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        新出 高麗 水月觀音圖 - 새로운 양식의 성립과 계승 -

        정우택,신광희 동악미술사학회 2013 東岳美術史學 Vol.0 No.14

        承天寺는 현재의 행정구역상 福岡市 博多區에 있는 臨済宗 사원으로 1242년 鎌倉時代에 창건되었다. 承天寺는 조선에 대장경을 구하러 오는 등 역사적으로 한반도와 밀접한 관련을 지닌 사찰이다. 承天寺에는 현재 두 점의 水月観音圖가 전하고 있는데, 한 점은 전형적인 고려불화로 오래전부터 알려져 왔고, 또 한 점 은 이 글의 주제인 輪王坐像의 그림이다. 윤왕좌 수월관음도는 비단 바탕에 채색이며 크기는 세로 97.1㎝, 가로 47.5㎝로 거는 그림의 형상으로 보 존 상태가 아주 좋다. 画面의 중앙에는 관음보살이 바위 위에 정면을 향하여 앉아 있고 그 주위에 선재동자와 정병, 바위가 표현되어 있다. 채색은 몸체부 전면에 金泥를 칠하였고 윤곽선은 朱線이며 눈썹은 朱線 위에 녹청을 칠하여 표현하였고, 머리카락은 군청이다. 천의는 갈색계 안료를 전면에 칠하고 백색 안료로 二重 채색하였으며 그 위에 금니로 점문을 그려 넣었다. 베일은 백색 안료로 윤곽을 잡고 麻葉文을 그려 넣어 투명한 듯 표현하였다. 이 그림은 얼굴 표현, 베일의 마엽문, 목걸이, 치마의 백색안료에 의한 二重채색 등 화면구성요소의 표현 과 형상이 고려불화의 기본적인 묘법에 바탕을 두고 그려졌다는 점에는 의심의 여지가 없다. 大和文華館의 수월관음도는 承天寺 그림의 제작시기 추정과 관련하여 주목된다. 大和文華館本은 반가 좌이기는 하지만 正面向이어서 承天寺本과 상통하고 있다. 더구나 兩本은 천의와 영락 양끝의 두 가닥의 띠 의 형상이 거의 같고 특히 영락 양끝에서 시작한 두 가닥의 띠 자락을 왼손으로 누르는 듯 표현한 모습마저도 일치한다. 또한 兩本은 베일을 마치 띠 형상의 투명한 듯 표현된 베일을 걸치고 있을 뿐만 아니라 암좌의 좌 우로 흘려 내리게 한 표현 의도까지도 상통하고 있다. 그리고 兩本은 치마에 菊花文만 표현하고 있음도 동일 하다. 한편 兩本은 많은 부분에서 유사한 점이 많지만 14세기 전반으로 추정되는 大和文華館本이 承天寺本에 비하여 채색이 부드럽고, 자세 역시 자연스럽다. 즉 大和文華館 수월관음도는 承天寺 그림보다 구성요소들 이 율동적이고 유기적인 관계에서 앞서고 있어 제작시기가 다르다고 짐작한다. 또한 承天寺 수월관음도는 베일의 백색 마엽문이 大和文華館本에 비하여 한층 두드러져 보이며, 치마의 국화문이 형식적이고 나아가 금니의 사용이 지극히 소극적이며, 바위의 표현에서도 화풍의 차이를 뚜렷하게 확인 할 수 있다. 이는 제작시기가 내려올수록 형식화 경향을 보이는 고려불화의 화풍과 일치하는 현상이다. 따라서 承天寺 그림의 제작시기는 14세기 말엽으로 짐작된다. 윤왕좌 도상의 수월관음도는 고려불화에서는 첫 사례로 매우 이례적이다. 그러나 윤왕좌 도상은 鏡像과 조각상을 통하여 볼 때 이미 고려의 불교 도상에 수용되어 있었고 朝鮮王朝에도 계속 제작되었다. 윤왕좌 관음도상의 源流는 淸凉寺 목조석가여래입상 복장품인 985년 鏡像에 새겨진 수월관음상이다. 宋 代의 윤왕좌 관음보살도상은 1132년경의 開化寺 石刻 수월관음도를 비롯하여 宋代뿐만 아니라 遼代에도 조각상의 중요 자세로 자리 잡는다. 윤왕좌의 수월관음도는 承天寺 수월관음도의 사례를 통하여 볼 때 경상, 조각과는 달리 고려시대 말기인 14세기 말엽이 되어서야 수용된 이유는 명확하게 알 수 없다. 그 이유 가운데 하나는 고려불화의 특성인, 전 통도상을 固守하려는 保守性, 두 번째는 추측의 범위를 벗어날 수 없지만, 신앙의 변화와 그에 상응하는 도 상의 필요성과 관련이 있다고 짐작한다. 즉 14세기 불교는 관념적 성향에서 점차 현실적 으로 인식이 바뀌었 고 이에 부응하여 觀想의 성격이 강한 측면향 보다는 顯現性이 강한 정면향, 對面的 관음보살상이 효과적이 었기 때문이라 생각한다. 承天寺의 수월관음도에서 비롯된 윤왕좌 관음보살상은 고려불화 전통의 반가좌 도상을 대신하여 이 이 후의 관음보살상의 기본자세로 자리를 잡게 된다. 즉, 윤왕좌 관음보살도는, 京都 知恩院의 1550년 관음32 응신도를 비롯하여 특히 18세기에 유행을 한다. 한편 梅林寺의 1427년 수월관음도는 조선조 초기의 불화 경향을 전해주는 귀중한 그림으로 承天寺 그림 과는 기본자세가 다르지만 착의법은 물론 세부의 표현과 기법에서도 아주 유사하다. 이 그림은 고려불화 화 풍의 수용 양상을 짐작하는 매우 중요한 사례이다. 이를 통하여 볼 때, 承天寺 수월관음도의 표현과 기법은 大和文華館本을 수용하여 梅林寺의 1427년 수월관음도로 계승되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 承天寺의 수월관음도는 고려불화에서는 지금까지 사례가 없었던 윤왕좌 도상의 그림이라는 점에서 매우 중요하다. 즉 이 그림은 조선시대를 풍미하는 윤왕좌 관음보살 도상의 선구적 역할을 하였다는 점에서 역시 시사하는 바가 적지 않다. 윤왕좌 도상의 수월관음도 출현은 당시의 신앙 경향과 새로운 도상을 요구하는 정 서에 부응하고자 하였기 때문이며, 이는 이미 정착하고 있었던 경상과 조각상 윤왕좌 도상을 수용할 수 있었 기 때문에 가능했다고 짐작한다. 따라서 조선조 불화에 보이는 윤왕좌 관음보살상의 원류를 1443년경의 중 국 法海寺 벽화를 비롯하여 明代 불화에서 찾으려는 인식도 이제는 재고해야 할 필요가 있다. 承天寺의 수월관음도는 고려불화의 도상과 기법의 다양성을 입증하는 중요한 사례라 하여도 과언이 아 니다. Zoten-ji(承天寺) which is currently located in Hakata district in Fukuoka city (福岡市博多区) was established in 1242 during the Kamakura period(鎌倉時代). Historically, the temple is known to have a close relation to Korean peninsula since it is known to have visited Joseon in search for Tripitaka. Currently, Zoten-ji holds two paintings of Water-Moon Avalokitesvara: one which is well known as the classic Goryeo Buddhist painting and the other is painting of bodhisattva seated in royal ease posture which is the subject of this paper. Water-Moon Avalokitesvara seated in royal ease