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      • KCI등재

        일본의 신자유주의 개혁과 양적완화

        국민호 한일경상학회 2021 韓日經商論集 Vol.92 No.-

        Purpose: This article examines how the Japanese government’s neoliberal reforms have changed before and after the 2008 U.S.-originated financial crisis. It compares the results of the Koizmi’s neoliberal reform and quantitative easing of Abenomics. Research design, data, and methodology: It compares the achievements of the two Japanese government’s neoliberal reforms in the 21st century, especially the Koizumi’s neoliberal reform before the 2008 financial crisis and Abenomics, which promoted a stronger market-friendly policy through quantitative easing after the 2008 financial crisis. To prove the results, I used data and informations from published books, articles, and internet. Results: The analysis shows that there is no significant difference between Koizumi’s neoliberal policies through balanced budgets and Abe’s neoliberal policies that have been quantitatively perfected. Japan’s economic growth was more influenced by external economic conditions such as the U.S.-led financial crisis or China’s economic growth than by the reforms of Koizumi and Abe. The more important factors that sustain Japan’s economic recession are the internal factors such as depopulation due to the low production & aging and the ever-increasing national debt. Implications: The more important factor to escape from the long-standing economic recession in Japan is not the neoliberal economic policies but to stopping the tendency to depopulation. Also another important factor for the recovery of the Japanese economy is to lowering the huge national debt. Population losses and a large national debt are two main factors of Japan’s economic woes.

      • KCI등재

        유럽의 반 난민정서 강화와 영국 비호신청자의 참상

        국민호,양연희 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2019 디아스포라 연구 Vol.13 No.1

        After the surge of Syrian refugees in Europe the anti-refugee sentiment erupted in Europe. The terror in Paris in 2015 has changed the Syrian refugee matter from a threat of terror to a national security problem. As politicians and media began to respond seriously to the anti-refugee sentiment the Syrian refugee matter has become an important political problem. It influenced greatly to the election of Brexit in 2017. Actually each European country had its own refugee policy. But right after the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997 the refugee policy of each EU countries was entrusted to the executive committee of the EU. Since then every EU country has to follow the decision of EU in the matter of refugee treatment. For England, it had a very negative view on the refugee inflow in England, especially to the Syrian refugees. It sorted out immigrants from refugees right after the establishment of CEAS(Common European Asylum system). Usually Englishmen have a universal thought that they do not have to accept refugees who left their country only with the reason of oppression and conflict. They classified the Syrian asylum seekers in England as immigrants rather than refugees, and enforced a strict and complicated refugee inspection. The refugee inspection in England was progressed very slowly. In many cases it takes months and years to take the refugee inspection. Even after the asylum seeker passed the inspection, it takes several months for the asylum seeker to get the notice. The long duration of the inspection process has worked as a control system for the refugees to be obedient and passive. The life of the rejected refugees has become a hell right after the rejection. The British government withdrew all the favors that had been given to the asylum seeker, and prohibited to have any kind of legal jobs. They have to survive without any help from the law and society. They have to live illegally with poverty. Usually they live without any hope for the future. They just kill time uselessly only waiting for the date of re-inspection. The purpose for this harsh refugee policy of the British government was to make them to leave the country voluntarily. This is the miserable situation of the Syrian asylum seekers in England under the strict refugee policy of the British government. 난민 수용 문제는 원래 개별 국가의 관할 사항이었으나 1997년 체결된 암스테르담 조약을 기점으로 초국가적인 EU 집행기구로 이행되었다. 이후 개별 EU 회원국들은 난민문제를 처리하는데 있어서 EU 집행부의 결정에 따라야만 하였다. 영국은 기본적으로 핍박과 갈등을 이유로 모국을 탈출한 외국인들을 영국이 받아들일 의무는 없다는 태도를 보여 왔다. 따라서 영국은 협약난민에 대해서는 국제법에 따른 의무를 준수하지만 영국에 들어와서 비호를 신청하는 비호신청자들에 대해서는 난민이 아닌 이민으로 분류하고 이들에 대한 엄격한 난민심사를 실시하였다. 이에 비호신청자들은 불이익을 당하지 않기 위해 참고 기다릴 수밖에 없었다. 이러한 심사과정은 비호신청자들의 순종을 요구하는 통제수단이 되었다. 한편, 기각된 비호신청자는 불법이민자가 되어 언제 추방당할지 모르는 불안한 상태에서 일정한 직업과 거주지도 없이 모든 사회적 보호에서 배제된 채 주변인으로서 불법과 빈곤 하에서 생활하고 있다. 구류된 불법이민자들의 삶은 더욱 열악하다. 영국 정부의 난민정책은 이들을 더욱 빈곤하게 만들어 자발적으로 그들의 나라로 돌아가거나 아니면 영국을 떠나게 만드는 것이었다. 그러나 대부분의 기각된 비호신청자들은 돌아가고 싶어도 돌아갈 고국이 없다. 이것이 영국의 엄격한 난민 정책 하에서 비호신청자들이나 기각된 비호신청자들이 겪는 참담한 현실이다.

