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      • KCI등재

        단보 : 경상남도 내 습지의 공간 분포 및 사회적 특성

        도윤호 ( Yun O Do ),김지윤 ( Ji Yoon Kim ),임란영 ( Ran Young Im ),김성보 ( Seong Bo Kim ),최종윤 ( Jong Yoon Choi ),주기재 ( Gea Jae Joo ) 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2012 생태와 환경 Vol.45 No.2

        The wetlands have eco-sociological values because their functions have proven to be useful to human society. Many countries are working to conserve and protect the wetland ecosystems. However, many wetlands have disappeared or have been fragmented due to a natural and/or anthropogenic disturbance. These isolated wetlands appear to work best in the landscape, as a spatially distributed system. We have analyzed the spatial-social distribution patterns of wetlands in Gyeongsangnam-do Province (GNP). We examined the frequency distribution of wetland sizes, the distances to the nearest wetlands, the shapes of the wetlands, land-use patterns, land owners, and official land values were confirmed as social characteristics for each wetland. A total of 146 wetlands (3,598.85 ha), including 76 riverine wetlands (1,955.60 ha), 49 palustrine wetlands (1,282.28 ha) and 21 mountain wetlands (1,282.28 ha) were identified in GNP. Most wetlands left for use to drainage were small (/2 ha) and located in agricultural areas. However, small and isolated wetlands were clustered, according to the location, indicating that these wetlands can be connected to each other using the linear riverine wetlands and water channels in agricultural areas. This is extremely valuable in maintaining the biodiversity, such that any loss of small wetlands will cause a direct reduction in the connectedness among populations of the remaining species. Due to most wetlands belonging to the nation or businesses, being classified as reservoirs (water storage areas), and consequently, degradation of wetlands will progress due to grand-scale engineering works. Therefore, wetland policy and ecologically sensitive laws and policies should be developed in order to promote the wise-use for wetlands.

      • KCI등재후보

        지방자치단체 자연상징물(새, 꽃, 나무)의 다양성과 분포: 생물다양성의 인식도 평가

        도윤호 ( Yun Ho Do ),김지윤 ( Ji Yoon Kim ),임란영 ( Ran Young Im ),최기룡 ( Gi Ryong Choi ),주기재 ( Gea Jae Joo ) 한국하천호수학회 2013 생태와 환경 Vol.46 No.3

        We identified the diversity, geographical distribution, ecological characteristics of birds, trees, and flowers species designated as local government symbols as a means for understanding public awareness on biodiversity. A total of 114 species including 48 birds, 40 flowers, 36 tree species belonging to 40 orders 59 families 90 genus were designated as natural symbols. Pica pica (L.) in birds, Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim. among flowers, have also been designated as symbols. The tree Ginkgo biloba L. was designated with the highest frequency. Local governments located coastal area were selected bird species of the Laridae family and the tree species Camellia japonica L., of Pinaceae as their natural symbols. In contrast, local governments located inland have designated resident bird species such as P. pica and Columba rupestris (Pallas) and flower species from the Ericaceae as natural symbols widely distributed and easily observed throughout South Korea. However, many local governments have designated the same species as a natural symbol based on their size color and public appeal and popularity. The information about the popular species and their ecological traits are useful for establishing the criteria as flagship or iconic species selection and their roles in habitat conservation.