posture is painted on silk, measures 97.1cm high and 47.5cm wide and preserved in good condition. Avalokitesvara is seated above a boulder facing the front in the center of the painting and Sudhana, kundika, and rocks are depicted around the bodhisattva. With respect to coloring, the body is painted in gold, the contours are painted in red, eyebrows are painted in green above the red lines and the color of hair is blue. The entire garment was first painted in brown pigment and double-coated with white pigment. Lastly the surface of the garment was decorated in dot patterns with gold pigment. The contours of veil are shaped with white pigment and hemp leaf pattern was painted to give a sense of transparency. The facial expression, the hemp leaf pattern of the veil, the necklace, the use of double-coating technique with white pigment on the garment and etc. all indicate that the representation and form of the painting’s compositional elements are based on the representational method of the Goryeo Buddhist paintings. Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in Yamato Bunkakan(大和文華館) is worthy of notice with regard to the dating of the painting in Zoten-ji. Although the painting in Yamato Bunkakan is seated in half-lotus posture, it is similar to the painting of Zoten-ji in that both bodhisattvas are facing the front. Further, representations of two sashes at the end of garment and necklace are almost identical in both paintings. Especially, the delineation of the left hand as if it is pressing down the two sashes which begin at the end of necklace is also the same. Furthermore, both paintings depict bodhisattva as wearing a veil which looks transparent and the representation of veil flowing on each side of boulder is also identical. The representation of garment which is decorated only with chrysanthemum pattern is also identical in both paintings. Even though two paintings share similar qualities in many aspects, the painting in Yamato Bunkakan is softer and more natural in terms of color and posture respectively compared to that of Zoten-ji. Since the compositional elements of Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in Yamato Bunkakan is relatively more organic and active compared to that of Zoten-ji, the period of production of the two paintings seems to be different. Further, the white-colored hemp leaf pattern of the veil in the Zoten-ji painting is more vivid than that of Yamto Bunkakan. Chrysanthemum pattern of the garment is more rigid, the use of gold pigment is extremely passive, and the difference in style can be easily distinguished in representation of boulder. This phenomenon corresponds with the style of Goryeo Buddhist paintings whose style shows formalized tendency in later paintings. Therefore, the date of production of the Zoten-ji painting is presumed to be the late 14th century. Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in Zoten-ji is significant in that it is the first painting which depicts Avalokitesvara seated in royal ease posture in Goryeo Buddhist painting. However, the iconography of royal ease posture was already widely applied in Goryeo Buddhist art in bronze mirrors(Gyeongsang, 鏡像) and sculptures. The origin of the iconography of bodhisattva seated in royal ease posture can be found in Water-Moon Avalokitesvara carved in mirror which was found in a wooden standing Buddha sculpture at Seryo-ji(淸凉寺 ). The iconography of Avalokitesvara seated in royal ease posture is also found in the stone carving of Kaihua- si(開化寺) around the year 1132 during the Song dynasty. It is not only found in Song but also became an important posture of Buddhist sculptures in the Liao dynasty. Looking through the example of Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in Zoten-ji, it is uncertain as to why the iconography of royal ease posture was relatively applied later in the late 14th century in paintings compared to bronze mirrors, and sculptures. One of the reasons may be due to the conservative character of Goryeo Buddhist paintings which persist the traditional iconography. The second reason, although it is a mere conjecture, may be related to the change in the form of belief and the corresponding alteration of iconography. In other words, the characteristics of the 14th century Buddhism have gradually shifted from a conceptual to a more realistic understanding. Correspondingly, I believe the frontal representation of Avalokitesvara which emphasizes the manifestation must have been regarded to be more effective than the flanking view which emphasizes visualization. Water-Moon Avalokitesvara seated in royal ease posture starting from the painting in Zoten-ji began to replace the traditional half-lotus posture of Goryeo Buddhist paintings and became the basic posture of Avalokitesvara. In other words, starting from 32 Transformations of Avalokitesvara in Jion-in(1550), Kyoto, paintings of Avalokitesvara seated in royal ease posture became quite popular in the 18th century. Meanwhile, Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in Balin-ji(梅林寺, 1472) is an important painting which shows the Buddhist painting style of early Joseon dynasty. Although the posture of bodhisattva is different from the one at Zoten-ji, the two works are very similar not only in dress but also in representation and technique of details. It is an important example which helps to conjecture how the style of Goryeo Buddhist paintings was succeeded. From this instance, it is clear that the representation and technique of Zoten-ji painting was influenced by that of Yamato Bunkakan and was later succeeded into the painting of Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in Bailin-ji. Water-Moon Avalokitesvara of Zoten-ji is a significant work in that it is the first painting in which the bodhisattva is represented in royal ease posture. That is, it is a pioneering work which became quite popular in the Joseon dynasty. The advent of Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in royal ease posture corresponded to the contemporary form of religion and the demand for new iconography. Such shift in the iconography was made possible because the royal ease posture was already employed in bronze mirrors and sculptures. Therefore, attempts to look for the iconographic origin of Water-Moon Avalokitesvara in royal ease posture from murals of Fahai-si(法海寺) in China around 1443 or from the Ming Buddhist paintings need to be reconsidered. It is no exaggeration to say that the Water-Moon Avalokitesvara of Zoten-ji is an important painting which demonstrates the iconographic and technical diversity of Goryeo Buddhist paintings.

