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        다양한 멤브레인을 적용한 메틸 바이올로겐과 템폴 활물질 기반 수계 유기 레독스 흐름 전지 성능 평가

        박균호,이원미,권용재 한국화학공학회 2019 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.57 No.6

        본 연구에서는 유기물인 메틸 바이올로겐(methyl viologen, MV)과 템폴(4-hydroxy-TEMPO, TEMPOL)을 활물질로사용하고 NaCl의 중성 전해질 기반 수계 유기 레독스 흐름전지 성능이 멤브레인에 따라 어떻게 영향을 받는지 분석하였다. 메틸 바이올로겐(MV)과 템폴(TEMPOL)은 중성 전해질인 염화나트륨(NaCl) 전해질에 대해 높은 셀전압(1.37 V)을 얻을 수 있다. 성능 비교를 위해 사용한 멤브레인은 두 가지이다. 첫째로, 상용 양이온 교환막 중 하나인Nafion 117를 사용하였을 때 성능은 첫번째 사이클에서 충전만 일어났을 뿐 그 후 높은 저항 때문에 완전지가 작동하지 않았다. 하지만 두번째로 사용한 Fumasep 음이온 교환막(FAA-3-50)은 Nafion 117 멤브레인을 사용했을 때와는 다르게 비교적 안정적인 충방전 사이클링을 보였다. 전류 밀도 40 mA·cm-2, 컷-오프 전압 0.55~1.7 V에서 전류 효율(charge efficiency)은 97%, 전압 효율(voltage efficiency)은 78%로 높게 나타났다. 방전 용량(discharge capacity)은 10 사이클에서 1.44 Ah·L-1로 이론 용량(2.68 Ah·L-1)의 54%를 나타내었다. 방전 용량의 용량 손실율(capacity loss rate)은0.0015 Ah·L-1/cycle 로 나타났다. 순환주사전류 실험을 통해 Nafion 117 멤브레인과 Fumasep 음이온 교환막 사이의이러한 성능차이는 활물질의 크로스 오버(cross over) 현상으로 인한 방전 용량 손실이 아닌 멤브레인과 활물질의 화학적 반응으로 인한 저항 증가가 원인임을 파악할 수 있었다. In this study, the evaluation of performance of AORFB using methyl viologen and TEMPOL as organic active materials in neutral supporting electrolyte (NaCl) with various membrane types was performed. Using methyl viologen and TEMPOL as active materials in neutral electrolyte solution, the cell voltage is 1.37V which is relatively high value for AORFB. Two types of membranes were examined for performance comparison. First, when using Nafion 117 membrane which is commercial cation exchange membrane, only the charge process occurred in the first cycle and the single cell couldn’t work because of its high resistance. However, when using Fumasep anion exchange membrane (FAA-3-50) instead of Nafion 117 membrane, the result was obtained as the totally different charge-discharge graphs. When current density was 40mA·cm-2 and cut off voltage range was from 0.55 V to 1.7 V, the charge efficiency (CE) was 97% and voltage efficiency (VE) was 78%. In addition, the discharge capacity was 1.44 Ah·L-1 which was 54% of theoretical capacity (2.68 Ah·L-1) at 10th cycle and the capacity loss rate was 0.0015 Ah·L-1 per cycle during 50 cycles. Through cyclic voltammetry test, it seems that this difference in the performance between the full cell using Nafion 117 membrane and Fumasep anion exchange membrane came from increasing resistance due to chemical reaction between membrane and active material, not the capacity loss due to cross-over of active material through membrane.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        가족의 과거사로 떠나는 저널리즘적 연구여행 - 카챠 페트로프스카야의 문학적 르포르타주 『아마도 에스터』(2014)

