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      • KCI등재

        A Case of Severe Lead Poisoning with Basophilic Stippling Teardrop Cell

        강원양,조승현,임대영,김수환,박원주 대한의학회 2019 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.34 No.50

        In November 2018, a 50-year-old man has received emergency room and gastrointestinal medical care several times due to severe abdominal pain and 11-kilogram weight loss that occurred 3 months ago. Various tests were performed, but no cause of severe periumbilical abdominal pain was found (abdominal computed tomography, ultrasonography, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and colonoscopy). Blood tests showed microcytic hypochromic anemia (hemoglobin, 8.7 g/dL; red blood cell, 3.31 × 106 /mm3 ; hematocrit, 27.9%). And basophilic stippling teardrop of red blood cells was observed in the peripheral blood smear (Fig. 1). After several interviews, the patient revealed that he had been taking traditional herbal medicine for about half a year. He bought the ingredients for the herbal medicine himself at various traditional markets and made and took them himself. The worse the patient got, the harder he took the herbal medicine. Tests were conducted on heavy metals, and the blood lead level was 164 µg/dL (adult normal limit, 10 µg/dL).1,2 The cause of severe periumbilical abdominal pain was lead colic.3 Other heavy metals test results were within normal limits (urine mercury, 2.252 µg/L; blood mercury, 1.495 µg/L; urine cadmium, 1.58 µg/g creatinine; blood cadmium, 0.95 µg/L; urine nickel, 3.67 µg/L; blood manganese, 4.37 µg/L; urine arsenic, 107.016 µg/L; blood zinc, 75 µg/dL; blood copper, 95 µg/dL). He was

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Polygon-based Vector Voronoi Diagram Implementation

        조청운 (사)한국컴퓨터게임학회 2023 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.36 No.2

        Implementing a Voronoi diagram for a set of points on a two-dimensional plane is a technique very often used for non-realistic or stylized rendering. However, looking at implementation methods of existing studies, a method of calculating Voronoi cells in a pixel-based image space is used. The implementation of the vector-based Voronoi diagram is a method that can directly express the boundary where cells meet. In the case of the pixel-based method, the boundary between Voronoi cells can be obtained through edge extraction image processing after first making it in the form of an image, and the accuracy is determined by the resolution, which is inevitably less accurate than the vector-based method. That is, the pixel-based Voronoi diagram generation method mainly calculates the Voronoi cell area and does not explicitly have data on clear boundaries. In contrast, the vector-based Voronoi diagram generation method can be said to be a highly accurate expression method because it directly includes the boundary line data of the Voronoi diagram. However, because the pixel-based implementation method is a more intuitive and easy implementation method, existing studies are using the pixel-based implementation method. In this study, we propose a method for calculating Voronoi diagrams in 3D space using polygon geometry directly at points. Both the Euclidean distance and the Manhattan distance can be used, and it is proposed to be used for the extension of the Voronoi diagram for line segments.

      • KCI등재

        Improving Reaction-Diffusion Based Tone Representation using Discontinuity Information

        조청운 (사)한국컴퓨터게임학회 2019 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.32 No.4

        Representation of continuous tones using a response-diffusion model is a technique using pattern formation of morphogens. Grayscale images can be converted into images with discrete brightness using a mathematical model of morphogenetic material. This method allows the image to be converted into dots and lines, which can be used to render images in various styles. This is based on the assumption that the brightness information of the image is transformed into form-forming material and produces a predictable result when simulated. In actual experiments, the assumptions are good for the video signal that does not change rapidly, but the result shows the artifact in the result image for the rapidly changing part. This is shown in the form of black lines in the part where the brightness difference is rapidly changed, and this part may be different from the signal of the original image. In order to solve this problem, this paper attempts to solve the problem by deriving a method to solve the problem in the reaction-diffusion model and suggesting a new calculation method. The proposed method solves this problem by detecting the part where the brightness changes abruptly and controlling it so that diffusion does not occur in this part.