      • Intelligent Seat Model for Correction of Driver`s Posture while Driving using Logistic Regression

        Heum Park,Changbum Lee,Chang Min Park 한국정보통신학회 2018 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Vol.10 No.1

        This paper presents an intelligent seat model for correction of driver’s posture while driving using logistic regression algorithm. For good driver’s postures, it adjusts seat height, seat angle, head height, back of knees, distances of foot pedals, tilt of seat, etc. for each driver. There have been some studies on correction of good posture, effects of driving environment on driver’s posture, and sitting strategies based on seating pressure distribution and estimation of driver’s standard postures. However, there are a few studies on correction of driver’s postures while driving for problem of the postures using machine learning algorithm. Therefore, we suggest an intelligent seat model for correction of driver’s posture based on logistic regression using the system developed with C-type piezoelectric effect elements to get the postures. First, we collect the piezoelectric values from 37 drivers and 17 types of cars from the system, second, define 4 types of good postures while driving for labels, and third, analyze the postures for test data using logistic regression algorithm. As the results, we can guide good postures for bad or problems of postures while driving.

      • Field research on actual driving postures and seat configurations in a coach

        Chung Sik Kim,Heejin Kim,Bora Kang,Mingyu Lee,Min. K. Chung,Bong-ha Hwang,Byungsul Lee 대한인간공학회 2012 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.11

        Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate actual driving postures and seat configurations in a coach based on field research data. Background: Vehicle cockpit should be ergonomically designed because it is closely related with safety of drivers and passengers. Especially coach takes on more passengers and is more difficult to drive than the other vehicles such as a sedan and a recreation vehicle, thus it is important to design coach cockpit ergonomically. However, few studies have focused on a coach cockpit especially driving posture and seat configurations which were basic data for cockpit design. Method: For the 34 coach drivers, we took pictures of their driving posture and overall cockpit, and measured seat height and seatback angle in their own vehicle. We measured forward-backward location of seat for the 19 drivers in the second field research. Results: Driving postures were classified into four groups based on torso angle of driver and contact/separate with seat; a contact with seat and erected posture, a contact with seat and normal posture, a contact with seat and relaxed posture, and a separate with seat and erected posture. For the forward-backward location of seat, 36.8% of drivers adjusted location of seat backward than the design criterion (150mm). For the seat height, mean of seat height was 20mm low than the design criterion (375mm), and 62.5% of drivers adjusted seat lower than the design criterion. For the seatback angle, 25.0% of drivers adjusted seatback angle backward than the design criterion (107°). Conclusion: We investigated the driving posture and seat configurations in a coach, and identified that there is considerable gab between actual seat configurations and design criteria. Especially large numbers of their settings could cause lack of rear space in the cockpit. Application: The results of this study can be used for basic data for ergonomic design of a coach cockpit.

      • Effects of initial setting on seat and steering wheel adjustment during mock-up experiment

        Chung Sik Kim,Sung H. Han,Min K. Chung 대한인간공학회 2014 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.11

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of initial setting of seat and steering wheel on seat and steering wheel adjustment during mock-up experiment. Background: Mock-up experiment is one of the representative methodology for investigating driving posture. There are several experimental design factors which could influence on driving postures such as gender, age, instruction for driving posture, and initial setting of seat and steering wheel. Among those factors, we focused on effects of initial setting of seat and steering wheel on driving posture by analyzing seat and steering wheel adjustment because previous studies about driving posture have been used different initial settings. Method: Sixteen male drivers were participated for the experiment. Experimental task was adjusting five adjustable components to support their ordinary and natural driving posture. Five components were seat height, fore-aft location of seat, seatback angle, steering wheel height and fore-aft location of steering wheel, and were set by three kinds of initial settings: minimum, intermediate, and maximum setting. Participants conducted experimental task 4 times by initial setting types. After each task, adjusted location of five components were measured. Results: Effects of initial setting of five components were statistically significant. Generally participants adjusted five component close to initial location. Conclusion: Initial setting of seat and steering wheel affected on seat and steering wheel adjustment for supporting driving posture. This fact should be fully considered when designing mock-up experiment for investigating driving posture. Application: Result of this study could help deciding initial setting of seat and steering wheel for mock-up experiment.