        박균호 ( Pak Kunhoo ) 연세대학교 유럽사회문화연구소 2022 유럽사회문화 Vol.- No.28

        우크라이나 출신의 독일어권 작가 카챠 페트로프스카야는 사실성과 허구성이라는 측면에서 언뜻 보면 상반돼 보이는 저널리즘과 문학이라는 분야 모두에서 자신의 직업적 행로를 걸어 왔다. 잉에보르크 바흐만 문학상(2013)을 수상한 단편 아마도 에스터 가 수록된 페트로프스카야의 같은 제목의 데뷔작 『아마도 에스터』(2014) 역시 그녀의 이력처럼 저널리즘과 문학적 글쓰기가 결합된 특징을 보여준다. 이러한 관점에서 본 논문은 『아마도 에스터』의 서술형식을 '문학적 르포르타주' 라는 장르의 관점에서 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저, 멀리 봐서는 헤로도토스의 『역사』에까지 소급될 수 있으며 가까이는 1920년에 전성기를 맞이한 문학적 르포르타주의 여러 특징들을 살펴볼 것이다. 나아가 이를 바탕으로 문학적 르포르타주의 '사실성, 객관성, 주관성, 허구성'이라는 4가지 측면에서 『아마도 에스터』를 해석함으로써 작품이 가지고 있는 저널리즘과 문학의 긴장관계를 조명하고자 한다. 카챠 페트로프스카야 본인으로 등장하는 『아마도 에스터』의 1인칭 화자는 러시아-폴란드-유대적 계통의 가족사를 탐구하기 위해 바르샤바, 모스크바, 키이우, 마우타우젠 등으로 연구여행을 떠나는 한편, 여러 기록 보존소들 또는 인터넷 검색을 통해 자신의 가족과 관련된 자료들을 조사한다. 이와 동시에 화자의 가족과 얽혀있는 19세기 후반부터의 유럽 역사가 불가피하게 다뤄지며, 이러한 자료조사 과정의 묘사와 가족사와 유럽사에 관한 서술은 작품의 사실성과 연관된다. 다음으로 단일한 사건을 다룸에 있어서 화자의 관점 외에도 여러 자료들과 증언들을 바탕으로 한 다양한 관점들이 빈번히 제시되는데, 이는 작품의 객관성을 높여주는데 기여한다. 저널리즘적 특징에 가까운 사실성과 객관성과 더불어 『아마도 에스터』는 주관성과 허구성이라는 문학적 특징 또한 지니고 있다. 제목 속의 부사 아마도가 암시하듯이, 가족사에 관한 증언, 기억 또는 자료의 불확실성은 작품에서 가장 중요한 주제 중의 하나이다. 작가는 이러한 불확실성을 가정법이나 독백과 같은 주관적 서술방법을 통해 해소하고자 한다. 서술자의 주관적 개입이 한정적으로 허용된다는 문학적 르포르타주의 특징은 작품에서 문법적 그리고 표기법적인 방법으로 작가의 주관적 생각과 객관적 사실이 분명히 구분된다는 점에서 잘 드러난다. 마지막으로 『아마도 에스터』는 허구적 인물과 이야기를 다루고 있지 않지만, 위에서 언급한 불확실성으로 인한 비고의적인 허구성을 약간의 창작이 이야기를 더 진실 되게 만든다는 점에서 긍정한다. rman-speaking author Katja Petrowskaja from Ukraine, has followed her professional path in both journalism and literature, which at first glance seem contradictory in terms of reality and fiction. Petrowskaja's debut work with the title, Maybe Esther(2014), which contains the short story under the same title, which won the Ingeborg Bachmann Literary Award(2013), also features a combination of journalism and literary writing, like her biography. From this point of view, this thesis tries to analyze the narrative form of Maybe Esther from the perspective of a genre called 'literary reportage'. To this end, we will look at various features of the literary reportage that, from a distance, can be traced back to Herodotus's History and, at a close distance, reached its heyday in 1920s. Furthermore, based on this, I try to examine the tension between journalism and literature in the work by interpreting Maybe Esther from the four aspects of 'factuality, objectivity, subjectivity, and fictionality' of literary reportage. First of all, the first-person narrator of Maybe Esther, who appears as Katja Petrowskaja herself, goes on a research trip to Warsaw, Moscow, Kyiv, and Mauthausen to research the Russian-Polish-Jewish family history. And she also collects materials related to your family through various archives or Internet. At the same time, European history from the second half of the 19th century, which is intertwined with the narrator's family, is inevitably dealt with. The description of this research process and the description of family history and European history are related to the factuality of the work. Next, in dealing with a single case, various viewpoints based on various materials and testimonies are frequently presented in addition to the narrator's viewpoint, which contributes to enhancing the objectivity of the work. In addition to factuality and objectivity close to the characteristics of journalism, Maybe Esther also has literary features of subjectivity and fictionality. As the adverb maybe in the title suggests, the uncertainty of testimonies, memories, or data about family history is one of the most important themes in the work. The author attempts to resolve these uncertainties through subjective narrative methods such as subjunctive or monologue. The characteristic of literary reportage that the narrator's subjective intervention is limitedly allowed is evident in the fact that the author's subjective thoughts and objective facts are clearly distinguished in the work by grammatical and notational methods. Finally, although Maybe Esther does not deal with fictional characters and stories, it affirms the unintentional fictionality caused by the uncertainty mentioned above in that a little creation makes the story more true.