      • KCI등재

        조선 시대 한양도성 내 점각명 백자의 출토 양상과 특징 변화

        박정민(Park, Jung Min) 한국미술사교육학회 2024 美術史學 Vol.- No.47

        Stippled inscriptions are almost the only way to mark a long-lasting inscription on high-quality white porcelain, mostly glazed throughout the bowl. Also, since dotted inscriptions are mainly displayed in the process of using white porcelain, information on the owner and purpose of the bowl can be grasped in comparison with other types of inscriptions. In the Hanyang city during the Joseon Dynasty, both government offices and individuals used stippled inscriptions to manage changes in the status and use of white porcelain. Most of the white porcelain marked with stippled inscriptions were high-quality white porcelain made in the Royal kiln, and the dotted inscriptions displayed on these bowls were a device for management regardless of the actual function of the bowl. Therefore, as a way to secure efficiency according to the managers status, various inscriptions are displayed in Chinese characters, Korean, and the signs, and these display methods reveal each difference depending on the period. In the early Joseon Dynasty, many of the contents of the white porcelain with stippled inscription were mainly marked with changes in ownership relations or owners, and the change in use due to rituals and bowls was also marked on the bowl. As for the method of marking the inscription, some signs were also used, mainly in Chinese characters and Korean characters. In the case of the early Joseon Dynasty, a number of white porcelain with stippled inscription were excavated from residential areas nearby palaces or government offices. This would mean that vessels belonging to a specific government office were frequently used in places other than that government office depending on the situation. Many of the white porcelain with stippled inscription excavated in downtown Seoul correspond to the early Joseon Dynasty, and the cases of stippled inscription on white porcelain in the 17th and 18th centuries decreased significantly and then increased again in the 19th century. In the late Joseon Dynasty, the excavation volume of white porcelain with stippled inscription decreased significantly, and it is difficult to confirm the management of white porcelain using stippled inscription in the private sector, as it is characterized by being excavated only in some areas, mainly in the palace. Most of the inscriptions were written in Korean, and the place of ownership was mainly marked on the white porcelain. After the 18th century, informations such as kanji (⼲⽀), size, and quantity are added step by step to the place of ownership.

