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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리나라 국회의원회관내 의원사무실의 실내공간 개선방안에 관한 연구

        양정필 대한건축학회 2005 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.21 No.11

        The main purpose of this study is to investigate the problems of the assembly members' office room in Korea, compared with foreign cases in advanced countries, and to suggest improvement directions of space allocation for remodeling. The main results of this study are as follows;1. In the present assembly members' office room, it needs to eliminate some unnecessary rooms(washroom, sink room). These rooms are used for only one man, so eliminating these rooms is to eliminate the inefficiency of space plan of assembly members' office room.2. The space obtained by eliminating unnecessary room, should be used for expanding the size of assistant's room. Assistant's room is small considering the number of assistants.3. To ensure efficiency of work activity and environmental quality of assistant's room, it needs to expand the size of the present assembly members' office room and to introduce reception space and meeting room.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        1930년대 백삼 통제의 전개와 개성상인 간 갈등 연구

        양정필 역사학연구소 2019 역사연구 Vol.- No.37

        In the 1930s, white ginseng control developed. There was a conflict between Gaesong merchants over the white ginseng distribution. There were ginseng farmers, brokers and merchandiser in the white ginseng industry. In the 1930s, ginseng farmers began to control the white ginseng. The cultivators organized the Gaesong ginseng trade union. Then, they inspected the ginsengs and sealed them. The white ginseng inspection caused inconvenience to the white ginseng brokers and merchandisers. The reason the ginseng farmers controlled the white ginseng was to maintain profit margins. But behind it was the involvement of the Japanese Government General of Korea and the Gaesong city government. Since then, the white ginseng control has been further strengthened. The ginseng farmers wanted to take full control of the sale of white ginseng. So they set up the Gaesong Ginseng Trade Corporation. It was a huge company with a capital of 2 million won. Through the company, the farmers were able to earn stable profits, but this hurt brokers and sellers. In particular, the brokers lost their livelihood due to the emergence of the Gaesong Ginseng Trade Corporation. They protested strongly by filing a petition, but in the end they were forced to give up the brokerage business for 30,000 won in sympathy donated by the Gaesong Ginseng Trade Corporation. White ginseng merchandisers also protested strongly. They asked to give them a the sole selling right. The conflict between the two organizations was not easily resolved. But the continuation of the conflict, however, was a huge loss to each other as the white ginseng rotted. In addition, the Monopo;y Bureau, the Gaesong city government, and the police authorities actively supported the two sides in solving the problem. In the end, the two organizations resolved the conflict by establishing the Gaesong Ginseng Sales Union, which could represent the interests of the merchandisers, and winning the right to sell the white ginsengs monopolistically. 1930년대 들어 백삼 통제가 전개되고 그를 둘러싸고 개성상인들 간에 갈등이 있었다. 개성 백삼업계에는 크게 삼포주, 전문 판매업자, 중개인 등이 존재하였다. 1930년대 들어 삼포주들은 총독부와 전매당국 그리고 개성부청의 협조를 얻으면서 백삼을 통제하기 시작하였다. 삼포주들은 개성인삼동업조합을 조직하고 백삼을 일일이 검사한 후 밀봉하여 판매하도록 하였다. 백삼 검사는 백삼 중개인과 판매업자들에게 불편을 초래하여 불만을 야기하였다. 인삼 경작자들이 백삼을 통제하기 시작한 이유는 백삼의 이윤을 유지하기 위함이었지만, 그 이면에는 정무총감을 비롯하여 전매국 및 개성부의 개입이 확인된다. 이후 백삼 통제는 더욱 강화되었다. 경작자들은 백삼 판매까지 완전히 장악하기를 원했다. 그래서 그들은 개성삼업주식회사를 설립하였다. 자본금 2백만 원 규모의 거대 회사였다. 이 회사를 통해 경작자들은 안정적인 이익을 얻을 수 있었다, 그러나 이로 인해 중개인과 판매업자들은 타격을 받았다. 특히 중개인은 삼업회사 등장으로 생업을 잃고 실업하였다. 이에 그들은 탄원서를 제출하는 등 강력히 반발하였지만, 결국 그들은 삼업회사에 기부한 동정금 3만 원을 받고 중개업을 포기할 수밖에 없었다. 백삼 판매업자들도 크게 반발하였다. 그들은 삼업회사에서 자신들에게 일수 판매권을 줄 것을 요구하였다. 두 조직의 대립은 쉽게 해결되지 않았다. 그러나 무엇보다 대립만 일삼다 보면 백삼이 창고에서 썩게 되어 서로에게 막대한 손해였다. 그리고 전매국 및 개성부, 경찰 당국에서도 쌍방의 문제 해결에 적극 지원하였다. 결국 판매업자들의 이해를 대변할 수 있는 개성인삼판매조합을 설립하고 이 조합에서 백삼 판매권을 획득하게 되어 두 조직의 갈등을 해결을 보았다. 백삼 통제를 둘러싼 개성상인 간 갈등에서 조선시대까지 이어져오던 전통적인 개성상인의 모습이 일제 하에서 조금씩 변모해 가는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 전통적인 개성상인은 정치권력과 일정하게 거리를 두고 또 강한 공동체성을 바탕으로 내부 갈등이 거의 없었던 것으로 이해된다. 그러나 백삼을 둘러싸고 삼포주들은 자신들의 이익을 극대화하고 또 관의 정책에 호응하여 통제를 추진하였고 그 과정에서 개성상인 내부적으로 갈등을 유발하였다.

