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      • KCI등재

        Who Dun It to the Country? Crime, Investigation, and 9/11 in No Country for Old Men

        Yaeri Kim 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.108

        This article examines McCarthy's use of the genre of crime novel, especially its element of crime investigation process, in No Country for Old Men in the context of the aftermath of the 9/11 attack. Despite the facts that No Country for Old Men is marketed and commonly perceived as a crime fiction and that the plot and the style of the novel are indicative of the genre, literary critics have been reluctant to read this novel as a crime fiction. However, the elements of crime and investigation are central to the novel's debunking of the mythologized images of the past and revelation of the history that has culminated to the present state of the United States. Through the plot of an expanding spiral of violent crimes and the process of investigation, McCarthy reveals the violent history of the U.S. and dismantles the idealized myth of Old West that covers it.

      • KCI등재

        Reconfiguring Bodies, Maps, and Geography in Catherynne M. Valente’s Palimpsest

        Yaeri Kim(김예리) 한국비평이론학회 2017 비평과이론 Vol.22 No.3

        이 논문은 캐서린 M. 발렌티의 판타지 소설 「팔림세스트」 를 들뢰즈와 가타리가 천개의 고원 에서 제시한 리좀적 지도의 문학적 예시로서 분석하고 있다. 판타지 문학은 전통적으로 전형적이고 관습적이라고 비판받아 왔으며, 지도의 사용은 주로 이러한 경향을 답습하거나 악화하는 효과를 가져왔다. 그러나 그 중에는 판타지 장르의 특권인 극단적 상상력을 통해 현실과 전혀 다른 세계와 인물을 만들어 냄으로써 지배적 세계관에 도전하거나 이를 전복시키는 작품들도 존재하는데, 「팔림세스트」도 그 중 하나이다. 이 논문을 들뢰즈와 가타리가 제안한 지도의 개념과 엘리자베스 그로스의 몸-도시 이론을 적용하여 어떻게 발렌티가 지도와 지리를 새 로이 상상하고 이를 통해 몸과 도시의 대안적 관계를 제시하는지 분석한다. 지도와 지형에 대한 전복적인 재구성을 통해 자아와 타자, 그리고 몸과 환경 사이의 경계가 모호한 세계를 만들어 냄으로써, 발렌티는 판타지 장르의 관습뿐 아니라 지배적인 지형학적 상랑력에도 이의를 제기하고 있다. This article analyzes Catherynne M. Valente’s fantasy novel Palimpsest as a literary example of the rhizomatic mapping conceptualized by Deleuze and Guattari in A Thousand Plateaus. While fantasy literature has been long criticized for being formulaic and conformist, the quality which extends to and often is reinforced by its use of maps, there have been works that subvert and challenge the hegemonic perceptions of the world. Many of them, including Palimpsest, utilizes the radically imagined fictional world and characters that are prerogative of the genre. Utilizing Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of the map and the becoming and Elizabeth Grosz’s theory of body-city, this article examines how Valente uses cartographical and geographical imaginations to envision an alternative relationship between the body and space. It argues that, by subversive reimagining of the map and the landscape, Valente creates an imaginary world where the boundaries between the self and the other and between the body and the environment are blurred and thereby challenges the conventions of the hegemonic geographic imagination as well as those of fantasy literature.

      • KCI등재

        In Defense of the Cyborg Woman: Reappraising Anne McCaffrey`s The Ship Who Sang

        ( Yaeri Kim ) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2017 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.25 No.1

        Due to the mutually reinforcing link between technology and the masculinist ideology, feminist theories have maintained a fraught relationship to technology. This tendency is mirrored by women`s science fiction, which has a long and rich tradition of dystopian critique yet suffers from a dearth of positive imaginings of women`s relationship to technology and occasionally verges on uncritical technophobia. Drawing attention to the need to envision an alternative relationship between women and technology, this article revisits the concept of cyborg proposed in Donna Haraway`s “A Cyborg Manifesto” and examines Anne McCaffrey`s The Ship Who Sang as a flawed yet meaningful attempt at a cyborg identity and a positive relationship between women and technology. It argues that the traditional femininity of the cyborg protagonist and the conventional plot centering her romantic quest of the novel function to subvert the norms of gender, technology, and their relationship.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Experienced and Inexperienced Consumers' Utilisation of Extrinsic Cues in Product Evaluation: Evidence from the Korean Fine Arts Market

