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        학습 공간으로서 온라인 독서실의 특징에 관한 연구: 중학생의 학습 경험을 중심으로

        강경리 학습자중심교과교육학회 2023 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.23 No.14

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to study the characteristics of the online studying room as a learning space focusing on secondary students' learning experiences. In this study, secondary students' learning experiences in the online studying room were analyzed, and based on this, the characteristics of the online studying room as a learning space were derived. Methods The research methods applied in this study were in-depth interviews targeting seven secondary students. In this study, Ecological Systems Theory was selected as an analysis framework for online studying room. Results First, secondary students' learning experiences in the online studying room were as follows. In the early stage of learning, learning in the online studying room as learning start stage, based on personal characteristics of expectations and curiosity for learning, was affected by the macrosystem of the influence of strengthening distance education due to COVID-19, Z culture and the microsystem of the reaction of parents and the reaction of friends. It was found that secondary students started learning in the online studying room in their free time. In the middle stage of learning, learning in the online studying room as learning execution stage, based on personal characteristics of self-control and competition for learning, was affected by the microsystem of the interaction of online studying room function and the interaction of friends. It was found that secondary students continued to learn in the online studying room. In the late stage of learning, learning in the onlinestudying room as learning assessment stage, based on personal characteristics of confidence and self-reflection in learning, was affected by the microsystem of the improvement of learning grades at school and the improvement of learning efficiency in the online studying room. It was found that secondary students formed learning habits in the online studying room. Second, the characteristics of the online studying room as a learning space are as follows. In the early stage of learning, the online studying room appeared as a open learning space selected by socio-cultural context, in the middle stage of learning, a learning space to share reflecting advanced science and technology, and in the late stage of learning, a self-learning space where effective and efficient learning is possible. Conclusions First, policy support is needed for revitalization of online learning space outside of school for secondary school students. Second, it is necessary to establish a social support system of linkage between secondary schools and homes centering on the online learning space outside of school. Third, it is necessary to educate secondary school students about self-directed learning in the online learning space outside of school.

      • 지역아동센터 발전 및 평가발전과정

        조항용 한국인간복지실천학회 2018 한국인간복지실천연구 Vol.20 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 지역아동센터 정의와 발전배경을 살펴보고, 지역아동센터의 변천사에서 태동기, 발전기, 성장기, 정착기를 알아봄으로 지역아동센터 역사를 알아보았다. 태동기 1990년 이전에는 종교단체, 시민단체의 민간차원에서 공부방으로 시작되었으며, 발전기 1990년~2003년에는 아동복지법의 개정으로 법적인 제도권으로 진입하는 시기이다. 성장기 2004~2008년 전국 지역아동센터 공부방협의회를 발족하였고, 2004년 1월 법제화가 실시되었으며 2008년 지역아동센터 시범평가 실시를 통해 지역아동센터 관리의 질 향상을 꾀하였다. 지역아동센터정착기 2009년~현재 제도권 진입 후 2009년~2011년 지역아동센터 평가도입을 실시하였으며 종사자 역량 강화 교육을 실시하였고, 시설정보시스템 의무 사용으로 아동복지 종합복지 시스템으로 전환했다. 2012~2014년도 지역아동센터 평가센터를 설치 후 3년 주기의 평가지표를 구축하였다. 평가2기는 2015~2017년으로 진입평가와 심화평가로 분리하여 평가위원의 교차평가를 실시하였다. 평가 3기는 2018~2020년으로 중앙평가 운영위원회를 도입하고, 평가지표에 시설운영자의 철학을 추가하고 등급을 부여 하여 pass, non-pass시설에 컨설팅을 의무화 하므로 운영비 차별화를 주었다. 따라서 시설에서 바라보는 평가 체계 개선점을 제시함으로 지역아동센터 평가의 요소를 제고하는데 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the definition and development background of local children's centers and to know the history of regional children' s centers by learning about the developmental stages, generators, growth period, Before 1990, it started as a private study group of religious organizations and civic groups. In 1990~2003, it was a time to enter into a legal system by amendment of the Child Welfare Law. In 2004-2008, the National Study Center for Children's Center Study Room was established. In January 2004, it was legislated. After introducing the local child care center (2009~present), the evaluation of local children's center and the transition for the employee empowerment were conducted and the system was changed into the comprehensive welfare system for child welfare through the mandatory use of facility information system. from 2009 ~ 2011. After the establishment of the Evaluation Center for Regional Children's Center from 2012 to 2014, an evaluation index of three-year cycle was established. The second phase of the evaluation was conducted from 2015 to 2017, and the evaluators were evaluated separately. The evaluation phase 3 was conducted from 2018 to 2020, it differentiated the operating expenses by intorducing the central evaluation board, adding the philosophy of the facility operator to the evaluation index, and assigning classification to pass and non-pass facility to oblige consulting, Therefore, it is meaningful to improve the elements of the evaluation of local children 's center by suggesting the improvement of the evaluation system that the facility looks at.

