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      • KCI등재
      • 敎育投資와 效果的인 學校敎育 : 敎育經濟學의 새로운 硏究課題 檢討

        반상진 東國大學校 敎育問題硏究所 1994 교육문제연구 Vol.9 No.-

        This article reviews a new body of research on school effectiveness as a relatively new and rapidly developing area of economics and finance of education. Historically, economics of education as a field of study has concentrated on macroissues surrounding the relationship between education and economy, including such topics as the contribution of education to economic growth, the costs and benefits of education, manpower planning, the effects of education on the distribution of income and wealth, and so forth. These studies started with the implicit assumption that investment in education cotributed to increase the quality and productivity of the labor force and thus uaise future individual and national income levels. Therefore, those interested in economics of education and education finance have paid attention to the role of public sector, that is, how to raise public revenues and how to distribute public revenues among states and educational organizations efficiently and equitably with the understanding that when public funds are imputed and made available to educational organizations they will be transformed into educational outcomes. They, however, are disturbed by evidence showing that purchased educational inputs make no important difference in important schooling outcomes. This accusation gained legitimacy in the late 1960s and 1970s after publication of Coleman report of 1966. It found that schools are not very important in determining student achievement; families and to a lesser extent, peers are the primary determinant of variations in performance. From the findings, a question can be raised: If current schools can do little to influence student achievement and there are little relationship between spending and school performance, investment in schooling does not matter? Fortunately, serious efforts to demonstrate the actual impact of schooling resources on student outcomes are prompted from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, what is called, the emergence of 'effective school movement'. In fact, the research on effective school has emerged since the early 1980s which challenged the basic contention that schools have very little effect on student performance. The purpose of this studies is to identify the characteristics of effective schools. To seek them, this studies usually employ a qualitative method such as classroom observation techniques, interview method, etc‥‥ For the most part the basic characteristics of effective schools relate more to the way in which educational resources are used - the processes of the school and the classroom - than to the level of resources per se. Ultimately, the effective school literature emphasizes the discovery of more efficient uses and manages of existing or available resources and suggests that adequate school resources are necessary, but not sufficient, to ensure increased student achievement. Thus, it is time now to focus directly on what happens to resources regardless of their sources, within schooling organizations and how to reallocate and manage resources at microlevels of educational systems.

      • KCI등재

        대학구조개혁 평가의 정치학

        반상진 한국교육정치학회 2016 敎育政治學硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the political factors of university restructuring evaluation applied to the Melstner’s political analysis model, to discuss the major issues of university restructuring policy initiated by government, and to suggest the mid- to long-term policy agenda on university restructuring. This study found that the government policy on university restructuring have several problems on the direction, the pursuing strategies, and the negative impacts of it. This study suggested the new paradigm for the university development and also discussed several implications for future research. 이 연구는 Meltsner의 정치분석모형을 통해 표준화된 정책분석의 질적인 분석 틀을 구축하고, 이를 활용하여 대학구조개혁의 정치적 특성과 쟁점을 분석하였다. 분석결과 첫째, 정책관여자 변수에서 대학구조개혁은 정부와 여당 중심의 정책관여자에 의해 주도되고 있었고, 둘째, 동기 변수에서는 이 정책이 당초 대선과정이나 현 정부 출범 초기에는 언급조차 되지 않았던 의제가 현재 법적 근거도 없이 강력히 추진된 이유가 모호하다는 점이 쟁점으로 제기되었다. 셋째, 신념 변수에서는 대학구조개혁 정책이 신자유주의에 기초하고 있지만, 현실은 관료제 강화로 이어지고 있어 신자유주의 이념에 부합하지 않는 상황이었음을 제기하였다. 넷째, 자원 변수에서는 대학구조개혁 정책의 추진 방식이 정부 주도이고 자원 축소 혹은 제거 중심의 부정적 접근이기 때문에, 대학이 평가에 대한 순응성이 강화되었음을 제기하였다. 다섯째, 장소 변수에서는 정책에 대한 대학구성원들의 수용성과는 반대로 정책결정구조의 경직성 문제가 크게 부각된 점을 쟁점으로 제기하였다. 여섯째, 교환 변수에서는 이번 대학구조개혁 정책이 재정지원과 연계되지도 않았고, 법적 근거도 없이 추진된 정책이라는 한계를 분명히 안고 있다는 점을 지적하였다. 학령인구 감소에 의해 대학구조개혁의 필요성이 제기되었지만, 지금과 같은 개혁 방식은 대학의 서열구조를 고착화시킬 가능성이 있고, 학령인구 감소 문제는 생산가능인구 감소로 인한 노동시장 생산성 약화 및 소비위축 등 경제발전의 동력 상실이라는 경제적 측면에서 커다란 도전적 과제이지, 교육투자 감축과 대학 퇴출 중심의 구조개혁이나 단순 규모 축소지향적 개혁 정책 추진은 재고할 필요가 있다. 정부의 역할은 교육 관련 법률이나 정책을 수립하고 추진하는 과정에서 공정한 게임의 규칙이 작동되도록 하는 것임을 간과해서는 않된다.

      • KCI등재

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