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      • KCI등재

        봄철 부산 연안의 요각류 Calanus sinicus의 길이-무게 관계식

        강형구,김가람,이연정 한국해양과학기술원 2022 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.44 No.3

        We derived a length-weight relationship for Calanus sinicus off Busan, Korea in spring to estimate the biomass of the C. sinicus population around Korean waters, and compared it with the previously derived equations. The developmental stages and prosome length of C. sinicus used in the relationship ranged from 1,376–1,540 µm for copepodite 4 (CIV), 1,753–1,971 µm for copepodite 5 (CV), and 2,160–2,283 µm for adults (CVI). Dry weight and carbon content were measured from a total of 26 replicates. Length-weight relationships derived in the present study are as follows: log C = 3.342 log PL - 9.449, log DW = 3.394 log PL -9.219, where C is carbon content (µg), DW is dry weight (µg), and PL is prosome length (µm). When comparing the present regression equation of length-weight for C. sinicus with the previous one, our regression equation showed an average carbon estimate to a given range of mean prosome length. The length-weight relationship of C. sinicus in the present study can be used to better estimate the biomass of the C. sinicus population in the coastal waters of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        아산만 요각류 Calanus sinicus의 알 생산

        박철,이평강,PARK Chul,LEE Pyung-Gang 한국수산과학회 1995 한국수산과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        요각류 Calanu sinicu의 생물량과 산란의 계절성을 조사하였다. 조사해역인 아산만에서는, 성체는 봄철에 가장 많은 양이 출현하고, 다른 계절에는 소량 분포하는 연중 1회 peak를 보였지만, 산란에서는 봄철(4-5월)과 가을철 (9월)의 연중 2회 peak를 보였다 산란기의 개체군 평균 산란은 봄철에는 16.3 eggs/female/day, 가을철에는 7.6 eggs/female/day였으며, 1개체가 생산하는 최대 값은 39.0이었다. 타 해역에 비하여 비교적 풍부한 유기탄소량과 알 생산과의 상관관계가 유의적이지 않아 (r=0.43, p=0.3), 먹이 농도는 알 생산에 큰 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 판단되었다. 그러나 실험실에서 제공된 먹이를 충분히 섭취하면서도 처음 며칠이 지난 뒤에는 산란이 중지되는 것으로 보아, 먹이의 질과 과거의 섭식경력 (feeding history)이 산란과 밀접한 관계가 있을 것으로 유추되었다. 비록 통계적으로 유의적인 상관관계는 얻지 못하였으나, 상대적으로 높거나 낮은 수온에서는 산란하지 않아 대상해역의 수온 변화도 산란과 관계가 있을 것으로 유추되었다. 알 생산율 자료로부터 제한된 해역인 아산만에서는 연중 두 세대의 생활사가 진행되는 것으로 파악되었으며, 분포의 계절 변화와 생활사의 진행이 직접적으로 관련된 시기가 있는가 하면, 생활사 이외에 상위 영양단계의 포식압력 등에 의한 이주 등이 분포의 계절변화와 관련된 시기가 있는 것으로 추정되었다. 종전의 결과와 비교할 때, 계절에 따라 비교적 광범위한 해역을 이주하면서, 알 생산은 연중 간헐적으로 계속될 가능성도 배제할 수 없었다. Seasonality in biomass and egg Production was investigated for Calanus sinicus, one of the major copepods in Asan Bay, Korea. Biomass of this species in this restricted embayment showed only one Peak in spring, but e99 Production showed two Peaks, spring (April and May) and fall (September). Average egg Productions during the spawnlng seasons were 16.3 egg/female/day (spring) and 7.6eggs/female/day (fall) with maximum egg Production of 39.0 eggs/female/day. Food concentrations in this bay measured'1 terms of particulate organic carbon (POC) were relatively high around the year, and correlation between egg Production and POC was not significant. With the food Provided sufficiently animals Produced a lot of fecal Pellets, but egg Production was ceased after several days of experiment. From these results it was believed that egg Production in this bay was influenced by food quality and feeding history rather than food concentrations. Habitat temperatures also seem to have influence on egg Production from the tacts that no egg was Produced at extreme habitat temperatures, although the correlation between the two was not significant. In this bay, two generations with different time periods seem to progress yearly. Distribution was coupled with life cycle only at certain time of the year. During the other periods predation pressure by the higher trophic levels and shift of the centers of the distributions toward deeper outer bay seemed to be responsible for the observed distribution and egg Production of this species in this bay. Comparing with the Previous reports, migration of fairly long distance and continual reproduction seemed possible for this species.

