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      • KCI등재


        方珍平(Fnag Zhenping) 중국어문학연구회 2011 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.68

        This article is the semantic analysis of the view of quantitativeness of language. It mainly focuses type character of concepts which in all is Conceptual Quantitativeness(Semantic Structure).In other words, it means that meanings of expression mainly come from the concept and changes of it. Here, “concept structure” is not the style, distribution of concept (different from “language structure”), but mean -the semantic structure is conceptual, motivational of thinking. “Concept structure” can be the category or unit of semantic analysis of language, it is to measure language righteousness of substantia l:The language meaning is various notion structure. Construct or purchase the mode including Number-valued Quantitativeness (Conceptual Structure), Concept-valued Quantitativeness (Conceptual Structure), Composition-valued Quantitativeness (Conceptual Structure), etc.

      • KCI등재


        손기성,전형섭,박진호,박종원 한국원자력학회 2015 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.47 No.4

        Acceleration sensors are usually used to measure the vibration of a structure. Althoughthis is the most accurate method, it cannot be used remotely because these are contacttypesensors. This makes measurement difficult in areas that cannot be easilyapproached by surveyors, such as structures located in high or dangerous areas. Therefore,a method that can measure the structural vibration without installing sensors is requiredfor the vibration measurement of structures located in these areas. Many conventionalstudies have been carried out on nonecontact-type vibration measurement methods usingcameras. However, they have been applied to structures with relatively large vibrationdisplacements such as buildings or bridges, and since most of them use targets, people stillhave to approach the structure to install the targets. Therefore, a new method is requiredto supplement the weaknesses of the conventional methods. In this paper, a method isproposed to measure vibration displacements remotely using a camera without having toapproach the structure. Furthermore, an estimation method for the measurement resolutionand measurement error is proposed for the vibration displacement of a cylindricalstructure measured using the proposed measurement method. The proposed methods aredescribed, along with experimental results that verify their accuracy.

      • KCI등재

        정도 범주의 등급 및 ‘유(有)자 정도구조’의 정도 등급 표시 기능

        袁立秋 ( Yuan Liqiu ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.94

        This paper sets up the grade of degree category and analyzes the marking function of degree grade of the “You” structure. Firstly, according to the syntactic expression form of degree category, this paper divides degree category into four grades: lowest measurement, medium measurement, highest measurement and extremely measurement. Each grade can be subdivided into four grades, and so on, there are 16 grades together. “You dianr, Youxie” by itself denote the lowest measurement, “you+NP” by itself also means the same grade of measurement, Meanwhile, when the structure of “you+NP” combine with different degree adverbs, it can indicate a medium measurement which denotes the lowest of measurement, or a highly measurement which denotes the lowest of measurement and an extremely measurement which denotes of the lowest of measurement. The structure of “有X有Y” and “有的是X” denote the highest measurement, the figurative form of “有X那麽A” denote an extremely measurement, and the comparative form denotes the four grades of measurement.

