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        영문학을 읽는 여섯 가지 방법

        이정호(Lee Chong-Ho) 신영어영문학회 2003 신영어영문학 Vol.24 No.-

        Until 1960's we had not had much choice in picking approaches in reading English literature. Since Jacques Derrida published his article "Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences,"however, the whole picture of reading literature, English literature for that matter, has completely changed. He has ushered in what we might call the age of deconstructive philosophy. In view of the sea change of reading literature since then, I arbitrarily selected six approaches of reading literature: deconstructive criticism, Lacanian psychoanalytic approach, reader-response criti챠sm, Bourdieu's sociological approach, feminist approach, and Zen approach. Hamlet has long been a very important literary work for critics because of the enigmatic nature of its text. When we approach Hamlet, we find a very interesting aspect of this text. It begins with the appearance of King Hamlet's ghost. Since the ghost, by nature, is actually an absent presence, we would say that the play begins with nothingness. In this respect, the Hamlet text can be said to begin with absent presence, and reading this text from a deconstructive point of view can generate a set of interesting interpretations. Wuthering Heights has also been an interesting piece of literature for a long time. What interests me most, however, is not its progression of the story line, but the three episodes of Lockwood's dream sequence at the beginning of the novel. These dreams show the anxiety of Bronte"'s identity as a woman writer which is projected through the dreams of Lockwood, who can be considered to be Bronte"'s alter ego. The Waste Land is considered the most important poem in the 20th century. What baffles the reader, however, is that the text of this poem is full of gaps and loopholes. In reading this poem, therefore, the reader has to constantly adjust his horizon of expectations, filling up the gaps. One good example of this practice would be the interpretation of the following line: That corpse you planted last your in your garden, / Has it begun to sprout? Jane Auten's Pride and Prejudice has been read simply as a story of courtship. When we apply Pierre Bourdieu's new concept of capital to the reading of this novel, however, we can find that the courtship and marriage boils down to the merger of capitals: Darcy's economic capital and Elizabeth's cultural capital. Jane Eyre has long been a very popular novel. When we approach this novel from a feminist perspective, however, this novel is not simply a story of an orphan girl turning out to be a successful wife of a gentleman. In this story we read how a woman writer gains her discursive right to tell her own success story as a writer of good standing in her own right. The approaches shown above, however, are those originated from the West. At this juncture, we can ask whether there would be any way for us to read English literature from our own point of view. The best answer to this question can be found in reading Wallace Stevens poetry from a Zen point of view. A very good example of this kind can be shown by reading "The Snow Man" from a Zen point of view. The snow man is actually an absent presence as well as a present absence, which is the basis of Zen enlightenment.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 주거의 연구를 위한 접근방법과 쟁점

        홍형옥 ( Hyung Ock Hong ) 대한가정학회 2013 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.51 No.6

        As cultural diversity has gained a great deal of attention and the social fabric of Korean society is redefined, the number of studies on multi-cultural family homes has been growing in the area of human ecology, but relevant research is rarely found on the subject of housing. While the emphasis of housing research is on multidisciplinary approaches and empirical research is highly valued, a theoretical and methodological platform for discussing the new rising agenda of multi-cultural family homes is lacking. The purpose of this study was to explore approaches to and to discuss the issues in research for multi-cultural family homes in terms of housing theories and multidisciplinary approaches. To understand the housing related needs of multi-cultural families, this study highlights social constructionism, the ecological perspective, and feminist epistemology. These three multidisciplinary approaches were useful for generating an ontological analysis of multi-cultural family homes. Further, this study highlights two housing related theories, the microsociological and housing pathways approaches, for dealing with multi-cultural family homes. In conclusion, the five approaches were useful for exploring issues in housing research on multi-cultural family homes with appropriate research methods like hermeneutics, quantitative, and qualitative methods, and field research. Insights into using perspectives and holistic approaches might be useful for solving the problems of multi-cultural family homes in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        영국과 한국에 있어서의 초기 해방 두 여성 작가들의 여성성의 실천적 의미 비교연구

