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      • 조선총독부박물관 전시에 대한 소고

        김인덕(Kim In duck) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2011 전남대학교 세계한상문화연구단 국제학술회의 Vol.2011 No.2

        1915년의 공진회는 만들어진 홍보공간이었다. 빛나는 조선 문화 보다는 열등한 조선 문화, 제국에 눌린 조선의 왕권, 일본자본주의를 학습하는 장소였다. 문제는 공진회의 전시가 기본적으로 역사성과 문화성이 결여되었고, 동시에 비교 전시를 통해 현실의 정치와 문화를 상대화시켰으며, 종국적으로 조선총독부의 효율성을 과시하는 공간이 되어 제국의 ‘목적’에 충실했다는 점이다. 공진회 때의 미술관인 석조 건물은 조선총독부박물관의 본관이 되었다. 개관한 조선총독부박물관 본관은 박물관 건물로 지어진 것은 아니었다. 기능적으로 미술관이었다. 조선총독부박물관의 1920년대 전시는 1923년의 내용을 우선 확인할 수 있다. 1923년 전시는 공진회 때의 미술관 1층의 전시 내용, 즉 중앙 홀의 경주 남산 약사불, 석굴암 부조 등과 동실의 고기물, 서실의 각종 미술품 등이 부분적으로만 확인된다. 본관 2층의 전시는 공진회 때의 2층 동실의 조선 회화 중심, 2층 서실의 현대 회화 중심의 전시에 변화가 있었다. 변화의 핵심은 본관 1층 동실에 낙랑, 대방 등에서 발굴된 유물이 전시되었다는 것과 수정전 등에 중국 신강성에서 수집하여 온 유물들이 전시되고 있는 사실 정도이다. 본격적인 조선총독부박물관 전시실의 구성 내용을 확인할 수 있는 시기는 1926년으로 보인다. 1926년의 전시는 큰 변화가 있다고 할 수 없지만 유물의 시대순 정리와 분류가 분명해졌다. 1930년대의 전시는 1933년과 1936년의 전시 내용을 통해 확인되는데, 1933년의 전시는 기본적으로 1920년대의 공간 구분의 큰 틀은 그대로 유지했으나, 진열장 내부의 전시 유물이 변했다. 특히 1936년 본관 상설 1층 전시는 진전된 연구가 보인다. 아울러 기초한 진열장과 전시 유물의 순서 변화도 보인다. 이상과 같이 조선총독부박물관의 전시를 볼 때는 공진회 미술관과 큰 차이가 없었다. 동선도 기본적으로 변화가 없어 건춘문을 지나 본관을 구경하고 사정전, 수정전, 경회루를 지나 탑들을 관람하고 박물관 사무실이 있던 자경전 앞을 지나 다시 본관으로 돌아가는 방식이었다. 1920년대와 1930년대 전시의 내용은 부분적으로 개편된 것은 사실이다. 특히 1층 중앙 홀의 진열장의 순서와 벽면을 이용하는 전시 방식의 개편은 확인하는데 어렵지 않다. 그리고 2층 회랑 전시의 경우도 독립장의 수치가 변화되었고, 제6실의 경우는 독립장의 사용방식을 바꾸어 내부에 가림판을 넣어서 활용하다가 통장의 형태로 전열장을 사용했다. 특히 1930년대로 가면 학술 조사의 진전과 연구 성과를 반영하여 고분 발굴품의 전시가 보다 정연해지는 모습도 보인다. 이러한 전시의 변화는 선수유물이 조선총독부박물관에 들어가면서 부득이 하게 진행되거나 아니면 조선총독부박물관의 전체 전시의 부분적인 개편 의도가 작용했던 것으로 보인다. 조선총독부박물관은 ‘역사적 진열법’에 의거하고 각 시대의 특질을 보여 주어 ‘문화 발달’의 단계를 인지하는데 편리한 ‘특수 진열법’을 병용하고 있었다. 실제로 조선총독부박물관은 식민통치를 위해 존재했기 때문에 이러한 논리는 전시 의도를 통해서도 그 내용을 파악하는 것이 어렵지 않다. Competitive exhibition in 1915 was formed promoting space where educate interior Chosun culture, oppressed Chosun dynasty, Japanese imperialism rather than excellent Chosun cutlture. The problem was that exhibition was lack of historical and cultural orientation. At the same time, throughout comparative exhibition, which relativizing actual politics and culture. Frequently, exhibition showed the efficiency of the Japanese government of general of Korea which was purpose of Japanese imperialism. Museum of art in 1915 competitive exhibition made of stone became main building for museum of Japanese government of general of Korea. Primary opened museum of Japanese government of general of Korea was not originally built for museum but technically art gallery. Museum of Japanese government of general of Korea’s exhibition in 1920s was begun from 1923 display. 