      • KCI등재

        Grazing Impact of the Copepod Calanus sinicus on Phytoplankton in the Northern East China Sea in Late Spring

        김가람,강형구 한국해양과학기술원 2018 Ocean science journal Vol.53 No.2

        We investigated the feeding habits of Calanus sinicus during its four developmental stages as copepodite 4 (CIV), copepodite 5 (CV), adult males and females in early June 2015 at 12 sampling stations along the southern coast of Korea to the northern East China Sea, to better understand the role of C. sinicus in controlling phytoplankton stocks. Ingestion rate, daily ration as body carbon, population ingestion rate, and grazing impact were estimated using the gut pigment method. The mean biomass of CVs was the greatest (13.5 mg C m–3) and that of adult males was the lowest (0.7 mg C m–3). The ingestion rate per C. sinicus individual tended to increase with developmental stage, with the highest rate in adult females (519 ng chl ind–1 d–1) and the lowest rate in CIVs (305 ng chl ind–1 d–1). A significant correlation was found between ingestion rate and temperature, but not salinity or chlorophyll-a concentration. The daily ration of C. sinicus as body carbon significantly decreased with increased body weight, with the highest value found in CIVs (66.4%) and the lowest value in adult males (30%). Despite the high ingestion rate of the adults, the mean grazing impact of C. sinicus on phytoplankton biomass, in terms of chlorophyll-a concentration, was the highest in CVs (2.6%), followed by CIVs and adult females, and was the lowest in adult males (0.1%). The higher grazing impact of copepodites than adults underscores the importance of evaluating copepodite stages in the feeding studies of marine food webs.

      • KCI등재

        Grazing Impact of the Copepod Calanus sinicus on Phytoplankton in the Northern East China Sea in Late Spring

        Kim, Garam,Kang, Hyung-Ku Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute and 2018 OCEAN SCIENCE JOURNAL Vol.53 No.2

        We investigated the feeding habits of Calanus sinicus during its four developmental stages as copepodite 4 (CIV), copepodite 5 (CV), adult males and females in early June 2015 at 12 sampling stations along the southern coast of Korea to the northern East China Sea, to better understand the role of C. sinicus in controlling phytoplankton stocks. Ingestion rate, daily ration as body carbon, population ingestion rate, and grazing impact were estimated using the gut pigment method. The mean biomass of CVs was the greatest (<TEX>$13.5mg\;C\;m^{-3}$</TEX>) and that of adult males was the lowest (<TEX>$0.7mg\;C\;m^{-3}$</TEX>). The ingestion rate per C. sinicus individual tended to increase with developmental stage, with the highest rate in adult females (<TEX>$519ng\;chl\;ind^{-1}d^{-1}$</TEX>) and the lowest rate in CIVs (<TEX>$305ng\;chl\;ind^{-1}d^{-1}$</TEX>). A significant correlation was found between ingestion rate and temperature, but not salinity or chlorophyll-a concentration. The daily ration of C. sinicus as body carbon significantly decreased with increased body weight, with the highest value found in CIVs (66.4%) and the lowest value in adult males (30%). Despite the high ingestion rate of the adults, the mean grazing impact of C. sinicus on phytoplankton biomass, in terms of chlorophyll-a concentration, was the highest in CVs (2.6%), followed by CIVs and adult females, and was the lowest in adult males (0.1%). The higher grazing impact of copepodites than adults underscores the importance of evaluating copepodite stages in the feeding studies of marine food webs.

