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      • KCI등재

        농촌사회에 대한 인식론적 고찰

        임형백 ( Im Hyeong Baeg ),이성우 ( Lee Seong U ) 한국농촌계획학회 2003 농촌계획 Vol.9 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate an epistemological recognition of rural society. This study suggests an epistemological reorientation for rural society circumscribing diverse theoretical thoughts as will as empirical evidences. Traditional theoretical perspectives in urban-rural dichotomy envisioned by modernistic idea have regarded rural society as a premodern and underdeveloped society. The perspectives also have regarded city as a symbol of civilization and development. These perspectives thought of the function of rural society as a periphery that can survive as a back-up for urban-oriented prosperity. This study shows that these idea have been concentrated on agricultural expansionism and productivism which do not function in the post-modern societies any longer. The present study argues that these modernistic idea give little understanding of implicit value of rural society. Owing to the functional change of rural society which is quite omnipresent in the 21`st centuries in the world, the present study argues that the value rural society should work even in the market society that has traditionally been regarded as an working-mechanism in urban society. The present study drives a new insight showing that rural renaissance is an explicit existence instead of a phenomenal one.

      • KCI등재

        생산양식과 농촌사회의 변화

        임형백 ( Hyung Baek Lim ),조중구 ( Joong Koo Cho ) 한국농촌계획학회 2004 농촌계획 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate a causal relationship between the mode of production and change of rural society. While dominant theories of social change have stressed variation of contingencies and periodical contexts, this theoretical paper drives a new insight paralleling diverse theoretical arguments of each mode of production with rural and urban changes. Investigating the drifts of intellectual ideologies of the mode of production, we get through diverse paradigm shifts of the production accumulation and its trigger effects on rural change. More specifically, the present study investigates change of rural society by way of investigating such fluctuations of societal changes as ancient society, slavery society, feudal society, industrial society, post-industrial society, and information society. We find that transportation and communication technologies have had a key role in the changes, however, the effects of the technologies on social changes have been different between rural- and urban-society. While we take it for granted that flexible accumulation in post-industrial society and time-space compression and informatization in information society will reduce developmental gap between rural- and urban-society, we also found that there have been big differences of actual application of the technologies between theory and reality in each era of mode of production.

      • KCI등재

        초고령사회 스코틀랜드 농촌지역의 범죄예방전략

        허경미(Huh, Koung-Mi) 한국공안행정학회 2020 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.29 No.2

        스코틀랜드 농촌지역은 초고령사회로 진입한 지 10여년이 되었지만 농촌지역 주민들의 삶의 만족도는 매우 높고, 범죄두려움은 매우 낮다. 따라서 한국의 초고령사회 농촌지역의 성공적인 범죄예방전략을 구축함에 있어 스코틀랜드 농촌지역의 범죄예방전략은 매우 바람직한 롤 모델이 될 것이다. 이 연구는 초고령사회 스코틀랜드 농촌지역의 범죄예방전략을 분석하고 다음과 같이 그 시사점을 찾았다. 첫째, 초고령사회 농촌지역 및 노인인구는 단순한 보호대상이 아니라 범죄예방의 참여적 존재로 인식되어야 한다. 둘째, 스코틀랜드는 자치단체-유관기관-경찰-시민단체-주민 상호간 파트너십을 통한범죄예방전략으로 주민의 삶의 질을 개선하고 있다. 셋째, 범죄문제를 해결하기 위해 이웃공동체의 유대와 결속은 매우 중요하다는 점이다. 넷째, 스코틀랜드 경찰의 조용한 범죄예방전략은 초고령사회 농촌지역에 효과적인 범죄예방전략으로서의 방향성을 보여준다. 다섯째, 안전디자인표준제의 도입은 매우 효율적인 범죄예방 및 안전 확보 전략이다. 여섯째, 범죄신고의 단순화와 크라임스토퍼로 익명신고를 보장함으로써 주민신고를 활성화하였다는 점이다. 일곱째, 농촌지역의 특성을 반영하는 범죄문제에 대해 구체적으로 해결하려는 전략을 개발하고 제시하고 있다는 점이다. The rural area of Scotland has been around for 10 years since entering an post-aged society, but the life satisfaction of rural area residents is very high and the crime fear is very low. Therefore, in establishing a successful crime prevention strategy for rural areas in Korea, the crime prevention strategy for rural areas in Scotland will be a very desirable role model. This study analyzed the crime prevention strategy in rural Scotland in an aging society and found the following implications. First, the rural and elderly population in the an post-aged society should be perceived as a participant in crime prevention, not just protection. Second, the quality of life of rural residents is improving through a crime prevention strategy through partnerships between municipalities, public institutions, police, civic groups, and residents. Third, the importance of bonding and solidarity with neighboring communities is very important to solving crime problems. Fourth, the Scottish police s quiet crime prevention strategy shows the direction of an effective crime prevention strategy in rural areas of post-aged society. Fifth, the introduction of a safety design standard system is a very effective strategy for preventing crime and securing safety. Sixth, it has activated the reporting of residents by simplifying crime reporting and guaranteeing anonymous reporting with a crime stopper. Seventh, Scotland is developing and presenting strategies to specifically address crime problems that reflect the characteristics of rural areas, from dumping issues in rural areas to preventing cultural properties, stealing fuel and poaching wild animals.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대의 새마을운동과 마을사회의 변화