      • 조선 전기 한글 명문이 있는 자기(瓷器)의 특징과 의미

        박정민(Park Jung Min) 명지대학교 문화유산연구소 2012 미술사와 문화유산 Vol.1 No.-

        훈민정음이 만들어진 다음부터 조선 사람들의 문자생활에는 일대의 변혁이 일어났고, 새로운 글자를 통해 조선인들은 자신들의 생각과 의견을 보다 능동적으로 교환할 수 있게 되었다. 한문교육을 받지 못한 계층들도 한글을 통해 각자의 뜻을 표출할 수 있게 되었다. 이러한 견지에서 한글은 상대적으로 신분이 낮은 계층에게 그 파급효과가 더욱 컷을 것이다. 훈민정음의 창제와 반포가 가지는 역사적, 국문학적인 의미 및 중요성은 누차 강조할 필요가 없다. 한글의 막대한 역량은 역사학과 국문학 분야를 넘어 조선 사회경제사뿐만 아니라 문화사와 미술사적인 부분에까지 투영된다. 한국도자사의 연구에서도 한글은 도자기의 편년관계 및 생산·소비과정을 보다 입체적으로 규명해 줄 단서들을 제공한다. 한글은 그 창제와 반포 시점이 정확하게 기록되어 있고, 그 단어의 변화상과 서체의 흐름이 시기적으로 구분되는 만큼 도자기들에 시문된 한글 명문들의 연구를 통해 보다 효과적인 도자기들의 편년 구분안을 모색할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 동시에 비록 단편적이기는 하나 한글 명문이 있는 자기들을 통해 상대적으로 남아있는 자료가 부족한 조선 전기의 한글자료들을 보다 풍성하게 할 수 있기를 기대한다. 더불어 조선 전기에 제작된 자기들이 실제 사용되는 과정에서 부가된 명문들의 내용을 통해 당시 주요한 소비재로써 자기들의 소비양태를 간접적으로 확인할 수 있다. 조선의 백성들에게 한글은 언로(言路)의 확대라는 거창한 개념보다는 실생활에서의 편리성이라는 측면으로 부각되었을 것이다. 한글이 반포되기 이전, 한자(漢字)를 모르는 일반 백성들에게 자기들의 개별적인 소유관계를 증명하기 위한 명문은 주로 부호와 수결의 형태였다. 개별적으로 표시된 단순한 형태의 부호들은 같은 모양이 서로 중복될 수 있는 소지도 있었고 추가, 변용되어 원래의 모습이 바뀌어 버린다면 소유권을 주장할 근거로서의 기능이 상실될 수 있었다. 이러한 상황에서 반포된 한글을 이용한 구체적인 명문들은 그릇의 소유자 및 출납관계를 명시할 수 있었다. 조선 전기에 제작된 자기들에 시문된 한글 명문들의 몇 가지 특징과 의미들을 살펴보았다. 우선 점각기법으로 새겨진 한글 명문들은 내용에 따라서 그릇의 용도, 소비처, 관리자 등으로 구분되며, 주로 그릇의 전체가 시유된 갑번(匣燔) 혹은 예번(例燔)으로 번조된 백자들에서 확인된다. 묵서기법으로 쓰인 한글 명문들은 주로 성명들이며 상번(常燔)으로 번조된 죽절굽 백자의 굽 안쪽에 시문된다. 한글 묵서명이 시문된 백자류들은 그 상한이 1446년 이전으로 올라갈 수 없으므로 상대적인 편년을 확보하는 데도 참고가 된다. 최근에 한양도성 안에서 출토된 묵서명 한글 명문들의 서체는 주로 언해본체의 틀 안에 해당하며, 반시옷 혹은 여인시옷으로 지칭되는 반치음 ‘ㅿ’과 ‘ㅸ’이 사라진 16세기 전반 이후에 주로 시문되었다. 최근 이루어진 한양도성 내의 청진동 발굴조사를 기준하면, 한글 명문이 새겨진 백자들은 대부분 16세기의 문화층에서 출토되었다. 이는 한글 명문이 새겨진 분청자들의 제작시기와도 일치한다. The invention of Hangul in 1443 helped the common people express their ideas and concerns. The official character in the Joseon dynasty was Chinese ‘Hanja’ which was very difficult to learn. But the social classes with no Chinese characters education could easily learn Hangul and express their thoughts. Therefore, Hangul was very rapidly spread into the public. The superior influence of Hangul is proved in the various fields such as History, Literature, Cultural history, Art history and Social-economics as well. In the field of Ceramics history, Hangul provides clues to prove ceramics chronology, process of production and consumption of ceramics in the Joseon dynasty. The precise information on invention and proclamation of Hangul is written on the official documents. The used words and handwriting styles on the ceramics changed over time. Therefore, through research of Hangul, carved or written on the Joseon ceramics, it is possible to reveal the consumption patterns of ceramics as a commodity. It also provides the effective method to investigate ceramics chronology. Moreover, the ceramics with Hangul inscription will be good materials to study Hangul in early Joseon dynasty under the lack of source. Hangul is accepted to Joseon people as a communication medium and a convenient tool. Before the invention of Hangul, the common people engraved marks or signs on ceramics as a symbol of ownership. But the addition and alteration in signs and marks could be done easily so that they were not appropriate to prove ownerships. By usage of Hangul, the confusions were reduced and the written inscription clarified the ownership and trading process of ceramics. The characteristics and significations of Hangul shown on Joseon ceramics differed by the periods. In the first half of the Joseon dynasty, the Hangul inscription stippled mainly on the glazed surface of white porcelains and demonstrated the purpose of certain ceramics usage and the consumers and administrators of ceramics. Secondly, inscriptions written in ink were mostly names of the ceramics owners and found on un-glazed surface of inside of ceramics sole. Hangul inscriptions could not be shown before 1446, the year Hangul proclaimed, and they have became criteria to determine the relative chronology of ceramics.

      • KCI등재

        Identification of a Novel Nonsense Mutation in the ARSE Gene of a Patient with X-Linked Recessive Chondrodys- plasia Punctata

        Jin Woong Doo,Ja-Hyun Jang,Eun Hae Cho,Jin Kyu Kim,Soo Chul Cho 대한신생아학회 2016 Neonatal medicine Vol.23 No.3

        X-linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata (CDPX1) is caused by a hemizygous mutation in the arylsulfatase E (ARSE) gene located on chromosome Xp22.3. It is a rare congenital disorder of punctate calcifications in cartilages, leading to short stature and facial and limb anomalies. These clinical features are frequently observed in all types of chondrodysplasia punctata and have also been seen in other cartilage developmental disorders. Because of the phenotypical similarities, specific testing for only one gene is inefficient and time consuming. The advent of next-generation sequencing has provided an opportunity to improve diagnostic accuracy as well as save on time and cost. Here, we report on a patient diagnosed with CDPX1, who was identified via diagnostic exome sequencing to have a novel nonsense mutation in the ARSE gene, that was inherited from the mother.

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