      • KCI등재

        조선 초기 제주도 목축업의 위기와 ‘牛馬賊’ 사건

        양정필 효원사학회 2022 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.61

        In the early Joseon Dynasty, livestock farming was the main industry in Jeju, and livestock culture remained. From the standpoint of the Joseon government, which advocated agronomism, the situation in Jeju Island was unfamiliar. The Joseon government implemented two conflicting policies for Jeju Island. Since horses were still an important means of transportation and Jeju Island was the largest supplier of horses, it was hoped that livestock farming in Jeju Island would be maintained. At the same time, Jeju Island also hoped to be reorganized into an agricultural society. As agriculture expanded, the livestock industry's position was bound to shrink more than before. In addition, they tried to create new ranches on islands along the mainland because of concerns that the Ming Dynasty might demand Jeju horses. In this process, horses needed for the newly created ranch were also supplied from Jeju. The number was large enough to exceed two thousand. As these policies were implemented, the livestock industry in Jeju Island was shrinking, and as a result, the lives of livestock farmers have become more difficult than before. As their livelihood became more difficult, they slaughtered horses and sold dried pork and leather produced there to make a living. Horse slaughter was customary and routine in Jeju society, where livestock culture was dominant. However, in order to overcome the difficult livelihood around 1430, the slaughter of horses more than doubled than before, leading to concerns over horse breeding. Accordingly, Sabok-si insisted on strongly punishing horse butchers. Saboksi's argument was accepted and Jeju Island's Umajuk was punished for being forcibly moved to Pyeongan Province. However, after taking these measures, Sejong found out that some of the horse butchers in Jeju Island included those who customarily slaughtered their horses. He thought the punishment against them was unfair. So they were sent back to Jeju Island to nullify the punishment. However, the ministers objected to Jeju's overpopulation, saying, "Is it necessary to send them back, who are already moving to land and settling down as farmers?" Sejong, who had a great love for the people, did not carry out his argument despite the opposition of many ministers. In this way, many livestock farmers in Jeju Island, not subject to punishment, were unfairly forced to move to Pyeongan area and other places. However, since they were not criminals, I think they have a character similar to refugees in the current sense of having to leave their hometown unfairly due to the government's wrong judgment and policy. 조선 초기 제주도는 목축업 중심이었고 농업은 중시되지 않았다. 농본주의를 내세운 조선 정부 입장에서 그러한 제주도 상황은 낯선 것이었다. 조선 정부는 이러한 제주도에 대해 상반되는 기대를 갖고 정책을 시행하였다. 우선 말은 여전히 중요한 교통수단이었고 제주도는 최대 말 공급지였으므로, 제주도의 목축업이 유지되기를 바랐다. 그러면서도 동시에 제주도를 농업 사회로 재편하고자 했다. 농업 확대는 농지 확보를 전제로 한다. 이를 위해서 목초지 일부가 농지로 바뀌었다. 이는 목축업에 불리한 환경이었다. 또 명나라가 제주 말을 요구할지 모른다는 우려 때문에 본토 연안의 섬들에서 목장을 신설하였다. 새로 조성된 목장에 필요한 말들은 제주에서 공급되었다. 그 숫자는 2천 마리가 넘었다. 제주 말의 반출을 제한하기도 하였다. 이러한 정책들이 시행되면서 제주도 목축업은 위축되었고, 그로 인해 牧子들의 삶도 힘들어졌다. 생계가 더욱 곤란해진 목자들 중 일부는 우마를 도축하여 생산한 건육포와 가죽 등을 판매하여 생계를 도모하였다. 우마 도축은 목축업이 지배적이었던 당시 제주에서는 관습적으로 행해지던 일이었다. 그런데 1430년을 전후하여 곤란한 생계를 타개하기 위해서 우마 도축이 이전보다 갑절 이상으로 증가하였다. 이로 인해 말 번식이 우려되는 상황이 초래되었다. 이에 사복시에서는 말을 도축한 이들을 강력히 처벌할 것을 주장하였다. 그 주장은 받아들여져서 그들은 ‘우마적’으로 낙인 찍히고 평안도 지방으로 강제 이주당하였다. 세종은 이런 조치를 취한 이후에 제주도의 우마적 중에는 관습적으로 도축한 이들도 포함되어 있음을 알게 되었다. 세종은 그들에 대한 처벌이 부당하다고 생각하였다. 그래서 강제 이주시킨 그들을 제주도로 돌려보내려고 하였다. 그러나 대신들은 제주가 인구 과잉으로 여러 문제가 있는데, 이미 육지로 이주시켜 농민으로 정착해 가는 그들을 굳이 돌려보낼 필요가 있겠는가 하고 반대하였다. 백성을 사랑하는 마음이 컸던 세종도 다수 대신의 반대를 무릅쓰고 자신의 주장을 관철시키지는 않았다. 이렇게 해서 처벌 대상으로 보기 어려운 제주도 목자들이 다소 억울하게 평안도 등지로 강제 이주되었다. 조선 초 제주도의 이른바 ‘우마적’ 사건은 이와 같은 배경과 경과 속에서 전개되었다.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 開城 지역에 대한 차별과 개성인의 정체성

