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      • KCI등재

        시민운동과 사회경영

        양창삼(Yang Chang Sam) 한국사회이론학회 2002 사회이론 Vol.- No.22

        This thesis aims to review the present civilian movements, specially the NGO, in perspective of the society management and to build our society better and proper. B. Boutros-Ghali, former UN Secretary General said the 21st century will be an era of the NGO. This is an important power shift which brings the social restructuring. Although the NGO movements are so popular and active, still the work of organizing and managing NGO efficiently is needed to reach more meaningful. The society management could be a good instrument if the civilian movements don`t end with superficiality, not just the name only, but reach the social goal everybody expect. The society needs the reproductive system for sustaining the social entity itself. This thesis classifies the society management on the NGO into the big concept and the small concept. The big concept comprises the heavy items such as the economic justice, environment protection problem, consumer sovereignty and so on. The small concept touches the usual items like a removal of the civil inconveniences and a setup of better community. Big or small, the application of the conceptualization to reality is essential to bring the better society. Also, the management of the NGO itself is imperative to maintain the organization productively. The NGO is advised to be more purpose-driven, pure, democratic, and professional. The international alliance is necessary to enhance their position strategically. The role of the NGO is not completed yet. The NGO should be equipped with the managerial minds of the society, which build our society more sound. The NGO should be not an instrument of gaining the political power, but of securing the social justice and vitality. The making our society sustainable or unsustainable depends on the civilians themselves.

      • KCI등재후보

        통합 지향의 동아시아 경영 의식

        양창삼(Chang Sam Yang) 한국인문사회과학회 2005 현상과 인식 Vol.29 No.1ㆍ2

        Major counrries of rhe East Asia(EA) such as China, Japan, and Korea had been involved actively with the economic, diplomatic relationships, but reluctantly with the historical, integrative consciousness toward an union like EU. This thesis aimed to seek the possibility of cooperation and integration rather than hatred and disintegration.<br/> For the further thoughtful developments, the EA countries are suggested to broaden their minds beyond the nationalism. The sharing mind of history as member of EA is essential to expand their historical perspective to post-nationalism. For this cause, China's undergoing North East Project is enough to be criticized. The integration should not be hindered by any means. The EA countries are also suggested to establish the Great Union(大同) Society and to develop the common ground morally and economically.<br/> So far the United States of America, China, and Japan are putting their efforts cautiously to take the hegemony on the EA. Now the East Asians need the integral consciousness and the mutual respect for the EA coexistence. Furthermore our concerns should not be limited to the EA, going beyond the EA for the global peace and harmony.

      • KCI등재

        [특집 : 문명의 만남 공존인가 충돌인가] 문명 충돌과 빈부 충돌

        양창삼(Chang-Sam Yang) 한국인문사회과학회 2002 현상과 인식 Vol.26 No.3

        There are some presumable causes of present global clashes typically representing 9ㆍ11 attacks. A lot of talks focused on the clash of civilization, the Islamic versus the west. Outwardly it could be possible, but inwardly we need more searches to get the definite, more agreeable answer. Therefore this thesis made a focus on the global problem of poverty to get the point. Without solving this globally prevailing poverty, there is no peace on earth.<br/> Samuel Huntington suggested intelligently several kinds of clashes of the civilization before 9ㆍ11 attacks. The Islamic world was suspected to be a initiator of possible clashes. After 9ㆍ11 most of American scholars, even Huntington himself, and politicians including President Bush tried to believe these attacks. was not corne from civilization clashes, but from terror against the world peace. President Bush announced publicly Itan, Iraq, and North Kotean 'the axis of evil.' Some scholars like Noam Chomsky are not agreed with this idea. On the contrary, Chomsky called USA a rogue state.<br/> This thesis tried to find one of main causes of trouble the world now suffers and especially Islamics anger. The Islamics had their heavy discontents of poverty-ridden situations, lack of freedom and democracy, backwardness of technology development, discrimination by religion etc. The terror could be reptesenting this internal frustrations out to the world, especially to the rich, powerful countries.<br/> Of course not every Islamic country is under the povetry. Some countries demonstrated their ability of the economic developments amazingly. But still the poverty is prevailing widely in the Islamic region. Also there is a big gap between the tiches and the pots even domestically. The military Islamic fundamentalists use this discontents as weapon to the west which leans to Israel.<br/> To stop terror like 9ㆍ11, the world must have a concern on the discontentment of the poors. Fighting with military, political weapons will result in the destruction, but globally united fighting against the poverty and other discontents with compassionate minds could bring the world peace finally.

