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      • 연구논문 : 직영기숙사 운영개선 빚반 - "반값 기숙사비" 구현을 위한 다양한 논의-

        박훤일 ( Whonil Park ) 경희대학교 법학연구소 2014 KHU 글로벌 기업법무 리뷰 Vol.7 No.2

        대학의 ‘반값 등록금’이 현실적으로 어렵다면 기숙사비를 지금의 반으로 줄이는 게 가능한 일인가? 그 동안 공공자금을 동원하여 대학기숙사의 건립·운영을 지원해 옹 한국사학진흥재댄KFPP)에서는 법제도 측면은 물론 외국의 사례를 참고한 운영기법에 이르기까지 다각적인 조사·검토를 진행하였다. 2014년 7월 국회에서 열린 사학진흥 포럼에서는 대학기숙사의 건립과 운영의 어느 단계에서 무엇을 개선해야 ‘반값 기숙사비’가 실현될 수있는지 각계의 다양한 의견을 들어볼 수 있었다. 역사적으로도 중세 이탈리아 피렌체의메디치家는 수많은 예술가, 문인, 학자들을 초빙하여 자유롭게 의견을 발표하고 작품활동을 하게 하였는데, ‘포럼’의 목적은 자유로운 토론과 의견교환을 통해 이른바 ‘메디치 효과’를 거두는 것이라 할 수 있다. 우선 법제도 측면에서 살펴보면 그 동안 KFPP는 사립대학과 공동으로 SPC를 만들고 민자사업 (BTO)의 방식으로 사업을 추진하였다. 그 결과 대학생들의 주거문제 해결을 위한 공공사업임에도 불구하고 SPC가 민간법인이어서 공공 비영리법인에게 주어지는 세제상의 혜택이 없었다. 이에 따라 KFPP가 직접 기숙사를 운영하는 방안이 모색되고 있다. SWOT 분석을 해보면 비영리 재단법인이 직접 기숙사 사업을 수행할 수 있는지, 직영기숙사 안팎서 발생한 사고로 재단이 예측하지 못한 손해를 부담하지 않으려면 어떻게 해야 하는지 면밀한 검토를 요한다. 환경설계를 통한 범죄예방(CPTED) 디자인을 모색하는 한편 이용학생들이 공동체 정신에 입각하여 서로 도와주며 시설을 아끼고 함께 지내도록 하는 기숙형 대학(RQ)을 도입하는 것도 고려할 만하다. 아울러 건축학의 관점 에서 외국의 성공사례를 참고하여 바람직한 기숙사 모델을 개발하는 노력도 병행되어야 할 것이다. 요컨대 KFPP가 기숙사 건립지금을 지원할 때 SPC를 통하든 직접 기숙사를 운영하든 문제가 되지 않도록 설립법에 근거규정을 마련하고 재단법인의 본령에서 벗어나지 않는 기숙사 운영방안을 수립하는 것이 긴요하다고 본다. The ‘half-priced tuition`` slogan once prevailing on campus now gives way to a reduced boarding fee. In July 2014, a group of scholars and experts discussed on how to operate private college dormitories in an effective and economical way at the National Assembly forum Spomsored by KFPP. In the conclusion, not only the legal issues but also overseas trends and model precedents were presented to the public audience. It is desirable for participants of various backgrounds to discuss each other to reach an agreeable conclusion. The same applies to the academic forum which is in great need of the so-called Medici effect. From the PPP point of view, it is proper that KFPP has created SPCs with private colleges to carry out BTO projects to build dormitories named “Happy Residences”. In order to cut down the dormitory expenses and taxes, it is necessary for KFPP to build and operate such residences by itself not through SPCs. The SWOT analysis shows that there are many weak points and threats involved in the KFPP-operated dormitories. First, KFPP is a mere foundation incapable of doing business like operating dormitories. Once any accident occurs in the dormitory, KFPP could be responsible for the accident and obliged to pay compensation to the victims. A new trend in the public private partnership regards the interest of users of PPP facilities as most important. The concept of residence college as well as CPTED design would be helpful for KFPP to reduce the possibility of torts in the boundary of KFPP-operated dormitories. An architectural perspective encouraged a free style residence which may generate cash flows by hosting cultural events in the community and accommodating artists and writers during the vacation.

