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      • A Secure Data Transmission Scheme Based on Information Hiding in Wireless Sensor Networks

        Baowei Wang,Hongwei Qian,Xingming Sun,Jian Shen,Xiaoyu Xie 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Security and Its Applicat Vol.9 No.1

        Wireless sensor networks hold the promise of facilitating large-scale and real-time data processing in complex environments, therefore the security is a critical issue that must be resolved. In order to prevent attacks by adversaries with fake identities, we propose a secure data transmission scheme based on information hiding technique. Firstly, one superficial change made to the beacon message of original CTP is to mark the unique identity infor-mation of a sensor node. Secondly, sensitive information is uniformly and randomly embed-ded into the ordinary data by using the space-efficient randomized data structure characteris-tic of Bloom Filter. Experimental results and performance analysis demonstrate that the pro-posed scheme can efficiently detect the malicious node with fake identities through the sensi-tive information. On the other hand, our scheme can protect the sensitive information without affecting the transmission and usability of the ordinary data.

      • KCI등재

        4세기 서북한지역 명문자료의 다중적 메시지

        오영찬 한국고대사학회 2022 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.106

        This paper examines the speakers, the method of conveying the messages, and the political and social meanings of the messages in the inscriptions of Northwestern Korea in the 4th Century. First, attention was paid to the fact that the inscriptions were located in tombs. By dealing with the death of the dead and showing off the efforts and the cost of the construction of the tombs, the close associates attempted to strengthen the solidarity among their groups while revealing the position of successor to the dead in the inscriptions of Jangmui Tomb and Deokheung-ri Tomb. Next, I looked into the method of delivering messages according to the types of inscriptions. There are two types of inscriptions ; inscriptions on brick and inscriptions with a brush on the tomb wall. The inscriptions on brick were buried in the process to construct the tomb, but the message was continuously exposed during the funeral rite and several sets of bricks with inscriptions were inserted on the walls of the tomb to convey the messages to people. The inscriptions with a brush on the tomb wall were read by audiences who entered the tomb and looked at the interior of the tomb and the murals. The readers of the message were assumed to be the Koguryeo central government, the people of the former Lelang and Daifang commanderies, exiles from Northern China, and indigenous people in Northwestern Korea. Finally, the meaning of the message to be conveyed through the official title of the dead was examined. There are many cases in which the fake official titles were expressed. In the case of Jangmui Tomb in CE 348, while advocating for ‘Daifang Taishou(The Governor-general of Daifang commandery)’, they hoped to ensure domination in the former Daifang commandery area from Koguryeo. On the other hand, Dongsu and Jin, exiles from Northern China who had no local connections, also held the fake official titles which include areas beyond the reach of Koguryeo. The exiles strongly asserted the Chinese identity through the active expression and exaggeration of the official titles, and they wanted to be recognized and guaranteed by Koguryeo. For the other exiles from Northern China, such messages was expressed to maintain the existing status while continuing to forge solid solidarity. On the other hand, it seems to have induced recognition and respect by presenting the fake official titles of the Chinese dynasty to the indigenous people. The fake official titles in the inscriptions can be interpreted as multiple political and social messages for a variety of readers, including the Koguryeo central government, Sharing identity groups, and indigenous people, reflecting the views of the living 이 논문은 4세기 서북한지역의 명문자료에 대해 화자와 메시지의 전달 방식, 그리고 메시지의 정치사회적 의미를 살펴보았다. 먼저 4세기 서북한 출토 명문자료는 망자를 위한 안식의 공간인 고분 내에 위치한 명문이라는 점에 주목하였다. 장무이묘의 전명과 덕흥리고분의 묵서명에서 생자인 측근세력들은 망자의 죽음을 처리하고 고분의 축조에 들인 공력과 경제력을 과시함으로써 망자를 계승한 지위를 드러내고 자신들의 기반을 강화하면서 동류 집단 내부의 결속을 다지고자 하였다. 다음으로 명문자료에서 메시지를 전달하는 방식에 대해 살펴보았다. 4세기 서북한의 명문자료에는 명문전과 묵서명이 있다. 명문전은 무덤의 축조과정에서 축조 재료로 매납되지만, 장송의례 과정에서 메시지는 지속적으로 노출되었고, 여러 점 내지 여러 세트의 명문전이 다량으로 제작되어 현실과 연도 등 고분의 여러 지점에 감입됨으로써 사람들이 볼 수 있도록 하였다. 벽화고분의 묵서명 경우에는 무덤 안으로 들어와 내부 구조와 벽화를 구경했던 ‘관람자’의 존재가 상정된다. 이러한 명문자료는 고구려 중앙정부와 서북한지역의 구 낙랑대방군 세력과 북중국 망명인, 그리고 재지 토착세력 등이 독자로 상정될 수 있다. 마지막으로 명문에 있는 망자의 관작을 통해 전달하고자 하는 메시지의 의미에 대해 살펴보았다. 4세기 명문자료 중에는 허호의 자칭이 다수 확인된다. 348년 대방태수 장무이의 사례는 ‘대방태수’를 표방하면서 종래 대방군 설치되었던 지역에 대한 현실적인 지배 내지 연고를 고구려로부터 보장받고자 한 것이다. 이와 달리 현지 기반이 없었던 북중국 망명인인 동수나 진의 관직은 허직이면서 여기에는 고구려의 지배력이 미치지 않는 지역이 포함되어 있다. 망명인들은 관작의 자유로운 표방과 적극적인 과장을 통해 중원 왕조의 정체성을 강하게 내세웠으며, 이를 매개로 고구려로부터 지위를 인정받고 후속의 기반을 보장받고자 하였다. 동류의 북중국계 망명인 집단에게는 이러한 메시지를 통해 자신들의 기존 지위를 유지하면서 공고한 결속을 계속 다지려는 의도를 담고 있었다. 한편 주변의 재지 토착세력들에게 중원 왕조의 관작으로 분식된 허호를 내세움으로써 자신들의 불안정한 지위에 대한 인정과 존중을 유도했던 것으로 보인다. 4세기 서북한 지역의 명문 자료에서 나타나는 이러한 관작은 생자들의 입장이 반영되면서 고구려 중앙정부와 동류 집단, 그리고 재지 주민 등 다양한 독자들에게 전달되는 다중적인 정치 사회적 메시지로 해석될 수 있다.

