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        천식환자 발생의 생태학적 요인 분석 -국민건강보험공단 자료를 중심으로-

        김문년,이원기,박재용,Kim, Mun Nyeon,Lee, Won Kee,Park, Jae Yong 한국데이터정보과학회 2013 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구는 우리나라 지역별 특성요인이 천식환자 발생에 미치는 영향 요인을 알아보았다. 연구대상은 2010년도 건강보험환자 중 천식 (J45~J46)으로 확진된 2,266,451명을 대상으로 하였다. 기초자치단체별로 천식환자 발생 차이를 비교한 후 위계적 회귀분석을 통하여 각 인자들이 천식환자 발생에 미치는 영향력을 분석하였다. 위계적 회귀분석 결과, 전체 천식환자 발생은 영유아 비율, $SO_2$, 기온차, 분지인 지형, 댐 지역에서 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 영유아 천식환자 발생은 주관적 건강수준 인지율, $SO_2$, 분지인 지형, 댐 지역에서 유의한 차이가 있었고, 노인 천식환자 발생의 경우는 영유아 비율, $NO_2$, 기온차, 해안지역에서 유의한 차이가 있었다. 지역별 다양한 특성요인이 상호 복합적으로 작용하여 천식을 유발하거나 악화시켜 천식환자 발생에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 취약계층인 영유아 및 노인은 천식 유해환경으로 부터 보호되고 예방될 수 있는 지역별 맞춤형 환경보건대책이 마련되어야 할 것이다. This study figured out the influential factors of region-based characteristic factors in our country upon asthmatic occurrence. Research subjects were 2,266,451 people who were confirmed the diagnosis of asthma (J45~J46) among patients in national health insurance for the year in 2010. The influence in each of factors upon the asthmatic occurrence was analyzed through hierarchical regression after comparing difference in asthmatic occurrence by basic local government. As a result of hierarchical regression, the whole asthmatic occurrence had significant difference in infants ratio, $SO_2$,Temperature, basin and dam area. The asthmatic occurrence had significant difference in subjective awareness of health level, $SO_2$, basin and dam area. A case of asthmatic occurrence had significant difference in infants ratio, temperature, $NO_2$ and coastal area. Diverse characteristic factors by region were indicated to have influence upon the asthmatic occurrence by causing or weakening asthma through mutually complex action. Accordingly, a region-based customized environmental health measure will need to be arranged that infants and elderly people, who are vulnerable classes, can be protected and prevented from harmful environment of asthma.

      • KCI등재

        대마 생물산업의 현황과 전망

        손호용(Ho-Yong Sohn),김문년(Mun-Nyeon Kim),김영민(Young-Min, Kim) 한국생명과학회 2021 생명과학회지 Vol.31 No.7