        소순열(Soh, Soonyeol),이성호(Lee, Sung Ho) 한국지역사회학회 2018 지역사회연구 Vol.26 No.1

        This study examines the changes in the relationship between the state and rural society in the process of the Saemaul Movement in the 1970s, through an examination on three farmer’s diaries. The state capacity of mobilization that promotes rural development is different according to the characteristics of rural villages and the farmer’s social strata. Based on three farmers diaries, this study analyzed the differences of response to national policies and ideologies between each villages and between each individuals. The results of this study can be summarized as follows:First, the state has strengthened its dominance to the rural society by utilizing the tradition of communal labor and mutual assistance in rural areas. Rural society tried to improve their deteriorating economic condition by dependence on the state assistances. The consistancy of interests between the state and rural society had strengthend the state power of dominance over rural society. Second, however, the developmental ideology of the state was difficult to penetrate to the inside of the traditional rural societies because of their communal norms especially based on the blood relations. This is because it limits the activity of the younger generations as agents of the state apparatus. This is because that it limits the activity of the younger generation to perform national functions within the village. Third, the rural residents expecting the support of the state was generally accommodate to the national development policy. However, when it was judged that it is not helpful the rural residents’s life, they expressed their refusal to the policy. But in the case of the lower-class farmers who had to maintain their lives based on the reputation and evaluation of the village, they had to maintain their attitude to conform to the policy without revealing such complaints.