      • KCI등재

        Egg Production Rate of the Copepod Calanus sinicus off the Korean Coast of the Yellow Sea during Spring

        강형구,이창래,최근형 한국해양과학기술원 2011 Ocean science journal Vol.46 No.3

        The egg production rate (EPR) of Calanus sinicus was measured from March 2007 to April 2010 at three stations along the Korean coast of the Yellow Sea (in coastal waters off Saemangum, Yeongheungdo, and Asan Bay) to estimate in situ maximum egg production rate (MEPR) and to understand whether the females were limited in their growth or fecundity in the field. The mean EPR of C. sinicus at each sampling date ranged from 10.3-34.9 eggs female^(-1) d^(-1) (mean 23.4 eggs female^(-1) d^(-1)), and the EPR of individual copepods ranged from 0-81 eggs female^(-1) d^(-1). The mean EPR was positively correlated with the body weight of female copepods. The MEPR at each sampling date ranged from 40-81 eggs female^(-1) d^(-1) (mean 50.4eggs female^(-1) d^(-1)). Over 84% of eggs spawned hatched successfully. The weight-specific growth rate (WSGR) ranged from 0.038-0.111 d^(-1) (mean 0.082 d^(-1)), indicating that 3.8-11.1% of the carbon in an adult female was produced daily as female growth. The WSGR was negatively correlated with water temperature. The ratio of mean EPR to observed mean MEPR ranged from 20-70% (mean 46%), indicating that ~54% of a female’s growth might be limited in the field. We suggest that the ratio of observed EPR to mean MEPR of copepod can be applied to understand how the copepod responds to environmental changes, as well as EPR and hatching success.

      • KCI등재

        황해 영광 안마 군도 해역의 요각류 출현 양상에 영향을 미치는 계절적 환경 요인

        정영석,이석주,추서휘,윤양호,조현서,김대진,서호영 한국해양과학기술원 2023 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.45 No.2

        This study was conducted to understand the seasonal patterns and variation of the copepod community in the Anma Islands of Yeonggwang, Yellow Sea, with a focus on seasonal surveys to assess the factors affecting their occurrence. Throughout the survey period, Acartia hongi, Paracalanus parvus s. l., and Ditrichocorycaeus affinis were dominant species, while Acartia ohtsukai, Acartia pacifica, Bestiolina coreana, Centropages abdominalis, Labidocera rotunda, Paracalanus sp., Tortanus derjugini, Tortanus forcipatus occurred differently by season and station. As a results of cluster analysis, the copepod communities were distinguished into three distinct groups: spring-winter, summer, and autumn. The results of this study showed that the occurrence patterns of copepod species can vary depending on environmental conditions (topographic, distance from the inshore, etc.), and their spatial occurrence patterns between seasons were controlled by water temperature and prey conditions. One of the physical mechanisms that can affect the distribution of zooplankton in the Yellow Sea is the behavior of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water (YSBCW), which shows remarkable seasonal fluctuations. More detailed further studies are needed for clear grounds for mainly why to many Calanus sinicus in the central region of the Yellow Sea are seasonally moving to the inshore, what strategies to seasonally maintain the population, and support the possibilities of complex factors.

      • KCI등재

        여름철 황해의 중형동물플랑크톤 군집 구조

        김가람,강형구 한국해양과학기술원 2021 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.43 No.4

        We investigated mesozooplankton community in the Yellow Sea in summer immediately after the typhoon passed. Total mesozooplankton density ranged from 1,323 to 6,397 ind. m-3 and the biomass ranged from 3 to 28 mg C m-3 by stations. The dominant species of the research area were Paracalanus parvus s.l., Oithona atlantica, Acartia omorii, Oikopleuridae, Sagittoidae juvenile and Calanus sinicus in that order. Mesozooplankton community was divided into two groups by cluster analysis : the stations located in coastal and open seas as one group, and the stations located in the middle into another group. The number of species, density and richness of mesozooplankton were significantly lower in the middle region. Mesozooplankton density and biomass were not significantly correlated with chl-a concentrations, unlike previous studies in spring and autumn. This community characteristic in summer may be due to the passing of the typhoon, or other environmental influences.

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