      • KCI등재

        나눔의 경제와 기업의 사회적 책임

        양창삼(Chang Sam Yang) 한국사회이론학회 2007 사회이론 Vol.- No.32

        한국에서는 신빈곤층이 형성되고, 빈부의 대물림현상이 나타나 있다. 이러한 현상은 IMF사태에 이어 계속된 기업의 구조 조정으로 인해 일자리를 잃음으로써 더욱 악화되고 있다. 기업은 일자리 창출과 일자리 공유 등 여러 방안을 동원해 왔다. 그러나 한계에 부딪히고 있으며 이들을 위한 사회안전망도 위기에 처하고 있다. 이것은 우리만의 일이 아니다. 이 글은 빈부격차가 한 나라에서나 세계적으로 커지고 있는 상황에서 사회구성원 모두가 나눔의 철학을 확고히 하고 나눔의 경제로 나가야 하며, 특히 기업도 이에 대해 사회적 책임을 다 해야 한다는 것을 밝히고자 한다. The divide between rich and poor has been deepened worldwide. This is not a matter of one country, but became the world issue. Even in China and Korea the unhappiness has been growing widely among peoples who have been left behind by the rapid economic development and the corporate restructuring. The sense of powerlessness sows the seeds of the discontent. The worrisome political leaders and business CEOs are gathered so often and affirmed their calls to build a harmonious society. The governments promised the reforms that would give them more vitality over their lives. Those promises have been broken by the corrupt officials and the empty promises, and the social safety networks are getting weaken day by day. This thesis aims to awaken the business leaders to take this matter seriously and to share their jobs and wealth voluntarily. This social, economic problem would be resolved by firming the philosophy of sharing and building the right business ethos. There is no world peace without solving this unrestful issue. The social harmony and happiness comes with practicing the social responsibility and the spirit of nobles oblige especially from the corporations.

      • KCI등재

        구약에 나타난 토지 제도와 현대적 적용의 문제

        양창삼(Chang-Sam Yang) 한국인문사회과학회 2008 현상과 인식 Vol.32 No.3

        빈부 격차가 세계적으로 확산되면서 이 문제에 대한 해결책을 놓고 여러 대안들이 제시되었다. 그 중에 하나가 토지에 대한 시유제와 공유제에 관한 논의다. 기독교의 토지관은 기본적으로 ‘토지는 하나님의 것’이라는 토지신유(土地神有)에 입각해 있다. 그러나 인간이 지구에 편만해지면서 ‘관리’는 ‘소유’로 바뀌고, 그 소유가 하나의 권리로 인정받으면서 삶의 모습도 달라지기 시작했다. 기독교에서는 이 문제에 대해서 하나의 생각보다는 인물이나 기관에 따라 여러 입장 차이를 보이고 있다. 성토모는 토지공개념을 주장한다. 그러나 토지공개념이 성경적인가 하는 것은 아직도 논의해야 할 부분이다. 구약에서 보여 준 기업으로서의 토지 문제를 현대에 적용하는 데도 한계가 있기 때문이다. 성경에서 무리하게 현대의 해법을 찾기보다 현대의 토지 제도 가운데 가난한 이웃 사랑의 정신을 살리는 것이 무엇인가 고민하는 것이 오히려 바른 기독교적 태도라는 주장이 설득력이 있다. God, the creator of the earth, grants men to manage the lands as his will. The men should execute the managerial responsibility as the faithful stewardship. As the numbers of human being on earth grow, the desire of having more lands had been increasing. Management turns into ownership as the right. The divide between the have and the have-not was deepened. Without a proper measurement, our life in economy will be jeopardized. Under this perspective, reviews on land ownership in the Old Testament era will be given some insights to find alternatives for social justice and better economic lives in modern society. Henry George's land value taxation system will be presented with the idea of Sungtomo(Henry George Association of Korea). There are some controversies whether George's suggestion is biblical, applicable in this time or not. Even still no definite solution existed, we should keep on looking until we find a proper alternative.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 근대화와 국가경영에 대한 역사적 고찰

