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      • Review on the Confidence Limits in the Mean Activity Method for Indirect Evaluation of Difficult-to-Measure (DTM) Nuclide Concentration in Radioactive Waste

        Hang-Rae Cho,Ji-Eun Park,Sang-June Park 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        In order to indirectly evaluate the inventory of difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclides in radioactive waste, the scaling factor method by key nuclide has been used. It has been usually applied to low-and intermediate-level dry active waste (DAW), and the tolerance of 1,000% margin of error in the US, that is the factor of 10, is applied as an allowable confidence limits considering the inhomogeneity of the waste and the limitation of sample size. This is because the scaling factor method is based on economic efficiency. Confidence limits is the uncertainty (sampling error) according to predicting the mean value of the population by the mean value of the sample at 95% confidence level, reflecting the limitations of sample size (representation) with the standard deviation. If the standard deviation is large, the sample size can be increased to satisfy the allowable confidence limits. In the new nuclear power plants, the concentration of cesium nuclide (137Cs) in radioactive waste tends to be very low due to advances in nuclear fuel and reactor core management technology, which makes it very difficult to apply cesium as a key nuclide. In addition, it is inevitable to apply the mean activity concentration method, which reasonably and empirically derives the concentration of DTM nuclides regardless of key nuclide, when the correlation between key and DTM nuclides is not significant. The mean activity method is a methodology that applies the average concentration of a sample set to the entire population, and is similar to applying the average concentration ratio between key and DTM nuclides of a sample set to the population in the scaling factor method. Therefore, in this paper, the maximum acceptable uncertainty (confidence limits) at a reasonable level was studied when applying the mean activity concentration method by arithmetic mean unlike the scaling factor method which usually uses the geometric mean method. Several measures were proposed by applying mutatis mutandis the acceptable standard deviation in radiation measurement and the factor of 10 principle, etc., and the appropriateness was reviewed through case analysis.

      • A Modified Target Costing Technique to Improve Product Quality from Cost Consideration

        Wu, Hsin-Hung The Korean Society for Quality Management 2005 The Asian Journal on Quality Vol.6 No.2

        The target costing technique, mathematically discussed by Sauers, only uses the $C_p$ index along with Taguchi loss function and ${\bar{X}}-R$ control charts to set up goal control limits. The new specification limits derived from Taguchi loss function is linked through the $C_p$ value to ${\bar{X}}-R$ control charts to obtain goal control limits. This study further considers the reflected normal loss function as well as the $C_{pk}$ index along with its lower confidence interval in forming goal control limits. With the use of lower confidence interval to replace the point estimator of the $C_{pk}$ index and reflected normal loss function proposed by Spiring to measure the loss to society, this modified and improved target costing technique would become more robust and applicable in practice. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate how this modified and improved target costing technique works.