      • 기후위기 대응을 위한 도시침수 관리 정책 개선방안 연구

        이승수,양일주,이문환,노성진 한국환경연구원 2022 기본연구보고서 Vol.2022 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 본 연구는 기후위기에 대응해 도시침수로 인한 피해를 줄이기 위한 정책개선 방안 도출을 위한 목적으로 수행되었음 Ⅱ. 해외 정책 현황 □ 제2장에서는 일본, 미국, 유럽, 중국 등 해외의 도시침수 관리 정책 현황에 대한 사례 조사를 통해 시사점을 도출하였음 ㅇ 일본은 침수피해의 발생을 방지하는 구조적 대책을 중점적으로 시행하였으나, 최근 기후변화로 인해 도시침수 발생 위험이 증가함에 따라 침수 발생 이후 인명피해 저감을 위한 비구조적 대책을 적극적으로 시행하고 있음 ㅇ 미국은 국가홍수보험 프로그램과 주정부의 대책을 연계해 주정부의 적극적인 자구책 마련을 독려하는 체계를 운영하고 있음 ㅇ 유럽은 적극적인 홍수위험에 대한 정보공개를 바탕으로 사전 홍수위험 평가와 위험 지역 선정 관리계획 수립 및 이행평가를 연계해 선순환 구조를 가진 관리체계 마련하였음 ㅇ 중국의 스펀지도시 조성사업은 획일적이고 단편적인 대책의 위험성과 한계성에 대해 시사하는 바가 큼 Ⅲ. 국내 정책 현황 □ 제3장에서는 중앙정부와 지자체의 도시침수 관리현황을 파악하고, 그간 시행된 다양한 대책을 구조적 대책과 비구조적 대책으로 구분해 도시침수 저감대책 현황을 조사하고, 국내 도시침수 관련 연구현황을 조사·분석해 연구의 성과와 한계점 그리고 향후 연구방향에 대해 제시하였음 Ⅳ. 도시침수 관리 정책의 한계점 □ 제4장에서는 제3장에서 파악된 다양한 대책의 한계점을 도출하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같음 ㅇ 다양한 구조적 대책이 시행되고 있음에도 기후변화로 인해 달라진 강우의 변동성을 고려할 때 구조적 대책 중심의 정책만으로는 피해저감 효과에 한계가 있을 것으로 파악되었음 ㅇ 대표적 비구조적 대책인 홍수위험지도는 단순한 침수심 정보제공 수준에 그쳐 실제 상황 발생 시 대처를 위한 정보가 부족함 ㅇ 지자체의 경우 도시침수 예경보를 위한 시스템이 마련되어 있음에도 불구하고 운영을 위한 기술적 역량과 법적 근거가 미비해 실제 활용성은 매우 저조함 ㅇ 도시침수 현황 분석과 대응책의 효과 분석에 필수적이라 할 수 있는 시뮬레이션의 근거자료가 되는 하수관로 GIS 정보화율을 확인한 결과, 지자체별 정보화율의 편차가 컸으며 특히, 국가 하수도통계와 정보화율의 수치 및 속성정보 누락과 같이 자료의 신뢰도를 저하시키는 문제점이 발견되었음 ㅇ 지자체 관리체계의 대응현황을 조사한 결과, 지자체별로 예산과 인력 등에 따라 대응 수준의 차이가 큰 것으로 파악되었음 ㅇ 지자체 담당자 면담을 통해 대책 수립과 이행에 관한 애로사항을 조사한 결과, 도시침수 관리사업이 환경부와 행정안전부로 이원화되어 두 부처의 정책이 유사하면서도 미세한 차이가 있어 지자체 단위에서 혼선을 야기한 것으로 파악되었음 ㅇ 국고보조사업으로 추진되고 있는 하수도정비중점관리구역과 재해위험개선지구로 지정된 지역 내에서만 사업이 추진될 수 있어 정책집행의 유연성이 부족함 Ⅳ. 정책제언 □ 본 연구에서 조사 및 분석된 결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 정책을 제언함 - ㅇ 구조적 대책 중심에서 비구조적 대책과의 조화에 기반한 정책수립 기조 확립 필요 강우 변동의 불확실성을 고려해 구조적 대책과 비구조적 대책의 효과적인 조합을 통해 침수피해 발생 억제와 침수 발생으로 인한 인명피해 저감을 위한 정책방향 수립이 필요 ㅇ 기후변화 영향평가를 통한 시나리오별 대응방안 마련 - 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 시간 단위(hourly) 강우자료를 생산하고, 이를 이용해 기후변화로 인한 침수영향 평가를 수행한 후 시나리오별 맞춤형 대책 수립 필요 ㅇ 비구조적 대책의 법적 근거 마련 - 홍수위험지도 관리 개선을 위한 법적 근거 마련 - 인명피해 저감을 위해 침수시나리오에 따라 동, 구 단위의 대응(침수정보 제공방식, 대피장소 마련, 피난경로 개발 등) 시나리오 개발 - 지자체 단위의 도시침수 예경보 시행을 위한 법·제도 마련 ㅇ (가칭) 도시침수 관리지역 지정 및 관리체계 개선 - 하수도정비중점관리지역과 자연재해위험개선지구를 병합해 ‘(가칭)도시침수 관리 지역’으로 지정하고 관리지역을 선정하기 위한 평가체계 및 대책 수립의 효과를 평가할 수 있는 체계 마련 ㅇ 하수관로 정보화 자료의 신뢰성 제고방안 마련 - 하수관로 정보화사업 수행 시 구축된 자료의 신뢰도 평가 절차 마련 ㅇ 지역맞춤형 대책 개발을 통한 시민참여 확대 - 지역에 대한 이해도가 높은 지역주민들을 대상으로 도시침수 피해 저감을 위한 지역맞춤형 대책을 수립해 시민 참여도를 높이고 정책의 효과를 극대화하는 방안 마련 Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research □ This study was conducted with the purpose of deriving policy improvement measures to reduce damage caused by urban inundation in response to the climate crisis. Ⅱ. Status of Overseas Policies □ In Chapter 2, implications were drawn from case studies on the current status of ountermeasures against urban inundation in Japan, the United States, Europe, and China. ㅇ Japan focused on structural measures to prevent urban inundation damage. However, as urban inundation risks have increased due to recent climate change, non-structural measures to reduce human damage after flooding are being actively implemented. ㅇ The United States operates a system that encourages state governments to actively prepare self-rescue measures by linking the national flood insurance program with state governments’ countermeasures. ㅇ The EU established a management system designed to boost virtuous cycle by linking preliminary flood risk assessment with the establishment of risk area selection management plans and implementation evaluation based on active disclosure of flood risk information. ㅇ China’s sponge city development project has many implications for the dangers and limitations of uniform and fragmentary measures. Ⅲ. Domestic Policy Status □ In Chapter 3, the current status of urban inundation control by the central and local governments was identified, and the current status of urban inundation reduction measures was investigated by classifying the various measures implemented so far into structural and non-structural measures. In addition, the current status of research related to urban flooding in Korea was investigated and analyzed, and the achievements and limitations of the research and future research directions were presented. Ⅳ. Limitations in Current Urban Flood Management Policies □ In Chapter 4, the limitations of various countermeasures investigated in Chapter 3 were identified, and the results are as follows: ㅇ Even though various structural measures are being implemented, damage reduction might be limited with the structural measures only, when the variability of rainfall caused by climate change is taken into account. ㅇ Flood risk mapping, a representative non-structural countermeasure, is limited to simply providing information on the depth of flooding and inundation, so there is insufficient information in the event of an actual situation. ㅇ In the case of local governments, although a system for the forecasting and warning of urban inundation already exists, it is not being utilized due to a lack of technical capacity and legal basis for operation. ㅇ Checking the GIS informatization rate for the sewer system which is the basis for simulations essential for analyzing the current state of urban inundation and the effectiveness of countermeasures, wide variations in informatization rates were found according to local governments. In particular, problems that decrease the reliability of the data were found, including the difference between the national sewage statistics and the informatization rates, and the omission of the attribute information of the GIS data. ㅇ We looked into how well the management system of each local government responds to urban inundation, and found out that the level of response varies greatly depending on the budget and manpower of each local government. ㅇ We examined the difficulties related to the establishment and implementation of countermeasures through interviews with local government officials. As the urban inundation management project is managed by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and their policies are similar but have subtle differences, confusion is caused at the local government level. ㅇ Flexibility in policy implementation is lacking as the project can only be carried out within areas designated as sewage maintenance intensive management zones and disaster risk improvement zones, which are being promoted as government subsidy projects. Ⅴ. Policy Suggestions □ Based on the results of investigation and analysis in this report, the following policies are suggested. ㅇ It is necessary to establish a basis for policy establishment based on harmony between structural measures and non-structural measures. - Considering the uncertainty of rainfall intensity, it is necessary to establish policy directions for reducing damage caused by flooding through an effective combination of structural and non-structural measures. ㅇ Prepare response plans for each scenario through climate change impact assessment - It is necessary to establish customized measures for each scenario after producing hourly rainfall data according to the climate change scenario and using it to evaluate the impact of inundation due to climate change. ㅇ Preparation of legal basis for non-structural measures - Establishment of legal basis for improving flood risk map management - Develop scenarios for response (provision of flood information, preparation of evacuation sites, development of evacuation routes, etc.) at the district level according to inundation scenarios to reduce human casualties - Establishment of laws and systems for the implementation of urban flood forecasting and warning at the local government level ㅇ Designation of urban inundation management areas (tentative name) and improvement of management systems - Establish a system to evaluate the effect of establishing an evaluation system and countermeasures to designate ‘urban inundation management areas (tentative name)’ by merging the sewerage priority management area and the natural disaster risk area ㅇ Prepare measures to improve the reliability of information data on sewerage systems - Establishment of a procedure for evaluating the reliability of data established during the sewage pipe informatization project ㅇ Expansion of citizen participation through the development of regionally tailored measures - Establish regionally tailored measures to reduce urban inundation damage targeting local residents with a high understanding of the region to increase citizen participation and prepare a plan to maximize the effect of the policy