      • 직영기숙사 운영개선 방안

        박훤일(Whonil Park) 경희법학연구소 2014 KHU 글로벌 기업법무 리뷰 Vol.7 No.2

        대학의 ‘반값 등록금’이 현실적으로 어렵다면 기숙사비를 지금의 반으로 줄이는 게 가능한 일인가? 그 동안 공공자금을 동원하여 대학기숙사의 건립·운영을 지원해 옹 한국사학진흥재댄KFPP)에서는 법제도 측면은 물론 외국의 사례를 참고한 운영기법에 이르기까지 다각적인 조사·검토를 진행하였다. 2014년 7월 국회에서 열린 사학진흥 포럼에서는 대학기숙사의 건립과 운영의 어느 단계에서 무엇을 개선해야 ‘반값 기숙사비’가 실현될 수있는지 각계의 다양한 의견을 들어볼 수 있었다. 역사적으로도 중세 이탈리아 피렌체의메디치家는 수많은 예술가, 문인, 학자들을 초빙하여 자유롭게 의견을 발표하고 작품활동을 하게 하였는데, ‘포럼’의 목적은 자유로운 토론과 의견교환을 통해 이른바 ‘메디치 효과’를 거두는 것이라 할 수 있다. 우선 법제도 측면에서 살펴보면 그 동안 KFPP는 사립대학과 공동으로 SPC를 만들고 민자사업 (BTO)의 방식으로 사업을 추진하였다. 그 결과 대학생들의 주거문제 해결을 위한 공공사업임에도 불구하고 SPC가 민간법인이어서 공공 비영리법인에게 주어지는 세제상의 혜택이 없었다. 이에 따라 KFPP가 직접 기숙사를 운영하는 방안이 모색되고 있다. SWOT 분석을 해보면 비영리 재단법인이 직접 기숙사 사업을 수행할 수 있는지, 직영기숙사 안팎서 발생한 사고로 재단이 예측하지 못한 손해를 부담하지 않으려면 어떻게 해야 하는지 면밀한 검토를 요한다. 환경설계를 통한 범죄예방(CPTED) 디자인을 모색하는 한편 이용학생들이 공동체 정신에 입각하여 서로 도와주며 시설을 아끼고 함께 지내도록 하는 기숙형 대학(RQ)을 도입하는 것도 고려할 만하다. 아울러 건축학의 관점 에서 외국의 성공사례를 참고하여 바람직한 기숙사 모델을 개발하는 노력도 병행되어야 할 것이다. 요컨대 KFPP가 기숙사 건립지금을 지원할 때 SPC를 통하든 직접 기숙사를 운영하든 문제가 되지 않도록 설립법에 근거규정을 마련하고 재단법인의 본령에서 벗어나지 않는 기숙사 운영방안을 수립하는 것이 긴요하다고 본다. The ‘half-priced tuition`` slogan once prevailing on campus now gives way to a reduced boarding fee. In July 2014, a group of scholars and experts discussed on how to operate private college dormitories in an effective and economical way at the National Assembly forum Spomsored by KFPP. In the conclusion, not only the legal issues but also overseas trends and model precedents were presented to the public audience. It is desirable for participants of various backgrounds to discuss each other to reach an agreeable conclusion. The same applies to the academic forum which is in great need of the so-called Medici effect. From the PPP point of view, it is proper that KFPP has created SPCs with private colleges to carry out BTO projects to build dormitories named “Happy Residences”. In order to cut down the dormitory expenses and taxes, it is necessary for KFPP to build and operate such residences by itself not through SPCs. The SWOT analysis shows that there are many weak points and threats involved in the KFPP-operated dormitories. First, KFPP is a mere foundation incapable of doing business like operating dormitories. Once any accident occurs in the dormitory, KFPP could be responsible for the accident and obliged to pay compensation to the victims. A new trend in the public private partnership regards the interest of users of PPP facilities as most important. The concept of residence college as well as CPTED design would be helpful for KFPP to reduce the possibility of torts in the boundary of KFPP-operated dormitories. An architectural perspective encouraged a free style residence which may generate cash flows by hosting cultural events in the community and accommodating artists and writers during the vacation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 기본적 상행위로서의 금융거래와 법 ; 팩토링의 법적 문제점

