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        The culture of suffering and Semiology of Irony: Perusal of a Korean novel "A dwarf Launches a Little ball"

        Doaa Ghareeb 한국아랍어·아랍문학회 2009 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.13 No.2

        Irony is wrought throughout the novel "A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball". From the absurd misnomers of place-names to that of the dwarf who is the head of the family with which the story is based. In order to convey the level of which the family and, implicitly, the society, has come to the writer has employed not one but three narrators. In addition he makes use of the stream-of-consciousness method and the discontinuous nature of time, the very essence of memory. This chronological disruption creates a tension parallel to the state of tension in the novel. The dwarf is Kim Bu-li, the head of a family living in an impoverished neighborhood in the outskirts of Seoul, ironically named Happiness District, Paradise County. When the neighborhood goes into redevelopment, the dwarf`s home is demolished, and with it, the very foundation of his family`s life. What ensue are a tragic tale of economic disempowerment and the resulting loss of human dignity. Through the eyes of the dwarf`s three children as they struggle desperately to restore the shattered fragments of their lives, Cho Se-hui sketches the seedy underbelly of a society in the violent throes of industrialization. And the writer makes many characters appear to provide readers with explanations on accidents in more multidimensional and multi-faceted way, not in a single-focused one. By doing so, this novel can restore the voices of the others who are the suppressed in this society. From the fact that the writer tries to deliver a panoramic view of the story through a dwarf who can not be normal, we can steal a glance at the writer`s intention to trespass the line of taboo. The writer uses a dwarf as a symbol of violation, unfolding the stories from the dwarf`s point of view to make readers experience the reality stained with the sheer alienation and hardships the dwarf has gone through. In this regard, we can say A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball connotes an epic strategy that aims at Anti-identification. When it was first published in 1978, "A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball" was passionately embraced by the public. Through the enduring figure of the dwarf, the work managed to give shape to the prevailing sense of individual despair in a climate of political oppression and acute economic contradictions. More than two decades later, it remains one of the most powerful indictments of modern society to emerge from Korean literature.

      • KCI등재

        ثقافة المعاناة وسيميولوجية المفارقة قراءة في رواية "القزم يطلق الكرة الصغيرة"

        두아 가리브 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2009 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.13 No.2

        Irony is wrought throughout the novel “A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball”. From the absurd misnomers of place-names to that of the dwarf who is the head of the family with which the story is based. In order to convey the level of which the family and, implicitly, the society, has come to the writer has employed not one but three narrators. In addition he makes use of the stream-of-consciousness method and the discontinuous nature of time, the very essence of memory. This chronological disruption creates a tension parallel to the state of tension in the novel. The dwarf is Kim Bu-li, the head of a family living in an impoverished neighborhood in the outskirts of Seoul, ironically named Happiness District, Paradise County. When the neighborhood goes into redevelopment, the dwarf's home is demolished, and with it, the very foundation of his family's life. What ensue are a tragic tale of economic disempowerment and the resulting loss of human dignity. Through the eyes of the dwarf's three children as they struggle desperately to restore the shattered fragments of their lives, Cho Se-hui sketches the seedy underbelly of a society in the violent throes of industrialization. And the writer makes many characters appear to provide readers with explanations on accidents in more multidimensional and multi-faceted way, not in a single-focused one. By doing so, this novel can restore the voices of the others who are the suppressed in this society. From the fact that the writer tries to deliver a panoramic view of the story through a dwarf who can not be normal, we can steal a glance at the writer’s intention to trespass the line of taboo. The writer uses a dwarf as a symbol of violation, unfolding the stories from the dwarf’s point of view to make readers experience the reality stained with the sheer alienation and hardships the dwarf has gone through. In this regard, we can say A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball connotes an epic strategy that aims at Anti-identification. When it was first published in 1978, “A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball” was passionately embraced by the public. Through the enduring figure of the dwarf, the work managed to give shape to the prevailing sense of individual despair in a climate of political oppression and acute economic contradictions. More than two decades later, it remains one of the most powerful indictments of modern society to emerge from Korean literature. تتميز الرواية التي بين أيدينا بأنها رواية صادمة منذ العنوان، ومراوغة تتأبى على الحكي الروائي العادي أو التوقع المنطقي، بل تصنع رؤية مغايرة سواء للمحكي أو حتى للمسكوت عنه، حيث تبدأ الرواية منذ عنوانها "القزم يطلق الكرة الصغيرة" بطرح أسئلة ذهنية مبدئية تتلخص في: من هو القزم؟ وهل هو قزم حقيقي أو أنه رمز لشيء أكبر وأعمق؟ ولماذا يطلق الكرة الصغيرة؟ وإلى أين يطلقها؟ وإلمَ ترمز تلك الكرة؟ ...إلخ، كما أن بنية الخطاب الروائي تقوم على التعددية التي تدعم بمهارة حالة التشظي والانتهاك والإنهاك التي يصر على أن يلقيك بداخلها مبدع الرواية دون رحمة أو حتى فسحة لالتقاط الأنفاس، فتشعر أن المؤلف يحاصرك بدائرة من الحكي المتشظي- يدعمه منهج تيار الوعي- من خلال الرواة/الأبناء الثلاثة الذين هم في الحقيقة نتاج تشظٍّ وجودي أكبر فتجد نفسك ببراعة داخل حلقة من الانفجار الشعوري الذي تشارك فيه رغمًا عنك. و من خلال المفارقة التي تغلف حياة الأسرة البطل، التي تعيش في حي شديد الفقر اسمه السعادة التابع لمقاطعة النعيم! يعرض المؤلف تچو سي هوي الحياة البائسة الناجمة عن خليط من الديكتاتورية وعنف مخاض ثورة صناعية غير محددة الملامح، ويوفر من خلال ذلك رؤية واضحة وعميقة للمجتمع الكوري في الماضي القريب، التي تصلح كذلك لأن تكون رؤية حالية لواقع الكثير من الدول المتخلفة في آسيا وأفريقيا.