      • Social Media Data Analysis Trends and Methods

        Rokaya, Mahmoud,Al Azwari, Sanaa International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.9

        Social media is a window for everyone, individuals, communities, and companies to spread ideas and promote trends and products. With these opportunities, challenges and problems related to security, privacy and rights arose. Also, the data accumulated from social media has become a fertile source for many analytics, inference, and experimentation with new technologies in the field of data science. In this chapter, emphasis will be given to methods of trend analysis, especially ensemble learning methods. Ensemble learning methods embrace the concept of cooperation between different learning methods rather than competition between them. Therefore, in this chapter, we will discuss the most important trends in ensemble learning and their applications in analysing social media data and anticipating the most important future trends.

      • KCI등재

        불난 집에 부채질하기 중국 관련 의혹 보도가 재생산하는 동북아 안보위기

        김성해,강국진,이주현 한국지역언론학회 2023 언론과학연구 Vol.23 No.1

        China has a dual face in South Korea. On the one hand, it is believed to be a devil who wants to destroy peace, democracy and freedom. On the other hand, relatively a few people seek to find positive relationships created by economic, cultural, and geographic common interests. Strong anti-Chinese sentiment especially among the youth generation drives to pay attention to the role of news media however. How do the media intervene into reshaping China’s imgage through news coverage? The case of Ukraine war story related to China was chosen for this purpose. While the Chinese government argue them as fake news, the Western media seem to believe them as truth. This paper analyzed those relevant news in terms of logos, ethos and pathos in way of deciphering Korea media’s China representation. After examining more than 350 articles, it was able to reveal the following results. First of all, most of frames employed to describe China have much to do with ‘demonization’ which focuses largely on negative perspectives toward China. Such expressions as irresponsible, incredible, selfish, aggressive and norm-breaker were associated to China as well. In final, Korea media were turn out to be an active participant rather than a disinterested communicator in the process of delivering Western stories. Discursive strategies including rephrasing headlines, providing authority to pro-American perspectives and paying blip eyes to China’s argument prevailed. Taking the severity of maintaining peace and good relationship with China into account, it is very time to take action over media’s performance in terms of balance, fairness and independence.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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