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      • Property Alignment of Linked Data Based on Similarity between Functions

        Yu Liu,Shi-Hong Chen,Jin-Guang Gu 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Database Theory and Appli Vol.8 No.4

        Owing to the complex structure and multi-meaning, property alignment is generally regarded as a challenging problem in the context of linked data. In this paper, we propose a novel method to align properties between datasets of linked data. Considering the role of properties in RDF triples, we regard all properties of linked data as property functions, and convert the problem of property alignment to the similarity evaluation between property functions, while the equivalent instances as inputs of property functions. Based on the similarity of property functions, the property alignment process of linked data is introduced. In order to prove the validity, we use the method to align properties in five representative domains between DBpeida and YAGO, DBpedia and LinkedGeoData respectively. The experimental results show that our method is independent of the property naming rules and can retrieve some matching properties ignored by other methods. In addition, our method requires fewer entity co-reference links than the link statistical approach.


        Fundamental Investigation of Functional Property of Concrete Mixed with Functional Materials

        Lee, Jong-Chan,Lee, Moon-Hwan,Lee, Sae-Hyun,Park, Young-Sin,Park, Jae-Myung Korea Concrete Institute 2006 International Journal of Concrete Structures and M Vol.18 No.e3

        Environment-friendly materials are increasingly used as building construction materials nowadays, and the market share of those is growing. Accordingly, the research and developments in terms of environmental value are progressing steadily now. The main characteristics of environmental products are far-infrared radiation, negative-ion emission, electromagnetic wave shielding, and antimicrobial property. These products are often used in mortar and as spray on the finishing material. Nevertheless, there are hardly any research on the functional properties of concrete, the main material in construction field. Thus, we evaluated such basic properties of concrete as slump, compressive strength and air content while using such functional materials as sericite, wood-pattern sandstone, carbon black and nano-metric silver solution to focus on their functional properties like far-infrared radiation, negative ion emission, electro magnetic wave shielding, and antimicrobial activity in this research. The results indicated that the most useful material in the functional materials was carbon black. Sericite and nano-metric silver solution had a little effect on the functional property. Moreover, although wood-pattern sandstone had very high functional property, it exhibited too low compressive strength to be applied, to concrete as a factory product. Antimicrobial property of nano-metric silver solution in the concrete was not clear demonstrated, but if these specimens were to be aged in $CO_2$ gas for a long time, it might be apparent.

