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        공동거주의 의미와 한국가족의 변화 : 서울지역과 제주도의 도시중산층 가족의 사례를 중심으로

        김혜숙(Hye-Sook Kim),김은희(Eun hee Kim),김항원(Hang-Won Kim),유철인(Chul-In Yoo) 한국가족학회 2005 가족과 문화 Vol.17 No.1

        본 논문은 공동거주를 사회마다 다양한 의미가 부여되는 문화적 행위로 취급하여, 서울지역과 제주도의 도시중산층의 가족에서 공동거주 집단이 어떻게 이루어지고 해체되며, 공동거주에 어떠한 의미가 부여되는지를 살펴보고 있다. 전통적으로 살림공동체이며 공동거주 집단이었던 직계가족은 거의 해체되었어도 가족구성원들은 “집”을 육아와 제사, 경제활동과 재산관리 등 공동의 가내활동을 수행하는 가족공동체로 인식하고 있다. 그러나 “집”을 구성하는 성원들 간의 결합의 정도는 다양하며 공동거주의 경계도 불분명하다. 서울지역의 경우 겉으로 보기에 “부모를 모시는”직계가족으로 보여도 실제로 주거공간이 세대별로 분리되어 있고 취사를 따로 할 수 있는 “집”이 있으며, 서로 “편하게 살아야”하는 핵가족도 있다. 제주도의 도시가족은 제주도의 전형적인 “안팎거리”의 거주형태가 실현되고 있지는 않지만, 핵가족의 경제적 독립성이 서울의 사례보다 강조되고 있다. 또한 “집”은 딸이 아닌 아들이 대를 잇는 부계 제사집단으로 존재한다. 따라서 가족의 다양한 활동 중에서 공동거주만을 가장 중요한 활동으로 간주하여, 함께 살지 않으면 가족이 해체되는 것으로 보는 접근방식은 재고되어야 한다. 한국가족의 변화를 논의하는데 있어, 공동거주가 일어나는 여러 형태와 의미를 살펴보고 “집”이라는 공동체 의식을 가지고 있는 사람들이 공동으로 하는 활동의 내용과 의미까지 폭넓게 파악하는 접근방식이 필요하다. This paper examines the various forms and meanings of ""co-residence"" among the seven middle class families in the Seoul area and Jeju Island. It shows that the jip exists as a culturally meaningful unit in the urban context, even when it does not constitute an undivided household. Irrespective of whether or not its members reside together, the members of a jip may cany out jointly various activities such as cooking, child rearing, performing jesa(ancestral rituals), managing family business, controlling common property of jip, and so on. Also, in the Seoul area the married son's nuclear family is recognized as an independent unit whose members should live at ease in a separate dwelling from that of the parents. On the other hand, urban nuclear families in Jeju Island put more emphasis on the economic independence of the married son's household than their counterparts in the Seoul area. The present study suggests the reconsideration of the approach to the changing Korean family, which focuses mainly on the classification of family forms.

      • KCI등재
      • 共産主義體制의 內在的 危機要因에 關한 硏究 : 蘇聯 및 東歐를 中心으로

        高性俊,韓昌榮,金恒元 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        This year is 100th since Marx died. There have been so many reports that the 100th anniversary of Marx's death was being marked in unforgettable ways. If Marx were to come back, what does he discover? Maybe he discovers that things aren't what he has expected. What is the significance of polish crisis in early 1980s? It has taught the world a lesson that is both stark and undeniable: as a means of organizing an economy and providing for the well-being of a citizenry, Communism is a failure. It is related to the dark future of communism. The causes of polish crisis are two: one is the fall of social status and the consciousness of frustration. The other is the continuous failure of Economic policy and the bankrupty of national Economic life. If we interpretate the two causes on the thread of connection in communist system, the former implies the "equality" idea of communism is falseconsciousness. The latter means the practical limit of communist economic system. Nowaday in Communist Societies, the dream of classless society is not practical. Rather as Millovan Djilas said, new class came in view. He sees the party as the incumbent institution of class rule: The new ownership is not the same as the political government, but is created and aided by that government. The use, enjoyment, and distribution of property is the privilege of the party and the party's top men. We call them Nomenklatura. The alienation of the worker from his work is at least as great today at the plants in communist countries as it was in the Manchester textile mills that Engels studied in the mid-l9th century. The command economy, too is slowing down if not breaking down. No communist country has met the proclaimed goals of its Five-Year plan: The desired results that the economies were organized to achieve have simply failed to materialize. And the projections for the next ten years are even gloomier. So U.S.S.R and Eastern Europe try to reform the economic policy, But those reforms challenge the very essence of the system, which is totalitarianism. It is the dilemma of the communist countries hold. What is the result of Soviet Communist System? The result is a tension and a paradox. On the one hand, inefficiency, stagnation and alienation are theinevitable accompaniments of the centralization, elitism and repression that are necessary to carry out the first order of businss: the preservation of power. On the other hand, the political system is well designed to be impervious to the consequences of the economic failure and social demoralization that are built into it.