        양정필 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2017 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.46

        This article examined the identity of people in the Gaeseong region, which is primarily associated with city merchants, and investigated alternative identities unassociated with the city’s trade. A secondary identity of Gaeseong was determined based on political and social discriminations by the Joseon dynasty. Fifteenth century Gaeseong witnessed political injustice in that it was not ineligible for civil service examinations, which opened the door to government posts and allowed private business practices. This state ban was lifted after the sixteenth century, but unequal political treatment continued. People of Gaeseong origin who passed civil service exams were given limited opportunities and only appointed to regional or low-level central office posts. They were also degraded as belonging to the low-status mercantile class. The majority of Gaeseong people were traders and businessmen and looked down upon in the rigid class-oriented Joseon society. Accordingly, they were subjected to political and social abuse. However, Gaeseong citizens endeavored to make improve their opportunities; for example, some yangbans abandoned the state exams, and even though others were entitled to government posts, they indirectly complained about the unfairness of their position and their lack of promotion. Still others made strong bonds with colleagues facing similar situations. Realistically, it was difficult for Gaeseong citizens to act directly against social obstructions since protesting meant defying Joseon itself. Instead, they turned to spiritual consolation by bringing back the proud history of their ancestors. Specifically, the people of Gaeseong re-established the Old Story of Doomoondong, which is a story of martyrs who stood against the founding of the Joseon dynasty. This story gave the people an identity, as descendants of the honorable Koryo men of the late Joseon period. This was their philosophical solution to overcoming the harsh reality in which they found themselves. The Old Story of Doomoondong spread orally during the early Joseon period; it was only after the Hideyoshi Invasion that it was finally recorded and subsequently authorized for inclusion in local geography books. It was officially recognized when king Yeongjo visited Gaeseong in 1740, which enabled local inhabitants to publicly recite the story, which enhanced their pride in their identity. Thus, people of Gaeseong were able to internally share common feelings to combat political and social discrimination, and such movements eventually made a significant impact on their identity.

      • KCI등재

        해외 패시브하우스의 건축구조유형별 계획특성 연구

        양정필,Yang, Jung-Pil 한국생태환경건축학회 2013 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집 Vol.13 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the planning characteristics of passive house by the building structural types in foreign cases. The interests and demands about passive house have been increased, and various building structural types and design methods have been attempted for passive house in Korea. But domestic research results and development experiences about passive house were lack. The results of this study are as follows; First, in terms of energy performance, insulation performance, airtightness, there are not significant differences at the 95% confidence level by the structural types of passive house. Second, in terms of the types of insulation materials, there are significant differences at the 95% confidence level by the structural types of passive house. Third, in principle there is no need of traditional heating facility in passive houses, but in practice traditional heating facilities are used additionally in about half of survey cases for the comfort of occupants.

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