      • KCI등재

        통일 후 북측 지역 토지정책 및 토지제도

        신창민 법무부 통일법무과 2011 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.5

        이 글은 통일 후 북측지역에서의 토지정책은 어떻게 하는 것이 가장 적합하겠는가를 제시한다. 아울러 그 연장선상의 장기적인 차원에서 북측의 토지제도를 포함하는 통일한국의 토지제도는 어떠한 구도를 지향하는 것이 가장 바람직하겠는가를 분석한다. 남북이 통일된 통일한국에서 정치적으로는 자유민주주의 그리고 경제적으로는 시장경제체제가 이루어진다는 대 전제하에, 북측 지역의 토지 등 부동산을 놓고 볼 때, 통일 후 북측지역에서 통일을 마무리 짓는 과정에서 수반될 것으로 예상되는 마찰과 비용을 최소화 시키는 동시에, 그 동안 국토분단으로 말미암아 겪을 수 밖에 없었던 고통과 손실의 역사를 오히려 전화위복의 기회로 반전시키면서, 우리 역사에 전무후무한 경제성장을 이룩할 수 있는 절호의 기회를 가질 수 있고, 겨레와 국가의 천년 대계 차원에서 그 기초를 탄탄히 다질 수 있게 되는 훌륭한 길이 존재한다는 것을 확인한다. 이러한 흐름에 무리 없이 편승하려면, 우선 첫째로 독일에서와 같이 통일 후 수복지구의 토지 등 부동산을 원 소유주에게 실물로 반환하는 실책을 범해서는 안 되겠다. 다시 말하자면 우리의 경우에는 현금보상이 적합한 바, 1949년에 남한에서 실시된 농지개혁시의 지가 보상을 기준으로 하는 것이 합리적이라고 본다. 또한 시야를 넓혀서 토지를 제도적 차원에서 놓고 본다면, 통일의 시점에서 남한 식으로의 모든 제도통일이라는 단순 논리만 가지고 깊은 생각 없이 일단 토지 등 부동산의 사유화를 추진한다고 보면, 결과적으로 돌이킬 수 없는 실책을 범하는 결과가 된다는 것을 깨달아야 할 것이다. 따라서 현행 북측의 국유제도를 그대로 계속 유지하도록 하면서, 이를 토대로 충분한 세월을 두고 남측의 사유 토지제도가 오히려 북측의 국유제도로 수렴되도록 함으로써, 모든 토지의 소유권은 국가에 귀속시키는 것으로 하고, 개인이나 개별기업은 토지사용료를 국가에 지불하고, 토지 사용권과 이용권을 취득하여 활용하도록 하는 형태의 새로운 토지공개념 제도를 확립·시행하도록 해야 할 줄 안다. 이리하여 토지의 특수한 속성에 따르는 불로소득의 발생으로 말미암아, 토지가 시장실패의 고질적인 원인이 되는 것을 원천적으로 봉쇄하여, 보다 공평하게 경제정의가 이루어지는 사회를 지향함으로써, 시장경제체제를 채택하는 국가들 가운데에서도 가장 모범이 되는 형태를 창출·구현하여, 통일한국의 무궁한 발전을 기약하는 토대를 구축함과 동시에, 자유경제 진영 가운데에서도 통일한국의 두드러진 위상도 함께 과시할 수 있게 된다는 점을 특히 강조한다. After reunification in Korea, the original land owners of the real property located in the North should not be allowed to take repossession of the actual land. Further, after Korea is reunified, the general economic policy should be based on the free market system. However, the exception to this policy should be the real estate policy which should be based on national ownership of real property. In other words, it would be ideal to allow the Government to have ownership of the real property, but let the individual users have the right to use the real property. Real property that residents of the South and the North had owned in the other side prior to the national division should not be returned to the claimed owners even if they have documentary evidence of ownership. These properties could be compensated by cash through special legislation based on the 1949 land reform law which was enacted in the South right before the Korean War. It was called the Agricultural Land Reform Law which provided for cash compensation as reimbursement for the value of the land. Once we analyze in detail the characteristics of real property in this thesis, we can come to the conclusion that throughout the Reunified Korea, it would be best to return title of the real property to the Government, and allow individuals and firms to have right to use the real property. In order to successfully carry out this policy, the legal procedures must be implemented carefully and step by step. The fundamental issues related to real property cannot be resolved through the intermittent type of public ownership of real property concept that appeared from time to time in the South. The author revisits the history of real property in the North and the South respectively in order to present a reasonable basis to establish and carry out such policies and system described above, and in order to confirm if there exists any fatal obstacle in implementing the necessary laws. The author clearly and in detail will analyze why we must choose nationalizing real property despite the fact that we allow privatization of all other assets through the free market system. Especially in a country such as Korea that has limited land, as long as real property functions as a means to accumulate individual assets, a real estate bubble is inevitable. We would not be able to prevent this after the fact, and it will lead us to a kind of market failure. Thereafter, instability of prices and income without labor will follow and cause significant unwanted side effects. In order to block these malfunctions from the beginning, we come to the conclusion that there is no other way but to nationalize real property. However, although such policy and system may look similar to the socialist model, the background and the purpose are significantly different between the two, and they are spelled out in detail in the main text of this paper.

      • KCI등재

        화상디자인에 있어서 저작권/디자인권 경로 효과 필터로서의 기능성-화상 요건

        이남경(Lee, Nam Kyoung),신혜은(Shin, Hye Eun) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2021 과학기술과 법 Vol.12 No.2