      • KCI등재

        「漢韓大辭典」의 편찬과정과 향후 계획

        윤승준 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2012 東洋學 Vol.52 No.-

        I wrote this paper to achieve twin objectives. At first, I want to share the trials and errors,know-hows, information concerned with a dictionary compilation based on the compilation process of Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon. Also I purposed to prepare the white paper of Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon compilation. According to the President Chang Chungsik’s require, Institute of Oriental Studies established the compilation office of the Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon and pushed ahead the great project in 1977. Since 1977, the plan for the compilation and publishing the Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon was changed twice, and the special commission on Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon compilation was organized in 2004. At last the Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon (16 volumes) was completed 28 October 2008. During the 31 years,Institute of Oriental Studies held several meetings for reading research papers, published a news letter Bulletin of Oriental Studies semiannually, as well as running the reference room. And Institute of Oriental Studies introduced the computerized typesetting system and developed the Chinese character fonts. Now Institute of Oriental Studies is undertaking the integrating and digitalizing project of the Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon (16 volumes) and Dictionary of Korean Chinese Characters (4 volumes). Completing this project, Institute of Oriental Studies will carry out the projects as following ;on-line service of Han-Han-Dae-Sajeon, compilation of the essence dictionary for student or compilation of the disciplinary expert dictionaries, research for the lexicography, cooperation with the related organizations such as National Institute of Korean History, Institute for the translation of Koreans Classics, Academy of Korean Studies etc. 본고는 30여 년에 걸친 「漢韓大辭典」 편찬 과정에서 축적한 사전 편찬에 대한 경험과 지혜를 공유하는 한편, 「≪한한대사전≫ 편찬 백서」(가칭) 발간을 위한 기초 자료를 정리하기 위하여 기필되었다. 특히 이 글에서는 「한한대사전」의 편찬과정과 향후 계획에 대하여 중점적으로 다루었다. 동양학연구소에서는 1977년 漢韓辭典의 필요성을 절감하고 있던 張忠植 전 총장의 요청에 따라 편찬계획안을 수립하고 「한한대사전편찬실」을 신설하였다. 편찬실에서는 편찬위원회를 구성하고 실무를 담당할 편찬원을 선발하여 사전 편찬을 위한 지침을마련하는 한편, 어휘 채록과 주석 작업에 착수하였다. 사전 편찬 과정에서 본래 ‘전문 인력 20명에 14억 원의예산으로 15년에 걸쳐 편찬한다.’는 계획안은 2차례 수정을 거쳤고, 마침내 ‘한한대사전 편찬 특별대책위원회’까지 구성되어 사전 발간을 위한 각고의 노력을 기울인 끝에 2008년 10월 28일 「漢韓大辭典」 16책의 완간을볼 수 있었다. 이보다 앞선 1996년 11월, 동양학연구소는 우리나라 고유의 한자와 한자어를 수록한 「韓國漢字語辭典」 4책을 완간한 바 있다. 동양학연구소에서는 30여 년에 걸친 편찬 기간 동안 月例硏究討議會, 「東洋學簡報」의 발간, 동양학연구소 도서실 운영, 편찬원의 해외 시찰, 전산 조판 시스템의 도입과 한자 폰트 개발 등다양한 활동을 통해 「漢韓大辭典」 편찬을 위한 토대를 구축하여 왔다. 아울러 ‘통합디지털 한한대사전’ 편찬작업을 진행 중인 동양학연구원에서는 향후 ‘「한한대사전」의 웹 서비스를 통한 사회 기여’, ‘학습용 한자사전및 전문 갈래 사전의 편찬’, ‘사전학의 세계적 메카를 향한 학술 연구’, 국사편찬위원회·한국고전번역원·한국학중앙연구원 등 ‘유관 기관과의 긴밀한 협력 사업’을 계획 추진 중에 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        원룸시스템 주택 계획을 위한 거주자 행태연구

        조성희,권미지 한국주거학회 2003 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        The demand for one-room system house as a new type of house will increase gradually, and residents also tend to be diversified. However, a method of planning of planning of one-room system house was limited and unified. Current floor plans of the one-room don't utilize a benefit of open plan in small areas. The purpose of this study is to propose several guidelines for the planning of one-room system houses that correspond to residents' needs in order to facilitate the benefit of open plan such as efficiency and multi-purpose use in small area. For this, a field survey was carried out as case studies, with individual interviews, questionnaires, and actual survey including taking pictures. Subjects were 50 residents who living in one-room system houses in Busan. Space usage behavior of residents, residential satisfactions, and preference attitudes on the attached service facilities were analyzed. The results were synthesized to suggest several guidelines for planning of one-room system house.

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