        대마(Cannabis sativa L.)는 삼과에 속하는 1년생 초본식물로, 바람에 의해 수정되는 풍매화이면서 자웅이주식물이다. 대마는 중독성 마리화나와 비중독성 헴프로 구분 가능하다. 대마는 인류 역사와 가장 밀접한 관련성을 가진 식물 중 하나로, 과거로부터 다양한 부위를 식용, 약용, 화장품, 섬유, 생활용품 등으로 이용하여 왔다. 그러나 대마꽃, 잎, 종실 등에 포함된 중독, 환각 성분으로 인해, 국내에서는 1977년 1월부터 시행한 [대마관리법]에 의거하여, 대마 줄기를 이용한 섬유산업 이외에는 실질적인 연구 및 산업화가 진행되지 못하였다. 최근 대마로부터 400여종의 cannabinoids 물질, terpene 및 필수지방산 등이 확인되고, 이들의 신경세포 보호, 항염증, 항혈전, 항균, 통증완화 및 뇌전증 치료 등의 유용 생리활성이 알려지고, 테트라히드로칸나비놀(tetrahydrocannabinol)로 대표되는 환각 중독성 물질의 제거 및 저감화, 비환각성 물질의 분석, 정제 기술이 빠르게 보고되면서 2018년 12월 국내 의료용 대마의 합법화 및 2020년 12월 UN 마약위원회의 대마와 대마수지의 마약목록 삭제가 확정되었다. 따라서 국내외에서 대마의 다양한 부위를 이용한 고부가가치 식품, 화장품, 의약품 개발이 시작되고 있다. 본 보에서는 국내 2021년 헴프 기반의 바이오산업 규제자유특구 지정과 함께, 국내 대마생물산업의 현황과 대마산업 활성화를 위한 필수기술, 향후 전망을 제시하여 국내 대마 생물산업의 발전방안을 제시하고자 하였다. Cannabis sativa L. belongs to the Cannabaceae family and is an annual herbaceous flowing plant. The plants can be classified into narcotic marijuana and nonnarcotic hemp. Different parts of C. sativa L. have been used as food, medicine, cosmetics, fiber and textile. However, the use of leaf, flower, and seed of C. sativa L was forbidden in Korea in January 1977 as a result of the Cannabis Control Act due to the narcotic properties. The plant’s mature stems have limited uses for the production of fiber and sheets. Recently, various cannabinoids, terpenes and essential fatty acids were identified from C. sativa L., and their safety and useful bio-activities, such as neuroprotective, anti-inflammation, antithrombosis, antiepileptic, and antimicrobial activities, and the relief of pain, have been highlighted. Furthermore, the process of reduction of tetrahydrocannabinol, a representative narcotic compound, and the isolation of cannabidiol, a nonnarcotic active compound in C. sativa L., have been determined. These findings resulted in the legalization of C. sativa L. in Korea for medical use in December 2018 and the exclusion of C. sativa L. from the narcotic list of the UN Commission on Narcotics Drugs (UNCND) in December 2020. Therefore, developments of various high-value added products have commenced worldwide. Additionally, in 2021, the Korean government deregulated special zones based on hemp. In this study, the current status and the prospect of the hemp industry, as well as essential techniques for developing new hemp products, are provided for the activation of the Korea Green-Rush.

      • KCI등재

        댐 周邊 地域住民의 罹患樣相 및 態度

        김문년,박재용,한창현 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of disease among people living near the Dam and in a group residing in another area. Residents of Ye-an Meon in Andong City within 2km near the Dam(782 people of the 343 households in 10 villages) and of Soon-heong Meon in Yong-ju City without a Dam(778 people of the 306 households in 6 villages) participated in a questionnaire from November 15 to December 24, 2000. The results of this study are summarized follows. The morbidity rate of acute diseases for all members of the household during a month was 57.3 per 100 persons of population for the group living near the Dam. It was higher than 44.9% for the group residing in another area (p<0.01). In the morbidity rate of acute diseases for one month, both areas were mostly respiratory diseases. It was 50.8% for the group living near the Dam and was higher significantly than 37.7% for the group residing in another area(p<0.01). The morbidity rate of chronic diseases during the period of one year was 37.2% in near the Dam per 100 persons of population, while it was 44.6% for the group residing in another area. It was all the more lower in near the Dam. But after dividing into the kind of morbidity, when the morbidity rate was compared near the Dam with another area, the muscular skeletal diseases was 18.3 : 17.2, while the respiratory diseases was 5.1 : 1.9. It was much higher in the people living near the Dam. Among the respondents, the rate that the Dam had an effect on their health was 98.8% in near the Dam. It was higher than 67.3% for the group residing in another area. reports of respiratory problems such as cough, sputum, etc and arthritis were also higher significantly in near the Dam than in another area(p<0.01). In the kind of diseases were caused by the Dam, 94.5% of the respondents was the respiratory diseases in near the Dam, whereas 63.1% in another area. It showed a great difference. Among the respondents residing near the Dam. 91.0% said that they often caught a cold, 80.8% said that they were a lot under stress, 69.4% said that their health became serious, and 47.2% said that they really fell ill. In consideration of above findings, such diseases of the respiratory diseases, the muscular skeletal diseases, the skin diseases, and the mental diseases, etc. for the respondents must be cared for after raising the priority order of health project.

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