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      • RFID 기술을 이용한 전자상품식별코드체계의 표준화 방안에 관한 연구

        성낙현 용인대학교 산업경영연구소 2007 산업경영논총 Vol.14 No.-

        Auto-ID Center of MIT wants to construct a network based on the concept of "A Real-World World Wide Web." By the concept, all products are allocated EPC (Electronic Product Code) numbers. For the network, which processes product information by use of the EPC code, Auto-ID Centerproposed the concept of PML(Physical Mark-up Language) based on XML(eXtended Mark-up Language). The objective of this study is to present the Korean standard identification code format for the RFID system, which will affect lots of influences in future Supply Chain Management. The first question is to adopt the RFID EPC code proposed by MIT AutoID Center or modify the code to meet Korean environment. To answer this question, the studyabout the background of U.S., Australian and Korean industries, are necessary. With the knowledge about industries of each country, we can answer the adequacy of the RFID EPC code. For the fulfillment of the objective, study about the impact of RFID on EC (Electronic Commerce) and other application areas, are essential.

      • 전자상거래의 신뢰도 제고를 위한 법 개정 방안에 관한 연구

        성낙현 龍仁大學校 2003 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.21 No.-

        As electronic commerce grows and consumers' damages by unfair acts of internet shopping malls increase, consumer protection becomes more and more important. To protect the online consumers and to activate transactions through internet, it is very important for internet shopping malls to get public confidence. The factors that affect the public confidence, which online consumers perceive, of internet shopping malls are reputation of shopping consumer's privacy information, and security policy for payment, etc. OECD announced Guidelines for Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce in 1999. In Korea, consumer protection law in electronic commerce came into effect on July 2000. However, it is difficult for a person to visit home pages of internet shopping malls and to investigate their home pages. That is because the number of internet shopping mall is very large. Hence, we need software agent that visits the shopping malls' web sites and investigate the shopping malls automatically and periodically. Because internet shopping malls open and close their business on the web every day, public organizations should monitor internet shopping malls at all times. Monitoring system to investigate the internet shopping malls should have following components. First is agent to collect URLs of internet shopping malls. Second is agent for tracing whether the web pages of internet shopping malls are altered or not. Third is the agent to investigate the shopping malls web pages.

      • KCI등재

        Pufendorf의 귀속이론과 의무론

        성낙현 영남대학교 법학연구소 2019 영남법학 Vol.0 No.49

        It was Pufendorf who brought the legal and philosophical material into terms and forms which are still alive today in the most important constitutional states. By observation on the human coexistence and derivation of church doctrines, he succeeded in designing the first system of a general legal theory based on reason law. His imputation theory poses not only the question of act or non-act, but also of lawfulness and unlawfulness as well as guilt and innocence. This opened up the possibility of judging the moral quality of act, unlawfulness and guilt from three different perspectives. First, from the point of view of humanity, actions can be distinguished from non-actions on the scale of the human possible. Secondly, on the basis of the sociality lawfulness and unlawfulness on the scale of the one as such possible and thirdly, guilt and innocence on the scale of the self-possible of individual contemplation. These evaluation criteria developed by Pufendorf also serve as a basis for today's theory of imputation. It is precisely the achievements of Pufendorf that his teachings on natural law and the natural duties of man is still a valuable and important reading for lawyers even today. 자연법이론은 수 백여 년 동안 비판적 주목을 받았다. 비판의 중점은 자연법에 신이 관련된다는 점과 이성적 자연법은 현존의 실정법으로부터 이탈하여 철학적 자기목적이 되었다는 점에 주어진다. 그러나 Pufendorf의 자연법 사고의 결과물은 오늘날의 대부분 법치국가의 주요 실정법에 반영되어 활발한 생명력을 이어나가고 있다. 우선 행위와 비행위뿐 아니라 합법과 불법, 나아가 책임과 비책임의 문제까지 거론하는 그의 의도적 귀속론이 현행의 법체계에 용해되었음을 인정할 수 있다. 그의 귀속이론으로써 행위, 불법, 책임이라는 도덕적ㆍ규범적 가치가 서로 다른 세 가지 관점에서 인간의 행위가 단계적으로 평가되는 가능성이 열린다. 첫 단계의 인간성(Humanität)이라는 관점에서 인간으로서의 가능성이라는 척도에 따라 행위와 비행위가 구분된다. 두 번째 단계의 사회성(Sozialität)이라는 관점에서는 사회의 어느 한 부류에 속하는 사람으로서의 가능성에 따라 합법과 불법이 구분되며, 마지막으로 개인성(Individualität)의 범위에서는 행위자 당사자의 가능성 여하에 따라 책임과 비책임이 구분된다. 또한 그가 의무론의 계약성실의 의무에서 언급한 내용들은 오늘날의 민법의 기초가 되었고, 정당방위의 자기수호 및 법확증의 원리, 긴급피난의 법리, 침해금지와 평등의 원칙의 내용들도 실정법에 보편적으로 적용되어 있거나 적어도 이론적으로 인정을 받고 있다. 종합적으로 평가하건대, 자연법적 사고의 과제가 정의의 최상의 기준을 제시하고 법체계의 사물논리적 구조를 개발하는 데 있다고 본다면 Pufendorf의 자연법체계는 이러한 과제를 매우 탁월하게 이행했다고 할 수 있다. 우리가 현재 누리는 자유와 법적 안정성에 기여한 그의 업적의 가치가 재평가되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        强盜罪에서의 몇 가지 논점

