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      • KCI등재

        [특집, 조선 후기 사족 공동체와 예교질서의 심화] 조선 후기 성호학파의 입후설(立後說)과 친족의식

        박종천 ( Jong Chun Park ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2014 民族文化硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        조선 후기 입후설(立後說)의 정립과 종법질서의 확대는 친족의 문화적 정체성 유지와 사회적 위상 확보를 위한 실천적 전략에 따라 정치적 권력, 경제적 기반, 사회문화적 권위의 측면에서 중앙의 유력 경화세족들의 주도적 포용 전략, 지방 명문 재지사족들의 배타적 차별화 전략, 중인 이하 하층민들의 동화적 모방 전략 이 병행되는 양상이 나타났다. 조선 후기 근기 남인 성호학파는 정치적 권력과 경제적 기반이 미미한 가운데 사회문화적 권위를 확보하기 위한 전략적 차원에서 친친의 이념에 따라 친족의 결속을 통해 중앙의 유력 경화세족이나 지방의 명문 재지사족을 따라잡을 수 있 는 가능성을 확보하는 한편, 상층 양반과 하층민들의 차별적 경계를 확고하게 분별함으로써 사족의 문화적 정체성을 배타적으로 지키는 양면적 전략을 보여주었 다. 이들은 사적 영역에서 친족질서의 혈연적 유대를 최대한 존중한다는 점에서 종법설과 입후설을 전개함으로써 친친(親親)의 측면에서 중앙의 경화세족 혹은 노 론 기호학파에 다가가는 한편, 공적 영역인 사회질서에서는 존존(尊尊)의 사회적 위계질서를 합리화하는 변등론(辨等論)의 정당화를 통해 영남 퇴계학파의 문제의 식을 계승하여 변용시켰다. 성호학파가 서얼과 하층민에 대한 차별 문제에서도 양면적인 태도를 갖게 된 것도 같은 맥락에서 이해할 수 있다. The agnatic adoption and the clan rules established and expanded in the late Joseon dynasty occurred in accordance with the practical strategies for maintaining the cultural identity of the clans and securing their social status. From the perspectives of political power, economic foundation, and sociocultural authority, the tolerance strategy of influential noble families in the capital, the exclusive differentiation strategy of prestigious local clans, and the assimilation strategy of the middle and lower classes appeared at the same time. The Seongho School, which represented the Southerners(or 南人) in the late Joseon Dynasty, pursued the solidarity of the relatives based on the ideology of family intimacy to secure their sociocultural authority under weak political power and economic foundation. With this strategy, the school laid the foundation to catch up with the central noble clans as well as the local prestigious clans. Simultaneously, the school drew a clear boundary distinguishing the upper and the lower classes to defend exclusively the cultural identity of the noble. The Seongho School deployed the theories on clan rules and agnatic adoption to approach the central noble clans or to the Kiho School of the Old faction (or 老論) in the private sector, while inherited and transformed the critical mind of the Toegye School of the Yeongnam region in the public sector of social order by justifying the classification of social strata which rationalized the social hierarchy of the time. Thus they had ambivalent attitudes toward the case of the illegitimate sons(or 庶孼)of the noble classes and the people of the lower classes.

