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        Effects of probiotic supplementation in different energy and nutrient density diets on performance, egg quality, excreta microflora, excreta noxious gas emission, and serum cholesterol concentrations in laying hens

        Zhang, Z. F.,Kim, I. H. American Society of Animal Science 2013 Journal of Animal Science Vol.91 No.10

        <P>This 6-wk study was conducted to determine the effects of probiotic (<I>Enterococcus faecium</I> DSM 7134) supplementation of different energy and nutrient density diets on performance, egg quality, excreta microflora, excreta noxious gas emission, and serum cholesterol concentrations in laying hens. A total of 432 Hy-Line brown layers (40 wk old) were allotted into 4 dietary treatments with 2 levels of probiotic supplementation (0 or 0.01%) and 2 levels of energy (2,700 or 2,800 kcal ME/kg) and nutrient density. Weekly feed intake, egg quality, and daily egg production were determined. Eighteen layers per treatment (2 layers/replication) were bled to determine serum cholesterol concentrations at wk 3 and 6. Excreta microbial shedding of <I>Lactobacillus</I>, <I>Escherichia coli</I>, and <I>Salmonella</I> and noxious gas emission were determined at the end of the experiment. Hens fed the high-energy and high-nutrient-density diets had less (<I>P</I> < 0.01) ADFI than those fed the low-energy and low-nutrient-density diets throughout the experimental period. During wk 4 to 6 and overall, hens fed the diets supplemented with the probiotic had greater (<I>P</I> < 0.01) egg production, egg weight, and eggshell thickness than hens fed the diets without the probiotic. Dietary supplementation of the probiotic increased (<I>P</I> = 0.01) excreta <I>Lactobacillus</I> counts and decreased (<I>P</I> = 0.02) <I>Escherichia coli</I> counts compared with hens fed the diets without the probiotic. The excreta ammonia emission was decreased (<I>P</I> = 0.02) in hens fed the probiotic diets compared with hens fed the diets without the probiotic. Serum total cholesterol concentration was decreased (<I>P</I> < 0.01) by feeding hens with the probiotic at wk 3 and 6. Layers fed the probiotic-incorporated diets had greater (<I>P</I> < 0.01) high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and lower (<I>P</I> = 0.03) low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations than hens fed the nonsupplemented diets at wk 6. Interactive effects (<I>P</I> < 0.05) of energy and nutrient density and the probiotic on excreta <I>Lactobacillus</I> counts and serum HDL cholesterol concentration were observed at wk 6. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of 0.01% probiotic improved egg production and egg quality and decreased excreta ammonia emission. The use of a probiotic in the high-energy and high-nutrient-density diets may be more favorable than the low-energy and low-nutrient-density diets in laying hens.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Probiotic 미생물 검사에 사용되는 다양한 방법들에 대한 현황과 향후 전망

        김동현 ( Dong-hyeon Kim ),김홍석 ( Hong-seok Kim ),정다나 ( Dana Jeong ),천정환 ( Jung-whan Chon ),김현숙 ( Hyunsook Kim ),김영지 ( Young-ji Kim ),강일병 ( Il-byung Kang ),이수경 ( Soo-kyung Lee ),송광영 ( Kwang-young Song ),박진 한국유가공기술과학회 2016 Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology (JMSB) Vol.34 No.4