        LEE SEE-WOO,SUNG HWANKYUNG The Korean Astronomical Society 1996 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.29 No.1

        31 white dwarfs in 10 open clusters are examined, and their maximum mass and the upper mass limit of their progenitors are obtained as $1.22\pm0.02M_{\bigodot}\;and\;7.2\pm0.4M_{\bigodot}$ respectively, suggesting that the upper mass limit of white dwarfs is less than 8M_{\bigodot}$ The final mass of white dwarfs shows no clear correlation with the initial mass of their progenitors, and it is found that a deficient gap of initial mass exists between $\~4\;and\;~5.2M_{\bigodot}$. This gap seems to correspond to the mass range for carbon detonation or deflagration. The total expected numbers of white dwarfs are $11\~22$ in Hyades with 7 known white dwarfs and 17 in Praesepe with 8 known white dwarfs. These known white dwrfs are all younger than the others in both clusters. But one known white dwarf in Pleiades is older one among $2\~3$ expected white dwarfs.

      • KCI등재후보

        突然變異로 誘起된 벼의 새로운 優性短稈遺傳子

        Hee Jong Koh(高熙宗),Mun Hue Heu(許文會) 한국육종학회 1994 한국육종학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        A dwarf line, “Dwarf Hwacheong”, was induced from a japonica cultivar ‘Hwacheongbyeo’ by mutation in rice. Its agronomic characteristics, inheritance of dwarfness, and its response to exogenous gibberellin were studied. The dwarfness of the line was controlled by a single dominant gene, which was different from “D-53”, the only dominant dwarf-gene so far reported. The new gene was designated as “D-h”. The “D-h” gene was found to have the pleiotropic effect on short panicle and small-round grain. The dwarf line showed the similar response to GA₃ and GA₄₊₇ treatment with the original cultivar

      • KCI등재


        Sorahana, S.,Yamamura, I. The Korean Astronomical Society 2012 天文學論叢 Vol.27 No.4

        We present the latest results from the Mission Program NIRLT, the NIR spectroscopic observations of brown dwarfs using the IRC on board AKARI. The near-infrared spectra in the wavelength range between 2.5 and $5.0{\mu}m$ is especially important to study the brown dwarf atmospheres because of the presence of non-blended bands of major molecules, including $CH_4$ at $3.3{\mu}m$, $CO_2$ at $4.2{\mu}m$, CO at $4.6{\mu}m$ and $H_2O$ around $2.7{\mu}m$. Our observations were carried out in the grism-mode resulting in a spectral resolution of ~ 120. In total, 27 sources were observed and 18 good spectra were obtained. We investigate the behavior of three molecular absorption bands, CO, $CH_4$ and $CO_2$, in brown dwarf spectra relative to their spectral types. We find that the $CH_4$ band appears in the spectra of dwarfs later than L5 and CO band is seen in the spectra of all spectral types. $CO_2$ is detected in the spectra of late-L and T type dwarfs.

      • KCI등재

        태국소설 『막다른 골목』과 한국소설 『난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공』에 나타난 "집의" 의미 비교연구

        신근혜 ( Keun Hye Shin ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the desire and frustration of the urban poor depicted using a space of “house” in the Thai novel No Way Out and the Korean novel A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball, thereby comparing the issue of urban poverty and its aspects that emerged during the process of industrialization in Korea and Thailand. Thailand and Korea experienced rapid industrialization, with the government implementing development policies focused on big cities. In the process, countless people fell into poverty as they had to stay in the periphery after failing to make it to the center of the city, which constituted a social problem for both countries. The Thai novel No Way Out and the Korean novel A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball each portrays the particular social aspect through a tragic story of a poor urban family. Boonma, the main character of No Way Out, believes that all he needs is a house to bring happiness to his family. For a house, Boonma is willing to sacrifice everything. However, it is the house that eventually splits up his family and pushes the characters to death. Meanwhile, the dwarf’s family in A Dwarf Launches a Little Ball lives in an unauthorized shanty town until they lose their house, the foundation of the family’s livelihood, due to an urban redevelopment project. The removal of the house drives the dwarf to commit suicide and destroys his family. In both stories, house serves as a medium that illustrates the structural fallacy of an industrialized society, as well as a main cause of family breakdown and tragic ending. Thus, it is the house in the two stories thatdemonstrates poverty issues and symbolizes the failure of the urban poor in the capitalist economy.