      • KCI등재

        북한 거주 상속인에게 상속회복청구권 제척기간의 연장특례를 인정하는 것에 대한 헌법적 평가

        이인호 법무부 통일법무과 2011 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.8

        법무부가 2011. 1. 11. 입법예고한 「남북 주민 사이의 가족관계와 상속 등에 관한 특례법 제정안」은 남북 이산가족의 가족관계 및 상속 등에 관한 분쟁과 관련하여 현행의 민법으로는 포섭되기 어려운 문제들을 규율하고 있다. 그런데 법안 준비의 논의과정에서 위헌 여부 논란이 제기되어 위 입법예고안에서 빠진 헌법적 이슈가 있다. 즉 ‘분단의 특수성을 고려하여 북한 거주 상속인에게 상속회복청구권의 제척기간을 연장해주는 특례를 인정해주는 것이 헌법에 위반되는지 여부’가 그것이다. 이 문제의 기본쟁점은, 남한의 부진정 혹은 참칭상속인에게 이미 발생되어진 제척기간·소멸시효·취득시효의 효력을 배제하고 북한의 진정상속인에게 상속권을 회복할 수 있는 구제수단을 소급적으로 부여해주는 것이 헌법에 위반되는지 여부이다. 필자는 이 헌법적 문제에 대하여 다음과 같은 논증을 통하여 합헌이라는 결론을 내렸다. 첫째, 남한의 부진정 혹은 참칭 상속인이 완성된 제척기간 · 소멸시효 · 취득시효의 효력에 의하여 얻는 이익은, 소급입법에 의한 재산권박탈을 금지하는 헌법 제13조 제2항에 의해서 보호되는 재산권의 개념에 포섭되지 않는다. 따라서 헌법 제13조 제2항이 적용될 여지가 없다. 둘째, 제척기간이나 소멸시효를 연장시키고 취득시효의 원용을 배제하는 특례가안은, 남한의 부진정 혹은 참칭 상속인의 시효의 이익을 창설적으로 박탈하는 형성적 규정이 아니라, 제척기간제도 · 소멸시효제도 · 취득시효제도에 본질적으로 내재하는 법리를 확인하는 것에 불과한 확인적 규정이다. 다시 말해서, 북한주민인 진정상속인이 자신의 권리의 존재 자체를 알 수 없었거나 알지 못하였고 설령 알 수 있었다 하더라도 권리를 회복하기 위한 구제수단을 사용하는 것이 원천적으로 불능한 남북분단의 상황에서는 제척기간 · 소멸시효 · 취득시효의 법적 효력이 본질적으로 발생할 수 없는 것이고, 따라서 이런 상황이 지속되는 기간 동안에는 시효의 완성이 성립될 수 없다고 보아야 한다. 셋째, 따라서 특례가안은 완성된 시효의 효력을 소급적으로 배제하는 진정소급입법이 아니라, 완성되지 않은 시효의 기간을 연장한 것에 불과하여 부진정소급입법이라고 보아야 한다. 그러므로 특례가안의 헌법적 평가에 적용될 심사기준은 완화된 형태의 신뢰보호의 원칙이다. 넷째, 결론적으로, 특례가안은 그를 통해 보호하고자 하는 공익이 남한상속인에 대한 신뢰보호의 필요성에 비해 더 커서 신뢰보호의 원칙에 위반된다고 보기 어려운 것으로 판단된다. The Korean Ministry of Justice gave public notice of a statutory bill concerning the family relations and right of inheritance between South and North residents in January 11, 2011. It is reported that a constitutional issue of importance has emerged in the process of bill drafting. The issue is whether it is unconstitutional to give the retroactive extension of statute of limitations concerning the right to relief to the north korean residents as heirs. This paper argues that it is constitutional. The grounds for the argument are as follows. (1) The claimants of an intestate's estate cannot lose their right to relief by statute of limitations. The interests of pretended inheritors in South Korea by the expiration of the statute of limitations are not the vested rights that cannot be taken away by retroactive legislation. The distinction between statutory privileges and vested rights must be borne in mind, for the citizen has no vested rights in statutory privileges and exemptions. So, there is no room for the constitutional clause against retroactive legislation to be applied to the above issue. (2) It is acknowledged that the legislature has power to revive a right of action barred by limitation or to revive an action which has abated by lapse of time, especially in case that the North residents as true inheritors originally could not recognize their rights of inheritance or take any actions to recover their rights due to the prolonged division of Korea into south and north. (3) It is not against the doctrine of confidence protection to give the retroactive extension of statute of limitations concerning the right to relief to the north korean residents as true heirs.

      • KCI등재

        안다는 착각: 잘못된 자신감과 가계의 주식시장 참여

        ( Karen Meng Li ) 연세대학교 경제연구소 2022 延世經濟硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        이 논문은 CHFS2017의 가계 데이터를 사용하여 본인의 금융지식에 대한 주관적 평가가 객관적인 금융지식 수준과 다를 때 나타나는 잘못된 자신감을 연구한다. 더 구체적으로 잘못된 자신감과 주식시장 참여 및 순자산 간의 관계를 분석해서 중국인들의 주식시장 참여가 제한적인 이유를 밝혀냈다. 또한 객관적 금융지식과 주식시장 참여 사이의 양의 상관관계에서 ‘임계치 효과’가 나타난다는 것도 발견했다. This paper exploits CHFS2017’s household data to study misplaced confidence when perception deviates from objective financial knowledge. Observing the relationship between “misplaced confidence” and stock market participation and net worth, I explain the mystery of limited stock market participation: misplaced confidence leads to sub-optimal choices. The study also finds that the positive correlation between objective financial knowledge and stock market participation is affected by threshold effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        Influence Function on Tolerance Limit

        Kim, Honggie,Lee, Yun Hee,Shin, Hee Sung,Lee, Sounki 한국통계학회 2003 Communications for statistical applications and me Vol.10 No.2

        Under normality assumption, the tolerance interval for a future observation is sometimes of great interest in statistics. In this paper, we state the influence function on the standard deviation $\sigma$, and use it to derive the influence function on tolerance limits. Simulation study shows that the two influence functions perform very well.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Microbial Quality Change Model of Korean Pan-Fried Meat Patties Exposed to Fluctuating Temperature Conditions