        Kim, Yoonjeun,Park, Kiwan,Kim, Yaeri,Chung, Youngmok Korean Marketing Association 2015 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.17 No.3

        This study compares experienced and inexperienced consumers' patterns in cue utilisation in product evaluations in the arts market. Borrowing the notion of high- and low-scope cues introduced by the cue-diagnosticity framework, we differentiate between the two most readily discernible extrinsic cues in the fine arts market - an art gallery's brand reputation (a high-scope cue) and certificates of authenticity (a low-scope cue). These two cues are different in nature; the former is more abstract, intangible, and rich in content, so is more difficult to interpret than the latter. Given the differences in experienced and inexperienced consumers' information processing styles, we hypothesise that experienced arts consumers form perceived credibility of and purchase intentions towards artworks based on high-scope cues, whereas inexperienced consumers do so based on low-scope cues. To test our hypothesis, we conducted a consumer intercept study at Korea's two most representative art fairs. The survey participants were categorised into either experienced or inexperienced consumers based on their prior purchase experience, and their responses to a set of attribute combinations about two artworks created by the same artist were collected. The results indicate that experienced participants show higher purchase intentions when an art gallery's reputation is very high, whereas inexperienced participants show higher purchase intentions when artworks are accompanied by certificates of authenticity. This congruency effect between prior experience and cue type is mediated by the perceived credibility of the artworks. The findings suggest a correspondence between a consumer's prior experience and the types of extrinsic cues that are important in product evaluations. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first attempt ever to investigate the role of prior experience in determining when to use high- or low-scope cues. It also provides a useful frame of reference to advise marketers on the effective sales approach based on a client's prior purchase experience.


        Yaeri Kim,Yookyung Park,Youseok Lee,Kiwan Park 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Based on the collaborative and social characteristics, social networking services (SNSs) are growing platforms for consumer-to-consumer conversation including electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). eWOM is defined as ‘any positive or negative statement made by potential, actual, or former customers about a product or company, which is made available to a multitude of people and institutions via the Internet’ (Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh, & Gremler, 2004, p.39). Despite its academic and managerial significance, several preliminary studies have examined what determines effective eWOM in SNSs (e.g., Chu & Kim, 2011; Teng, Khong, Goh, & Chong, 2014). Extending these attempts, we empirically investigate what influences consumers’ evaluation of eWOM, especially on Facebook. We suggest a new perspective of focusing on the psychological stream of social identity (Tajel & Turner, 1986) which is a distinctive factor explicit on Facebook. Unlike conventional eWOM platforms like bulletin boards and online communities where the user information is limited due to anonymity or presented in restricted manner (e.g., reputation from ratings by other members) (Dou, Walden, Lee, & Lee, 2012), Facebook provides profile information about users including one’s social group membership (e.g., school, company). This implies that the perception of social identity on Facebook may influence how one evaluates the source and his/her eWOM message.

      • KCI등재

        세상에 젠더가 없다면 : 앤 레키의 젠더리스 우주제국

        김예리 ( Kim Yaeri ) 영미문학연구회 2018 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.45

        The freedom to create fictitious worlds that science fiction offers has been utilized by numerous women authors to reimagine gender and sexuality throughout the history of the genre. One of the most recent examples in this tradition is Ancillary Justice, a 2013 novel by Ann Leckie. The novel is known for its depiction of a futuristic civilization where the idea of gender is unknown and its entirely ungendered cast of characters, all of whom are denoted by feminine nouns and pronouns. This article locates Ancillary Justice within the tradition of women’s science fiction that envisions alternative concepts and structures of gender and sexuality and examines the significance of its “genderless” world and narration. By imagining a society without gender binary and describing from the insider’s perspective Ancillary Justice continues and contributes to the legacy of women’s science fiction that challenges the patriarchal norms by presenting alternatives. Furthermore, its ungendered characters, including the narrator, reveals the readers’ dependence on the rigid gender binary and invites them to imagine human identities and interactions without it. On the other hand, the genderlessness of the society without gender prevents the narrative from addressing gender issues directly, while the action-oriented conventional narrative structure carries the risk of undermining the radical imagination of the novel.