        양창삼(Chang Sam Yang) 한국경영사학회 2003 經營史學 Vol.30 No.-

        The Communist China pursues the economic developments persistently. Historically speaking, the cost they paid for the trial and errors has been so heavy. The spirits for the economic stands were high even in their course of political upsurges, but their economic situations turned into the sourness so rapidly and widely. The matches of political party and the people in general didn’t go well even with the agricultural area. The Great Leap Movement and the Great Cultural Revolution were not successful. Hungers and deaths were the sad report of the political movements which don’t want to revive. Deng Xio Ping’s open-door policy to the Chinese modernity made a sharp, good changes to fill the nation’s needs. The great expectation was upward widely and the progress is being made. The world has been surprised due to the economic records of China. Some wonders are developing about the future of the China if the socialist politics and the capitalistic business can go together. Within China, some controversies are aroused from the problems on Westernization, Confucianism, and Capitalism. Some Westerners put some worries on China’s future role because the China’s openness and involvement to the world couldn’t be a matter of ignorance. The trial and error of Chinese government on economy policy gave much burdens, agonies, and difficulties to the Chinese people in their course of history. But since Deug’s new policy was effective, the hope of future and the motivation toward the richness are getting more attention from the Chinese people themselves. It is a good sign for the China and the rest of the world. The historical example of the Communist China to the modernization would give a chance what to understand and how to deal with the government policy and the economy, and their relationship. Deug’s political decision opens the China to the world. The people of China would not their history back to the past of darkness. The history is not the history unless it gives a lesson. The people want their country and the world to be better, progressive. But sometimes the politics hold the progress. The Chinese endeavors to the betterment will not be stopped and would not like to be put their country backward anymore. The China made a kind of change that alters the course of history. The Chinese enterpreneurships are trying to spark the a social transformation. But the heavy censorship and regulation of the Socialist government still exists and could be hazardous to the China dawn, China dreams, and the quest for the new world.