      • KCI등재


        최우영 洌上古典硏究會 2003 열상고전연구 Vol.17 No.-

        이 글은 양경우의 개인사적 상황이「제호시화」서술에 어떤 의미 있는 작용을 하였는가를 살펴보기 위하여 쓰여졌다. 이러한 접근은「제호시화」의 내용적인 구성을 이해하기 위한 하나의 방법이 될 수 있을 것이다. 양경우는「제호시화」에서 성당시를 시의 전범으로 생각하는 당시의 문단경향을 반영하는 존당적인 태도를 보여주고 있으며 그 중에서도 율격과 음향 등 시의 형식에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 또한 조선 중기에 풍미한 도가적인 풍조와 관계없이 유가적인 시각을 일관되게 견지하고 있다. 서술 대상을 선택하는 데는 뛰어난 재능에도 불구하고 불우한 생애를 보낸 문인들에 대한 적극적인 관심을 반영하고 있으면서 전체적으로 비평의 객관성을 유지하였던 것으로 평가된다. 이러한 서술태도는 서얼이라는 신분적인 제약을 극복해나간 현실참여적인 성향과 부친으로부터 물려받은 뛰어난 문학적인 재능, 뜻하지 않게 낙향을 하게 된 상황에서 비롯된 아쉬움, 그리고 끊임없는 유가적인 성실성이 어우러져서 나타난 것들이다. This paper investigates how Yang Kyung-woo's personal history had affected to the writing of Jehoshiwha, to provide an approach to understanding the text of Jehoshiwha. In Jehoshiwha, Yang Kyung-woo shows his respect to the poems of Tang period which reflects the general tendency of literary society in his days. In particular, he puts emphasis on formal aspects of poetry, the versification and tone. He adhered to Confucian view, being aside from the taste for Taoism that was widely spread over the poems in mid-Chosun period. In selecting poets, Jehoshiwha reveals Yang Kyung-woo's particular interest in those who lived in obscurity in spite of their literary excellence. Nevertheless, his criticism on them has been said to be moderate without losing objectivity. These features of Jehoshiwha are supposedly related to his inclination for commitment to the society with which he overcome his inherent social standing of illegitimate class. Also related are his outstanding literary talent inherited from his father, disappointment from being forced to be expelled from bureaucracy, and his sincerity as a Confucianist.

      • KCI등재

        15-16세기 조선 의학 관료의 신분 변천: 양성이씨 세전 사례를 중심으로

        박훈평,오준호 대한의사학회 2018 의사학(醫史學) Vol.27 No.3

        In the 15th century, Joseon dynasty’s goal for the stabilization of the ruling system, the ideological freedom of the era, and the necessity of medicine due to the introduction of Jin and Yuan dynasty’s medicine led to the increased interest in medicine by the nobility along with tolerant practice. The practice of reading medical books is a good example of this institutional demonstration. However, by the end of the 15th century, a noticeable change had taken place. Within the nobility, there was an ideological rigidity regarding technology other than those of Confucianism, as the nobility became concentrated on the principles of Neo-Confucianism. In addition, as the publication of large-scale editions such as Ŭibangyuch'wi (the Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions) came to an end, they have become less inclined to nurture talent at the level of the central government as in the previous period. In addition, as the discrimination against illegitimate children became stronger, technical bureaucrats such as medical officials, which were open to illegitimate children, came to be seen in increasingly disdainful and differentiated manners. From the late Sejong period to the early Seongjong period, the entrance of illegitimate sons into the medical bureaucracy solidified the negligence of medicine by the nobility. After then, the medical bureaucracy came to be monopolized by illegitimate sons. As for illegitimate sons, they were not allowed to enter society through Confucian practices, and as such, the only way for them to enter the government was by continuing to gain experience as technical bureaucrats. Technical posts that became dominated by illegitimate sons became an object of contempt by the nobility, and the cycle reproduced itself with the social perception that legitimate sons of the nobility could not become a medical official. Medical officials from the Yi clan of Yangseong had been legitimate sons and passers of the civil service examination in the 15th century. However, in the 16th century, only illegitimate sons became medical officials. The formation of Jungin (middleclass) in technical posts since the middle of the Joseon period is also related to this phenomenon. The Yi clan of Yangseong that produced medical officials for 130years over four generations since Yi Hyoji, a medical book reading official, is an exemplary case of the change in the social perception in the early Joseon period regarding medical bureaucrats.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 신분 및 지역 갈등과 통합 노력