1923 display involved 1<SUP>st</SUP>floor in museum of art in 1915 competitive exhibition which was Bhaisajyaguru in Namsan, Kyong-ju and carved part of Seokguram. Second floor of main building was displayed with east side of 1915 competitive exhibition paintings of Chosun, west side filled with modem paintings. The major transition was that east side of main building exhibited by relics from Nangnang, Daebang and artifacts from in Xinjiang, China. Earnest period when are able to figure the display of exhibition is 1926. This is the moment that they classified relics in periodic. Exhibitions in 1930s can be verified by 1933 and 1936’s exhibition. Basically, 1933 was kept 1920s’ space but relics been replaced. In particular, 1936s’ permanent exhibition of main building progressed with display case and formalities. With this, there were no especial changes between museum of Japanese government of general of Korea and museum art of competitive exhibition. Also, visitor’s movement was fundamentally same as before; starting from Kunchunmoon and see main building, followed by Sajungjun, Sujungjun, Gyeonghoeru pavilion with pagodas, back to main building in the end. It is true that they reorganized from 1920s. Particularly, orders of display case in main hall on first floor and using the surface of wall were clearly showed their reforming. In add, second floor exhibition differed with the numbers of individual cases. In the case of 6<SUP>th</SUP>room, they utilized whole case which was alternation from previous exhibition using splashback. As time went to 1930s, display of excavations from ancient tomb well-ordered in terms of researches, scientific investigation. These types of transition in exhibition indicate either inevitable effect of new relics or reforming intention of museum of Japanese government of general of Korea. Museum of Japanese government of general of Korea based on historical display principle and showed characters of each period so that using Special display principle jointly which was likely to understand cultural progression. Literally, museum of Japanese government of general of Korea was built for ruling colonies. In result, this logic clearly can be comprehended by intention of exhibition.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        해방 공간 재일조선인 어린이 잡지 『어린이통신(通信)』의 서술 경향 -주요 기사와 연재물을 중심으로-