      • A preliminary study on the changes in attention level and seated postural behavior during sustained cognitive task

        Jaramier Cobrado Joibi(자라미엘),Yushin Lee(이유신),Yong Min Kim(김용민),Myung Hwan Yun(윤명환) 대한인간공학회 2018 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2018 No.11

        Objective: This study aims to conduct a preliminary study on the changes of attention level and seated postural behavior during sustained cognitive task. Background: Attention is one of the essential element which determines success of the activity. People spend most of their time in a seated posture in their work and strive to maintain a certain level of attention. However, prolonged periods of cognitive activities may decrease attention level. Attention level is widely measured through electroencephalography (EEG) signals, however, such method is costly and demanding. Method: Participants undergo prolonged and different levels of visual cognitive tasks. A pressure mat is used to obtain the real-time center of pressure (COP) data as the measure of body postural sway. Task performance, subjective workload, and postural changes were compared according to period and difficulty of tasks. Results: The results indicate that diminishing of attention is related to the change of postural behavior. In addition, it was founded that task difficulty influences on both postural sway and frequently adopting posture. Conclusion: It was confirmed that there is a potential to detect the attention level of an individual through their seated postural behavior. Application: It is applicable in measuring attention level using pressure sensor as an alternative of EEG.

      • A Survey Among Wheelchair Users Who Participated in Banie Free 2010 Trade Show

        Toru Furui,Haruka Onishi,Masahiro Kagatanj,Sayaka Sako,Kensuke Hiramoto,Rie Yonezawa,Takashi Handa,Minoru Tanaka 한국재활복지공학회 2010 한국재활복지공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.11

        Objectives of this study is to explore factors impacting their pain and discomfort, and to advocate seating ergonomics in public. We set up a seating clinic booth and conducted survey among wheelchair users at Barrie Free 2010 Trade Show held at Intec Osaka from April 15th to April 17<SUP>th</SUP> 2010.Weanalyzedtheseated posture using software "Rysis", which designed based on ISO 16840-1. Results showed pelvis and trunk asymmetry, joystick controller side, and neck pain made impact on their seated posture. With this clinical consultation process of this work, users can satisfy their interest in objective findings of their seated posture, and experience the importance of ergonomic seating.

      • Body pressure distributions of the varying sitting postures in office work

        Jae Hee Park,Inseok Lee,Min Uk Kim,Seung Hee Kim,Hanbum Jung 대한인간공학회 2011 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.5

        Objective: The aim of this study is to find the ratio of right sitting posture in office workers' daily job. Background: Although office workers know the right sitting posture, their postures observed are likely to be biased improperly. These behaviors are caused by bad design of chair or by task variables. To find the problem of bad postures, a body pressure mat can be used. Method: Three office workers' seat and back pressure during daily work were measured by using two 36 x 36 pressure mats. Then the average pressure of right/left and posterior/anterior area and back pressure were used to categorizing good and bad postures. Results: Office workers pose properly in only 3.2% of daily work. Most of time, 81.5%, their back were separated from seat back. Also they bent and twisted their back improperly to perform tasks. Conclusion: The result showed that office works pose improperly during work. To maintain the proper posture, ergonomic design in seat pressure is needed. Application: The evaluation method used in this study can be applied to evaluate chairs.

      • Measurement of Lumbar Flexion Moment when Changing Seat Condition using Separated Seat

        Dong Hyun Kim,Hyung Joo Kim,Seong Guk Kim,Ye Eun Song,Young Keun Cho,Han Sung Kim 대한인간공학회 2017 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.4

        Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of driving posture changed by seat condition including seat heights, seat angles, and either with or without lumbar support in separated seat on lumbar flexion moments. Background: Recent trends in auto industry has led the higher vehicle seat comfort, which is one of the most important factors in selecting a car. Researchers have suggested an ideal posture for drivers to reduce load on L5/S1, there has been no equipment found for measuring lumbar flexion moment in real time as driving posture changes. Method: All 25 participants (between the ages of 27 and 46, 73.5 ± 11.5 ㎏, 1.74 ± 0.11 m) should have never suffered from musculoskeletal disorders and any kind of orthopedic surgery around the lumbar region. All participants took a seat on the seat, which was adjusted for seat back angle and height with lumbar support in order to induce various driving postures. Reaction forces were collected with force plates and the data of marker position were collected by using an 3D motion analysis system. Results: Seat back reaction force results showed a significant difference in seat back angle with absence lumbar support. (P<0.05) Lumbar flexion moments results showed that there was significant difference in seat back. (P<0.05) There was no significant difference in seat height and lumbar support. Conclusion: These results indicate that the seat back angle may be the main cause of decreased driver’s lumbar flexion moment. However, other car seat adjustment factors for lumbar flexion moment does not have any significance (P>0.05) Application: The results of the new method to evaluation of seat comfort using separated seat might help to determine the manufacturing of car seat and chair and evaluation of seat comfort.

      • 시트 체압 분포 분석을 통한 승차자의 착좌 전략 고찰

        사성진(Sungjin Sah),박장운(Jangwoon Park),이백희(Baekhee Lee),유희천(Heecheon You),김석환(Seokhwan Kim),김기남(Kinam Kim),편종권(Jongkwon Pyun) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2010 No.11

        Objective-To confirm the limits of previous comfort prediction models based on seat pressure distribution data and find occupants’ own sitting strategy in vehicle and the effects of different package layout data on sitting posture. Method-Pressure distribution data were measured about 40 subjects under condition of each three packages; represent the seat package layout about sedan, coupe and SUV. In tests, subjects adjusted seat position, back and cushion angle and lumbar support prominence height using all controllers in mounted seat on mock-up. Results-Based on measured pressure distribution data, this study classified sitting strategy as lumbar, dorsal and dorsal scapular strategy. And, there are no significant changes six pressure ratio obtained by division of seat area under condition of different package layout (P>0.01). Conclusion-Occupants have their own sitting strategy and it’s affected on package layout data. It need to develop new posture prediction model based on sitting strategy for increasing usability of pressure distribution and more precise posture prediction.

      • KCI등재

        맞춤형 착석장치를 통한 자세지지가 뇌성마비 아동의 상지 마우스 사용에 미치는 영향: 단일대상연구

        정동훈 한국장애인재활협회 2012 재활복지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 맞춤형 착석장치를 통한 자세지지가 뇌성마비 아동의 상지 마우스 사용 능력에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 단일대상 연구방법의 하나인 ABAB 설계를 실시하였고, 경직성 사지마비로 진단받은 13세 뇌성마비 남아가 참여하였다. 대상자의 중재 전 휠체어 앉기 자세와 자세지지를 통한 중재 자세에서 마우스 클릭을 위한 반응시간과 정확도를 비교하였다. 중재 자세는 현행 임상지침과 상지 운동을 촉진하는 것으로 밝혀진 연구결과를 참고하였고, 대상자의 전형적인 휠체어 앉기 자세에서 도수 평가 후 맞춤형 착석장치를 통해 교정하였다. 연구 결과는 기초선 자세보다 중재 자세에서 마우스 클릭을 위한 반응시간이 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 마우스 클릭의 정확도는 모든 단계에서 높게 나타나 분석을 실시하지 않았다. 이는 맞춤형 착석장치를 통한 기능적인 앉기 자세가 뇌성마비 아동의 상지 마우스 사용 능력에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 경험적 증거를 제공한다. 향후에는 다른 장애 유형과 더 많은 대상자를 상대로 맞춤형 착석장치가 사용자의 컴퓨터 접근성 향상 등 상지 기능에 효과적이라는 결과를 일반화할 수 있는 연구가 필요하다. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of custom seating system on upper extremity access to mouse for a child with cerebral palsy. A single-subject ABAB design was used with one 13years old participant. The measurements were response time and accuracy of mouse click in the participant's typical position and in an intervention position. The intervention position was taken by using current clinical guideline and research on promoting upper extremity movement. The intervention position was achieved through hands-on postural support to the participant's typical seating. The results of this study were as follow: first, response time was decreased in the intervention position compared with the typical seating. Second, accuracy of mouse click was highly in every phases. So further analyses were not conducted on these data. The results of this study provide empirical evidence of the positive effects of functional seating on access to mouse for children with cerebral palsy. Further research is required to confirm the positive effect of the custom seating system across other disabilities type and more subjects.

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