      • KCI등재

        벚나무의 계절현상과 이를 이용한 지역축제와의 관계

        도윤호(Yun Ho Do),김성보(Seong Bo Kim),주기재(Joo Gea Jae),최기룡(Kee Ryong Choi) 한국지역지리학회 2013 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        식물 계절현상을 이용한 축제는 생태계서비스의 한 형태로서 생태계와 인간이 문화적 요소를 통해 서로 상호작용을 하는 예이다. 봄철 식물의 계절현상을 이용한 대표적인 축제는 창원시 진해 군항제가 있다. 본 연구에서는 1987 년부터 2013년까지의 벚나무의 계절학적 자료와 군항제 개최시기 및 방문자수를 조사하여 식물계절학과 지역축제와 의 상관관계를 파악하였다. 또한 행사기간 중 기상조건 (평균기온, 최저·최고기온, 강수량, 강수일수)과 행사시기특성(년도, 휴일수-토, 일요일 수, 행사기간일수, 행사시작일-개화일 차이)을 파악하여 군항제 방문객수에 영향을 미치는 환경요인을 찾기 위해 노력하였다. 시계열분석 결과 지난 26년 동안 벚나무의 발아일과 개화일의 주기성을 보이지 않 거나 나타나더라도 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 방문객의 수에 영향을 미치는 주요인으로는 기온, 일자(day), 강수요 인이 추출되었다. 군항제기간의 기온이 방문객수에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으나, 벚나무의 개화시기와 행사기간 이 불일치하더라도 방문객 수의 차이는 없었다. 따라서 확실성이 떨어지는 개화시기를 맞춰 축제기간을 설정하기 보 다는 행사기간을 고정하고 일부 유동적으로 실시할 수 있는 행사프로그램을 개발하고 실시하는 것이 군항제의 성공적인 운영에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 보인다. Festivals using plant phenology is one of the examples can represent the ecosystem services. Changwon Jinhae Gunhangje is typical spring festival using cherry blossoms phenology. This research was done to define relationship between flowering of cherry blossoms and Gunhangje. Phenological data (Julian day) of cherry blossoms and visitor number of Gunhangje from 1987 to 2013 were collected. Differences of Phenological phase of cherry blossoms and duration of Gunhangje was analyzed. Trend analysis was performed to know changes of flowering and budding day of cherry blossoms. Correlations between visitor number of Gunhangje and environmental factors was defined by factor analysis and regression analysis. Results are showed that during the 26 years, periodicity of flowering and budding day was not identified or even identified it was not significant. Environmental factors effect on visitor numbers of Gunhangje were defined as temperature factor, day factor, and precipitation factor. Temperature factor was significantly correlated with visitor numbers of Gunhangje. Though Flowering day of cherry blossoms and festival duration was not matched, however, difference of visitor numbers was not showed. These results suggest that fixed duration of Gunhangje would be more effective to visitors than changing the festival duration following the phenological day changes of cherry blossoms.

      • KCI등재

        4대강 사업 후 낙동강 중,하류의 하중도와 제외지 지형변화

        임란영 ( Ran Young Im ),김지윤 ( Ji Yoon Kim ),최종윤 ( Jong Yun Choi ),도윤호 ( Yuno Do ),주기재 ( Gea Jae Joo ) 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2015 생태와 환경 Vol.48 No.3

        River channel dredging and riparian development have been influenced morphology and quantity of natural river habitat. We compared distribution of riverside land and alluvial island in the Nakdong River with field survey and remote sensing analysis after the 4 Large River Project in South Korea. We digitized geomorphological elements, includes main channel, riverside land, and alluvial island by using georeferenced aerial photos taken in pre-dredging (2008) and post-dredging (2012) periods. Field survey was followed in 2012 for a ground truth of digitized boundaries and identification of newly constructed wetland types such as pond, channel, branch, and riverine type. We found that during the dredging period, riverside land and alluvial island were lost by 20.2% and 72.7%, respectively. Modification rate of riverside land was higher in the section of river kilometer 50~90, 140~180, and 210~270. Alluvial island had higher change rate in the section of river kilometer 50~70, 190~210, and 270~310. Average change rate for the riverside land and alluvial island was - 1.02±0.14 km2 ·10 km-1 and - 0.05±0.05 km2 ·10 km-1, respectively. Channel shaped wetlands (72.5%) constituted large portion of newly constructed wetlands.

      • 울주군 정족산 곤충군의 분류학적 다양성과 생태학적 평가

        도윤호,문태영,남상호 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2002 自然科學 Vol.13 No.1