        이덕화 한국여성문학학회 2006 여성문학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        This research compares meaning of practical feminism through writings and lives between Na Hye-Suk and George Eliot and show feministic approach. Feministic approach means by a method to analyze every events and ideas that are shown in writings and lives through woman's point of view. The first motive to start this research was from assumption that difference between Na's miserable life and Eliot's happy and successful life was caused by different traditional ethics of their societies, historical backgrounds, and personal abilities to face those. During modernization of Korean society, conscious reform, which is supposed to develop with balance between economic and political growth, was too sudden to make this balance happen due to gloomy political situation. Many intelligent people insisted women to live their own lives by way of conscious reform but Korean women found it not simple to do so under the situation that would now allow their individual economical independence. This kind of situation led not only women but all the intellectuals not to have any positive belief in future of Korean society and at the end, they tended to deny their self-leaded lives as well as denying presence of their nation. A new group of woman intellectuals was at last one of the biggest scapegoat under the mental panic. They had to be expelled from their society and history being accused of destruction of patriarchy and national insurrection to copy modernization of Western society. On the other hand, British social reform, started from The Industrial Revolution together with growth of bourgeois, has produced trust towards the society through trust and confidence in future of nation and led to accept self confidence and traditional ethics together. Having self confidence then led to philanthropism to accomodate and love others' lives and ideas. George Eliot's liberal life or ethical strictness from her writings may be a good example 'to submit to the most noble law'. This 'the most noble law' means that human's life can not be apart from social standards and relationship.Eliot's life and writings were indeed practices of feministic movement that is flexible and available to any society. This research now shows how Na and Eliot in two different society face their lives and put these in their writings, and also shows how their feministic ideas are revealed in both their life and pieces. 본 연구는 나혜석과 조지 엘리엇의 글쓰기와 삶을 통하여 드러난 여성성의 실천성의 의미를 비교하는데 있어서 여성주의적 접근 방법을 택한다. 여기서 여성주의라는 것은 역사를 관통하는 글쓰기와 삶에 녹아있는 모든 문제와 사건을 여성의 관점에서 보고 분석하는 하나의 방법으로 채택한다. 여성주의 방법론은 학적으로서의 정당성과 객관성, 그 외의 실천적 가치 지향을 포괄한다. 그를 위해 분석 대상을 장르 구분 없이 글쓰기를 대상으로 하되 자서전적인 것으로 채택한다. 나혜석과 조지 엘리엇은 한 세대라고 하는 시간적 간격에도 불구하고, 여성으로서의 철저한 삶을 살고자 했던 나혜석은 한 시대 앞서간 조지 엘리엇보다 더 보수적인 사회적 장벽에 부딪쳐 불행한 삶으로 마감한다. 반면 조지 엘리엇은 작품의 성과에 있어서도, 또 인간적으로도 성공적인 삶을 살았다. 이 두 간극의 차이는 자본주의 발흥기에 있던 식민제국이었던 영국이라는 국가와 식민모국이었던 한국의 국가적 운명과도 관련이 있다. 조지 엘리엇과 나혜석은 여성으로서, 주체적인 여성과 여성으로서의 배려의 삶을 중요시하는 열린 주체로서 열심히 살았지만, 식민지 지배국인 영국의 여성과 한국의 여성의 삶이 전혀 상반되게 나타난다. 이것은 물질적인 부의 축적과 제도 개혁을 함께한 영국은 근대 영국을 향해 가는 전망이 개인에게까지 미쳐 긍정적인 자기 발전으로 나아가고, 타인을 함께 어우르는 삶으로 자리 잡은데 비해 한국에서는 절름발이식 개혁, 물질적인 부의 축적이나 제도 개혁은 이루어지지 않은 의식 개혁만을 부르짖고 식민지 지배 담론만을 모방하려고 한 양가성의 모순을 보여주고 있다. 이로 인해 한국인 개개인은 자기부정에 이르고 이는 타인을 폄하하고 축출하는 극단의 행동으로 나타난다. 이로 인해 나혜석 역시 자신 스스로도 양가성의 논리 속에서 모순을 보여주지만 그로 인한 희생자이기도 하다. 조지 엘리엇이 작품을 통해서 보여준 도덕적 엄격성과 삶을 통해서 보여준 자유분방함은 사회적 유기적 관계에서 인간의 진정한 관계라는 ‘숭고한 법’을 따른 것이나 나혜석에게 나타난 ‘슈퍼우면 콤플렉스’ 역시 남성 우월주의에서 살아남기 위한 전략으로 사회적 유기적 인간관계를 고려한 삶의 전략이다. 나혜석의 ‘슈퍼우먼’식 여성상은 경희 에서 나타난대로 거의 완벽한 여성상이다. 현모양처를 위한 가사일은 물론 자녀양육까지 완벽하개 하고 또 자기 실현을 위한 일도 철저히 해나가는 완벽한 여성상이다. 이것은 남성들과는 달리 여성들은 하나의 원칙을 고집하기 보다는 모든 것을 수용하고 포용하는 열린 주체로서 여성적인 특징이기도 하다. 조지 엘리엇이나 나혜석의 전략은 여성적 본능이라고 할 수 있는 살핌의 미학에 의해서, 여성 주체로서 중심이 아니라 다양을 통일적이게 하는 힘, ‘여성’이라는 형식 안으로 모으는 힘이며 그 힘의 역동적 표현인 것이다. 그 힘은 어느 한 지점에서 권력의 형태로 자리 잡지 않으며 끝없이 유동하는 여성성의 실천의 장이다.