      • KCI등재

        The effects of temperature and membrane thickness on the performance of aqueous alkaline redox flow batteries using napthoquinone and ferrocyanide as redox couple

        이원미,박균호,장덕례,권용재 한국화학공학회 2020 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.37 No.12

        The mixture of naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt and 2-hydroxy-naphthoquinone (NQSO) and ferrocyanide dissolved in potassium hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte was used as catholyte and anolyte, respectively. We evaluated the effects of temperature and membrane thickness on the performance of aqueous organic redox flow batteries (AORFB) using the NQSO and ferrocyanide dissolved in alkaline electrolyte. Regarding temperature effect, when the electrochemical properties of NQSO and ferrocyanide are evaluated with 25 and 40 oC, their redox reactivity is enhanced with increased temperature due to the proportional relation of reaction rate and temperature. In addition, their electron transfer rate is also improved with increased temperature due to the proportional relation of electron transfer rate and temperature. These are proven by Nyquist plots showing the reciprocal relationship of resistance and temperature. In AORFB full cell tests performed at 25 and 40 oC, although capacity decay rate observed at 40 oC (0.067 Ah∙L1 per cycle) is larger than that observed at 25 oC (0.034Ah∙L1 per cycle), energy efficiency (EE) was improved from 86% at 25 oC to 89% at 40 oC. Regarding membrane thickness effect, the performance of AORFB using thin Nafion 212 membrane is better than that of AORFBs using thick Nafion 117 and Nafion 1110 membranes in voltage efficiency (VE) and EE, while its capacity retention is vice versa. This is because thinner membrane induces lower resistance.

      • KCI등재

        Performance enhancement of alkaline organic redox flow battery using catalyst including titanium oxide and Ketjenblack

        이원미,박균호,Daniel Schröder,권용재 한국화학공학회 2022 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.39 No.6

        Carbon felt (CF) doped by catalyst including titanium oxide and ketjen black (TiO2/KB-CF) is used as negativeelectrode to enhance the redox reactivity of napthoquinone (NQSO) and thus the performance of aqueousorganic redox flow batteries (AORFBs). The redox reactivity of NQSO is better with TiO2/KB-CF than with pristine CF(anodic current density of 13.3 and 19.8mA∙cm2, and cathodic current density of 15.7 and 21.9mA∙cm2 withpristine CF and TiO2/KB-CF), while the reaction reversibility of NQSO is also enhanced in TiO2/KB-CF (ratio of peakcurrent density is 0.84 and 0.9 with pristine CF and TiO2/KB-CF). These results are due to the hydrophilic and conductiveproperties of the TiO2/KB catalyst. TiO2 can hold many hydroxyl groups that are hydrophilic and electro-activegroup, while KB is a conductive material that induces a fast electron transfer. With these benefits, the charge transferresistance of the electrode is reduced from 1.8 with pristine CF to 1.5 with TiO2/KB-CF. In AORFB tests usingNQSO and potassium ferrocyanide under alkaline supporting electrolyte, energy efficiency increased from 58% (pristineCF) to 61% (TiO2/KB-CF) with a low capacity loss rate of 0.006 Ah∙L1 per cycle and the cross-over rate of activematerials during cycling of AORFB was very low.

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