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        혁명영화에서 상업영화로: 베트남 영화사를 중심으로

        배양수 서강대학교 동아연구소 2006 東亞 硏究 Vol.- No.52

        이 글은 베트남 영화사 전반을 살펴보고, 특히 베트남이 1986년 도이 머이 정책을 표방한 이후로 베트남 영화가 어떻게 변해오고 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 베트남에 영화가 들어 온 것은 프랑스 식민지 시대이지만 본격적인 베트남 영화의 시작은 1953년 이후이며, 이때부터 시작된 영화는 사회주의 혁명 영화였다. 중앙집중식 배급경제 체제 하에서의 사회주의 혁명 영화가 개혁개방이라는 정치적 변화를 겪게 된다. 즉, 시장경제의 원칙에 따라 베트남 영화도 이제는 더 이상 국가로부터 지원받는 것이 아니라 자생력을 키워야 하는 숙제를 안게 되었고, 이러한 과정에서 이윤을 추구하는 상업영화가 제작되고, 일부 영화는 큰 성공을 거둔 것으로 평가받고 있다. 도이 머이 정책 선언이라는 정치적인 요인이 베트남 영화의 변화를 촉진하였고, 그 변화는 베트남 영화에도 시장경제의 원리를 적용하는 것으로 나타났을 것이라는 가설을 세웠다. 그리고 이것은 베트남 영화사를 연대기적으로 기술하는 과정에서 자연스럽게 들어난다. This paper aims at an overview of History of Vietnamese Cinematography and at a study on its development processes. The import of cinematography as an art dated back from the time of the French domination, but it officially started in 1953 with the movement of socialist revolutionary movies in the North Vietnam. The "Doi moi" policy has imposed the obligatory changes in Vietnamese Cinematography. It confronted then a lot of challenges by the first years of 1990s. However, Vietnamese Cinematography progressively found its road and came back to life. Recently, several movies have been highly appreciated by spectators and encroached upon imported American movies. What can be found between the lines of the paper is that "Doi moi" policy, or in other words, the market mechanism is the key factor of the transformation of Vietnamese Cinematography from revolutionary to commercial nature. It is also what the author wants to express as a hypothesis. The paper's structure is Part 1: Introduction Part 2: History of Vietnamese Cinematography before Doi moi Part 3: History of Vietnamese Cinematography after Doi moi Part 4: Vietnamese Cinematography as an Industry Part 5: As a Conclusion. The limitation of this paper may reside in the fact that it does not deal with the period 1945-1975 of South-Vietnam's Cinematography and also that it excludes documentary movies and cartoon in its material.

      • KCI등재

        메콩 유역 국가와 한국의 문화교류 및 복수학위제 교류 방향 - 베트남을 중심으로

        배양수 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.6

        Both Korea and Vietnam belong to the same traditional Eastern cultural sphere and share common cultural and religious backgrounds, including Confucianism and Buddhism. This results in shared values like family importance, etiquette and education. Their cultures, influenced by China, exhibit a sense of homogeneity. However, differences exist between the two countries, notably in food culture, language, and the habits of lifestyle. It is crucial for effective cultural and human exchanges to recognize these differences. The mutual exchanges between universities in Korea and Vietnam are increasing recently, promoting promote academic exchanges and human resource development. The dual degree program between universities of the two countries notably contributes to cultivating global talented men. This program allows students to acquire academic knowledge from both cultures, enhancing global competence. The study proposes to outline the operation of such a program.

      • 6ㆍ8구체와 쯔놈소설에 관한 小考

        裵凉秀 부산 외국어 대학교 1996 外大論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        In the history of Vietnamese literature verse narrative, or Truyen tho, or Tale of verse, occupies a prominent place. Its genre emerged at least as early as the sixteenth century when Vietnamese story tellers found they could employ the same verse form used for short folk poems, called ca-dao, to tell longer stories. Ca-dao poems consist of couplets, the first line containing six syllables, the second eight. Usually they were only one or two couplets long. In telling verse narratives Vietnamese writers used rhyme as a core element to link these ca-dao couplets. Verse narratives were composed by the scholars trained in Confucian tradition who wrote them in the Southern script(Chu Nom), a way of writing the Vietnamese language using modified Chinese characters. Only the educated could read Chu Nom, but the uneducated also could understand them through the narration by oral expression because they were written in the same poetic form as ca-dao, a form containing mnemonic aids such as syntactic parallelism and rhyme. These verse narratives therefore became a part of the oral folk tradition and were well known by common people, not just by a scholarly elite. The most famous work of verse narratives is Tale of Kieu written by Nguyen Du. It is story of two young person, Kim Trong and Thuy Kieu whose reciprocal love toward a happy-ending marriage is broken by circumstances of life. Thuy Kieu as heroine allows herself to be sold into marriage to an evil man for ranson money to keep her father out of prison. This tale presents many themes important to Vietnamese, including the idea that those with loyal and affectionate hearts can survive the cruelest of circumstance.