      • KCI등재

        여성정의론 관점에서 본 여성경찰의 채용시험 체력검사 평가기준 논쟁

        황정미 ( Hwang Jeong Mi ),염건웅 ( Yeom Gun Woong ) 한국경찰학회 2021 한국경찰학회보 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the debates on the criteria for evaluating physical strength evaluation criteria in female police recruitment triggered by the “Dearim-dong police assault case(Dearim-dong female police case)” from the perspective of feminist justice perspective and theory and present a blueprint. The existing literature on the controversy are divided into three main debates on the criteria for evaluating physical strength criteria in female police recruitment. The first is the opinion to ease the existing gender separation physical strength evaluation criteria or to eliminate gender difference between men and women in the evaluation criteria. The second is to adapt the gender-free standard or to raise the physical strength criteria of the female police, and the third is to reconsider the police's gender classification, which is a fundamental problem of the physical strength evaluation criteria. As a result of considering the three arguments in terms of feminist justice, in the recruitment of female police, the criteria for physical strength evaluation should be considered in a way that prioritizes the abolition of gender classification recruitment, and Sen and Nusbaum's “capability approach” helps to review existing standards. It also came to the conclusion that the physical strength evaluation criteria should take into account the professional characteristics of the police and should be accompanied by procedural processes for universal agreement on physical strength evaluation criteria.


        Causes of Gender Discrimination in Korean Labor Markets

        LEE, Key Woo,CHO, Kisuk,LEE, Sun Ju Asian Center Women's Studies Korean Women's Instit 2001 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.7 No.2

        Earlier studies investigating whether women were more adversely affected than men during the Asian financial crisis found that female workers had especially unfavorable experiences in the areas of labor force participation, involuntary disengagement, recruitment, and wages. This paper reviews various theories of gender discrimination to understand the causes of gender discrimination in the South Korean labor market and tests hypotheses drawn from various theories, using survey data on employers. The results of this study are not conclusive, but provide support for the cultural gender stereotyping approach and labor market risks and costs approach. Based on the results of the research, policy recommendations are made.

      • KCI등재

        햄릿의 심리와 여성혐오

        김종환(Jong-Hwan Kim) 신영어영문학회 2005 신영어영문학 Vol.32 No.-

        This study discusses Hamlet’s misogyny and his delay with reference to psychological approaches. Hamlet’s Oedipus complex and incestuous impulses are repressed, and his attitude toward women and misogyny become clues of this repression. Hamlet’s bitter misogyny can be regarded as the expression of a repressed feeling. The hero’s unconscious motives, murder of his father and incest with his mother, are not revealed in conscious levels, but the strong misogyny is an example of the repressed sexual feeling. Hamlet does not fulfill the duty of revenge until he is forced to do so by physical circumstances, because he unconsciously identifies himself with Claudius who fulfills Hamlet’s incest desires for his mother. Killing Claudius would be the psychic equivalent of committing suicide. In the psychological sense, it is impossible for Hamlet to fulfill the ghost command for vengeance as long as Gertrude remains as an object of his desire.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회복지에서 여성주의 접근의 필요성에 대한 이론적 고찰

        한정원(Jeong-Won Han) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2007 아시아여성연구 Vol.46 No.2

        최근 지역복지에 대한 관심이 증가하면서 지역사회의 여성복지에 대한 연구도 활발해지고 있다. 이에 지역사회복지에서 여성주의 접근의 필요성 또한 주목받고 있는 시점이다. 여성주의 관점은 복지국가에서의 여성의 위치뿐 아니라 복지국가 자체를 젠더 분석하어 새롭게 이해하는 데 기여했다고 평가받고 있다. 여성을 중심으로 복지정책을 분석하고 개선해 나가려는 노력은 복지정책 연구를 발전시켜 왔으며, 우리가 복지국가라고 부르는 제도를 이해하는 데 매우 중요한 역할을 해왔다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 지역사회복지의 개념과 의의를 알아보고 여성주의 복지에 대한 이론적 고찰 및 여성주의 방법론 활용 가능성을 타진하여 지역여성복지에서 여성주의 접근이 갖는 의의와 전망에 대하여 논의해 보고자 한다. As researches on local welfare are increasing, recently, social interests in local welfare for women are also emerging. It is noted that feminist approach on welfare states, social policies and welfare services play an important role in analyzing entire welfare system Feminist approach focuses on gender structure of welfare system which is very crucial to understanding the characteristics of welfare and women's position in it. In terms of local welfare, feminist approach emphasizes local women as the positive subject that can map the specific local welfare needs. Feminist methodology also can be used in surveying women's needs, collecting the practical information, and analysing the collected data in local area. Towards gender equal social policies practised in the specific area, feminist approach can be used and expanded in the potential welfare sectors. Concerning the importance of feminist approach on welfare, this paper examined the concept of local welfare, feminist approach on welfare, and use of feminist methodology in local welfare area.