        성낙현 한국비교형사법학회 2003 비교형사법연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Wa hrend die koreanische Rechtsprechung den wirtschaftlichen Vermo¨-gensbegriff vertritt, folgt die herrschende Meinung in Korea die juristisch-o¨konomische Vermo¨genslehre, die Vermo¨gen als die Gesamtheit aller wirtschaftlichen Gu¨ter einer Person, die ihrer rechtlich anerkannten und geschu¨tzten Verfu¨gungsgewalt unterliegen, versteht. Die sogenannte juristisch-o¨konomische Vermo¨genslehre kritisiert mit Recht gegen den wirtschaftlichen Vermo¨gensbegriff, daB or die Wertungswiderspru che in der Rechtsordnung veranla Bt, wenn or Gu ter zum Vermo gen eines Subjekts ohne Ru cksicht auf die rechtlichen Zuteilungsordnungen des sonstigen Rechts rein wirtschaftlich zuteilen will. Die neulich in der Literatur getre-tenen personalen Vermo¨genslehren ko¨nnten auch eine Alternative sein. Der Versuch des Wohnungseinbruchraubes in der Nachtzeit beginnt mit dem Einbrechen genau wie beim Wohnungseinbruchdiebstahl in der Nachtzeit, wenn darin zuglelch ein unmittelbares Ansetzen zum Raub bzw. Diebstahl liegt. Nach der h. M. in Korea sollte es aber erst mit der Gewaltanwendung beginnen. Nach dieser Meinung wird sich derjenige, der mil fem Vorsatz des Raubes in die fremde Wohnung eingebrochen hat, in einer gu¨nstigeren Lage befinden, als derjenige, der mit dem Vorsatz des Diebstahls. Damit ist die h. M. abzulehnen. Der ra¨uberische Diebstahl ist eigentlich wie der Raub aus No¨tigungs- und Diebstahlselelmente zusarnmengesetzt. AuBerdem ist die Rechtsfolgenverwei-sung des ra¨uberischen Diebstahls einem Ra¨uber gleich gestellt. Dies kann Indiz dafu¨r sein, daH deB Gesetzgeber den Unrechts-und Schuldgehalt des Raubes und ra uberischen Diebstahls glelch bewertet. Somit ist zu sagen, daB der Subjekt des ra¨uberischen Diebstahls nor derjenige sein kann, der sich in der Phase zwischen Vollendung und Beendigung des Diebstahls befindet.

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