      • 판·보이·쩌우와 동유운동의 역사적 의미

        배양수 부산 외국어 대학교 2002 外大論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        Ba`i vie~t na`y nghie^n cu´u ve~ Phan Bo^i Chau^u va` phond tra`o Do^ng du de~ tim hie~u y´ nghi~a lich su˙cu˙a no´. Gio´i han pham vi nghie^n cu´u la` tu`naˇm 1905 de~n da~s naˇm 1909, tu´e la`tu`khi cu˛ Phan xua~t duong de~n khi cu˛Phan bi Nha^t tru˛c xua~t. De~ xu' ly´de~ ta`i na`y, nguo`i vie~t pha^n ti´ch sa´ch Phan Bo^i Cha^u nie^n bie~u(xua~t ba'n na˘m 1957, do To^n Quang Phie^t va` Phan Trong Die~m dich) va` Tu pha´n(do Nha` xua~t ba˙n Va~n ho´a Tho^ng tin xua~t ba˙n va`o na~m 2000) cu˙a cu˛ Phan. Vi`sa´ch na`y la` "lich su˙ ca´nha^n" cu˙a nha^n va^t Phan Bo^i Cha^u. The~ loai lich su˙ ca´ nha^n de^ bi la^m va`o ti`nh trang qua´ khie~m to~n hoaˇc qua` ca ngoi mi`nh. Du`the~ na`o, sa´ch lich su˙ ca´ nha^n pha˙n a´nh cuo^c do`i va` tu´ tuo˙ng cu˙a nha^n va^t ne^n va^n co´ gia´ tri tu lie^u lich su˙ quan trong. Phan Bo^i Cha^u kho^ng nhu~ng tie~p thu truye~n tho~ng ye^u neo´c cu'a ca´c chi´ si~ trong nuo´c ma` co`n chiu anh huo˙ng cu'a tu tuo'ng ngoai lai, nha~t la` cu'a Luong Kha'i Sie^u va`To^n Trung Son. De~ gia`nh duoc do^c la^p, cu Phan va`ca´c do~ng chi´ cu˙a cu bi´ma^t to~ chu´c Duy Ta^n Ho^i. Duy Ta^n Ho^i cu Phan sang Nha^t de~ ca~t vie^n nhung sau khi de~n Nha^t, cu bie~t ca~u vie^n Nha^t la` kho^ng the~thue hie^n duoc. Ne^n cu to~ chu´c Phong tra`o Do^ng du de~ bo~i duo~ng nha^n ta`i trong nuo´c. Song cuo~i cu`ng Phong tra`o Do^ng du phai giai ta´n vi Nha^t ba~t tay vo´i Phap´. Do la`ba`i hoc qui ba´u cho nhu~ng nuo´c bi thuo^c dia. De~ cu´u nuo´c pha'i dua va`o no^i lu˛c la`chi´nh. Sau khi xua~t duong Phan Bo^i Cha^u hie~u ro~ hon ti`nh hinh the~ gioi. Va~ qua nhu~ng la~n tha~t ba`i cu ti`m duoc mo^t phuong sa´ch do^c la^p. Da˘c bie^t sau khi bi Nha^t truc xua~t, hie~u ro~ da~ ta^m cu˙a Nha^t, cu da~ gia´c ngo^ ra~ng ca~n phai lie^n minh vo´i ca´c tri´thu´c tie~n bo^ cu˙a the~ gio´i. Song va~n de~ a~y khong pha´i thuo^c pham vi cu˙a ba`i vie~t na`y.

      • "도이ㆍ머이" 이후 베트남 소설에서의 관념 변화

        배양수 부산 외국어 대학교 1998 外大論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        Van hoc Viet Nam noi chung, tieu thuyet noi rieng, da co nhieu bien doi sau nam 1975. Truoc nam 1975, Van hoc Viet Nam phan lon viet ve cac de tai chien tranh bao ve dat nuoc va xay dung chu nghia xa hoi. Theo Khuynh huong la de cao, tuyen truyen giao duc. Sau nam 1975, voi nhung bien chuyen tren nhieu linh vuc chinh tri-kinh te xa hoi, van hoc Viet Nam da co nhung su thay doi thich ung voi tinh hinh moi, gop phan vao cong cuoc xay dung dat nuoc hoa binh, thong nhat. Dai hoi Dang nam 1986 da de ra chinh sach "doi moi" trong linh vuc van hoc. Chu truong cua chinh sach nay la "nhin thang vao su that, danh gia dung su that, phan anh dung su that". Vi vay, van hoc Viet Nam da co dieu kien de thay doi, nhu that doi ve quan niem nha van, ve sang tac. Truoc kia, van hoc la vu khi tu tuong va la cong cu giao duc con nguoi moi. Theo quan niem luc do thi van hoc phai tim ra, phai xay dung mot khuon mau, mot con nguoi cong dong, tich cuc, lac quan. Trong van hoc bieu hien ro tu tuong ta va dich, tu tuong phe, phai. Hien nay, quan diem nay da thay doi. Trong mot so tieu thuyet da de cap den van de chu nghia y chi nhu cac tac pham: Dam cuoi khong co giay gia thu cua Ma Van Khang, Gap go cuoi nam cua Nguyen Khai, v.v… Mot so tac pham da de cap den tai hai cua y chi chu quan nhu cac tac pham: Bi kich nho cua Le Minh Khue, Phien cho Giat cua Nguyen Minh Chau, Nhom ban thoi khang chien cua Nguyen Khai, Con thu lon nhat cua Nguyen Huy Thiep, v.v… Mot so tac pham da the hien su thay doi cach nhin ve chien tranh(nhu Noi buon chien tranh cua Bao Ninh), ve ton giao(nhu Thoi gian cua nguoi cua Nguyen Khai), ve tinh yeu-tinh duc(nhu Noi lean cua Dao Hieu, Truyen ngan cua Pham Thi Hoai - Mac du nhung tac pham nay be phe phan nhieu vi mieu ta tinh yeu co phan tho tuc). Noi chung, sau doi moi trong van hoc Viet Nam da co su phong phu, da dang va phuc tap ve tac pham, da co su thay doi ve tu duy nghe thuat, da bieu hien mot cach ro rang va day du ve quan niem hien thuc, quan niem con nguoi co noi tam phuc tap, da chieu, va nguyen tac mo cua trong cau truc nghe thuat da duoc ton trong.

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