship. Comparing the American universities which most of students are obliged to get internship as part of course work, Korean equivalents have developed a quite different path. Only a few universities from medium-sized cities have active internship system but generally speaking, internship has not been included in the Korean broadcasting education. The paper strongly suggests that internship should be actively participated for both sides; university students as well as newspaper, broadcasting and other audio-visual or information companies. Students can get precious experience which they hardly find under the university environment. Moreover, they can have clear idea what would be like if students enter the job world after they graduates. If they don’t like it or if it has a big gap from what they expect, still students can have time to pursue a different career. For the companies, they can find their potential employees and train them early and during the internship, the companies may take advantage to use cheap labour.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지시운동 수행동안 안구와 손의 시공간적 협응에 관한 연구

        은혜,유미,이아름,김동욱,권대규,김남균,Eun, H.I.,Yu, M.,Lee, A.R.,Kim, D.W.,Kwon, T.K.,Kim, N.G. 대한의용생체공학회 2007 의공학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        In this study, we investigated spatio-temporal eye-hand coordination by the "Global effect paradigm", a target-distracter configuration Global effect is observed a variety of visual tasks, for example, during rapid automatic tracking, scanning for target detail, and the comparison of target configurations. Global effect used to investigate eye-hand coordination with a task that presents a target close to a distracter. Eight young subjects participated in the experiments. The experiments consist of using a distracter less eccentric than the targe1 and using a distracter more eccentric than target. Each experiment consist of tasks which are making reference, pointing the target with watching visual stimulation(saccade) and pointing the target. The subject's task was to move towards the target as quickly as possible. We measured the eye movement by using EOG and the hand movement by using NDI Optotrak system. This study shows that eye and hand movement exists for global effect paradigm in spatio-temporal coordination.

      • KCI등재

        원격대학 다문화멘토링 참여경험 분석 : 멘티의 경험과 요구를 중심으로

        은혜 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2015 평생학습사회 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 원격대학 다문화멘토링에 참여한 멘티의 경험과 요구를 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 국내 K 원격대학 다문화멘토링에 참여한 이주민 재학생 10명을 대상으로 면접을 진행하였으며, Patton의 주제분석법을 활용해 수집된 자료를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 3개 영역(참여동기, 도움경험, 어려움과 아쉬움)에서 총 26개 주제, 13개 범주를 도출하였다. 원격대학 이주민 재학생이 다문화멘토링에 참여한 동기와 도움경험, 경험한 어려움과 아쉬움은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 참여동기는 ‘학업적 어려움 해결’, ‘언어적 어려움 해결’, ‘친구를 만나고 싶음’, ‘멘티 인센티브 때문에 신청함’이었다. 둘째, 도움경험은 ‘원격대학 학습 방법과 전략을 이해함’, ‘심리적 지지를 경험함’, ‘자녀교육과 관련된 도움경험’, ‘자기 진로에 대한 조언과 도움을 얻음’, ‘한국 역사를 이해하게 됨’, ‘한국어 공부를 할 수 있었음’이었다. 셋째, 어려움과 아쉬움은 ‘심리적 불편감’, ‘진행상 아쉬움’, ‘멘토링 내용에 대한 아쉬움’이었다. 넷째, 도출된 범주 중 일반적으로(general) 발견된 범주는 참여동기 영역의 ‘학업적 어려움 해결’, 도움경험 영역의 ‘심리적 지지를 경험함’이었다. 그 외 참여동기 영역의 ‘언어적 어려움 해결’, ‘친구를 만나고 싶음’, 도움경험 영역의 ‘원격대학 학습방법과 전략을 이해함’, ‘어려움과 아쉬움’ 영역의 ‘심리적 불편감’, ‘진행상 어려움’, ‘멘토링 내용에 대한 아쉬움’ 범주가 전형적으로(typical) 발견된 주제였다. 연구자는 이러한 연구 결과가 원격대학 다문화멘토링 운영 및 연구에 주는 의의와 시사점에 대해 논의하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mentees' experiences and needs of multicultural mentoring program at open and distance university. To attain the purpose of this study, 10 immigrant students who participated as mentees of multicultural mentoring program which were conducted by K university were face to face interviewed. Data collected from the interview analyzed using Patton's theme analysis method. As a result, 26 themes and 13 categories in 3 domains(participation motivation, assistance experience, difficulty and inconvenience) emerged in the analysis. The results are in as the following. First, the categories of participation motivation were 'solving academic difficulty', 'solving linguistic difficulty', 'the desire for friend', and 'mentee incentive'. Second, the categories of assistance experience were 'understanding the learning strategies for open and distance university', 'psychological support', 'receiving tips for education of children', 'receiving advices for future career', 'understanding Korean history', and 'learning Korean'. Third, the categories of difficulty and inconvenience were 'psychological discomfort', 'inconvenience of process', and 'inconvenience of contents'. Fourth, the general category among discovered categories were 'solving academic difficulty' of 'participation motivation', and 'psychological support' of 'assistance experience'. Meanwhile, 'solving linguistic difficulty' and 'the desire for friend' of 'participation motivation', 'understanding the learning strategies for open and distance university' of 'assistance experience', and 'psychological discomfort', 'inconvenience of process', and 'inconvenience of contents' of 'difficulty and inconvenience' were found as typical themes. Based on these results, the implication and discussion of operating multicultural mentoring program were presented.

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