      • 학교 생활을 통한 민주시민교육 지도 방안

        김항원 제주대학교 사범대학 1999 백록논총 Vol.1 No.-

        This study aims at offering the device of the improvement of school environments to teach democracy from the school life, and examining teaching and learning strategies of citizenship education through the school lives. In chapter Ⅱ, I describe the concepts, purposes and contents of citizenship education. In chapter Ⅲ, I discuss the democratic school climate, teachers and classroom atmosphere. In chapter Ⅳ, I study the life disciplines and teaching ways for democratic citizen. In presenting teaching ways, I deal with human respect and self-realization, formal curriculum, and nonclassroom activities. I examine the results of citizenship education in the democratic school climates, teachers and classroom atmospheres. Democratic teachers can serve as model democratic citizens and educate students through democratic methods. They can teach the students democracy through the life disciplines. We can attain the goals of citizenship education through continuous teaching and life, teachers, open classroom's atmospheres, and teaching and learning methods.

      • 濟州道 大學生의 政治意識에 관한 調査硏究

        金泰保,高性俊,金恒元 제주대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of study is to synthetically understand political consciouness of university student in cheju. In the level of contents it is classified into Politics, Ideology, Economy, Society, Unification-Security, North Korea and in the level of behavior this contents are classified into cognition, affection, and will based on the theory of attitude construction. The data used in this study are based on the questionaire survey. 860 students questionaires were collected, but 567 students were actually examined in this investigation. Questionaire is composed of 55 items for answer and these items were measured by Likert scale. The analysis had been processed by means of average (M), percentage(5) and F check. As a result, statistics show that the answer for the question of the urgentist problem in Korea is political development. Those who recognize that in politics politican is more important than institution are 88%. To the possibility of mutual consent for the amendment of a constitution, half (51.5%) students say yes. In Ideology, most students understand marxism is a mixture of violence and humanism and the relation between bourgeois and proletariat is antagonistic. Half students believe that marxism is applicable to modern society. In defendency of liberal democracy 88.6% of students are determinate. In Economics dimension, the prospect of Korean Economy development is positive as much as 68.6%. Most recognize that capitalistic system is superior to socialistic system and S. K. Economy is much higher than N. K. and the opinion and anxiety that our economy is dependent to the U. S. A. and Japan is expressed highly (67.5%). In societal dimension, most students expressed our society has the serious problem of economic inequality. In Unification-Security, less than half students understand the peaceful unification policy of R.O. K., but most agree with the presence of U. S. Army in korea. To the North Korea, almost understand N. K. military forces is much stronger than R. O. K. and N. K. is trying to attack S. K. they also have deep pity for the North Korean residents.

      • 濟州道 住民들의 反共意識 調査硏究

        金恒元 제주대학 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of study is, to exclusively grasp the levels of anti-communism in the individuals of Je iu do, enabling us to teach tile national ethics Principles to the children and teach the adult people mental discipline. This study may well serve for the above purpose as the fundamental mcterial. In this connection I have made a survey of the differences there are among groups classified according to sex, age, natives or temporary dwellers, occupation, educational background, economic standing and religion. The model concept extracted from anti-communism has been re-organized into two main categories, i. e, Behavioral Approach and contents approach, the one sub-divided into cognition, affection, and volition, the other into communism, north korea, unification and national security. The instruments used were tile questionnaire from comprising the whole of 22 entries, and the Likert-type evaluation. The sampling has been selected among the parecto whose children are attending the primary. middle and high schools in Je iu city and Su-kui -po city. The sampling was implemented by delivering and collecting the questionnaire from individually. A total of 1688 were put into test, out of which 1578 papers served for the objects of analysis with those a nswered wholly excepted. The analysis had tern processed by means of average (M), percentage (%) and F check. As a result, statistics show that the levels of anti-communism each individual holds are exceedingly high. In analyzing the differences among groups classified according to parameters of background, we have learned that men have higher level than women, public officials than farmers, christians than non-believers. A large number of persons have shown a strongly repulsive response to communism and north korea, whole most persons have shown a high positive response to unification and national security. There was, however, no consistency in responses among the groups divided according to educational background and economic standing. It is note worthy that the idea of anti-communism equally permeates in the natives and non-natives as inferred from the invisible differences as to the levels of understanding.

      • 세계화에 대비한 제주인의 정체성

        김항원 제주대학교 사범대학 2001 백록논총 Vol.3 No.1

        This study aims at examining the traditional identity of Jejuian and presenting desirable identity of Jejuian for globalization. I describe the meanings of globalization in chapter Ⅱ and globalization and localization in chapter Ⅲ. In chapter IV which deals with identities of Jejuian, I examine historical identity, ego identity, social cultural identity and identity exposing on consciousness. In chapter V , I discuss the consciousness of world citizen and Jejuian, positive and negative consciousness of Jejuian for globalization, and globalization and identity of Jejuian. There were positive and negative aspects in the identity of Jejuian for globalization. On the contrary, there were more negative identities. Because Jeju island had been isolated and closed, its identity was formed in such circumstances. So they were such shut consciousness, closureism, exclusionism, consciousness of inferiority, and personal connection as a barrier to globalization. We have to make our effort to change negative identities for globalization into open thinking, openness, clearness, rational thinking, and democratic consciousness. And we have to maintain and develop positive identities for globalization, such as ego identity, self-supporting and independence, the sense of community, strength and frugality, the sense of equality, and an enterprising spirit.

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