        지난 수십 년 동안 행복과 건강에 있어서 식품의 긍정적인 역할에 대한 소비자들의 관심과 인식의 증가 등의 이유로 기능성 식품의 생산 방향으로 식품산업이 변화되어가고 있다. Probiotic 식품의 정의에 의하면, 소비자들의 건강에 도움을 줄 수 있는 충분한 양의 살아있는 미생물을 반드시 포함해야 된다고 규정하고 있다. 오늘날 많은 probiotic 식품들이 판매되고 있으며, 또한 다양한 probiotic 균주들은 상업적으로 이용되고 있다. 하지만, 미생물들의 실제적으로 잠재적인 능력을 어떻게 평가하는 것은 매우 관심을 가지는 부분이다. 왜냐하면 최근 관련 문헌의 검사에서도 알 수 있듯이, probiotic 관련 연구가 급속하게 증가하고 있기에 더욱더 이 부분은 중요하게 인식되어지고 있다. 비록 대부분의 probiotic 미생물들은 식품 또는 공생세균으로서 일반적으로 안전하다고 여겨지고 있지만, 그 외의 재료들에서 얻은 probiotics는 법적인 규제와 안전문제에 대한 우려가 더욱더 증가되고 있는 것은 사실이다. Probiotic으로서 잠재력을 가진 균주들은 in vitro 또는 in vivo 검사를 통해서 선별되어질 수 있다. 예를 들면, 위장 또는 담즙과 같은 산성의 조건에서도 생존능력은 간단한 실험을 통해서 평가될 수 있으며, 또는 면역 활성, 신진대사 기능 또는 장-뇌 상호작용과 같은 복잡한 숙주 기능에서도 영향력의 평가가 가능하게 이루어질 수 있다. 인간의 건강 증진을 위해서는 반드시 고려되어야 하는 것은 궁극적으로 인간을 대상으로 진행되는 임상시험이지만, 지금까지 긍정적인 결과를 나타내는 연구를 통해서 밝혀진 소수의 균주들만이 법적으로 건강 기능성 강조표시(health claim)를 획득할 수 있었다. 따라서 현재 probiotics라고 규정하는데 이용되는 검사방법들의 유효성에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 따라서 본 총설논문에서 probiotics의 선별에 이용되는 가장 일반적인 방법과 이들 방법들의 장점 및 한계성에 관해서 자세하게 설명하였다. 더 나아가서, 최근에 omics 기술의 출현은 probiotics의 생물현상을 새롭게 이해하는데 큰 도움으로 주고 있으며, 결국 omics 기술은 probiotics와 같은 다양한 미생물들을 연구하고 선별하는데 새로운 방법으로 이용될 수 있을 것이다. 하지만 여기에 대한 추가적인 연구들은 반드시 진행되어야 할 것이다. Probiotic microorganisms are thought to provide health benefits when consumed. In 2001, the World Health Organization defined probiotics as “live microorganisms which confer a health benefit on the host, when administered in adequate amounts.” Three methods for screening potential probiotics have currently widely available. (1) In vitro assays of potential probiotics are preferred because of their simplicity and low cost. (2) The use of in vivo approaches for exploring various potential probiotics reflects the enormous diversity in biological models with various complex mechanisms. (3) Potential probiotics have been analyzed using several genetic and omics technologies to identify gene expression or protein production patterns under various conditions. However, there is no ideal procedure for selecting potential probiotics than testing cadidate strains on the target population. Hence, in this review, we provide an overview of the different methodologies used to identify new probiotic strains. Furthermore, we describe futre perspectives for the use of in vitro, in vivo and omics in probiotic research.



        Windschitl, P.M. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1991 Animal Bioscience Vol.4 No.4

        Sixteen Holstein heifer calves were used in an 112-day trial to study the effects of probiotic supplementation on growth performance and rumen metabolism. Calves were divided into four groups of four calves each, with two groups receiving the probiotic supplement and two groups serving as controls. Calves were limited to 1.6 kg dry matter of a corn-barley based grain mix per day. Long-stem bromegrass hay was fed as forage the first 56 days and bromegrass silage the last 56 days of the trial. Probiotic (28 g/d/calf) was fed along with the grain mix twice daily. Data were analyzed for the entire trial and also for the separate hay and silage feeding periods. Total weight gain and average daily gain were not affected (p>.05) by probiotic supplementation. Dry matter intake was lower (p<.05) and feed efficiency (kg feed/kg weight gain) was improved slightly during the hay feeding period for the probiotic-supplemented calves. Wither height gain was greater (p<.05) during the hay period and lower (p<.05) during the silage period for probiotic-supplemented calves. Heart girth gain was improved (p<.07) by probiotic supplementation, particularly during the hay feeding period (p<.05). Total rumen volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration was higher (p<.05) with the probiotic-supplemented calves. Molar proportions of individual VFA were not affected (p>.05). Rumen ammonia-N and plasma urea-N concentration were lower (p<.05) for probiotic-supplemented calves during the hay feeding period. Total tract nutrient digestibility was not affected (p>.05). Some improvements in animal performance and changes in rumen and blood metabolites were observed when calves were supplemented with probiotic. Effects due to probiotic supplementation were most pronounced during the hay feeding period.


        The Bacillus subtilis and Lactic Acid Bacteria Probiotics Influences Intestinal Mucin Gene Expression, Histomorphology and Growth Performance in Broilers

        Aliakbarpour, H.R.,Chamani, Mohammad,Rahimi, G.,Sadeghi, A.A.,Qujeq, D. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2012 Animal Bioscience Vol.25 No.9