      • KCI등재

        위그노의 영적 삶이 주는 사회학적 함의

        양창삼(Chang Sam Yang) 한국사회이론학회 2017 사회이론 Vol.- No.52

        이 글은 종교개혁 500주년을 맞아 우리가 소홀히 다루어왔던 위그노의 영적 삶을 사회적인 관점에서 살펴본 것이다. 이 논문은 크게 두 가지 함의에 집중하고 있다. 첫 번째 함의는 “박해의 상황에서 신앙의 원리에 따라 행동하되 폭정에 대한 저항권을 배제하지 않는다는 것이다.” 저항권에 관한 문제다. 그리고 두 번째 함의는 “자본, 기술, 인력의 유출은 그 지역의 산업 지도와 영적 지도를 바꾼다.”는 것이다. 산업화와 영적 영향력에 관한 문제다. 첫 번째 함의는 위그노가 칼뱅이 가르쳐준 신앙을 준수하면서도 불의한 권세 앞에 저항할 수밖에 없는 내적인 환경에 집중되어 있다. 두 번째 함의는 해외로 망명한 위그노들이 그 나라들에서 산업을 발전시키고 영적으로 달라진 삶의 모범을 보여준 외적인 환경에 집중되어 있다. 첫 번째 함의의 배경으로, 이 글에서는 위그노가 발생하게 된 역사를 살펴보았다. 칼뱅의 영향을 크게 받은 그들은 신앙원리에 철저했다. 하지만 그들은 가혹한 탄압을 받았고 재산몰수와 처형이 뒤따랐다. 그들을 박해한 기득권 세력은 자비롭지 않았다. 위그노는 이 세력에 맞서 오랜 기간 저항했다. 상대에 대해 무력도 사용하기도 했다. 결국 위그노의 존재를 인정받게 됨으로써 신앙의 자유는 그저 주어지지 않는다는 교훈을 얻게 되었다. 두 번째 함의의 배경에는 칼뱅주의가 가르쳐준 직업에 대한 소명의식과 깨끗한 부자, 곧 청부사상이 있다. 이 사상은 상공인이 대부분인 위그노에 대한 교리적 승인이자 산업 활동에서의 동기부여의 요인이 되었다. 상당수 위그노들이 해외로 망명을 했고, 그곳에서 산업을 일으켰다. 그뿐 아니라 그곳의 영적 지도를 다시금 그릴 만큼 신앙적으로도 영향을 주었다. 위그노의 삶은 한 마디로 현대를 살아가는 신앙인들에게 가장 적대적이고 부정적인 환경에서 어떻게 살아야 하는가를 가르쳐 준다. 특히 하나님의 부르심에 합당한 자로서 시대를 살고 주변 환경에 긍정적 영향을 주며 그 삶으로 하나님의 역사를 이 땅에서 바르게 써 나가야 한다는 것을 보여준다. This article examines the spiritual life of the Huguenots, which we have easily neglected in the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, from a social perspective. This paper focuses on two implications. The first implication is “To act in accordance with the principles of faith in the context of persecution, but not to exclude the right of resistance to tyranny.” This is a matter of the resistance right. And the second implication is, “The outflow of capital, technology, and manpower changes the industrial and spiritual maps of the regions.” This is a matter of the industrialization and the spiritual influence. The first implication is focused on the inner environment, in which the Huguenots followed the faith taught by Calvin, but were forced to resist before the unrighteous authority. The second implication is focused on an external environment where the exiled Huguenots contributed the industrialization in their countries and set an example of a spiritually changed life. As a background to the first implication, this article examines the history of the occurrence of the Huguenots. Those who were greatly influenced by Calvin followed the principles of faith. However, they were subjected to severe repression, followed by property forfeiture and execution. The vested interests persecuted them without mercy. The Huguenots resisted the persecutors for a long period of time. They also used forces against the opponents. As a result, the huguenot history taught us that the freedom of faith is not just given without price paid. In the background of the second implication is the vocational calling of Calvinism and the clean riches. These ideas were a doctrine of approval for most of the merchants, the Huguenots, and motivated them in industrial activities. A number of the Huguenots exiled overseas, and created the industrialization there. In addition to that, they affected faithfully enough to redraw the spiritual map there. The life of the Huguenots taught the believers living in modern times how to live in the most hostile and negative environment. Especially we must live the times as worthy of God"s calling, have a positive impact on the surrounding environment, and carry God"s work properly on this earth in life.