      • KCI등재

        “아버지 지구는 우리를 증오해” : 부서진 대지』삼부작의 기이한 행성

        김예리(Yaeri Kim) 한국비평이론학회 2021 비평과이론 Vol.26 No.3

        환경이 정적이고 수동적인 객체가 아니라 능동적인 힘을 발휘하는 주체가 될 수 있다는 사실의 인식과 여기서 오는 불안감은 인간세의 경험을 특징짓는 주요 요소 중 하나이다. 아미타브 고시는 기후변화의 중심에 있는 비인간 행위성을 받아들이지 못하는 인간의 태도를 심리학적 부인에 비유하여, 이러한 현상을 ‘환경적 기이’라고 칭한다. N. K. 제머슨의 『부서진 대지』 삼부작은 행성이 인간에게 적대적이며 적극적으로 인류의 멸종을 추구하는 남성적 존재로 여겨지는 가상의 세계를 통해 인간과 환경의 관계를 새로이 모색하고자 한다. 격렬한 지질학적 현상이 통상적으로 일어나 인간의 생존과 문명을 위협하는 행성을 무대로 하는 『부서진 대지』 삼부작은 독자로 하여금 인간의 삶에 적합하지도, 정적이지도 않은 환경과의 대안적 관계를 상상하도록 하며, 이를 통해 인간의 과오에 대한 인정과 그 보상에 기반한 인간과 행성의 협상을 중점으로 하는 환경 위기에 대한 새로운 접근을 제시한다. 그러나 행성을 협상 가능한 상대로 의인화함으로써, 제머슨은 스스로 면밀히 창조한 환경적 언캐니를 손상시키고 소설 속 세계와 독자의 세계의 연관성을 약화시킨다. The Anthropocene experience is characterized by, among other things, the unsettling recognition of the dynamic and active forces of the environment that has long been assumed static and passive. Amitav Ghosh terms this phenomenon as the environmental uncanny, emphasizing the humanity’s longstanding denial of the nonhuman agency that lies at the core of climate change. N. K. Jemisin’s fantasy trilogy The Broken Earth seeks to reenvision the human-environment relationship by imagining the world where the planet is conventionally imagined as a male entity that is antagonistic to human beings and actively seeks their extinction. Set on a planet where violent geological events constantly threaten human lives and civilization, The Broken Earth invites the reader to imagine an alternative relationship to the environment that is neither inert nor hospitable and suggests a new approach to the environmental crisis centering the human-planet negotiation grounded upon the acknowledgement of and compensation for human wrongdoings. However, by making the planet a clearly anthropomorphic entity capable of negotiation, she undermines the environmental uncanny that she so carefully created, reducing the link between her fictional world and the reader’s own.


        Yaeeun Kim,Angelika Dimoka,Yaeri Kim,Paul A. Pavlou,Kiwan Park 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        A large body of word-of-mouth (WOM) research has shown that ratings, rating volume, and text comments function as determinants to assessing quality of products (Berger, 2014; Chen & Lurie, 2013). However, little attention has been paid to the reviewers as a significant source of product evaluation (He & Bond, 2013). To be specific, there is a lack of understanding whether a product is preferred because it was recommended by an associative group or because it was not preferred by a dissociative reference group (dissimilar to self). The results from Study 1 demonstrated that participants are more influenced by similarity-attraction than by dissimilarity-repulsion. To be specific, African American participants rated product a higher, which was recommended by their associative reference group. Similar pattern was revealed in the male group. In Study 2, we found an underlying mechanism to explain the effects from Study 1. We tested the perceived difficulty of processing as a potential mediator for this phenomenon and utilized a choice/reject task. The analysis of moderated mediation (Hayes, 2013) revealed that the significant indirect effect of the number of options on purchase intention was conditional on the deleting approach but not on the choosing approach. By rejecting multiple alternatives, participants were more likely to buy the product since it is easier to make decision. In conclusion, this finding provides insights regarding the decisionmaking process resulting from social influence based on a reference-dependence approach.

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