      • KCI등재

        한국 농촌사회의 변천: 농촌 인구와 가족의 변화를 중심으로

        김태헌(Tai-Hun Kim) 한국인구학회 2001 한국인구학 Vol.24 No.1

        농촌사회의 변화를 사회 구성원인 인구와 원초제도인 가족의 변화를 중심으로 접근하였다. 연구지역은 청주시로 출퇴근이 가능한 충북 청원군 옥산면의 2개리(근교농촌)와 도시와 접하지 않은 충북 보은군의 2개리(일반농촌)를 선정하였다. 농촌사회의 변화를 측정하기 위하여 연구지역에서 1995-1996년의 1차 조사와 1999-2000년의 2차조사를 실시하였다. 조사원에 의한 면접전수조사이므로 연도 및 지역별 조사결과를 직접 비교하였다. 일반농촌의 경우 성, 연령별 인구구조는 전형적인 역삼각형을 그리고 있으며, 이 현상은 지속적인 젊은 연령층의 전출로 더욱 심화되고 있다. 젊은 연령층의 자녀세대가 도시로 이주하고, 새로운 가족형성이 이루어지지 않고, 노 부모세대만 잔류하다가 노령으로 사망하게 되면 기존 가족의 해체와 더불어 농촌의 지역사회 자체의 존속이 어려워 진다. 한편, 근교농촌의 경우에도 노령화 현상이 나타나지만, 청장년층에서 전출과 전입이 교차하고 있다. 그러므로, 주로 농업에 종사하는 원주민 세대의 노령화가 진행되면서 농촌의 전통적 특성이 감소하는 대신 비농업에 종사하는 젊은 연령층의 전입으로 중간 연령층을 형성하게 되므로 앞으로 도시 특성이 강한 새로운 지역사회로 변모할 것이다. We have approached this study on the basis of population and family changes. We have selected two suburban and two general rural areas for this research. The suburban rural areas are located next to Chungju City. which is the biggest city in Chungbuk Province, and the residents are able to commute to Chungju. The general rural areas are located in Boeun Gun, which is a typical agricultural county in Chungbuk Province. We have conducted two round surveys at the research areas: 1995-1996 for the first round and 1999-2000 for the second round surveys. Since the surveys were completed ones interviewed by enumerators. we have used the survey data directly for the analysis by year and region. The population sturcture by age and sex in general rural areas is shaped as a reverse triangle, which is becoming more serious because of the continuing emigration of young generation. Most of the young generation moves to the urban areas and their old parents only are left in their hometown. rural areas. When the parents become old and die, the number of households in the areas decreases rapidly. If there are no more new family formations, therefore, the rural society itself would cease to exist in near future. However, the situation of suburban rural areas was a different case. Although the rural young generation has moved to urban areas, other young age groups have moved into the areas with their small enterprises and for the low living costs. The original residents become older and the young age groups are replaced with the new immigrants continuously. Therefore, the traditional agricultural society will be replaced with a non-agricultural society, which will have more characteristics of urban areas.

      • KCI등재

        한국농촌사회의 장기비전과 발전전략

        박진도(Jin Do Park) 한국농촌사회학회 2010 農村社會 Vol.20 No.1

        한국의 농촌사회가 급속히 공동화되고 있다. 그것은 성장지상주의와 경제제일주의 정책에 따라 추진된 수출주도의 불균형공업화와 재벌과 대도시 중심의 성장전략 그리고 세계화와 시장개방, 경쟁력 지상주의 농정이라는 국가 프로젝트의 산물이다. 그 동안 정부가 농촌에 적지 않은 자금을 투자하였지만 별 성과를 거두지 못하고, 농촌사회의 공동화를 막지 못했다. 그 이유는 농촌정책이 대증요법적 대책에 치우치고, 농촌사회의 장기변화 전망에 기초하여 올바른 비전과 발전전략을 수립하지 못하였기 때문이다. 이 글은 붕괴 직전의 농촌사회를 재생시키기 위해서는 농업농촌의 가치에 대한 국민 인식과 농촌사회의 발전전략이 근본적으로 바뀌어야 한다는 것을 주장한다. 농촌사회의 지속가능한 발전을 위해서는 내발적 발전전략에 기초한 농촌사회의 경제적, 사회문화적, 환경적으로 통합적인 발전과 그것을 담보할 수 있는 주체 형성이 중요하다. Korean rural society has been facing the serious problems like getting empty owing to the nation projects which put the high economic growth as the supreme end of economic policies. Korean government has provided huge money in order to rebuild rural areas. The effort, however, did not get the expected results, because the policies were not based on the long-term vision and right development strategies of Korean rural society. This paper insists the change of peoples` consciousness and rural development strategy in order to revive the Korean rural society. Peoples` need to rural society is widening not only food but also the places of living, varied economic activities, and environment. Based on endogenous strategies, we need the integrated development of rural areas and reform of local governance. Particularly the bringing up of local leaders, who are responsible for rural development, are very important.