        The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of commercial monostrain and multistrain probiotics in diets on growth performance, intestinal morphology and mucin gene (MUC2) expression in broiler chicks. Three hundred seventy-eight 1-d-old male Arian broiler chicks were allocated in 3 experimental groups for 6 wk. The birds were fed on a corn-soybean based diet and depending on the addition were labeled as follows: control-unsupplemented (C), birds supplemented with Bacillus subtilis (BS) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) based probiotics. Each treatment had 6 replicates of 21 broilers each. Treatment effects on body weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and biomarkers such as intestinal goblet cell density, villus length, villus width, and mucin gene expression were determined. Total feed intake did not differ significantly between control birds and those fed a diet with probiotics (p>0.05). However, significant differences in growth performance were found. Final body weight at 42 d of age was higher in birds fed a diet with probiotics compared to those fed a diet without probiotic (p<0.05). Inclusion of Bacillus subtilis based probiotic in the diets also significantly affected feed conversion rate (FCR) compared with control birds (p<0.05). No differences in growth performance were observed in birds fed different types of probiotic supplemented diets. Inclusion of lactic acid bacteria based probiotic in the diets significantly increased goblet cell number and villus length (p<0.05). Furthermore, diets with Bacillus subtilis based probiotics significantly increased gene expression (p<0.05), with higher intestinal MUC2 mRNA in birds fed diet with probiotics compared to those fed the control diet. In BS and LAB probiotic fed chicks, higher growth performance may be related to higher expression of the MUC2 gene in goblet cells and/or morphological change of small intestinal tract. The higher synthesis of the mucin gene after probiotic administration may positively affect bacterial interactions in the intestinal digestive tract, intestinal mucosal cell proliferation and consequently efficient nutrient absorption.


        The Effect of Milk Protein on the Biological and Rheological Properties of Probiotic Capsules

        ( Bum Ju Kil ),( Sung Jin Yoon ),( Cheol-heui Yun ),( Chul-sung Huh ) 한국미생물생명공학회(구 한국산업미생물학회) 2020 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.30 No.12

        Probiotics are often infused into functional foods or encapsulated in a supplement form to maintain a healthy balance between the gut microbiota and their host. Because there are milk-based functional foods such as yogurt and cheese on the market, it has been suggested that milk-based probiotics could be incorporated into skim milk proteins in a liquid capsule. Skim milk is mainly composed of casein and whey protein, which create a strong natural barrier and can be used to encapsulate probiotics. In this study, we compared the encapsulated probiotics prepared with milkbased concentrated cell mixtures using commercial probiotics. Probiotic capsules were emulsified with skim milk proteins using vegetable oil to form a double coating layer. The product was heatstable when tested using a rheometer. The survival rate of the milk-based probiotic cells in the lower gastric environment with bile was significantly higher than commercial probiotics. Thus, milkencapsulated probiotics exhibited greater efficacy in the host than other types of probiotics, suggesting that the former could be more viable with a longer shelf life under harsh conditions than other form of probiotics. Our findings suggested that, compared with other types of probiotics, milkbased probiotics may be a better choice for producers and consumers.

      • KCI등재

        프로바이오틱 요구르트의 기준, 규정, 검출에 관한 현황 및 전망: 총설

        천정환,서건호,김태진,윤혜영,강석형,황원욱,정하정,정동관,송광영 한국낙농식품응용생물학회 2023 Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology (JMSB) Vol.41 No.1

        Yogurt fermentation is known to be beneficial because it provides a low pH and harsh environment for foodborne pathogens and improves organoleptic properties. Additionally, organic acids produced through fermentation have a good effect on the viscosity and gelling properties of yogurt. Several potential health benefits of probiotic and generally recognized as safe strains have been suggested. Yogurt is the preferred vehicle for delivering probiotics to health-conscious consumers. Therefore, manufacturers of probiotic beverages must comply with the relevant regulations. The development of probiotic yogurt begins with the selection of strains with safety and functional properties of probiotics. The selected probiotic strain should be technically suitable for viability and improve organoleptic quality while maintaining the number of bacteria above the standard value during processing and storage conditions. In addition, the efficacy of probiotic strains contained in yogurt should be investigated, confirmed, and approved according to well-designed clinical trials. Although various methods are used to detect probiotic strains, the recently widely used next generation sequencing method can be actively utilized. In the future, more research should be conducted with the latest methods to identify probiotic functions and accurately detect probiotic strains.

      • KCI등재

        복합 생균제가 육계의 생산성, 육질, 지방산 조성 및 면역 반응에 미치는 영향

        시딕샤리프하산 ( Siddiqui Sharif Hasan ),황채연 ( Hwang Chae Yeon ),최호성 ( Choe Ho-sung ),심관섭 ( Shim Kwan-seob ) 한국유기농업학회 2020 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.28 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of mixed probiotic on the immunity, productivity index and mortality rate in the broiler. Total of 120 one-day-old Ross broilers chicks were randomly assigned into two treatments (control dietary group and probiotic-treated group) with three replications of each treatment. The probiotic group broiler had a lower mortality rate than control during the experimental period. The productivity index in the probiotic group increased significantly than the control group. The weight of the bursa of fabricius was high in the probiotic-treated group than the control group. Activated the immunity level after fed the probiotic mixed diet compared to the control group. Furthermore, the probiotic diet significantly decreased the saturated fatty the control group. Whereas the probiotic mixed diet increased the unsaturated fatty acid than the control group. Afterward, the diet including probiotic induced positive impact on broilers immunity level. This indicates that a probiotic mixed diet could be protecting the intestine from the invasion of a pathogenic organism. It would be beneficial to the poultry industries by decrease the broiler mortality rate with elevated the immunity.