        신병주 조선시대사학회 2021 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.- No.98

        During the Joseon Dynasty, social conflicts and efforts for integration developed in many ways. This article organized them into two sections, region and social classes, which were salient during the whole period. Especially conflicts and the integration efforts of Nobi(slave) and Seoeol(illegitimate son) and the discrimination against the Yeongnam and Honam regions during the late Joseon Dynasty were examined in detail. Of course, the examples organized in this article did not point to all social conflicts and integration throughout the Joseon Dynasty. It emphasized that efforts to integrate these conflicts gradually developed and eventually resulted in certain results. Through this, it was examined that efforts were made to integrate social conflicts in Joseon society steadily. For the argument, the main materials were the chronological materials such as “the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)”, “Ilseongrok(日省錄)”; the constitution of Joseon “Gyeonggukjeon(經國大典)”; the individual antholgy “Seongho Saseol(星湖僿說)”; diary material “Swaemirok(瑣尾錄)”. The conflicts of the Joseon Dynasty are still going on these days. It is caused by the degree of employment, education, and home ownership. And regional conflicts have developed into conflicts between metropolitan and provincial areas, large cities and small cities, farming and fishing villages. It is believed that efforts should be made to apply the achievements of integrating social conflicts that developed during the Joseon Dynasty, such as the policy of guaranteeing human rights for slaves, the recruitment of government posts, and even selection of local talents. 조선시대 사회 갈등과 통합의 노력은 여러 방면에서 전개되었지만, 필자는 특히 전 시기적으로 그 양상이 두드러지게 나타나는 신분과 지역의 두 개의 축으로 나누어 정리해 보았다. 신분 갈등에는 노비와 서얼의 갈등과 그 통합 노력을, 지역 갈등에는 조선초기의 개성 지역 차별과, 조선후기에 전개되었던 영남, 호남지역에 대한 차별과 그 통합에 대한 노력들을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 물론 필자가 정리한 차별과 통합 사례는 조선시대 전체의 사회 갈등과 통합을 지적한 것은 아니었다. 대표적인 사례를 살펴보고, 이러한 갈등을 통합하려는 노력들이 점진적으로 전개되어 결국은 일정한 결실을 보았음을 강조하였다. 그리고 이를 통해 조선사회에서 꾸준하게 사회적 갈등을 통합하려는 노력을 전개했음을 살펴 보았다. 논증을 위해서는 『조선왕조실록』, 『일성록』을 비롯한 연대기 자료, 조선의 헌법인 『경국대전』, 『성호사설』 등 개인 문집, 『쇄미록』 등의 자료를 활용하였다. 조선시대 신분 갈등의 양상은 오늘날에도 새로운 형태로 이어지고 있다. 신분의 또 다른 모습인 직업이나 교육 정도, 주택 소유에 대한 갈등 등으로 나타나고 있으며, 지역간 갈등 양상은 수도권과 지방, 대도시와 중소도시, 농어촌 사이의 갈등으로 전개되는 양상을 보이고 있다. 노비에 대한 인권 보장 정책, 서얼의 관직 등용, 지역 인재에 대한 고른 선발 등 조선시대에 전개되었던 사회 갈등의 통합을 위한 성과들을 현재의 시점에 맞게 적용해 보는 노력이 필요하다고 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 신분 및 지역 갈등과 통합 노력

        신병주 ( Shin Byung-ju ) 조선시대사학회 2021 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.98 No.0

        During the Joseon Dynasty, social conflicts and efforts for integration developed in many ways. This article organized them into two sections, region and social classes, which were salient during the whole period. Especially conflicts and the integration efforts of Nobi(slave) and Seoeol(illegitimate son) and the discrimination against the Yeongnam and Honam regions during the late Joseon Dynasty were examined in detail. Of course, the examples organized in this article did not point to all social conflicts and integration throughout the Joseon Dynasty. It emphasized that efforts to integrate these conflicts gradually developed and eventually resulted in certain results. Through this, it was examined that efforts were made to integrate social conflicts in Joseon society steadily. For the argument, the main materials were the chronological materials such as “the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)”, “Ilseongrok(日省錄)”; the constitution of Joseon “Gyeonggukjeon(經國大典)”; the individual antholgy “Seongho Saseol(星湖僿說)”; diary material “Swaemirok(瑣尾錄)”. The conflicts of the Joseon Dynasty are still going on these days. It is caused by the degree of employment, education, and home ownership. And regional conflicts have developed into conflicts between metropolitan and provincial areas, large cities and small cities, farming and fishing villages. It is believed that efforts should be made to apply the achievements of integrating social conflicts that developed during the Joseon Dynasty, such as the policy of guaranteeing human rights for slaves, the recruitment of government posts, and even selection of local talents.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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