        김인덕 ( Kim In-duck ) 한일민족문제학회 2018 한일민족문제연구 Vol.34 No.-

        1945年の解放とともに在日朝鮮人は在日本朝鮮人連盟(以下朝連)を組織した。この朝連の中央文化部は兒童用の雜誌である『オリニ通信』を創刊したが、1946年6月1日朝連第2回全國文化部長會議で發刊が決定され7月1日に發刊された。1卷1號から1卷8號まで隔月刊で1946年7月1日から1946年10月15日まで刊行された。 『オリニ通信』の執筆陣は基本的に初等敎材編纂委員であった。朝連の構成員であった。多少偏差がある記述をしたが基本的には朝連の立場が堅持されている。歷史學者、文學者をはじめ美術家、科學者などが共同作業を進めた。雜誌は表紙、卷頭言、歌樂譜、童謠、國內のニュ一ス、子供の文、論壇、歷史、科學、文學などの欄で構成された。 『オリニ通信』には主要連載物が載せられている。主に歷史、文學そして科學分野などに集中されていた。歷史關連の連載物では<韓國の自慢>コ一ナ一がある。ここでは「金弘道お爺さんの鬪犬圖(1-5)、「測雨器(1-6)」、「瞻星台(1-7)」、「玄武圖(1-8)」が確認される。そして林光澈の<昔の人タ>が5回に連載された。具體的には「兩足に立った猿(1-1)」、「木の代わりに石で(1-2)」、<昔の人>(1-3)、「農業の開始(1-4)」、「地震(1-7)」などが確認される。歷史學者の林光澈は人類の初期の歷史を道具の發明に視点を置いて農業の始まりまで說明した。そして地震の歷史を歷史的に記述している。 林光澈は連載物「子供春香傳(計7回)」に子供を對象に春香傳を脚色している。彼はここで朝鮮時代の兩班と平民の階級關係を事實的に見せてくれて主人公夢龍を通じて新しい人間型を語っている。兩班だけでなく平民と共に生きる新しい世界、理想社會を描いている。 『オリニ通信』は科學に對する2編の連載物が見える。任暎準の「細胞話」、「DDT話」と朴俊榮の「原子世界を求めて(總4回)」がそれである。「細胞話」は生物の基本單位を細胞という細胞はどんなものか、そして細胞の內容、細胞の增殖を繪で說明を始めた。そして「原子世界を求めて」は元素と化合物、「限界顯微鏡」、「不老草」、「分子と原子の關係」、「原子と太陽系」、「養液構造」、「中性子」などについて說明した。 このような連載物は各分野の專門家の文として社會意識、階級意識、專門性などに注目して敍述されている。 以上のように『オリニ通信』は總8號刊行された朝連の兒童對象の代表的な雜誌で朝連政治がそのまま反映された內容で執筆の構成員をみればより鮮明だと言える。 Since the liberation in 1945, Korea residents in Japan formulated ‘Korean federation in Japan(Choryeon)’. Department of culture in Choryeon published for children magazine-‘Children Report’ which was decided for publish in June 1<sup>st</sup> in 1946 and 1<sup>st</sup>publish issue printed in July1<sup>st</sup> in same year. The magazine was published in months from first issue to eighth issue(July1<sup>st</sup>-October15<sup>th</sup>in1946). Writers of Children Report were elementary school compilation committee who were member of Choryeon. Although writers wrote various points of views but mostly they noted stances of Choryeon. Not only historian but literary men, aritist, scientists co-wrote the magazine. Children report was composed of preface, cover, song, children’s song, news, forums and so on-which focused mainly on history, literature, and science. One of historical serial from Children Report was ‘Proud of Nation’; portrait of dogfight (1-5), Rain gauge (1-6), Observatory (1-7), Portrait of black tortoise, and ‘Old People’ by Lim Gwangchul. In detail of old people were two feet monkey (1-1), stone replaces wood (1-2), beginning of farm (1-4), and Earthquake (1-7). Lim Gwangchul, historian, described early age of history by invention of tool. He also explained history of earthquake. Lee Eunjik dramatized ‘Chunhyangjeon’ by point of children’s view. Lee described hierarchy of Chosun dynasty by Yangban(aristocrat) and Sangnom(plebeian) so that he explained new type of human creature. What he urged in certain story was that he imagined harmonized society between two different classes. Children Report shown two serials of science; ‘cell story’ and ‘DDT story’ by Lim Youngjoon, ‘Nuclear world’ by Park Joonyoung. The cell story explained fundamental unit of life is cell and its contents and cellular multiplication. ‘Nuclear world’ elucidated elements, compounds, elixir plant, the solar system and so on. These kinds of serials were depicted by many of experts who focused social, class consciousness, and professionality. Children Report was classic magazine for children which involved Choryeon’s political ideas.