      • KCI등재후보


        Satoko Sorahana,Takeru K. Suzuki,ISSEI YAMAMURA 한국천문학회 2017 天文學論叢 Vol.32 No.1

        We present the latest results from the Mission Program NIRLT (PI: I.Yamamura), the near-infrared spectroscopy of brown dwarfs using the AKARI/IRC grism mode with the spectral resolution of $\sim120$. The near-infrared spectra in the wavelength range between 2.5 and 5.0~$\mu$m are especially important to study the brown dwarf atmospheres because of the presence of major molecular bands, including CH$_4$ at 3.3~$\mu$m, CO$_2$ at 4.2~$\mu$m, CO at 4.6 ~$\mu$m, and H$_2$O around 2.7~$\mu$m. We observed 27 sources, and obtained 16 good spectra. Our model fitting reveals deviations between theoretical model and observed spectra in this wavelength range, which may be attributed to the physical condition of the upper atmosphere. The deviations indicate additional heating, which we hypothesize to be due to chromospheric activity. We test this effect by modifying the brown dwarf atmosphere model to artificially increase the temperature of the upper atmosphere, and compare the revised model with observed spectra of early- to mid-L type objects with H$\alpha$ emission. We find that the chemical structure of the atmosphere changes dramatically, and the heating model spectra of early-type brown dwarfs can be considerably improved to match the observed spectra. Our result suggests that chromospheric activity is essential to understand early-type brown dwarf atmospheres.

      • KCI등재

        General Relativistic White Dwarfs and Their Astrophysical Implications

        Kuantay Boshkayev,Jorge A. Rueda,Remo Ruffini,Ivan Siutsou 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.65 No.6

        We consider applications of general relativistic uniformly-rotating white dwarfs to several astrophysicalphenomena related to the spin-up and the spin-down epochs and to delayed type Ia supernovaexplosions of super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs, where we estimate the “spinning down”lifetime due to magnetic-dipole braking. In addition, we describe the physical properties of SoftGamma Repeaters and Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars as massive rapidly-rotating highly-magnetizedwhite dwarfs. Particularly we consider one of the so-called low-magnetic-field magnetars SGR0418+5729 as a massive rapidly-rotating highly-magnetized white dwarf and give bounds for themass, radius, moment of inertia, and magnetic field by requiring the general relativistic uniformlyrotatingconfigurations to be stable.

      • KCI등재


        CHANTHORN, KHUNAGORN,SANGUANSAK, NUANWAN,IRAWATI, PUJI,DHILLON, VIK S.,MARSH, TOM R. The Korean Astronomical Society 2015 天文學論叢 Vol.30 No.2

        We present our recent observations of SDSS J102102.25+174439.9, a new eclipsing white dwarf - main sequence WDMS binary with an orbital period of 0.14 days. This system belongs to the post common-envelope binary group as shown by the spectrum from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We obtained our data using the ULTRASPEC instrument installed on the 2.4-m telescope at the Thai National Observatory (TNO). Our multi-band observations reveal an unusual and persistent drop in brightness after the primary eclipse. These dips, which appear to show variations in amplitude, also have a complex shape that changes within days. Dips in WDMS systems have been observed on only one other occasion, in the light curve of QS Vir prior to the eclipse of the white dwarf. The dips in SDSS J1021+1744 are unique because they are present at different wavelengths and they occur approximately at similar phases. Hosting a DA white dwarf and an M4 companion star, this system is known to be the only WDMS to show these kind of dips in its light curve. It is possible that these dips are caused by ejected materials from an active companion star, such as in QS Vir. The light curve in the g' filter exhibits deep and narrow features, implying that the material which passes in front of the white dwarf in SDSS J1021 must be dense and small in size. Furthermore, we try to constrain the stellar and orbital parameters of SDSS J1021+1744 using the Binary Maker 3 software. We use g' and r' data for our light curve analysis to have a better approximation for the red dwarf star.

      • KCI등재

        조세희 작품에서 과학의 이중적 위상 — 『난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공』에 나타난 위상수학적 테제를 중심으로 —

        양정현 현대문학이론학회 2023 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.- No.92

        The paper examines Cho Se-hee’s A Small Ball Shot by a Dwarf from a scientific perspective, particularly in relation to the topological thesis. Cho Se-hee’s work presents science-knowledge in a complex manner, acknowledging its value in recognizing posing classes of ‘the dwarfs’ and ‘the giants’ appears to be structurally perfect precisely because of science-knowledge’s systematic blindness, despite of the fateful unity of ‘the dwarfs’ and ‘the giants’. In “A small ball launched by a dwarf,” two narratological clues indicate the novel’s systematic and blind inference: the metalepsis in “Klein bottle” and the modified court scene in the 2000 revision. Cho Se-hee’s work emphasizes the dual-status of science-knowledge and the circularity of the topological thesis as a solution epistemology, which is more prominent in the earlier version of the novel. Overall, the paper interprets the novel’s depiction of science-knowledge as a complex and multifaceted issue that requires careful consideration and analysis.

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