      • KCI등재

        고령화 사회에서 농촌 조직화를 통한 사회·문화 콘텐츠 발굴 및 서비스에 관한 연구

        최윤진,최재문 한국상품문화디자인학회 2014 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        갈수록 심각해지는 농촌사회의 고령화에 대응하기 위한 복지서비스의 일환으로 지역에서 보유하고 있는 기존 시설의 보완과 함께 풍부한 농촌자원을 활용하여 건강과 휴식, 행복의 가치를 제공하는 농촌 테마형 관광 상품화로 확대 조성한다면 농촌노인의 새로운 농촌의 사회·문화적 일자리 창출과 서비스가 만들어질 수 있다. 본 연구는 6차 산업을 중심으로 한 농촌의 고령인구의 교육을 통하여 적극적인 참여를 유도하고 생산, 가공, 유통, 체험관광 및 서비스가 어우러진 농가소득 창출 및 지속가능한 생태 모델의 토대를 마련하는 것이 연구의 목적이다. 농촌 지역주민간의 커뮤니케이션과 커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 콘텐츠 발굴 요소에 따라 ‘장소 기반의 공간 기능 강화’는 커뮤니티 맵핑 서비스로, ‘체험·경험적 기능 강화’는 참여 네트워크 서비스 및 상황인식+위치기반 서비스로, ‘공동체 형성 기능 강화’는 참여 네트워크 및 지역 상황 분석 서비스로 유형화하였다. 농촌지역의 커뮤니티를 대상으로 지역의 조건과 상황에 따라 제공되는 서비스는 모든 상황을 예측하여 서비스를 명시하는 것은 불가능하여 사회·문화적 서비스 가능 범주를 기술하였고, 근본적이고 총체적으로 해결하기 위한 콘텐츠 및 서비스에 대한 프레임워크를 제시하였다. Social and cultural jobs and services can be created for new rural communities of the rural elderly if the rural-themed tourism commodity development is expanded to provide the value of health, recreation, and happiness through the deployment of abundant rural resources, along with the supplementation of existing facilities owned and operated in rural communities, as part of welfare service to cope with the rapid aging of rural society. The objective of this study was to induce active involvement of the rural aged population through education based on the 6th industry and lay groundwork for rural household income creation and sustainable ecological model that encompasses production, processing, distribution, experiential tourism, and service. We typified the location-based spatial function reinforcement through community mapping service, experiential/empirical function reinforcement through participatory network service and situation perception + location-based service, and community formation function reinforcement through participatory network and regional situation analysis service based on the contents identification elements for stimulating the communication and community among residents of rural community. The services which are provided based on local conditions and situations for rural community cannot be specified based on the prediction of all situations. Thus, the social-cultual service feasibility categories were presented in this study, along with the framework for the contents and services necessary to ensure fundamental and holistic response.

      • KCI등재

        16세기 율곡 鄕政論의 구조와 특징

        이경동 (사)율곡학회 2024 율곡학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        본 논문은 16세기 율곡 이이가 구상한 향정론의 구조와 그 특징을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 율곡이 구상한 향정론은 安民, 敎士, 그리고 敎民으로 구분된다. 첫째, 安民은 부세문제를 비롯한 민생문제 해결을 위한 제도개혁을 중심으로 한다. 둘째, 敎士는 향촌사회 운영의 주체인 士를 어떠한 방식으로 양성할 것인가에 대한 방법론으로, 향교와 서원을 토대로 국가 차원의 통제와 함께 향촌의 자율적 학교 운영이라는 이원적인 관점에서 사족의 교육 문제를 접근하였다. 셋째, 敎民은 향약을 중심으로 한 향촌교화로 요약된다. 율곡은 주희와 달리 향약을 사족뿐만 아니라 향촌사회 전체가 참여하되, 교육을 통해 양성된 사족의 전횡을 방지하기 위한 관권의 개입을 통해 교민의 원활한 운영을 지향했다. 율곡의 향정론은 그의 시대 뿐만 아니라 이후에도 영향력을 가지며 조선후기 사회에 변화를 추동하는 주요 요인의 하나로 작용하였다. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the structure and characteristics of the rural society management theory conceived by Yulgok in the 16th century. First, the government specifically focuses on institutional reform to solve people's tax problems, including tribute system and military service. In addition to this, Yulgok believed that stability in the people's livelihood could be achieved through the reorganization of local administration. Second, Yulgok presented the educational method and purpose of the intellectual group, the main body of rural society. Yulgok approached the issue of education for literati from a dual perspective of autonomous school management in rural areas and control at the national level based on Hyanggyo and Seowon. Third, education of the people is summarized as local edification centered on Hyangyak, village covenant. Yulgok's theory of rural society management was influential not only during his time but also afterward, and the fact that it served as one of the main factors driving change in society in the late Joseon Dynasty means that Yulgok's problems with rural society and its solutions had a significant impact on later generations.