      • KCI등재

        중국거주 탈북자 난민인정 문제와 한국의 난민정책

        국민호 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2017 디아스포라 연구 Vol.11 No.2

        China has never been a generous country to the refugee recognition problem. Nevertheless most NGOs or researchers studying refugees criticize the China’s repatriation policy of the North Korean defectors in China and ask the Chinese government to recognize refugee status of the North Korean defectors. However, in reality, the recognition of refugee status of the North Korean defectors in China is almost impossible to be realized. China has never agreed with the idea of recognizing the North Korean defector as refugees because the Chinese government treats the North Korean defector problem not as a human rights problem but as a national security problem. Thus, when the defectors are arrested they are repatriated to North Korea immediately. Also, the Korean government, pursuing a silent diplomacy in relationship with China, does not want to raise the human rights problem about the North Korean defectors publicly. Furthermore, the South Korean government itself has been very passive in the refugee recognition problem inside South Korea. The rate of refugee recognition of South Korea is very low in comparison to the average of the OECD countries. Only when South Korea begins to see the refugee problem in the universal view and becomes more active in solving the refugee recognition problem, the Korean government could ask more openly the Chinese government to discuss and find solutions on the human rights and refugee recognition problem of the North Korean defectors in China. 중국은 난민문제에 대해 결코 관대한 나라가 아니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 대부분의NGO 기구나 난민 연구 학자들은 당위론적 차원에서 중국의 탈북자 송환 정책을 비판하며 하루빨리 중국 정부가 탈북자들에게 난민지위를 인정해줄 것을 주장하고 있다. 그러나 중국에 거주하는 탈북자들의 난민지위 인정은 현실적으로 실현이 어렵다. 중국은 탈북자 문제를 인권문제로 접근하기 보다는 국가 안보 문제로 접근하고있기 때문에 탈북자 난민 자체를 인정하지 않고 있으며, 탈북자가 체포되면 즉각적으로 북으로 송환된다. 또한 조용한 외교를 지향하는 한국 정부도 중국과의 관계를고려하여 공개적으로 탈북자 인권문제를 제기하려 하지 않고 있다. 나아가 한국 정부 자체가 국내 난민인정에 매우 소극적인 자세를 보이고 있고 한국에서의 난민인정율은 OECD 평균에 비해 매우 낮다. 이 글은 국제법에 입각한 원칙적인 난민인정의시각에서 중국거주 탈북자 문제를 바라보며 대책 없는 해결을 기대하기보다는 보다현실적인 해결 방법이 무엇일까 하는 고민에서 쓰여졌다. 아울러 한국 정부가 중국에 대해 탈북자 인권문제 및 난민인정 문제를 더욱 떳떳이 요구하기 위해서는 한국이 먼저 난민문제를 보편적인 인권적 시각에서 바라보고 국내 난민인정 문제에 보다적극적으로 임할 필요성이 제기된다.