      • KCI등재

        여성주의 경제학의 대안적 연구 동향과 비전

        홍태희 ( Tae-hee Hong ) 한국질서경제학회 2015 질서경제저널 Vol.18 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the current trend and future direction of feminist economics. Feminist economics is a kind of critical study of economics including not only its methodology and epistemology but also its history and empirical study. It seeks to produce more gender-aware economics and overcome gender discrimination. Most of Feminist economics focus on topics as follows: women’s work, engendered forms of data collection and measurement such as the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), and gender-aware economic theories, models and policies. In recent years, not only feminism, but also feminist economics is in a state of crisis and thus needs a new vision in its theories and practices. Feminist movements achieved a institutional development of gender equality in most countries. However, real-life situations of women are still considerably discriminatory. This fact has been detected not only in economic areas but also in the whole society. From an economic perspective, women are still facing inequality in terms of income, wealth and working conditions. We deem that feminist economics can be very attractive not only as economics for women, but also as the alternative economics that has the key to solve overall economic problems. Unfortunately, nowadays, feminism is in a dilemma as there are controversies. Some people argue that this society does not need feminism anymore, because the goal of movement which is “gender equality,” has been already achieved. On the other hand, some think totally contrary to the former argument. These people argue that we still need feminism because of gender discrimination that has not yet been resolved in today's society. Likewise, Feminist economics is facing a similar dilemma. Therefore, from now on, what we have to do is to seek a new prospect and vision of feminist economics. In order to find the possibility of feminist economics, this study deals with the discussion about recent trends of feminist economics. To enumerate, this study, first of all, describes why feminism and feminist economics are in the state of dilemma. Next, this study examines the recent development of alternative feminist economics with Socio-economics, Post Keynesian, capability approach and Post deployment argument. Then, it analyzes the practice of feminist economics with eco-feminism, globalization, queer economy and third world feminism. Finally, it suggests the future direction of feminist economics.

      • KCI등재

        Feministic Theological Approach to Spiritual Direction - Centered on Rosemary R. Ruether -

        Lee, Joo Hyung 한국실천신학회 2017 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.55

        This research has endeavored to demonstrate that feminist theological approaches can be a formative strategy for spiritual direction in the Christian context. The paper began with the problematic discrimination against women that has been systematically constructed and is currently experienced by Christian women. The prevalence of male language in the traditional hierarchic and patriarchic theological structures was identified as a critical impediment for female directees to affirm not only their self-identities, but also their spiritual experiences within the Christian frame. Feminist theological themes, ranging from divine images and Christology to human nature, shed light upon deconstructing and reconstructing the theological frameworks within Christian theology. So, this study attempted to demonstrate the ways in which the traditional Christian theological approaches reconstructed with feminist approaches could play a significant role in cultivating the spiritual experiences of female directees and enhancing their spiritual identity. The feminist theological approaches contain formative and constitutive components for renewing or authenticating spiritual direction for female directees.

      • KCI등재

        Feministic Theological Approach to Spiritual Direction - Centered on Rosemary R. Ruether -

        이주형 한국실천신학회 2017 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.55

        This research has endeavored to demonstrate that feminist theological approaches can be a formative strategy for spiritual direction in the Christian context. The paper began with the problematic discrimination against women that has been systematically constructed and is currently experienced by Christian women. The prevalence of male language in the traditional hierarchic and patriarchic theological structures was identified as a critical impediment for female directees to affirm not only their self-identities, but also their spiritual experiences within the Christian frame. Feminist theological themes, ranging from divine images and Christology to human nature, shed light upon deconstructing and reconstructing the theological frameworks within Christian theology. So, this study attempted to demonstrate the ways in which the traditional Christian theological approaches reconstructed with feminist approaches could play a significant role in cultivating the spiritual experiences of female directees and enhancing their spiritual identity. The feminist theological approaches contain formative and constitutive components for renewing or authenticating spiritual direction for female directees.

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