      • KCI등재

        일기로 본 박정희 시대의 ‘농촌 과학화’

        문만용(Moon, Manyong) 한국지역사회학회 2013 지역사회연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper examines the trend and characteristics of the scientification of rural society during the Park Chung Hee Era through an examination of two rural diaries, Changpyeong Diaries and Pyeongtaek Diaries. In the midst of accelerating industry and urban-centric economic development, a discourse on scientification was first presented to rural society in the mid-1960s when most farmers had economically hard lives. The scientification slogan of the “New Farmers Movement” advocated advanced farming technology and a rational daily life, which ultimately aimed at the modernization of rural society. In the 1970s, a widespread distribution of farming materials and equipments raised the possibility of carrying out scientific farming. However, as the government enforced new farming techniques through strong administrative power, scientific farming became a form of oppression. Despite rapid improvement of living conditions and farming techniques, the process and culture surrounding scientific farming and life were not rational, and the scientification of rural society was not always of positive development for farmers. It can be reasonably stated that this discrepancy between technology, culture, and convention was a typical characteristic of compressed modernization.

      • KCI우수등재

        문화대혁명 시기(1966-1976) 기층 의료 현장의 국가-사회관계 - 베이징(北京) 교구 농촌의 ‘맨발의 의사[赤脚医生]’를 중심으로 -

        金俊基(Kim, Jungi) 동양사학회 2021 東洋史學硏究 Vol.156 No.-

        This article explores the state-society relationship during ten years of the Cultural Revolution(1966-1976), focusing on the activities of barefoot doctors(赤脚醫生) in the rural areas of Beijing suburbs. Meeting rural residents directly, these doctors practiced disease treatment and prevention either at no cost or for minimal fees supported by the Cooperative Medical Systems(CMS). They contributed to the vital improvement of rural healthcare despite the scarcity of national medical institutions and personnel. From an institutional view, overall barefoot doctor programs, including the recruitment of barefoot doctors, the administration of medical education, and the provision of remuneration and supervision, were operated by the people"s communes and production brigades. To be specific, cadres of production brigades who were non-government officials were responsible for selecting barefoot doctors, and the communes’ health clinics and superior medical institutions took charge of their basic-level medical training. Furthermore, barefoot doctors were paid with workpoints(工分) depending on a year’s production by the production teams and were supervised by CMS management committees organized by cadres, rural representatives, and a handful of barefoot doctors. In other words, the capability and resources of local communities in rural areas, rather than those of the government at large, played a critical role in the operation of the barefoot doctor program. This analysis highlights that the party-state did not completely dominate the grassroots level of society in the pursuit of its objectives, but instead delegated some of its authority and granted a certain level of autonomy to local communities while promoting mutual cooperation, meaning that ‘the cooperative mechanism of the state and society’ was activated at the grassroots level in the medical field. This article also includes barefoot doctors’ roles and status in a research perspective. They conducted two types of roles at the grassroots level: “an executor of state ideology” and “a practitioner of medical service.” The former was to propagate socialist ideology while providing medical services. This allowed rural residents to recognize the superiority of socialist ideology by comparing it with earlier periods when they hardly received any proper medical treatment. The latter was to provide disease treatment and prevention. Even if the medical services provided by the barefoot doctors were far from being sophisticated, rural residents highly appreciated the medical care they received and extended their gratitude to the doctors for the services. In other words, the medical services that barefoot doctors offered were of high marginal utility. However, barefoot doctors often deviated from the party-state’s instructions while providing medical services. Although the party-state required them to participate in daily agricultural work and promote the use of Chinese herbal medicines, some of the barefoot doctors tended to flout such directions. This was considered to be in connection with the turbulence of the Cultural Revolution. The central government and the Ministry of Public Health were unable to implement consistent and organized policies for rural healthcare because of the rebels’ seizure of the Ministry of Public Health in the mid-to 1960s as well as the wresting of control of the ministry by a small group of soldiers in the early and mid-1970s. This created an administrative vacuum on the level of the communes and production brigades, leading to a lack of instructions and proper administration for barefoot doctors, thereby permitting them to depart from the party-state’s instructions. In brief, barefoot doctors strove to fulfill the demands of the state and society while belonging to neither side. Within the medical field of rural areas in which the responsibilities of the state and local communities overlapped, they could have room for autonomy, resulting from th

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