        In the late 20 century, computer graphic technology enabled graphic image design embodied in a variety of display screens of devices such as a cellular phone. Graphic image designs embodied in display screens became protected by design rights by the revision in the level of guidelines in many countries. However, in this 21th century, computer graphic image designs were freed from display screens thanks to the new 4th generation computer graphic technology. To protect graphic image designs oudside screens in the form of design rights, design laws themselves had to be revised. In South Korea, the 2021 design law made graphic image design automatically fulfill the article of manufacture requirement. Therefore all graphic images can pass over into the arena of design rights. In order to pull out non-functional graphic images which are cultural contents and send them back to the arena of copyrights, Korean design law put a new filter requirement by adding a restriction clause into the definition of graphic image designs. This article reviews the article of manufacture requirement and the restriction of the definition of the graphic image design in the right of intellectual property channeling effect filters. Under the umbrella of the intellectual property law, channeling doctrines, which channel inventions to the arena of utility patent rights, copyright materials to that of copyrights, trademarks to that of trademark rights and designs to that of design rights, play their roles to prevent backdoor patent, backdoor copyright etc. That is because backdoor rights inhibit industrial competition and cultural free expression. The most famous channeling doctrine is the functionality exclusion doctrine which blocks backdoor patents all through in the areas of design law, copyright law and trademark law. This article views that the article of manufacture requirement is a copyright/design right channeling filter that separate applied art copyright materials from design for utilitarian articles. However the article of manufacture requirement cannot be an appropriate copyright/design right channeling filter for graphic image designs. With it, functional graphic image designs cannot enter into the arena of design rights and thus fair competition in the related industry is disturbed. Without it, non-functional graphic image designs pour into the arena of design rights and the freedom of expression is oppressed. This article relates that the new filter introduced in the form of the restriction of the definition of the graphic image design, that is, “provided for use in the operation of the device or displayed as a result of the device performing its function” is in substitute for the article of manufacture requirement in order to separate and channel copyright materials and designs in relation to graphic image designs. This article named the new filter as “the functional-graphicimage-requirement” in order to distinguish it with the so-called functionality exclusion doctrine by shortening the long words “provided for use in the operation of the device or displayed as a result of the device performing its function” to a word, “functional.”

      • KCI등재


        풍쟁 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.133

        There exist some “property and functional semi-affix + VP” constructions in Chinese language, which generally denote disposition and function. This paper defines this type of constructions as property and functional constructions, and describes and generalizes their syntactic and stylistic properties after putting them into different classes. This paper finds that property and functional constructions are widely used in property language styles such as advertisements, product descriptions, etc. with conciseness, reduplicated use, and productivity as their stylistic properties. Upon a thorough stylistic analysis, this paper takes a step further than previous studies on Middle constructions.

      • KCI등재

        기능성 재료를 사용한 콘크리트의 특성에 관한 연구

        이종찬,Lee, Jong-Chan 한국건설순환자원학회 2006 한국건설순환자원학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        Building materials are trending toward environmental materials nowadays and the market share of those is growing. So those researches and developments for environmental property are proceeding now. The main properties of environmental products are far infrared emission, negative ion emission, electro magnetic wave shielding, and anti fungus, these products are used with shape of mortar, and spray on the finish material. But There are not much researches for the concrete, main material in construction field, with those functional properties. So in this research we evaluated slump, compressive strength and air content as basic properties for concrete using functional materials of sericite, wood pattern sand stone, carbon black and nanometric silver solution and functional properties like far infrared emission, negative ion emission, electro magnetic wave shielding, and anti fungus. The results were as follows. The most useful material in the functional materials was carbon black. Sericite and nanometric silver solution had a little effect on functional property, so it was difficult to apply to concrete, and wood pattern sand stone had a high functional property but low compressive strength, can be applied to a factory product. Anti fungus of the concrete using nanometric silver solution was not clear but if those specimens were aged in $CO_2$ gas for a long time it might apparent.

      • KCI등재

        Bioactive secondary metabolites in sea cucumbers and their potential to use in the functional food industry

        KK Asanka Sanjeewa,KHINM Herath 한국수산과학회 2023 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.26 No.2

        The bioactive secondary metabolites produced by sea cucumbers are very diverse with differences in composition, linkages, molecular weight, and various functional properties. Due to their physicochemical properties, these bioactive molecules in sea cucumbers have found applications in various market segments such as functional foods and cosmetics. Sea cucumber side dishes are a prominent food item in traditional cuisine in East Asian countries such as South Korea, China, and Japan. In addition, many studies have reported that the consumption of sea cucumbers can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, the pathogenesis of cancer cells, chronic inflammatory diseases, etc. In particular, many studies have recently reported the potential of sea cucumbers to develop functional products to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, these bioactive properties associated with sea cucumbers make them ideal compounds for use as functional ingredients in functional food products. However, no report has yet reviewed the properties of sea cucumbers related to functional foods. Therefore, in this review, the primary focus is given to collecting published scientific data (from 2019 to 2023) on the bioactive properties of sea cucumbers relevant to the functional food industry.