      • KCI등재

        Detection and parametric identification of structural nonlinear restoring forces from partial measurements of structural responses

        Ying Lei,Wei Hua,Sujuan Luo,Mingyu He 국제구조공학회 2015 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.54 No.2

        Compared with the identification of linear structures, it is more challenging to conductidentification of nonlinear structure systems, especially when the locations of structural nonlinearities are notclear in structural systems. Moreover, it is highly desirable to develop methods of parametric identificationusing partial measurements of structural responses for practical application. To cope with these issues, anidentification method is proposed in this paper for the detection and parametric identification of structuralnonlinear restoring forces using only partial measurements of structural responses. First, an equivalent linearstructural system is proposed for a nonlinear structure and the locations of structural nonlinearities aredetected. Then, the parameters of structural nonlinear restoring forces at the locations of identified structuralnonlinearities together with the linear part structural parameters are identified by the extended Kalman filter. The proposed method simplifies the identification of nonlinear structures. Numerical examples of theidentification of two nonlinear multi-story shear frames and a planar nonlinear truss with different nonlinearmodels and locations are used to validate the proposed method.


        Detection and parametric identification of structural nonlinear restoring forces from partial measurements of structural responses

        Lei, Ying,Hua, Wei,Luo, Sujuan,He, Mingyu Techno-Press 2015 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.54 No.2

        Compared with the identification of linear structures, it is more challenging to conduct identification of nonlinear structure systems, especially when the locations of structural nonlinearities are not clear in structural systems. Moreover, it is highly desirable to develop methods of parametric identification using partial measurements of structural responses for practical application. To cope with these issues, an identification method is proposed in this paper for the detection and parametric identification of structural nonlinear restoring forces using only partial measurements of structural responses. First, an equivalent linear structural system is proposed for a nonlinear structure and the locations of structural nonlinearities are detected. Then, the parameters of structural nonlinear restoring forces at the locations of identified structural nonlinearities together with the linear part structural parameters are identified by the extended Kalman filter. The proposed method simplifies the identification of nonlinear structures. Numerical examples of the identification of two nonlinear multi-story shear frames and a planar nonlinear truss with different nonlinear models and locations are used to validate the proposed method.