      • KCI등재

        해방 공간 재일조선인 어린이 잡지 『어린이通信』의 서술 경향

        김인덕(Kim, In-Duck) 한일민족문제학회 2018 한일민족문제연구 Vol.34 No.-

        Since the liberation in 1945, Korea residents in Japan formulated ‘Korean federation in Japan(Choryeon)’. Department of culture in Choryeon published for children magazine-‘Children Report’ which was decided for publish in June 1st in 1946 and 1st publish issue printed in July1at in same year. The magazine was published in months from first issue to eighth issue(July 1st-October 15th in1946). Writers of Children Report were elementary school compilation committee who were member of Choryeon. Although writers wrote various points of views but mostly they noted stances of Choryeon. Not only historian but literary men, aritist, scientists co-wrote the magazine. Children report was composed of preface, cover, song, children’s song, news, forums and so on-which focused mainly on history, literature, and science. One of historical serial from Children Report was ‘Proud of Nation’; portrait of dogfight (1-5), Rain gauge (1-6), Observatory (1-7), Portrait of black tortoise, and ‘Old People’ by Lim Gwangchul. In detail of old people were two feet monkey (1-1), stone replaces wood (1-2), beginning of farm (1-4), and Earthquake (1-7). Lim Gwangchul, historian, described early age of history by invention of tool. He also explained history of earthquake. Lee Eunjik dramatized ‘Chunhyangjeon’ by point of children’s view. Lee described hierarchy of Chosun dynasty by Yangban(aristocrat) and Sangnom(plebeian) so that he explained new type of human creature. What he urged in certain story was that he imagined harmonized society between two different classes. Children Report shown two serials of science; ‘cell story’ and ‘DDT story’ by Lim Youngjoon, ‘Nuclear world’ by Park Joonyoung. The cell story explained fundamental unit of life is cell and its contents and cellular multiplication. ‘Nuclear world’ elucidated elements, compounds, elixir plant, the solar system and so on. These kinds of serials were depicted by many of experts who focused social, class consciousness, and professionality. Children Report was classic magazine for children which involved Choryeon’s political ideas. 1945年の解放とともに在日朝鮮人は在日本朝鮮人連盟(以下朝連)を組織し た。この朝連の中央文化部は児童用の雑誌であるꡔオリニ通信ꡕを創刊した が、1946年6月1日朝連第2回全国文化部長会議で発刊が決定され7月1日に 発刊された。1卷1号から1卷8号まで隔月刊で1946年7月1日から1946年10月15 日まで刊行された。 ꡔオリニ通信ꡕの執筆陣は基本的に初等教材編纂委員であった。朝連の構 成員であった。多少偏差がある記述をしたが基本的には朝連の立場が堅持さ れている。歴史学者、文学者をはじめ美術家、科学者などが共同作業を進め た。雑誌は表紙、卷頭言、歌楽譜、童謡、国内のニュース、子供の文、 論壇、歴史、科学、文学などの欄で構成された。 ꡔオリニ通信ꡕには主要連載物が載せられている。主に歴史、文学そして科 学分野などに集中されていた。歴史関連の連載物では<韓国の自慢>コーナー がある。ここでは「金弘道お爺さんの闘犬図(1-5)、「測雨器(1-6)」、「瞻星台 (1-7)」、「玄武図(1-8)」が確認される。そして林光澈の<昔の人々>が5回に連 載された。具体的には「両足に立った猿(1-1)」、「木の代わりに石で(1-2)」、 <昔の人>(1-3)、「農業の開始(1-4)」、「地震(1-7)」などが確認される。歴史学 者の林光澈は人類の初期の歴史を道具の発明に視点を置いて農業の始まりま で説明した。そして地震の歴史を歴史的に記述している。 林光澈は連載物「子供春香伝(計7回)」に子供を対象に春香伝を脚色してい る。彼はここで朝鮮時代の両班と平民の階級関係を事実的に見せてくれて主 人公夢竜を通じて新しい人間型を語っている。両班だけでなく平民と共に生きる 新しい世界、理想社会を描いている。 ꡔオリニ通信ꡕは科学に対する2編の連載物が見える。任暎準の「細胞話」、 「DDT話」と朴俊榮の「原子世界を求めて(総4回)」がそれである。「細胞話」は 生物の基本単位を細胞という細胞はどんなものか、そして細胞の内容、細胞の 増殖を絵で説明を始めた。そして「原子世界を求めて」は元素と化合物、「限 界顕微鏡」、「不老草」、「分子と原子の関係」、「原子と太陽系」、「養液構 造」、「中性子」などについて説明した。 このような連載物は各分野の専門家の文として社会意識、階級意識、専門 性などに注目して叙述されている。 以上のようにꡔオリニ通信ꡕは総8号刊行された朝連の児童対象の代表的な雑 誌で朝連政治がそのまま反映された内容で執筆の構成員をみればより鮮明だと 言える。