        Kim, So-Jung,An, Duck-Soon,Lee, Hyuek-Jae,Lee, Dong-Sun The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2008 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.13 No.4

        Aerobic bacterial growth on Korean pan.fried meat patties as a primary quality deterioration factor was modeled as a function of temperature to estimate microbial spoilage on a real.time basis under dynamic storage conditions. Bacteria counts in the stretch.wrapped foods held at constant temperatures of 0, 5, 10 and $15^{\circ}C$ were measured throughout storage. The bootstrapping method was applied to generate many resampled data sets of mean microbial counts, which were then used to estimate the parameters of the microbial growth model of Baranyi & Roberts in the form of differential equations. The temperature functions of the primary model parameters were set up with confidence limits. Incorporating the temperature dependent parameters into the differential equations of bacterial growth could produce predictions closely representing the experimental data under constant and fluctuating temperature conditions.

      • KCI등재

        Microbial Quality Change Model of Korean Pan‐Fried Meat Patties Exposed to Fluctuating Temperature Conditions

        So Jung Kim,Duck Soon An,Hyuek Jae Lee,Dong Sun Lee 한국식품영양과학회 2008 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.13 No.4

        Aerobic bacterial growth on Korean pan?fried meat patties as a primary quality deterioration factor was modeled as a function of temperature to estimate microbial spoilage on a real?time basis under dynamic storage conditions. Bacteria counts in the stretch?wrapped foods held at constant temperatures of 0, 5, 10 and 15℃ were measured throughout storage. The bootstrapping method was applied to generate many resampled data sets of mean microbial counts, which were then used to estimate the parameters of the microbial growth model of Baranyi & Roberts in the form of differential equations. The temperature functions of the primary model parameters were set up with confidence limits. Incorporating the temperature dependent parameters into the differential equations of bacterial growth could produce predictions closely representing the experimental data under constant and fluctuating temperature conditions.

      • KCI등재


        SHI, YIMIN,SRI, XIAOLIN,XU, YONG 한국전산응용수학회 2005 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.19 No.1

        This paper is to investigate the approximate confidence limits of the reliability performances (such as failure rate, reliability function and average life) for a cold standby series system. The Bayesian approximate upper confidence limit of failure rate is obtained firstly, and next Bayesian approximate lower confidence limits for reliability function and average life are presented. The expressions for calculating Bayesian lower confidence limits of the reliability function and average life are also obtained, and an illustrative example is examined numerically by means of the Monte-Carlo simulation. Finally, the accuracy of confidence limits is discussed.

      • KCI등재

        정규분포 공정 가정하에서의 공정능력지수 에 관한 효율적인 신뢰한계

        조중재,박병선,박효일 한국품질경영학회 2004 품질경영학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Process capability index is used to determine whether a production process is capable of producing items within a specified tolerance. The index is the third generation process capability index. This index is more powerful than two useful indices and . Whether a process distribution is clearly normal or nonnormal, there may be some questions as to which any process index is valid or should even be calculated. As far as we know, yet there is no result for statistical inference with process capability index . However, asymptotic method and bootstrap could be studied for good statistical inference. In this paper, we propose various bootstrap confidence limits for our process capability index . First, we derive bootstrap asymptotic distribution of plug-in estimator of our capability index . And then we construct various bootstrap confidence limits of our capability index for more useful process capability analysis.

      • KCI등재

        정규분포 공정 가정하에서의 공정능력지수 C(pmk)에 관한 효율적이 신뢰한계

        조중재 ( Joong Jae Cho ),박병선 ( Byoung Sun Park ),박효일 ( Hyo Il Park ) 한국품질경영학회 2004 품질경영학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Process capability index is used to determine whether a production process is capable of producing items within a specified tolerance. The index C_(pmk) is the third generation process capability index. This index is more powerful than two useful indices C_(p) and C_(pk) Whether a process distribution is clearly normal or nonnormal, there may be some questions as to which any process index is valid or should even be calculated. As far as we know, yet there is no result for statistical inference with process capability index C_(pmk). However, asymptotic method and bootstrap could be studied for good statistical inference. In this paper, we propose various bootstrap confidence limits for our process capability index C_(pmk). First, we derive bootstrap asymptotic distribution of plug-in estimator C_(pmk) of our capability index C_(pmk). And then we construct various bootstrap confidence limits of our capability index C_(pmk) for more useful process capability analysis.

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