        울산광역시 울주군 웅촌면 정족산에서 산기슭의 마을(고도 50m), 산지중층(정족산. 50~510m) 그리고 무제치 제 1늪과 제2늪(510~545m)으로 구분하여 곤충군의 다양성을 조사한 결과 11目 60科 124屬 143種으로 정리되었다. 관찰된 대부분의 종들이 경작지와 도시화 특징을 보이는 종들이었으며, 마을에서 Pheropsophus javanus (Dejean) 남방폭탄먼지벌레가 우점종으로 나타났으며, 산지중층에서는 Megacopta punctatissima (Montandon) 무당알노린재, 무제치늪에서는 Diplous depresus (Gebler) 사개천먼지벌레가 우점종으로 나타났다. 이 세 지역에서 관찰된 종조성에는 전체적으로는 두드러진 차이를 논하기 어렵지만, 지표보행성 갑충군에서는 서로 독립된 다양성 구조가 확인되었는데, 이는 산기슭의 수전경작지와 늪은 본질적으로 차이가 있고 또한 늪과 주변산지도 역시 차이가 있는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 산지성 늪의 특성을 설명할 수 있는 생물지표종에 대한 연구를 위해 지표보행성 갑충군의 군집의 구조에 대한 자세한 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. It was investigated the insect diversity and community structures from Mt. Jungjoksan located at Ulju-gun. The insects were sampled at the village at the bottom, the mid-slope area and the moors of the mountain to see the difference between the sites with a particular interest of the presence of moor inhabiting insects with a strong potential of indicators. Overall 143 species in 124 genera were identified belonging to 60 families under 11 orders. Most species were the insects appearing along agricultural fields and in urban areas. Out of the species. Pheropsophus jauanus (Dejean) was the dominant one in village field, Megacopta punctatissima (Montandon) in the mid -slope areas and Diplous depressus (Gebler) in moors. The species composition between the investigated sites were difficult to draw any distinct differences, while it was confirmed some patterns of independency between the ground-walking Coleoptera groups at the sites. It is suggested that the potential indicator species for wetlands may be established through the detailed tracing the ground- walking Coleoptera in the moors.

      • 경남 양산시에서 반딧불이의 다양성과 분포

        도윤호,문태영,남상호 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2002 自然科學 Vol.13 No.2

        경상남도 양산시에서 반딧불이의 다양성과 분포를 조사하였다. 11개 지역에 3종이 확인되었는데, Hotaria papariensis (Doi) 파파리반딧불이가 4장소에서, Luciola lateralis Motschulsky 애반딧불이가 4장소에서, Lychnuris rufa (Olivier) 늦반딧불이가 4장소에서 기록되었다. 파파리반딧불이는 천성산, 금정산, 영축산등의 산기슭에서 관찰되었고 양산의 동남부 지역에 집괴분포하는 경향을 보였다. 애반딧불이는 천성산의 동측사면의 수답을 따라 선형분포를 보였다. 늦반딧불이는 산만한 분포를 보여 추후 자세한 조사가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 이 3종의 반딧불이가 모두 분포하는 천성산 지역은 울산과 부산을 서로 연결할 수 있는 지리적 위치로 서식지 네트워크를 구축하면 반딧불이 집단 간에 유전자 교류가 가능할 것이다. It was investigated the dwersity and distribution of fireflies from Yangsan city. Hotaria papariensis (Doi), Luciola lateralis Motschdsky and Lychnuris rufa (Olivier) were observed respectively at 4 different spots, but 11 spots in total. H. papariemis was recorded at Mts. Cheonseong, Keumjeong and Yeongchuk, but was concentrated at the eastern part of Yangsan. L. lateralis was observed along waterlines crossing rice paddies. However L. rda was scatteredy found and should be investigated further for the factors regulating distribution. Mt. Cheonseong that all 3 species recorded is likely to act to support a biogeographical network to conserve the firefly-genepool in Busan, Ulsan and Yangsan.

      • 영도 봉래산의 지표보행성 갑충군의 분류학적 다양성과 생태학적 평가

        문태영,도윤호 고신대학교 보건과학연구소 2000 보건과학연구소보 Vol.10 No.-

        As the ground-walking Coleoptera was investigated at the Mt. Bongrae of the Islet Youngdo in Pusan, Damaster jankowskii (Oberth□r), Plesiophthalmus nigrocyaneus Motschulsky and Carabus sternvergi Roeschke were the most abundant species between 1996 and 2000. The species were occurring abundantly in season sharing mode ; At the beginning of the years, C. sternvergi is the most abundant in March and April, then D. jankowskii, between May and September, and P. nigrocyaneus in October and November. The rest species were negligibly low in abundancy. It was, therefore, demonstrated that the ground-walking Coleoptera was simple in structure and function at the Islet. As ecological restoration and creation may be require to develop Mt Bongrae into an urban nature park, it is suggested firstly to increase local biodiversity through building up the ground-walking beetles and then to carry out fauna survey to find out the appropriate species to be target of restoration program for Mt. Bongrae.

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