      • KCI등재

        해방 공간 박열 사상에 대한 소고

        김인덕(Kim, In-duck) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2017 디아스포라 연구 Vol.11 No.1

        해방 공간 박열의 사상을 『신조선혁명론』을 통해 살펴보았다. 해방 공간 여러 혁명가들은 자신의 입론을 여러 가지 형태의 문자화된 내용을 통해 천명했다. 이런 가운데 박열의 사상은 민족 중심의 독립국가에 주목하고 있는 특징적인 내용을 보이고 있다. 박열의 해방 공간 사상은 민족주의에 기초한 사상입국론, 국가건설론, 청년·생활운동론으로 정리할 수 있다. 이른바 사상입국론, 국가건설론, 청년․생활운동론은 민족주의에 기반 하면서 현실에서는 관념적인 통일전선론과 청년 지상주의적인 모습을 보이고 있다. 특히 미․소에 대한 의존적 표현은 통일전선을 얘기하는 그의 제한성을 확인하게 하는 부분이기도 하다. 물론 이런 모습은 현실적인 고민을 보여주는 대목이라고도 할 수 있다. 이 가운데 박열의 청년의 역할을 강조하는 모습은 민족의 지도자로서, 활동가로서 청년의 중요성을 잘 알고 있기 때문에 나온 귀결이었다. 그는 구국은 청년이 있어 가능하다고 했다. 박열은 강렬한 청년지상주의를 피력하여 신념 있는, 지조 있는 그리고 행동하는 청년상을 그리고 있다. 그리고 문화 향상 운동의 중심은 청년으로 이들 청년의 중요성을 인정해야 한다는 것이다. 박열은 일본이 정의의 나라가 될 수 없고, 폭력으로 망할 것이라는 생각을 초지일관 견지했다. 이것이 박열 사상의 또 다른 핵심이다. 이런 그의 대일관은 해방 공간의 신국가건설론에 녹아 있고, 구체적으로는 건국의 방향잡기와 청년운동론을 통해 전개되고 있다고 할 수 있다. 본질적으로 해방 공간 박열 사상은 민족독립 국가 수립을 우선하고 있어 구국의 사상으로 정리할 수 있다. 그는 조선의 종국적 목표를 완전한 독립에 두었다. 이를 위해 박열은 ‘조국 전선’에 대한 양분된 실력을 하나로 통일시키는 것이 그 출발점이라고 했다. 이런 그의 사상은 제3의 세계질서로 이어졌다. 박열은 해방 공간 통일국가로서 독립을 희구하는 시점에서 분열을 통일로 이끌지 못하면 민족의 진로는 고난 그 자체라고 생각했다. 그리고 결론은 분열이 원인이 되어 민족과 조국의 독립이 상실된다는 것이었다. 이상과 같이 박열이 생각한 국가는 종국적으로 민족국가로 사상 보다 더 중요한 것이 완전한 독립 국가였다고 보인다. 이런 그의 생각은 해방공간 정국의 변화를 지켜보면서 형성되었고, 그 원형은 반일의식과 무종교주의, 무정부주의적 입장에서 출발했다. 그러나 그가 생각한 국가의 상은 현실과는 일정한 거리가 있었던 것도 부정할 수 없다. 박열은 국내와 일본 내 재일조선인 사회의 현실 정치에서 시간이 지날수록 멀어졌던 것은 사실이다. By 『New Chosun revolutionism』, Park Yeol’s idea could be examined during space of liberation. During the space, many of revolutionaries clarified their own theories by literation. Meanwhile, Park’s idea was mainly focused on independent nation which was in ethnic. Park Yeol’s thought during the space could be categorized by theory from nationalism, theory of nation-construction, and theory of youth movement. What Park shown to the world was characteristic because theory from nationalism, theory of nation-construction, and theory of youth movement all was based on nationalism. In a real world, his idea of a legitimate proletariat political party and youth supremacist were shown. Especially, his dependent expression on United States & Soviet Union clearly shown his limitation on the unified front. Of course that it was his real-life agony. Park Yeol’s emphasis on role of youth was consequence as the national leader and activist. He strongly believed that national salvation could had been possible because of the youth. Park Yeol’s idea presented images of youth who of conviction and honorable. Also, he argued that people had to acknowledge importance of youth because the youth was core for the improving cultural movement. Park Yeol sticked to the idea that Japan could not be the righteousness and Japan would have failed by violences. This is another key point of Park’s idea. This kind of view toward with Japan slightly was pervaded in theory of the constructing new nation. In detail, this idea was developed an theory by direction of founding a country and theory of youth movement. Essentially, Park’s idea during space of liberation took precedence to selfreliant nation state which could be explained as idea of national salvation. He believed that permanent goal of Chosun should be full independence. To achieve this, Park Yeol argued that unifying splited nation front lines was the point of departure. His idea extended to the third world order. At the moment of desiring indepences as unified nation during space of liberation, Park claimed that if split could not be unified, national treatment would suffer a lot. Eventually, he believed that independence of nation and country could be lost in terms of split. As stated above, the country Park Yeol believed ultimately was full independent nation where was more significant than ideology. The idea was built while he had gone through political situation during space of liberation which all started from anti-Japanese, irreligion, and anarchism. However, his ideal nation was bit far from reality. It was true that Park Yeol had been estranged from real politics in domestic & society of Korean residences in Japan as time went.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일제시대 여수지역 강제연행에 대한 고찰