      • Stress variation analysis based on temperature measurements at Zhuhai Opera House

        Lu, Wei,Teng, Jun,Qiu, Lihang,Huang, Kai Techno-Press 2018 Structural monitoring and maintenance Vol.5 No.1

        The Zhuhai Opera House has an external structure consisting of a type of spatial steel, where the stress of steel elements varies with the ambient temperature. A structural health monitoring system was implemented at Zhuhai Opera House, and the temperatures and stresses of the structures were monitored in real time. The relationship between the stress distribution and temperature variations was analysed by measuring the temperature and stresses of the steel elements. In addition to measurements of the structure stresses and temperatures, further simulation analysis was carried out to provide the detailed relationship between the stress distributions and temperature variations. The limited temperature measurements were used to simulate the structure temperature distribution, and the stress distributions of all steel elements of the structure were analysed by building a finite element model of the Zhuhai Opera House spatial steel structure. This study aims to reveal the stress distributions of steel elements in a real-world project based on temperature variations, and to supply a basic database for the optimal construction time of a spatial steel structure. This will not only provide convenient, rapid and safe early warnings and decision-making for the spatial steel structure construction and operation processes, but also improve the structural safety and construction accuracy of steel space structures.


        Locating and identifying model-free structural nonlinearities and systems using incomplete measured structural responses

        Liu, Lijun,Lei, Ying,He, Mingyu Techno-Press 2015 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.15 No.2

        Structural nonlinearity is a common phenomenon encountered in engineering structures under severe dynamic loading. It is necessary to localize and identify structural nonlinearities using structural dynamic measurements for damage detection and performance evaluation of structures. However, identification of nonlinear structural systems is a difficult task, especially when proper mathematical models for structural nonlinear behaviors are not available. In prior studies on nonparametric identification of nonlinear structures, the locations of structural nonlinearities are usually assumed known and all structural responses are measured. In this paper, an identification algorithm is proposed for locating and identifying model-free structural nonlinearities and systems using incomplete measurements of structural responses. First, equivalent linear structural systems are established and identified by the extended Kalman filter (EKF). The locations of structural nonlinearities are identified. Then, the model-free structural nonlinear restoring forces are approximated by power series polynomial models. The unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is utilized to identify structural nonlinear restoring forces and structural systems. Both numerical simulation examples and experimental test of a multi-story shear building with a MR damper are used to validate the proposed algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        Locating and identifying model-free structural nonlinearities and systems using incomplete measured structural responses

        Lijun Liu,Ying Lei,Mingyu He 국제구조공학회 2015 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.15 No.2

        Structural nonlinearity is a common phenomenon encountered in engineering structures under severe dynamic loading. It is necessary to localize and identify structural nonlinearities using structural dynamic measurements for damage detection and performance evaluation of structures. However, identification of nonlinear structural systems is a difficult task, especially when proper mathematical models for structural nonlinear behaviors are not available. In prior studies on nonparametric identification of nonlinear structures, the locations of structural nonlinearities are usually assumed known and all structural responses are measured. In this paper, an identification algorithm is proposed for locating and identifying model-free structural nonlinearities and systems using incomplete measurements of structural responses. First, equivalent linear structural systems are established and identified by the extended Kalman filter (EKF). The locations of structural nonlinearities are identified. Then, the model-free structural nonlinear restoring forces are approximated by power series polynomial models. The unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is utilized to identify structural nonlinear restoring forces and structural systems. Both numerical simulation examples and experimental test of a multi-story shear building with a MR damper are used to validate the proposed algorithm.

      • High-precision CTE Measurement System for the Structural Materials in Space Applications

        Hong-Il Kim,Jae-Hung Han,Hosoon Yang,Changrae Cho,Hyokjin Cho,Hong-Bae Kim 한국항공우주학회 2008 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Structures being used in space environment, should be designed to have minimum CTE(coefficient of thermal expansion) for the dimensional stability. Accurate CTE data of the materials are required to design the space structures consisting of various materials. There are uncertainties in the characteristics of materials even though the same manufacturing processes are applied. Therefore, it is needed to measure the thermal deformation of not only the material specimen but also substructures in simulated space environment, such as high vacuum condition. In this research, therefore, precise CTE measurement system using displacement measuring interferometer and vacuum chamber has been designed with uncertainty analysis of the measurements. This system can be used to measure the CTE of the specimen or thermal expansion of the substructure with varying size up to 50㎝ in length. The overall uncertainty of this system is expected under 0.01 ppm/K, allowing measurement of the low CTE materials.

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