        The Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 Strain on Intestinal Characteristics and Performance in Broilers

        Yu, B.,Liu, J.R.,Chiou, M.Y.,Hsu, Y.R.,Chiou, W.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.8

        This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using L. reuteri Pg4, a strain isolated from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of healthy broilers, as a probiotic. In preliminary in vitro studies the Pg4 strain was proven capable of tolerating acid and bile salts, inhibiting pathogenic bacteria and can adhere to intestinal epithelial cells. The probiotic properties were then evaluated on the basis of the broiler's growth performance, intestinal microbial population and cecal volatile fatty acid and lactic acid concentrations under conventional feeding. Dietary supplementation of dried L. reuteri Pg4 decreased significantly feed intake in grower chickens and improved significantly the feed conversion by 5% in a 0-6 weeks feeding period compared with the control group. The Lactobacillus counts in the crop, ileum, and cecum of the probiotic group were higher than in the control group. The L. reuteri Pg4 strain was traceable in the GI tract of probiotic supplemented chicks and showed capability of survival in the intestine for a protracted period. The probiotic group had a higher lactic acid concentration and lower pH value in the cecum than the control chicks. Probiotic supplement also affected the histology of the intestinal mucosa of chicks. The present findings demonstrated that L. reuteri Pg4 possesses probiotic characteristics and it is suggested, therefore, that the organism could be a candidate for a new probiotic strain.

      • Improved Eradication Rate of Standard Triple Therapy by Adding Bismuth and Probiotic Supplement for Helicobacter pylori Treatment in Thailand

        Srinarong, Chanagune,Siramolpiwat, Sith,Wongcha-um, Arti,Mahachai, Varocha,Vilaichone, Ratha-Korn Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.22

        Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) remains an important cause of gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease worldwide. Treatment of H. pylori infection is one of the effective ways to prevent gastric cancer. However, standard triple therapy for H. pylori eradication is no longer effective in many countries, including Thailand. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of adding bismuth and probiotic to standard triple therapy for H. pylori eradication. Materials and Methods: In this prospective single center study, H. pylori infected gastritis patients were randomized to receive 7- or 14-day standard triple therapy plus bismuth with probiotic or placebo. Treatment regimen consisted of 30 mg lansoprazole twice daily, 1 g amoxicillin twice daily, 1 g clarithromycin MR once daily and 1,048mg bismuth subsalicylate twice daily. Probiotic bacteria composed of Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus paracasei. Placebo was conventional drinking yogurt without probiotic. CYP2C19 genotyping and antibiotic susceptibility tests were also done. H pylori eradication was defined as a negative $^{13}C$-urea breath test at least 2 weeks after completion of treatment. Results: One hundred subjects were enrolled (25 each to 7- and 14-day regimens with probiotic or placebo). Antibiotic susceptibility tests showed 36.7% metronidazole and 1.1% clarithromycin resistance. CYP2C19 genotyping revealed 40.8%, 49% and 10.2% were rapid, intermediate and poor metabolizers, respectively. The eradication rates of 7- or 14 regimens with probiotics were 100%. Regarding adverse events, the incidence of bitter taste was significantly lower in the 7- day regimen with the probiotic group compared with 7- day regimen with placebo (40% vs. 64%; p=0.04). Conclusions: The 7-day standard triple therapy plus bismuth and probiotic can provide an excellent cure rate of H. pylori (100%) in areas with low clarithromycin resistance such as Thailand, regardless of CYP2C19 genotype. Adding a probiotic also reduced treatment-related adverse events.


        Effect of Probiotic Inclusion in the Diet of Broiler Chickens on Performance, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Quality

        Khaksefidi, A.,Rahimi, Sh. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.8

        An experiment was conducted with three hundred and twenty broiler chickens to evaluate the influence of supplementation of probiotic on growth, microbiological status and carcass quality of chickens. The probiotic contained similar proportions of six strains of variable organisms namely Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Aspergillus oryzae, Streptococcus faecium and Torulopsis sps and was fed at 100 mg/kg diet. The body weight and feed conversion of probiotic fed groups were superior (p<0.05) compared to the control group in the 4th, 5th and 6th weeks. The chickens fed the diet with probiotic had lower (p<0.05) numbers of coliforms and Campylobacter than chickens fed the control diet. All chickens' carcasses on the control diet were positive for Salmonella while only 16 of the 40 carcasses were positive from chickens fed diets containing probiotic. The leg and breast meat of probiotic fed chickens were higher (p<0.05) in moisture, protein and ash, and lower in fat as compared to the leg and breast meat of control chickens.

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