        박훤일 ( Whon Il Park ) 한국금융법학회 2008 金融法硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        The amendment to the Commercial Code in 1995 included factoring as one of the basic commercial activities together with lease and franchise. It was because factoring was increasingly used by financial companies for their clients ever since its introduction to Korea in 1980. However, only a few provisions of the Commercial Code and the Non-Bank Banking Act regulate such commercial transactions. This article explains the players and their mechanisms of factoring (II), how factoring is possibly evolved in the future (III), and what legally matters with factoring in Korea (IV). It also examines which provisions of the Commercial Code be revised in due course (V). It should be noted that factoring has been very useful in the United States, where the merchants issue checks for the payment of commercial transactions and don`t know the discount of promissory notes. Factoring without recourse is prevailing in the United States while Korean factors prefer the one with recourse because they have little information about the financial status of customers. In conclusion, factoring is being utilized as a tool of asset-based financing as well as custom-made financial innovation. Therefore, sufficient statutory provisions will be necessary so that small-sized enterprises with plenty of accounts receivable may properly cash in on them. In principle, the factors can secure the priority of their claims assigned through factoring by notification to the customers or customers`` acceptance of such assignment. For the purpose of perfection, the electronic filing could be most effective. It might be reasonable to regulate factoring within the scope of secured transactions as in the U.S. UCC Article 9. The Judiciary Branch has disclosed a legislative proposal on the special treatment of electronic filing for the assignment of accounts receivable which amounts to perfection of security interests. The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) is also working on a task to formulate a new collateral system under which moveable properties, accounts receivable, intellectual property rights, etc. held by small businesses can be provided as collateral for financing at improved terms. The MOJ proposal is expected to suggest the same electronic registration as the Judiciary proposal. What kind of legal effects will be granted to the electronic registration remains to be seen since the MOJ legislative committee has not yet completed its task. As far as electronic filing is employed for the perfection, the e-registry will be accessible by the interested parties via the Internet. In this connection, the factors will be safeguarded from the risk of contingent encumbrance levied by unknown creditors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스마트그리드 사업과 개인정보보호

        박훤일(Whon-il Park),윤덕찬(Duk-Chan Yoon) 한국기업법학회 2012 企業法硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        Smart grids, which combine conventional electrical grids with information and communications technologies, gather, distribute and supply electricity on two-way information about the behavior of participants in order to improve the efficiency, reliability and sustainability of electricity services being connected with renewable energy sources and electric cars. Korea has seen its own smart grid act and test bed implemented for years, but there is no industrial spearhead nor clear-cut picture for the future even though no one is doubtful of a brilliant prospect for smart grid projects. One of the biggest huddle is the privacy issue protected by law. The Smart Grid Act provides for data protection because smart meters gather and transmit electricity usage information of consumers periodically to the meter data management system for both grid control and billing purposes. So do the electricity charging stands located across the country for electric vehicles. However, this kind of personal information may expose customer’s habits, behaviors, home appliances’ category, and even the life pattern information. That’s why the United Kingdom has revised its ambitious plan to install smart meters at all households, to selective households at their choice. In this connection, reliable solutions should be provided lest privacy issues should outweigh the importance of smart grids. First of all, such data protection provisions on notice and consent should be observed by smart grid participants. And the customers’ information on the electricity usage is required to be processed to be anonymous or even encrypted. It is advisable to put the installation of smart meters at ordinary households to the lowest priority until any privacy protection technology is fully developed. Further, a smart grid governance, very similar to IT governance, should be implemented in a proper manner. At first, smart grid governance is to enhance the effectiveness and transparency of electric power supply, distribution and consumption. Then who is accountable for the operation of smart grid including the afore-mentioned privacy protection? The co-authors think the electric power exchange, KPX, is the most appropriate candidate for smart grid governance. The reason why KPX is accountable for smart grids in Korea is as follows: - Smart grid governance could be well managed by a legal entity in a neutral position. - Smart grid governance is usually linked to price-dependent supply, distribution and consumption (collectively trading) of electric power. - Any violator of smart grid governance should be expelled from the on-line marketplace for trading of electric power. - When any smart grid participant without a license (e.g., a wind generation operator) wishes to sell electricity, it may do so via the smart governance operator. For instance, KPX may nominate the applicant so that it may trade electricity to the extent that the relevant act allows to do so. It may save the red-tapes and lots of paper works at the initial stage of smart grid projects.

