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      • KCI등재
      • 「-ていく」·「-てくる」와「-kada」·「-oda」의 대조 연구

        도기정 남서울대학교 1996 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to compare the Japanese language of 「-teiku」 「-tekuru」 with the Korean language of 「-kada」「-oda」. As a methodology, the usage of the two languages is classified by space and time (aspect) dimensions. The result shows that the usage of the two languages is similar in a space dimension, but much different in a time (aspect) dimension. Specifically, Japanese language of 「-tekure」 which means occurrence cannot be translated into korean language of 「-oda」 but into 「-nada」. The usage of 「-teiku」「-tekuru」 and 「-kada」「-oda」 which show transformation is basically similar. However, 「-oda」 of wanted transformation and 「-kada」 of unwanted transformation can be used with exception from a speaker standpoint.

      • KCI등재

        『とはずがたり』의 敬語硏究 - 雅語的 表現을 중심으로 -

        도기정 일본어문학회 2015 일본어문학 Vol.68 No.-

        本稿では中世鎌倉時代に執筆された自傳的女流日記である『とはずがたり』に用いられている敬語表現について考察した。本作品が宮中生活を素材にしただけに、多くの種類の敬語を使用しており、そのほとんどが平安時代の敬語の用法を継承するものが多いが、いっぽうでは従来の用法とは異なる新たな敬語表現や中世敬語の特質とも言える待遇性を持つのが頻出する。その最たるものとして「侍り」と「申す」があげられる。『とはずがたり』には当時の口語である「候ふ」があるにもかかわらず、非当代語である「侍り」が会話文によく用いられていて注目される。これは平安時代を代表していた「侍り」表現を通じて、昔の栄華と当時の郷愁を懐かしく感じさせる表現効果を出すために、「侍り」が意図的に使用されているのである。地の敍述においても、作者が不特定多数の読者に対して、いわゆる雅語 的表現ともいえる「侍り」と「申す」が「みやび」、「古めかしさ」や「丁重さ」、「重々しさ」といった文章の表現効果を示すために用いられていて語法上に一つの大きな特徴を成している。

      • M.Frideman의 實證經濟學 方法論에 관한 小考

        都基偵 동아대학교 부설 사회과학연구소 1995 사회과학논집 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this essay is to examine Milton Friedman s methodology of positive economics. Methodologically the nineteenth-century liberalism purports positivism. The positive economics has announced elimination of value-judgement and emphasized empirical tests. The twentieth century economic methodology rejects a priori premises and suggests empirical tests by falsification. Friedman takes the view that the ultimate goal of a positive science is to develop a theory or hypothesis that yields valid and meaningful predictions about phenomena not yet observed. Therefore, according to him, the confirmity of assumptions to reality is not a test for the validity of a theory. His view like this argument is called methodological instrumentalism. To the extent that Friedman is concerned with only practical applications, he can thus even find support in Popper s recognition that instrumentalism may be an appropriate methodology for some problems. Instrumantalism as found in Friedman s approach emphasizes a relevance of empirical data(i.e., positive evidence) in deciding what we ought to do(i.e., normative procedure). Deciding what we ought to do is considered a practical problem of choosing between alternative theories. Thus, for those who choose to extend the instrumentalism of Friedman s essay on methodology, explanation is not entirely cast aside for mere prediction. One of the most important promblems in this methodology is how to connect theoretical terms to empirical counterpart in the real world. Although the general assumptions which serve to derive the pure theory or general hypothesis may be irrelevant to reality, the auxiliary assumptions which describe tie peculiar circumstances in applying the particular hypothesis to the real world must be realistic. So Friedman did not clearly hold the irrelevance of assumptions thesis. Milton Friedman's methodology can be summarized as follows: ① that the significance of a theory comes from predictions it can make, irrespective of the extent to which it explains and assumes away realities. ②I that there is no substantial difference in methodology between social and natural sciences. ③ that value judgements should not be made lest they endanger scientific objectivity. ④ that economics is getting nearer to the absolute truth.

      • 『とはずがたり』의 待遇表現 : 尊敬表現을 중심으로(1)

        도기정 남서울대학교 2004 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to consider the usage of the honorific terms that are used in Towazugatari, written in the Kamakura period, which have been overlooked without detailed research, in an attempt to study the honorific terms of the Middle Ages. There are many kinds of honorific terms in Towazugatari, most of which originated from the linguistic usages of the Nara/Heian period. Besides this succession, there are some other honorific features of Middle Japanese aside from those that have been commonly used with regard to civility. This dissertation will classify the honorific expressions into three types; 'Sonkei expressions' (尊敬表現), 'Kenzyo expressions'(謙讓表現) and 'Taisha expressions'(對者表現). The first type of honorific expressions that will be discussed is Sonkei expressions': 1) As some words which included the meaning of high respect in the Heian period get weaker in their own civility, they get to combine with the auxiliaries such as '-(ra)ru' and '-(sa)su' so that some complex honorific verbs ('oseraru' and 'tamawasu) are derived. The term, '-(ra)ru', which was not used very often in the female vocabulary from the Heian period is combined to common verbs or honorific terms such as 'mosu'; consequently, such forms as 'iwaru' and 'mosaru' are derived. 2) In the Kamakura period, the form of 'go(on)-ari' (御-あり) which has been used ever since the Heian period started to be used in various ways, along with 'go(on)-naru' (御-なる). This usage came to be applied to expressions representing commands like 'go(on)-are' and negative expressions like 'go(on)-nashi' (御-なし).

      • 間接稅의 構造와 經濟的 效率性

        都基偵 동아대학교 부설 사회과학연구소 2001 사회과학논집 Vol.19 No.-

        The principal conclusion we have reached is that if direct additivity is a reasonable assumption for broad commodity groups, then the optimal structure of taxation from an efficiency viewpoint is one that taxes more heavily gods which have a low income elasticity of demand. This result generalises the conventional wisdom based on partial equilibirum analysis, which can be obtained as a special case where the supply of labour becomes completely elastic. Moreover, in terms of the debate about the introduction of a uniform system of indirect taxes referred to at the beginning of the paper, we have seen that there is no general presumption in favour of uniform taxation on grounds of allocative efficiency. The analysis suggests two important areas for further research, which we plan to examine in a sequel to the paper. Firstly, although we have shown that uniform taxation cannot be justified by appeal to considerations of allocative efficiency, it may still be true that the welfare loss involved in using uniform rather than optimal taxes may be small. Secondly, the conclusion that goods with a low income elasticity should be taxed heavily brings out very sharply the conflict between equity and efficiency considerations. The recognition of equity objectives would be expected to lead to important of the conclusions.

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