      • KCI등재

        홍콩 복지국가의 발전과 복지유형에 대한 연구

        국민호 동양사회사상학회 2013 사회사상과 문화 Vol.27 No.-

        Hong Kong welfare policy can be summarized as the absolute minimum expenditure and minimum government’s intervention. The social welfare provision of Hong Kong in the early 1970s did not consider as a means of distribution of wealth and civil rights and social rights were not the targets to be considered. Hong Kong government was basically negative to the expansion of public welfare expenditure and tried not to intervene so long as the social conditions did not threat the political and economic safety. The long-standing “positive non-interventionism” decided the future of Hong Kong’s welfare. The most critical problem of Hong Kong welfare state is that Hong Kong government can not increase tax burden of the people to cope with the increase of the number of welfare beneficiaries. Traditionally the financial expansion of social services of Hong Kong was restricted by the principle of low tax. The basic law of Hong Kong clarified to keep the low tax policy originating from the colonial period. Following the clarification all the Hong Kong governments are royal to the principle of minimum public expenditure. The expansion of welfare expenditure was possible only when the economy expanded. The tradition of conservative fiscal policy has continued to be the basic fiscal law even after the transfer of Hong Kong to China in 1997. Together with the non-existence of the true class party and the powerful labor union the non-interference politics of the Hong Kong welfare state developed into a residual welfare state only to support the extreme poor or the social dropouts. These facts make it hard to evaulate Hong Kong welfare state as one of the three types of welfare regime of Esping-Anderson. Also it is different from those of the other East Asian welfare states to name them as “a fourth” welfare regime. 홍콩의 사회복지제도는 절대적인 최소 지출과 최소한의 정부 간섭으로 요약될 수 있다. 1970년대 초까지 홍콩의 사회복지 규정은 부의 재분배 수단으로 간주되지 않았으며, 시민권이나 사회적 권리는 전혀 고려의 대상이 아니었다. 홍콩 정부는 근본적으로 정부의 복지 지출 확대에 대해 부정적이었으며 사회적 조건이 정치 경제적 안정에 위협이 되지 않는 한 간섭하려 하지 않았다. 이러한 오랜 전통의 “긍정적 불간섭주의”가 홍콩의 복지체제를 결정지었다. 홍콩 복지국가의 가장 큰 현실적인 문제는 홍콩 정부가 실업 수당 수혜자들의 증가에 대응하기 위해 세금을 늘릴 수 없다는 것이었다. 홍콩의 사회복지 확장은 전통적으로 낮은 세금 원칙에 의해 재정적 제약을 받아 왔다. 식민지 시대부터 추구되어온 홍콩의 기본법은 모든 홍콩 정부가 낮은 세금 정책을 유지하도록 명시하였다. 이에 따라 홍콩 정부는 최소 공공부문 지출 원리에 충실했다. 따라서 홍콩의 사회복지 확산은 경제성장에 따라야 하고 어떤 형태의 사회복지 지출이든 낮은 세금과 경제 침체기의 임금 감소에 의해 제약받았다. 이러한 전통의 보수적 재정 정책은 1997년 홍콩의 중국 이양 이후에도 기본법으로 지켜졌다. 진정한 계급 정당과 강력한 노조가 없는 가운데 자유방임주의 정치를 실시한 홍콩 복지국가는 저소득층까지 복지가 확대되기 보다는 극빈자나 사회적 낙오자들을 중점적으로 지원하는 잔여적 복지로 발전하였다. 홍콩 복지국가는 역사적으로 에스핑 앤더슨이 서구 복지국가 유형 분석에서 사용한 의회민주주의적 계급 동원이나 계급정치 연합이 부재하였고 따라서 계층화나 탈 가족주의적 속성으로 분석할 수 없기 때문에 에스핑 앤더슨이 제시한 세 가지 복지유형 중 어느 것에도 속하지 않는 독자적인 복지국가 유형으로 볼 수 있다. 그러나 홍콩의 경험은 다른 동아시아 국가들과도 달라 이를 동아시아 국가들만의 독특한 “제4의” 복지유형인 “발전주의 복지유형”으로도 볼 수도 없다.

      • ' 80 년대 부실기업 정리과정을 통해 본 국가와 대기업과의 관계

        국민호 전남대학교 사회과학연구소 1990 현대사회과학연구 Vol.1 No.1

        Up to early '80s, South Korea has developed as a mature capitalist society, and has enjoyed a leading role among the NICs. But the sudden worldwide region in the '80s made Korea to have another strong state intervention in the economic activities against the liberal tradition of free market economy. It was a state-led liquidation of the insolvant companies. This paper focused on the relationship between the state and large private companies in the process of liquidating insolvant companies. We can adapt various theories to this subject. But, because we deal with the role of the state in the development of private companies, I limit the theoretical discussion to the state theories. Among the various state theories, I prefer the state expenditure theory which seems to be most powerful in explaining the relationship between the state and fare private companies. Data for this study mainly came from the government publications and daily newspapers. Some monthly magazines and statistical year books helped this study by providing additional data sources. According to our findings, the state-led liquidation policy was totally designed and performed by the government and the ruling party without so much consideration of the public opinion. The main direction of the liquidation policy was to survive the insolvant companies by providing huge financial assistance from the city banks which were controlled by the state. Here, the Korean state did not work merely as an instrument for the capitalist class. Rather, it is considered as an independent power structure (or free from class interests) working for the principle of capital in the capitalist society. By liquidating the insolvant companies, the Korean state could have strengthen the principle of capital. It provided economic safety for the further development of capitalist system. But, in the process, the main victim were the ruled masses and the main beneficiary were chaebol as company owners.

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