      • KCI등재후보

        사법 : 재산권침해와 위자료의 기능 -일본의 판례와 논의를 중심으로-

        송영민 ( Young Min Song ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2011 법학논총 Vol.28 No.3

        In recent years, the consolation money has been discussed in various field such as unfair dismissal caused by the infringement of life or body, the sexual harrassment, the misuse of power, infringement of character like life disturbance, trust infringement, and the damage of property, etc. and also presented as various function such as restriction and complementary function as well as compensation function. Actually, the consolation money is widely accepted as ``damage`` in the name of consolation money in various case in the precedent. This trend plays a certain role in helping victim, on the other hand, it helped to make the judgement structure and function of consolation money obscure, and then it depends too much on the discretion of judge without legal review in assessing the amount of consolation money or admitting the consolation money. What is it to be protected through the consolation money in each case?, and what function is it to be expected?, these questions should be reviewed as prerequisites in admitting the consolation money. Therefore, the recent precedents of supreme court, the precedent to define the reason to consider consolation money over the airplane accident (Supreme Court, 24 Dec 2009, Sentence 2008Da3527), the precedent to restrict the complementary function of consolation money(Supreme Court, 23 Nov 1984, Sentence 84DaKa722) are so reasonable to restrict the method of assessing the consolation money which is comprehended without concrete review about the characteristic of consolation money in the name of consolation money although it is possible to confirm the property damage in the claim of consolation money caused by property damage. In addition, the function of consolation money should be comprehended through classifying character profit infringement type, attachment type, being raided and profitless type on the property damage. Firstly, for the character profit infringement, it is possible to admit the function of restriction through concrete example although it is originally the function of supplement in case the calmness of life was infringed, and also it would be possible to relief through the complementary function of consolation money in case the self determination is infringed. Secondly, for the attachment type, the function of restriction would be allowed in case it is not enough to solve through the function of supplement at first time. Finally, for the being raided and profitless type, the relief of victim should be fulfilled not through the supplement of damage, but through the function of restriction which reflect the imputation of the perpetrators.

      • KCI등재

        지식재산권의 헌법적 의미와 국가의 책무

        장인호 원광대학교 법학연구소 2014 圓光法學 Vol.30 No.3

        Today advances in technology pose new security challenges for nations and people that rely on intellectual property. And many countries pledged to work closely on intellectual property protection. Furthermore Organized crime is increasingly involved in the piracy of intellectual property. Therefore Intellectual property law is becoming a key issue for policy makers and businesses. The political battle over intellectual property is waged, among other places, in the council of the World Intellectual Property Organization. World Intellectual Property Organization try to protect the Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. intellectual property rights are the legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind. Above all, intellectual property right is the fundamental right of the Constitution because knowledge is an important moral asset. Under intellectual property law like 「Contents Industries Promotion Act」·「Patent Law」·「Trademark Law」·「Design Protection Law」etc., owners of intellectual property are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Government should protect the intellectual property right. Therefore, this study is aimed at researching to the significance and meaning of intellectual property right of the Constitution.

      • KCI등재

        분리유청단백질-이눌린 유래 마이야르 공액체의 기능적 특성 연구

        김연우,이세희,이원재 한국낙농식품응용생물학회 2022 Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology (JMSB) Vol.40 No.4

        Maillard conjugates are formed by covalent bonds between proteins and polysaccharides. Understanding the functional properties of Maillard conjugates, including emulsifying and antioxidant properties, can be crucial when Maillard conjugates are used in processed foods. This study aimed to manufacture whey protein isolate (WPI)/Inulin Maillard conjugates and investigate how manufacturing variables including heating temperature and pH affect the functional properties of Maillard conjugates. The surface properties, emulsifying properties, and antioxidant properties of Maillard conjugates were assessed by varying heating temperature and pH. The grafting degree of WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugates increased with increasing pH and heating temperature, indicating enhanced conjugation efficiency. Surface hydrophobicity, emulsifying properties (including emulsifying activity index and emulsifying stability index), and ABTS radical scavenging ability of WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugates increased as pH and heating temperature were increased. In conclusion, WPI/ Inulin Maillard conjugates were successfully manufactured, and pH and heating temperature were critical factors in enhancing Maillard conjugate functional properties.

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