      • KCI등재

        마키아벨리의 국가 경영과 리더십

        양창삼(Chang Sam Yang) 한국인문사회과학회 2006 현상과 인식 Vol.30 No.1ㆍ2

        우리에게 있어서 마키아벨리는 매우 왜곡되어 있다. 이탈리아의 통일을 염원했던 마키아벨리의 사상을 통해 그가 국가 통일을 이루기 위해 어떤 장애를 극복하고자 했고, 어떤 국가 경영 철학을 제시했는지 안다면 그를 나쁘게만 볼 수 없다. 마키아벨리는 도덕ㆍ경제ㆍ종교 등 여러 요소도 정치가가 국가 이익으로 전환할 수 있는 세력으로 보았다. 따라서 정치는 경제ㆍ사회ㆍ종교 등 제 조건을 기반으로 국가의 여러 문제를 해결해야 한다. 이를 위해 그는 국가 이성을 강조했다. 그의 지적 추구 과정을 살펴봄으로써 우리의 분단 현실을 바라보고 앞으로 어떤 정치를 해야 하는가를 생각한다. Niccolo Machiavelli was a political philosopher and a nation planner during the Renaissance. In his political treatise, The Prince, he offered a monarchical ruler advice designed to keep that ruler in power. During the Renaissance Italy was a scene of intense political conflict involving the dominant city-states. Each city attempted to protect itself by playing the larger powers off against each other. The result was massive political intrigue, blackmail, and violence. The Prince was written against this backdrop, and in its conclusion Machiavelli issued a call for Italian unity and integration using better nation management tool.<br/> Machiavelli's other major work, Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius, was mainly concerned with “republics,” defined as states controlled by a politically active citizenry. He emphasized that for a republic to survive, it needed to foster a spirit of patriotism and civic virtue among its citizens. Machiavelli argued that a republic would be strengthened by controlling universal egoism and generating through open political participation and debate.<br/> Partly because Machiavelli's pragmatic view of the relationship between ethics and politics, he has been widely misinterpreted. Machiavelli's managerial suggestions could be applicable to form a kind of functional unity.

      • KCI등재

        칸트, 아들러와 융, 그리고 뒤르케임의 인간관 다시 보기

        양창삼(Chang Sam Yang) 한국사회이론학회 2008 사회이론 Vol.- No.34

        이 글의 주제는 인간관이다. 인간에만 한정된 주제가 아니라 사회와 연관성을 주장하는 여러 이론가들을 살펴보았다. 철학자로는 칸트, 심리학자로는 아들러와 융, 그리고 사회학자로는 뒤르케임에 초점을 맞추었다. 그들 모두 인간에 대한 사회의 역할에 관심이 컸고, 인간의 자율성 문제에 대해서도 적지 않은 관심을 보여주었다는 점에서 공통된다. 칸트는 시민적 자유를 말하고, 인간의 자유로운 선택과 결정을 보장한다. 아들러에서도 자기결정권을 강조한다. 융도 개체의 자기실현을 말한다. 뒤르케임도 자원적 행위론을 말한다. 그러나 문제는 그들이 사회나 역사를 만드는 창조적 의미의 주체로서 인간을 보고 있느냐 하는 것이다. 이것에 관한 한 뒤르 케임은 야누스적이라는 비판을 받고 있다. 인간을 강제하는 사회구조와 그것을 벗어나 자유의지, 자유선택, 자기결정권을 가지고 삶을 풀어가려는 인간의 욕구가 동시에 공존할 수 있을 까. 인간과 사회의 교류는 바람직하지만 사회결정론적 사고가 지배하는 한 인간은 창조적 주체로서의 존재성을 인정받기 어려울 수 있다. 따라서 이것을 넘어서는 사고가 필요하다. The perspective on human being used to be a main subject of philosophers. But nowadays this topic draws attention so much from every part of academic world. The philosophers couldn`t claim an exclusive right to touch this and to use themselves. This thesis is confined to raise this perspective from philosopher Kant, psychologists Adler and Jung, and sociologist Durkheim because of their specific concerns on relationship of society and human being. The sanctions of society gives much restrictions to the people lived in. The humans want more autonomy and self-determi nation. This could lead to the conflicts. Even though this peril is existed, Kant granted men freedom positively, Adler superiority tendency, Jung an autonomous self, and Durkheim voluntary will respectively. This thesis gives high marks on their scientific efforts on considering men as partners of society and granting human autonomy. However they didn`t give up the social determinism. As long as the structuralism couldn`t go beyond the closed system, the humanistic thoughts could be blocked anytime. Therefore we should go beyond this restriction to make man and society go together with balance and practicality.

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