        김인덕(Kim In-Duck) 부산경남사학회 2008 역사와 경계 Vol.67 No.-

        The following contents are the researching comparison of compulsive haul in Yeosu (where is the small city placed in Chunra-do)and other compulsive haul in Korea. First of all, in a view of period, method, and object, Yeosu compulsive haul had been converged in 1943 and 1944. The period of Yeosu citizen being pulled along by force as a soldier was from 1938 till 1945. Also, civilians attached to the military was in 1942 for two years. Secondly, the way of mobilized shape of Yeosu compulsive haul was quite various lieu of family member, while on board shipping craft, and with neighborhoods. Regions of Yeosu citizen’s mobilization were domestic, Japan, Philippine, and Manchuria. There was also people who trained for a year before they sent to other region. On the middle of them, Yeosu citizen who were resided in Japan were included, returnee in alive but most of all were killed in battle. Third, seeing the hauled place, people who were in Yeosu had trailed to all the area in Japan and even Pacific Ocean. In particular, Hokkaido, Osaka, Kyushu, South Sea islands were the main regions for compulsive haul. A noticeable thing was that people who were from Yeosu normally undertaken in a fleet in terms of their experiences near coast. For these sorts of compulsive haul in Yeosu was similar to Changnyung-Gun and Nonsan-Gun. First, there is a analogous to period, types of people, and region. Second, most of people hauled worked on agriculture. In a different way, Yeosu compulsive haul was the passage of Japanese imperialism for railroad and passengership. Second, the remaining military installations could be inferred as a point of strategic importance.

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