      • 사이버보안 강화를 위한 법적 과제

        박훤일(Whon-Il Park) 한국인터넷법학회 2004 인터넷법연구 Vol.3 No.1

        In this Information Age, it is quite true that knowledge or information is traded like tangible goods through the Internet. Businesses, big or small, are employing information technologies to enhance their competitiveness. The government adapts itself to the quickly developing e-environment. The role of law is also changing in the course of information revolution. It has to suggest a new direction and is ready to support IT businesses with various incentives. The cyberspace consists of millions of computers, servers, routers, communication cables, etc. and functions as a pivotal infrastructure of the nation. So the cybersecurity is first and foremost important in the daily operation of computer systems and networks. As we witnessed during the worm virus-driven Internet fiasco in January 2003, the breakdown of the nation's online networks for a half day would cripple our socio-economic life to the uncontrollable extent. Therefore, various kinds of cyber-attacks or threat should be prevented and suppressed to maintain the telecommunications infrastructure and to secure the cyberspace of the nation. This article delves into the proposed possible amendment to the current laws concerning information systems and communication networks. The pertinent substantive laws are the Criminal Code, the Information and Telecommunication Infrastructure Protection Act and the Act to Promote Information Telecommunication Networks and to Protect Personal Information among others. This article stresses a concerted approach to punishment against the same kind of electronic offenses. In other words, the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code should be firstly invoked as a general law rather than the special laws in case of electronic offensive incidents. Also this article calls for harmonized efforts and systematic cooperation by the government, IT-related businesses and individual Internet users to secure the cyberspace.

      • 신생아기 신경모세포종의 임상적 고찰: 산전 진단군과 산후 진단군의 비교

        박훤,김수홍,정성은,이성철,박귀원,이지원,강형진,신희영,백해운,김현영,Park, Hwon Ham,Kim, Soo-Hong,Jung, Sung-Eun,Lee, Seong-Cheol,Park, Kwi-Won,Lee, Ji Won,Kang, Hyoung Jin,Shin, Hee Young,Baek, Hae Woon,Kim, Hyun-Young 대한소아외과학회 2014 소아외과 Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose: Neonatal neuroblastoma (NBL) is the most common malignant tumor in neonates, but there have been few studies about it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical features of NBL and to compare prenatal and postnatal diagnosed groups. Methods: Nineteen patients who were diagnosed with NBL prenatally or within 28 days after birth from February 1986 to February 2013 in Seoul National University Hospital were enrolled in the study. The patients were categorized according to the International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) and Children's Oncology Group (COG). Retrospective medical-record reviews were performed on these patients. The operative date, complication, pathological stage, and overall survival of the prenatally diagnosed group and the postpartum diagnosed group were compared. Results: Tumor was detected via prenatal ultrasonography in 8 patients (42.1%), and 11 patients (57.9%) were diagnosed within 28 days after birth. Based on INSS, the patients were divided into the stage I (n=8), stage II (n=1), stage III (n=3), stage IV (n=4), and stage IVs (n=3) groups, respectively. Based on COG, on the other hand, the patients were divided into the low-risk (n=8), intermediate-risk (n=8), and high-risk (n=3) groups. The postoperative complication rate was 29%. One patient died from complications from chemotherapy. The other 18 patients' mean follow-up period was 77.7 months. The differences between the postoperative complication rate, proportion of early-stage tumor, and overall survival of the prenatal and postnatal groups were not statistically significant (p=0.446, p=0.607, p=0.414). Conclusion: NBL showed favorable outcomes but relatively higher postoperative complications. There seem to be no significant statistical differences in the postoperative complications, proportion of early-stage tumor, and overall survival between the prenatally diagnosed group and the postpartum diagnosed group.

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